CPS101SRS - Student Response Sheet

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Student: SSgt Hall, Matthew R.

Flight: 20F Alpha


A1C Jones,

Why don’t you come by my desk at your earliest convenience? We will talk about this course. It sounds like it
would be a great opportunity for you and seeing as it doesn’t start until after the exercise, I don’t see why we
can’t see how it fits into the schedule and see if we can’t get you covered as far as manning goes to participate in
the course. As your new supervisor, don’t feel like you can’t bring these kinds of things to me, I want to help you
personally and professionally grow as much as I can.


SSgt Rodney Taylor

The Why:

A1C Jones has obviously felt unsupported in his endeavors in the past and has not been allowed to take courses
previously. He needs to feel heard, and like his supervisor cares. The only rational reason I could see for his old
supervisor to deny this is because it would affect manning in the unit. But with A1C Jones coming to us early, it
would be an easy matter to try and project this courses on the schedule and see if we could switch some personnel
around and get his shift covered when we need to, maybe even switching A1C Jones to swing shifts or day shifts
(which ever one is applicable) to give him time to attend class either in person or online. It is best to meet with his
ASAP today to make sure we can figure out the logistics of him attending the course and get him signed up if
possible by end of day.

The mission does come first, and it may not be possible for him to attend class given the work schedule and
manning, but with working and conferring with TSgt Brown, hopefully we could come to a solution that could
benefit both A1C Jones, and the squadron.


SSgt Wood,

It’s good to hear that. I’d be happy to work with you and get something together for the teams. Maybe we could
schedule a cook out and a game of kickball at the softball fields? I can call over to outdoor rec today and get that
reserved if you like the idea, but I would also like to hear what you think we should do as well.

As far as us not seeing “eye-to-eye” on who should go to TDY, I’m still pretty new to the squadron so maybe it
would be best to sit down with TSgt Brown together and figure out what the best-case scenario is. Though we
aren’t in agreement on the skill level of my troops, we both are just looking at what is best for them, and the
mission and that is what matters.

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SSgt Rodney Taylor

The Why:

I wanted to open the conversation with talking about us working together on the flight get-together, making a
suggestion, but also making it clear that I am open to SSgt Wood’s suggestions as far as the event goes to start out
on a cooperative foot. Instead of avoiding the issue we have, I figured it best to suggestion a mediated meeting
with TSgt Brown as I am new to the squadron and may not know the skill levels of my troops just yet, but want to
endeavor to make sure they are supported and represented as far as getting them on this TDY, as well as clearing
the air with SSgt Wood.


MSgt Wilson,

I’ll get with him ASAP, get a feel for how he feels on the matter, and get back with you before EOD tomorrow.


SSgt Rodney Taylor

The Why:

I would sit down with A1C Williams face to face, and talk to him about the position. I would explain how it could
be beneficial for his career and is a great opportunity, but I would endeavor not to pressure him into the decision.
If he is keen on taking it, great! I’ll do everything in my power to help put him forward and give him the best
chance I can. But if he isn’t interested, I would need to support his decision, and help make MSgt Wilson
understand his stance and thoughts on the matter. As his supervisor, it isn’t my job to make decisions for him or
to pressure him to position no matter how beneficial they are. It’s my job to support him in any way I can in the
career decisions he makes.


TSgt Brown,

WILCO! I’ll make sure the transition is smooth and that A1C Carter is treated fairly and given every opportunity
to prove herself as a value member of my team. I’ll speak to my Airmen at the end of shift brief and make sure
she feels welcomed and the transition goes smoothly.


SSgt Rodney Taylor

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The Why:

Airmen are human, so it isn’t a wild leap to assume that A1C Carter is just a victim of idle gossip and not falling
into the clique of her team. I would sit down with A1C Carter at her earliest convenience and, if she is
comfortable with it, talk out the issues she faced with Charlie section and give her the opportunity to feel heard
and try and assuage any anxieties she may have toward the transition. If she feels comfortable and optimistic
towards the transition, then maybe she will have a better attitude coming over to our section and put out a better
energy to the rest of the crew, starting off on a good foot. I would also let her know my expectations of the
workplace, and the quality of work I expect, so she can come in fully prepared for work on day one of joining our
team. I want to give her every opportunity to prove herself to be the worker SSgt Flores says she is.

If it shakes out that she actually is struggling with job knowledge and workload, I could sit down with her and
plan out some OTJ training that could help better prepare her for the day-to-day workload we face.

I would also sit down with my crew and just let them know my standards as far as idle gossip being
unprofessional and counterproductive to our workflow. Let them know that I expect everyone to be at least
professional at work, and that I am trying to foster a safe, professional environment.



As much as I appreciate it, and it is a very tempting offer, I have got to be a bit of a downer and pass on this one.
While it is a good deal and I could use some new equipment, I’m too new to the unit, and am not spun up enough
to skip this training. It’s mandatory for a reason! Maybe you can swing by after you get you are done shopping
and we can grab some lunch, on me since I am ditching you, and you can give me a rundown of what to expect
for the exercise on top of my training.

Enjoy the opening and think of me when you’re grabbing those sweet deals!


The Why:

I replied in a laid back tone as this seemed more on the level of a friendly personal correspondence, and don’t
want to offend SSgt Flores by turning down his invitation. As much as I love a deal, I’m very new to the
squadron so I need to get my training done. Just because no one checks the training records doesn’t mean I
shouldn’t be completing them so that I am fully prepared for the exercise. INTEGRITY FIRST! As much as I
would like to get his take on the exercise, I need to be technically proficient, so I offered to meet him for lunch
after he is done shopping, to get his take on the exercise and see if there is any knowledge, in addition to the
mandatory training, that could help me or my Airmen going forward.

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TSgt Brown,

I’ll get with him immediately and explain the impacts of this and have him take it down at once. It may be a good
idea to have him repeat some OPSEC training he may have accomplished in the past, as well as take some
additional training to make sure he knows just how detrimental this can be to the mission. Rest assured, I’ll get
this taken care of.


SSgt Rodney Taylor

The Why:

Any kind of OPSEC leak is serious business. I would need to meet with SrA Patterson immediately and calmly
let him know how serious this issue is and make sure he deletes any pictures or posts that would constitute an
OPSEC violation from his profile. I think it would be a good idea to make sure SrA Patterson repeat any OPSEC
ADLS training he has already accomplished to make sure he understands the concepts he violated and see if there
is any other additional training I can get him to accomplish to drive the import of this point home. Hopefully this
would take care of any outstanding issues with information leaks. Since this is the first I’m hearing about it, I
wouldn’t want to use any disciplinary tools yet as it could have just been as simple as SrA Patterson being
ignorant to the information he was posting, but if the behavior continues I would want to utilize the disciplinary
tools afforded to me as his supervisor to try and correct this behavior.


To: TSgt Ridgeway

CC: TSgt Corey Brown

TSgt Ridgeway,

I just got your message regarding the part I ordered. I wanted to see if there is anything I could do on my end to
expedite this issue and maybe get our part prior to the start of the exercise. I could see about procuring a GOV
and bringing some of my troops over and getting the part from your shop if that is at all possible and would
alleviate the issue. If you could also furnish me with the guidelines outlining what parts are mission critical for
future reference as I am new to the base and it seems I am unfamiliar with the guidelines. Please get back to me at
your earliest convenience so we can discuss any possible solutions to this issue.


SSgt Rodney Taylor

The Why:

I composed the email and CC’d TSgt Brown so that I could bring the issue to his attention, keeping him in the

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loop, and opening it up to see if he could step in and help facilitate the delivery if possible. This also brings the
issue to his attention and if we are not able to get the part before the exercise, it keeps him in the loop and helps
us get a jump on finding a workaround to having the part.

I also requested the guidelines to make myself more familiar with them, and to make sure there isn’t a
misunderstanding on either side’s part and see if that could be a potential fix. If there is no mistake it could be
beneficial to get both our leaderships together and see about changing the guidelines to better suit our shop’s
needs in the future.

As the message stated they didn’t have the resources to deliver the part early enough, so I suggested if it was
possible to get a GOV and bring some of my troops to see if we could pick up the part from them if that could be
a potential fix. Hopefully one of these potential fixes would lead to a solution and get us the part so we would be
ready for the exercise.



As much as I admire you for wanting to keep on with the mission, you can’t hold this back. Your health comes
first, and besides the obvious health implications this could lead to, it would open you up to some disciplinary
repercussions should it come to light that you held this back. We all know you would like to be at the joint
exercise with us, but you need to make sure you’re taken care of first. The doctor could very well be wrong, and I
surely hope they are, but we can’t risk anything happening. Take care of yourself, the team has got this!

The Why:

I need to press the importance of SSgt Wells’ health and make sure she comes forward with this profile as her
health could be on the line. It is admirable to not want to be left behind and to help your team, but issues like this
can be deadly serious and should be treated as such. I would continue to check with her going forward to make
sure she put in her profile, and if she is continuing to withhold it, confidentially move this up the chain, starting
with the Medical Flight as this could be a HIPAA issue and see what guidance they would give, and get it taken
care of. As much as I don’t want to betray her trust, I wouldn’t want anything to happen to her on account of this
potential issue, and it is the right thing to do in the long run.



That does sound very frustrating, but don’t worry, we’ll get this taken care of. Let’s get Alpha Team together
tomorrow and we can walk though the process step by step as a team. I’ll get with CSS and see if they have a
checklist available for us to alleviate any confusion and we can get this done as a team!

The Why:

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First, I want A1C Jones to feel heard, as he voiced that he is “confused, frustrated, and overwhelmed” and
knowing that his supervisor is listening and will work with him could help de-stress him some. If he is feeling this
way with the new process, it is fair to say that some of the others might as well and just aren’t voicing it. Setting
time aside to get the team together and work this out together at work could help everyone who may be confused
with the new process and make sure the whole team has it accomplished in time for the TDY. Getting with CSS
also gives me the opportunity to become acquainted with the new process and let’s me ask any questions I may
have, giving me the knowledge to try and help make this new process as easy as possible for my Airmen.


The most important thing going forward with this situation is that we listen. It is a very important we go into this
meeting with no preconceived notions of what happened and we remain impartial listeners. TSgt Brown said it
perfectly when he stated that “The important thing is to get him some help” and we need to keep that in mind.

One of the first things I would like to make sure of is to use appropriate channels, perhaps through the Key
Spouses group, and reach out to SrA Patterson’s wife and make sure she feels safe in their home environment.
Seeing as she bailed him out and dropped charges it would be easy for many people in leadership to assume she
does, but it is good practice to make sure that she is taken care of just as much as it is to take care of SrA
Patterson. We also shouldn’t discount that there could have been a misjudgment on the side of law enforcement
and it could be SrA Patterson that feels unsafe in his home. If that is the case we need to address this immediately
and get either of the two into a safer situation first.

Given this is an alcohol related incident, it seems only appropriate that we should consider enrolling Patterson in
ADAPT to help address any potential issues with alcohol abuse. If the couple wishes to stay together and work
this out, I would recommend them to any/all of the family resources and hope that the intervention of experts on
the matter could help them resolve the issues they are having.

Without hearing the whole story from both sides I would hesitate to plan any disciplinary actions just yet and
would like to understand the whole situation. I personally would defer to The Commander’s judgement on such
issues, given that they are appropriate for the situation, but would argue for my Airman given I disagree with any
punishments that would be too harsh given the situation. I am SrA Patterson’s advocate first and foremost, I am
there to support and mentor him, even through such dark issues as these. I would never discount the positive
affect I could have on his life and career just by standing by him and supporting him.

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