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If i were you, i would talk with your mother because she

understand you better.
2. If i were you, i would talk with the teacher because he
can call his parent and tell them to find a solution
3. If I were his neighbor, I would go to the house of the lord
of the cello and make him stop.
4. If I were you, I would hide the piercing when it's time for
history class.
5. If I were you I would block the girls who are trolling you.
6. If I were you, I would talk to them calmly and explain
things to them.
7. If I were you, being a good friend, I would tell her what I
saw so that she does not continue to deceive her.
8. If I were you, I would also take her clothes without asking
9. If I were you, I would talk to the one who is calmer and I
would promise that it will not happen again
10. If I were you, I would put more security on the password
of your phone

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