Faculty Council Official Resolution

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Date: May 18th, 2020

Title: FCHC Motion to Modify Faculty Handbook Section 4.4.1

Sponsors: Don Martin and Jessica Larva, Co-chairs, Faculty Council

Handbook Committee (FCHC)

Whereas Faculty Council Executive Committee (FCEC) charge the Faculty

Council Handbook Committee to review the proposed amendment to the Faculty
Handbook section 4.4.1.

Add the following language, “Misconduct includes, but is not limited

to, violations of university policies, including the Faculty Handbook
and established anti-discrimination and anti-harassment policies;
serious and intentional violations of established professional
standards of academic or and scholarly integrity; or a pattern or
practice of failing substantial failure to meet university contractual
obligations. ; or a pattern of extreme intimidation and aggression
towards other members of the university community.”
HB Sec 4.4.1 page 5, lines 33-37.

Whereas the FC recognizes FCHC and (SOF) Status of Faculty Committee’s

request to remove language that is both subjective and open to misinterpretation
from Section 4.4.1 of the Faculty Handbook.

Whereas sponsors of this motion argued the provision is qualitatively different

from other examples of misconduct that are included in that section, such as
violations of academic or scholarly integrity, and the failure to meet contractual
obligations. Furthermore, the absence of objective criteria for determining
aggressive and/or intimidating behavior, and the differing interpretations what one
might offer for each, creates an opportunity for abuse or misapplication of the

Whereas in response to its charge to consider if proposed changes have

implications for other sections of the Handbook.

The FCHC finds no other references to patterns of faculty misconduct

in Chapter 4, nor in any other Handbook chapter.
BE IT RESOLVED that the Faculty Council approves the following FCHC
recommended changes to the Faculty Handbook Section 4.4.1, lines 33-37.

Misconduct includes violations of established anti-discrimination and

anti-harassment policies; serious and intentional violations of
established professional standards of academic and scholarly integrity;
or a pattern or practice of substantial failure to meet university
contractual obligations.
HB Sec 4.4.1 page 5, lines 33-37.

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