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Solved: Using Chapter 6 in your textbook select two

different biomes

Using Chapter 6 in your textbook, select two different biomes. Imagine that you are a real estate
sales person. As the representative attempting to sell these biomes, you will write an
advertisement that helps a potential buyer understand the area. For each biome, make sure to
•The climate
•The types of plants and animals found in the biome. Give at least two examples of each
•Conservation, restoration, or protection plans in place. Give at least two specific examples

After writing the advertisement, you will need to prepare to answer some questions that
potential buyers might have. To prepare research and reflect upon the questions listed below.
Submit your answers with your advertisements.
•How are these biomes alike? (Include at least two observations)
•How are these biomes different? (Include at least two observations)
•What can humans do that would decrease their impact on both biomes.
•How have humans affected these biomes?
•What might humans do that could increase their negative impact on each area?
•What might humans do that could increase their positive impact on each area?
Submit this assignment to your instructor via the dropbox “LP4 Assignment: Biomes
Investigation.” This assignment is worth 50 points and will be graded according to the scoring
guide below.
Scoring Guide (50 Points)

Rating Scale
5 Work meets or exceeds criterion at a high level of competence.
4 Work reflects an understanding of criterion with minor misunderstandings/misconceptions.
3 Criterion partially met, but one or more important concepts/skills are missing or flawed.
2 Work reflects an attempt to meet criterion, but significant is understandings/misconceptions
are apparent.
Criterion not met or work is absent.
1. Climate descriptions are included for each biome.
2. Examples are provided of types of plants and animals found in each biome.
3. Includes a description of human impacts.
4. Includes a description of conservation, restoration, and or protection efforts.
5. Contains two suggestions on how to reduce human impact.
6. Contains two reasons why the biomes are alike.
7. Contains two reasons why the biomes are different.
8. An example of one single human action that could have a positive impact on both biomes is
9. An example of one single human action that could have a negative impact on both biomes is

Reach out to for enquiry.

10. Report evidences correct grammar, punctuation, and spelling.


Reach out to for enquiry.

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