The Oxidative Stability of Omega 3 Oil in Water Nanoemulsion Systems Suitable For Functional Food Enrichment A Systematic Review of The Literature

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Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition

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The oxidative stability of omega-3 oil-in-water

nanoemulsion systems suitable for functional food
enrichment: A systematic review of the literature

Linda Bush, Leo Stevenson & Katie E. Lane

To cite this article: Linda Bush, Leo Stevenson & Katie E. Lane (2019) The oxidative stability of
omega-3 oil-in-water nanoemulsion systems suitable for functional food enrichment: A systematic
review of the literature, Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 59:7, 1154-1168, DOI:

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2019, VOL. 59, NO. 7, 1154–1168

The oxidative stability of omega-3 oil-in-water nanoemulsion systems suitable

for functional food enrichment: A systematic review of the literature
Linda Bush, Leo Stevenson, and Katie E. Lane
Liverpool John Moores University, School of Sport Studies, Leisure and Nutrition, I.M. Marsh Campus, Liverpool, L17 6BD, United Kingdom.

There is growing demand for functional food products enriched with long chain omega-3 polyunsaturated Nanoemulsion; omega-3;
fatty acids (LCv3PUFA). Nanoemulsions, systems with extremely small droplet sizes have been shown to functional foods; oil-in-water;
increase LCv3PUFA bioavailability. However, nanoemulsion creation and processing methods may impact oxidation; oxidative stability
on the oxidative stability of these systems. The present systematic review collates information from studies
that evaluated the oxidative stability of LCv3PUFA nanoemulsions suitable for use in functional foods. The
systematic search identified seventeen articles published during the last 10 years. Researchers used a range
of surfactants and antioxidants to create systems which were evaluated from 7 to 100 days of storage.
Nanoemulsions were created using synthetic and natural emulsifiers, with natural sources offering
equivalent or increased oxidative stability compared to synthetic sources, which is useful as consumers are
demanding natural, cleaner label food products. Equivalent vegetarian sources of LCv3PUFA found in fish
oils such as algal oils are promising as they provide direct sources without the need for conversion in the
human metabolic pathway. Quillaja saponin is a promising natural emulsifier that can produce
nanoemulsion systems with equivalent/increased oxidative stability in comparison to other emulsifiers.
Further studies to evaluate the oxidative stability of quillaja saponin nanoemulsions combined with algal
sources of LCv3PUFA are warranted.

1. Introduction 1.1. Omega 3 source oils

There is increasing evidence in studies conducted over recent Fish oils are currently the most prevalent source of the most
decades that numerous health benefits are associated with the beneficial LCv3PUFA which are eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5
consumption of long chain omega-3 (v¡3) polyunsaturated v¡3; EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (22:6 v¡3; DHA) (Leni-
fatty acids (LCv3PUFA) throughout the human lifecycle han-Geels and Bishop 2016). Fish oils contain a high concen-
(Bowen et al. 2016, Calder 2014, Simopoulos 2011). An ade- tration of LCv3PUFA and have a vast number of different fatty
quate LCv3PUFA status is a key factor in the maintenance of acids contained in their triglycerides. The flesh of oily fish such
health and may reduce the risk of chronic and inflammatory as mackerel, salmon, sardines, anchovies and pilchards is rich
diseases (Deckelbaum and Torrejon 2012, Yates, Calder, and in EPA and DHA (Bailey 2009). The use of fish oils as a
Ed Rainger 2014). Despite known health benefits, consumption LCv3PUFA source for supplementation and fortification is
of omega-3 fatty acids of which oily fish is the most abundant common place, however fish oil supplementation may be dis-
source (Lenihan-Geels and Bishop 2016) remains lower than liked due to commonly reported adverse effects including gas-
recommended levels (table 1), with omega-3 intakes in Western trointestinal upset, fishy aftertaste and gastric repetition
regions being 5-fold lower than Japanese intakes (Bates et al. (Fetterman and Zdanowicz 2009). Krill oil provides a rich
2016, Meyer 2011, Meyer 2016, Papanikolaou et al. 2014). Sup- source of EPA and DHA, however as with other marine based
plementation may provide an alternative, however supplement sources krill population numbers can fluctuate, therefore sus-
use is not widespread and a collaborative strategy of food forti- tainability cannot be guaranteed (Lane and Derbyshire 2015,
fication, in addition to food sources (i.e., fish consumption) Surette 2013, Trivelpiece et al. 2011). Fish and krill based sour-
may need to be considered to achieve recommended intakes in ces of LCv3PUFA are by their nature unsuitable for vegetarians
Western populations (Bates, et al. 2016, Papanikolaou, et al. and non-fish eaters who abstain from eating marine and fish
2014). To address this problem there has recently been an sources for ethical reasons.
emphasis on the incorporation of LCv3PUFA source oils into Further vegetarian sources are available in the form of flax-
food products, which has led to increased interest from con- seed, echium seed, perilla seed, blackcurrant seed and algal oils.
sumers and the food industry (Decker, Akoh, and Wilkes 2012, (Asif 2011, Linnamaa et al. 2010, Mir 2008). Flaxseed oil is cur-
Jacobsen, Horn, and Nielsen 2013, Salvia-Trujillo, Decker, and rently the most significant vegetarian source of alpha-linolenic
McClements 2016). acid (18:3 v¡3; ALA). Also known as linseed oil it can contain

CONTACT Katie E. Lane Liverpool John Moores University, School of Sport Studies, Leisure and Nutrition, I.M. Marsh Campus, Liverpool,
L17 6BD, United Kingdom.
© 2017 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC

Table 1. Recommendations for fish and LCv3PUFA intakes.

Source Quantity Country/Organisation Reference

Fish recommendations 1–2 Fish meals per week FAO / WHO (World Health Organisation 2003)
2 Fish meals per week preferably oily or at Netherlands, (Health Council of the Netherlands 2015)
least one oily
Australia, (National Health and Medical Research Council 2013)
USA, (Lichtenstein et al. 2006)
Europe (Piepoli et al. 2016)
200–500 mg/d EPA and DHA FAO/WHO (World Health Organisation 2003)
450 mg/d EPA and DHA The Netherlands (Health Council of the Netherlands 2015)
430–570 mg/d EPA and DHA USA (Lichtenstein, et al. 2006)
500 mg/d EPA and DHA USA, (Lichtenstein, et al. 2006)
Australia, (National Health and Medical Research Council 2013)
ISSFAL (International Society for the Study of Fatty Acids and
Lipids 2004)
120 mg/d DHA min, 430 mg/d EPA, DPA Australia (National Health and Medical Research Council 2013)
and DHA women
610 mg/d EPA, DPA and DHA men Australia (National Health and Medical Research Council 2013)

up to 57 per cent ALA when cold pressed (Sharif et al. 2017). A may cause the formation of atherosclerosis following ingestion
considerable amount of research has examined supplementa- posing a potential health risk to consumers (Jacobsen 2010).
tion and food enrichment with ALA rich oils, however conver-
sion of ALA to its longer chain, more effective relatives EPA
3. Emulsions and nanoemulsions
and DHA is limited in humans and alternative direct sources of
EPA and DHA are available (Lane, Derbyshire, et al. 2014). In the case of LCv3PUFA, oil in water emulsion systems are
Micro-algae oils are a fairly recent advance within the food commonly used in the food industry as delivery vehicles, par-
and nutraceutical industry. They are produced in tightly con- ticularly in foods with an aqueous base. An emulsion is a dis-
trolled, closed fermentation facilities or in the case of phototro- persion of two or more immiscible liquids consisting of a
pic algae produced in photobioreactors or open raceways and continuous phase and a dispersed phase (Coultate 2009). There
are entirely free of animal products (Breivik 2007, Lenihan- is some debate within the literature in relation to definitive
Geels and Bishop 2016, Ryckebosch et al. 2012). Capable of nanoemulsion droplet size ranges. Solans and Sole (2012) state
providing large amounts of EPA and DHA algae are also the that nanoemulsions are emulsion systems with extremely small
primary source of DHA in the food chain (Arterburn, Hall, and droplet sizes in the range of 20 to 500 nm whereas McClements
Oken 2006). Algae oils represent a sustainable LCv3PUFA and Rao (2011) define nanoemulsions also referred to as a mini
source suitable for vegetarians, vegans and non-fish eaters emulsions as a conventional emulsion that contains very small
(Lane et al. 2014). particles, with mean radii between about 10 to 100 nm. The
incorporation of LCv3PUFA oils into functional foods using
nanoemulsions has the potential to improve LCv3PUFA bio-
2. Food fortification
availability (Lane, Li, et al. 2014). However this may also create
Functional foods provide an added health benefit over and further concerns in relation to oxidative stability due to small
above the food product’s nutritional value (Bigliardi and Galati lipid droplet sizes and large droplet surface areas (Walker,
2013, Khan et al. 2013). In recent years the food industry has Decker, and McClements 2015b). Nanoemulsions can be cre-
evolved, and there is an increased focus on innovative ated using high mechanical energy, high surfactant levels or
approaches in processing and the introduction of novel foods combinations of both. Creation methods can normally be
that may help to optimise health and wellbeing (Khan, et al. classed as high-energy and low-energy methods (Walker,
2013). The use of LCv3PUFA source oils in functional foods Decker, and McClements 2015b).
may offer considerable health benefits, however it also gives Low-energy methods can be described as condensation, low-
rise to a number of challenges due to their low water solubility energy or phase inversion methods. These processes make use
and poor chemical stability. The chemical structure of of the phase transitions that take place during homogenisation
LCv3PUFA also makes them particularly susceptible to oxida- processes as a result of instantaneous curvature of the surfac-
tion (Jacobsen 2010, Wang and Shahidi 2017). Oxidation tant (Sole et al. 2006). This change can be achieved using a
occurs as the result of reactions with PUFA, free radicals and number of processes. Phase inversion temperature (PIT)
oxygen (Walker, Decker, and McClements 2015b). Lipid oxida- involves changing the temperature whilst maintaining the com-
tion is a complex process which is influenced by many factors position. Phase inversion composition (PIC), occurs when the
(Shahidi and Zhong 2010). Fatty acids with a high degree of temperature is maintained and the environmental composition
unsaturation can be less stable to oxidation when incorporated is amended. Phase inversion can be triggered when amend-
into functional foods, which causes three main problems. ments are made to the composition or environment of an
Firstly, it gives rise to objectionable ‘off’ flavours. It also reduces emulsion, examples of this include changes to the disperse
the nutritional value of foods containing lipids (Wang and Sha- phase volume fraction, type of emulsifier, emulsifier concentra-
hidi 2017). Free radicals, which are formed during oxidation tion, solvent conditions, temperature, or by mechanical
1156 L. BUSH ET AL.

agitation (Shahidi 2005). Nanoemulsions with droplet sizes as levels of peroxides and foods suitable for enrichment can contain
small as 17 nm have been achieved by Sole et al, (2006) using trace levels of transition metals so metal-catalysed breakdown of
the PIC method and 35 nm using the PIT method by Ee, Duan, peroxides is considered to be one of the main quality issues for
Liew & Nguyen (2008). However, commercial applications for LCv3PUFA enriched functional food products (Jacobsen, Horn,
phase inversion are limited as only certain kinds of emulsion et al. 2013, Jacobsen, Sørensen, et al. 2013). The creation of nano-
are able to undergo inversion without being broken down into sized lipid droplets in an aqueous continuous phase greatly
their component phases (Shahidi 2005). These methods also increases the surface area of the lipid phase and therefore the sus-
require a large amount of surfactants and are not applicable ceptibility to oxidation. In addition, when system droplet ranges
to large scale industrial productions (Jafari et al. 2006). Sponta- are smaller than the wavelength of light, the light waves are weakly
neous emulsification involves the addition of one phase to scattered giving the system transparent or turbid appearance. The
another by continuous stirring, and has also been used to create increased transmission of light waves through nanoemulsion sys-
nanoemulsions with droplet sizes <200 nm (Walker, Decker, tems may increase their susceptibility to light induced oxidation
and McClements 2015a). (Uluata, McClements, and Decker 2015). The susceptibility of oil
The high-energy approach is commonly used in the food droplets to lipid oxidation depends on whether the oxidation cata-
sector. Devices with very high-energy input are utilised to give lyst is electrostatically attracted to the interfacial membrane
greater control of composition and size distributions of the (McClements and Decker 2000, McClements and Rao 2011). If the
nanoemulsions produced (Karthik and Anandharamakrishnan oxidation catalysts are repulsed from the lipid water interface, lipid
2016a). These methods use devices that are capable of generat- oxidation in emulsions can be lowered (Yi et al. 2014). The choice
ing intensely disruptive forces that break up the oil and water of homogenization equipment, emulsifier type and droplet size can
phases leading to the formulation of very small oil droplets also influence the oxidative stability of the resultant systems. The
(Acosta 2009) and include high speed homogenisation, micro- use of high-power ultrasound methods in the creation of nanoe-
fluidization and ultrasound. High speed homogenisation can be mulsion systems has been associated with increased oxidation reac-
used to produce very small droplets in an emulsion system by tions in lipids. (Pingret et al. 2012, Pingret, Fabiano-Tixier, and
applying additional sheer force to break down oil droplets using Chemat 2013). The use of microfluidization has been shown to
high speed, defined as rpm between 10000 and 24000 result in decreased oxidation levels in comparison to high pressure
(Esquerdo, Dotto, and Pinto 2015, Karthik and Anandhara- valve homogenization when whey protein is used as an emulsifier
makrishnan 2016b). High pressure homogenisation combines (Horn et al. 2012)
intense sheer, cavitation and turbulent flow to create extremely The main focus of this article is to compare and contrast
small oil droplets (McClements 2015). A further high-power the findings of studies published during the last 10 years
method, microfluidization offers a flexible control over emul- that have evaluated the oxidative stability of LCv3PUFA
sion droplet sizes and can be used to produce fine emulsions nanoemulsions suitable for functional food enrichment. The
from a large variety of materials (Jafari, et al. 2006). However, aim of the review is to evaluate some of the most recent
both methods can be disadvantaged by complex cleaning key papers in order fill a gap in the literature in relation to
requirements, high running costs and equipment wear rates this topic and to inform future decisions and research into
making them prone to significant losses in efficiency (Leong this promising area. This information should aid in the
et al. 2009). Microfluidizers are applicable to large-scale pro- identification of safe, optimal components including types
ductions, although droplet sizes may be larger than some of the of oils and emulsifiers, processing and storage conditions to
low-energy methods discussed earlier. Ultrasound refers to maintain the oxidative stability of LCv3PUFA nanoemul-
sound waves that are above and beyond the frequency of sions for use in in functional foods.
human hearing (>18 kHz) (Ashokkumar et al. 2010, San-
guansri and Augustin 2006). Ultrasound emulsification may be
5. Methods
used instead of high-pressure homogenisation and microfluid-
ization to achieve similar results with reductions in operating The aim of this review was to fill a gap in the literature by eval-
costs (Abbas et al. 2013). uating studies that focussed on the oxidative stability of
LCv3PUFA nanoemulsions suitable for integration into food
vehicles. A systematic literature search was conducted in accor-
4. Lipid oxidation
dance with the PRISMA checklist for systematic reviews and
The reaction mechanism and factors that influence oxidation reac- meta-analysis (table 2) (Moher et al. 2009, Moher et al. 2015).
tions are different for emulsified fats and oils (lipids) than for bulk Search engines PubMed, Science Direct, Google Scholar, and
lipids (Hu and Jacobsen 2016). The interfacial membrane of an SCOPUS were used to identify English language, peer reviewed
emulsion system is of importance in lipid oxidation as it represents articles published over a 10-year period between January 2007
the region where lipid and water soluble components are close and January 2017.
enough to interact, potentially giving higher concentrations of lipid
peroxides and other volatiles (Berton et al. 2011). Lipid oxidation
5.1. Inclusion criteria
in emulsions usually occurs at the oil in water interface when free
radicals interact with PUFA within the lipid droplets or when water Search terms including nanoemulsion(s), nanotechnology,
soluble trace metal ions react with hydroperoxides located at emulsions and foods, nutrients omega 3, v3, LCv3PUFA,
the droplet interface (Jacobsen, Horn, et al. 2013, Walker, Decker, DHA, EPA, ALA, fish/ vegetable oils (e.g. salmon, tuna, carp,
and McClements 2015b). Most LCv3PUFA oils contain trace algae), or nut and seed oils (e.g. flaxseed, echium, walnut)

identified a total of 1880 articles. These were then narrowed to stability of LCv3PUFA oil in water nanoemulsion systems.
1420 articles with further inclusion of search terms: food Papers that did not make specific reference to nanoemulsion
vehicles, food delivery and functional foods. systems/nanoliposome carriers were also excluded from the
Further inclusion criteria were that studies: review.
1) Investigated products associated with the initiation,
propagation and/or termination stages of lipid oxidation
6. Results and discussion
including peroxide value (PV), anisidine value (AV),
total oxidation value (TOTOX or TV), iodine value (IV), The literature search identified 17 key studies that have investi-
thiobarbituric acid reacting substances (TBAR’s), gas gated the oxidative stability of LCv3PUFA nanoemulsion sys-
chromatography headspace analysis (GCHS), gas chro- tems suitable for use as food enrichment vehicles. The 17
matography mass spectrometry headspace analysis studies are summarised in table 3.
(GCMS, HA), high performance liquid chromatography
(HPLC), fatty acid analysis and sensory analysis.
6.1. Fish oil
2) Encompassed nanoemulsion system creation methods
such including high-energy: ultrasound, ultrasonic, As discussed previously, the chemical structure of LCv3PUFA
microfluidizer, high pressure valve and high speed makes them particularly susceptible to oxidation. Source oils
homogenization and low-energy: phase inversion; tem- with greater fatty acid chain length and higher numbers of dou-
perature and composition and spontaneous methods. ble bonds generally demonstrate decreased oxidative stability.
3) Examined the effect of different emulsifiers, hydrophilic Relative susceptibility for DHA (22:6) is increased by 30 times
lipophilic (HLB) balance and processing conditions in comparison to ALA (18:3) (Decker, Akoh, and Wilkes
including pH and Zeta potential. Including amongst 2012). The majority of the studies examined in the review used
others, emulsifiers lecithin, Tween products (all num- fish oil as an enrichment vehicle, which may be due to its cur-
bers), whey protein, caseinate, glycerol dioleate, Span rent ease of availability and high EPA and DHA content (Leni-
products (all numbers), sucrose monolaurate, sodium han-Geels and Bishop 2016).
steroyl, with HLB ranges from 1 to 20. Rasti, Erfanian & Selamat (2017) evaluated the application,
4) Examined the ability of antioxidants to retard or inhibit stability and suitability of fish oil in water nanoliposomes in
lipid oxidation in LCv3PUFA oil in water bread and milk products. Nanoliposomes had significantly
nanoemulsions lower primary and secondary oxidation levels in comparison to
microencapsulated and bulk fish oil (P < 0.05) and were found
to be suitable as fortification vehicles in bread and milk. A fur-
5.2. Exclusion criteria
ther fish oil nanoliposome study was conducted by Ghorban-
Papers that were not written in English language or where the zade, et al (2017) with nanoliposomes incorporated into
full article could not be accessed were excluded. Studies that yoghurt. Peroxide value testing and sensory analysis established
referred to non-food based nanoemulsions (fuels and drug/ that liposomal structures were successful for the encapsulation
pharmaceutical related); systems with droplet sizes outside the of DHA and EPA, which remained stable during the 21-day
range of 50–500nm, cosmetic applications and water in oil sys- storage period, nanoencapsulation was found to protect
tems were removed. Papers written prior to January 2007 were LCv3PUFA from deterioration by oxidation. Esquerdo, Dotto,
excluded alongside studies that did not evaluate the oxidative and Pinto (2015) created chitosan nanocapsules using a 15 per

Table 2. Summary of systematic review selection process.

Database search: PubMed, Science

Direct, Google Scholar, SCOPUS

Articles identified (n=1880) Duplicates removed (n=460)

Excluded based on title, abstract and

further inclusion criteria (n=1403)

Full text screening and application of

exclusion criteria
Suitable for inclusion (n=18)

Included in the review (n=17)

Table 3. Results of the literature review.

Emulsion type,
Article/Author Study % system droplet Oil type and functional Emulsifier/ surfactant Antioxidant/ Creation Oxidation test methods and Main
/date objectives range and measure fatty acid and % of system other ingredients method storage periods findings

Novel nanoliposomal Evaluate the application, Oil in water liposomes, fish oil Fish oil containing EPA Soy lecithin, 1–4% Ultrasound Peroxide values, anisidine Peroxide and anisidine values for v3
encapsulated omega-3 stability and suitability of and soy lecithin 0.4:2, mass and DHA (3:2, nanoliposomes added to values, 7 days bread, enriched bread and milk samples
fatty acids and their v3 PUFAs incorporated ratio, with deionised water, 300mg/g) milk and bread. 3 days milk. increased significantly (P D 0.004)

applications in food nanoliposomes in food 20–200nm, Zetasizer Microencapsulated but not for the nanoliposomal
(Rasti, et al. 2017) enrichment. Nanoliposomes fish oil, 10% EPA and enriched samples. Enriched bread
compared to DHA. would provide 170.6–174.8 mg
microencapsulated v3 EPA and 113.3–117.6 mg DHA/
PUFAs and bulk fish oil in 100g. Enriched milk 167.4–
milk and bread. 171.0 mg EPA EPA and 112.6–
115.2 mg DHA/100ml.
Nanoliposomes can be used to
fortify bread and milk.
Influence of OSA-starch on Examine the effect on oxidation Oil in water nanoemulsions. Flaxseed oil, 57.0% ALA Purity Gum Ultra (PG1), Purity Eugenol (EUG) Microfluidizer Peroxide value Higher % retention of ALA and EUG in
the physio chemical of eugenol (EUG) and 2 99.73 to 558.2(nm). Mean Gum 2000 (PG2) starches, Headspace analysis of PG1. Eugenol served an
characteristics of flax seed modified starches as an droplet diameter (MDD) 10% flaxseed oil hexanal and antioxidant role, PG1 showed
oil-eugenol emulsifiers for flaxseed oil and polydispersity Index propanal, 4 weeks improved physical and oxidative
nanoemulsions. (Sharif, nanoemulsions. (PDI) using Zetasizer stability and provided better
et al. 2017) outer coverings to the
encapsulated materials (P < 0.05).
These findings would help in the
development and incorporation
of oxidatively stable ALA rich
nanoemulsions in dairy and
Inhibition of lipid oxidation in Examine sodium caseinate as a Oil-in-water nanoemulsion Flaxseed oil Quillaja saponin Emulsifier Caseinate Microfluidizer Peroxide values TBARS Peroxide and TBARS values of
nanoemulsions and filled natural antioxidant in solution (1.12% (w/w) 10% Microstructure analysis, nanoemulsions without caseinate
microgels fortified with nanoemulsion filled 131 (w/w) flaxseed oil in water., 14 days increased significantly more than
omega-3 fatty acids using hydrogel beads (microgels) 5 mM phosphate 160 the other systems during storage
casein as a natural fortified with omega-3 fatty buffer, pH 7.0) 0.8 alginate (P < 0.05).
antioxidant. (Chen, et al. acids. Static light scattering 71.4wt% of beads injected into calcium Peroxide and TBARS values with
2017) (Mastersizer) polyunsaturated fat chloride caseinate increased moderately
Mean particle sizes – D32 or throughout storage, but at a
D43 much slower rate than for the
D32 after homogenization D nanoemulsions without caseinate
<200nm (P < 0.05). Encapsulating flaxseed
D43 after homogenization D oil droplets within an antioxidant
>200nm protein-rich hydrogel bead is
highly effective at protecting
against oxidation.
Nano-encapsulation of fish oil Incorporate nano-encapsulated Dynamic light scattering Purified fish oil (fatty Soy lecithin Ultrasound Fatty acid profile, Peroxide Liposomal structures were successful
in nano-liposomes and its fish oil by nano-liposomes (Mastersizer) acid composition value, Sensory analysis, for nanoencapsulation as DHA &
application in fortification into yogurt and evaluate not specified) 21 days EPA remained stable.
of yogurt. (Ghorbanzade, the physicochemical and 300–500nm Addition of nanoencapsulated fish oil
et al. 2017) sensory effect on yogurt Encapsulation of fish oil by to yogurt gave closer
quality. nano liposomes characteristics to control sample
in terms of sensory parameters
than yogurt with free
(unencapsulated) fish oil.

(Continued on next page)

Table 3. (Continued )
Emulsion type,
Article/Author Study % system droplet Oil type and functional Emulsifier/ surfactant Antioxidant/ Creation Oxidation test methods and Main
/date objectives range and measure fatty acid and % of system other ingredients method storage periods findings

Enhancing omega-3 fatty Evaluation of 3 different Oil in water nanoemulsion Laser DHA algae oil (38.11% 10 w/w algae oil 2.8% w/w N/A Microfluidizer Particle size Refrigerated T-40 emulsion exhibited
acids nanoemulsion emulsifiers on the light diffraction particle size DHA). solution). lower lipid oxidation than the
stability and in-vitro physiochemical stability and analyser. Triplicate other emulsions. There was a
digestibility through in-vitro digestibility of DHA measurementsT-40 NE & significant difference in PV
emulsifiers. (Karthik and nanoemulsions produced NaCa D smaller size (206 between T40 and SL (P < 0.05).
Anandharamakrishnan by microfluidization. §0.034nm) SL – larger (760 There were no changes in the
2016a) § 0.131nm) functional group and fatty acid
profile of DHA after
Peroxide value The T-40 emulsion appears to be
Fatty acid profile, more advantageous in terms of
20 days oxidative stability and in-vitro
Physicochemical properties Investigate effects of major Oil-in-water nanoemulsion 1% Fish oil (FO). Whey protein isolate (WPI) into N/A Ultrasound Peroxide value A significant increase in TBARS for
and storage stability of parameters whey protein (w/w) dispersed phase at 5 mM. conventional emulsions
ultrasound-mediated isolate, fish oil, weight ratio different WPI-to-oil ratios compared to ultrasound
WPI-stabilised fish oil (WR) and pH) on (ranging from 0.5 to 1.5) emulsions (P < 0.05). The
nanoemulsions. characteristics of high and different pH values increased antioxidant capacity of
(Nejadmansouri, et al. intensity ultrasound D43 & span EPA – 7% buffer solution of pH7 TBARS WPI in nanoemulsions was likely
2016) mediated fish oil Measured by static light DHA – 18% of total fatty containing 0.03% (w/w) Fatty acid profile due to sonochemical reactions
nanoemulsions Main focus scattering average acids. sodium azide as an 28 days from ultrasound treatment. The
on physicochemical particle size 84nm antimicrobial agent. oxidation rate of the
properties, oxidative nanoemulsion at 25 C was more
stability and fatty acids than 4 C (P < 0.05) due to
profile changes of the enhanced temperature.
nanoemulsions for 1m
storage at different
Fabrication of a nutrient Investigate high pressure Oil in water nanoemulsion Algae oil 38.11% DHA. Tween-40 (2.8% w/w)Algae oil High pressure Fatty acid profile There was no change in fatty acid
delivery system of homogenization. (HPH) 10%, w/w. homogenizers/high profile or structural changes
docosahexaenoic acid High speed Malvern zetasizer (z potential) speed TBARS, 100 days of DHA in any of the emulsions.
nanoemulsions via high- homogenization (HSH) and Dynamic light scattering homogenizers Refrigerated HPH and HSH C HPH
energy technique. combination of the HSH C (particle size distribution) DHA exhibited lower lipid
(Karthik and HPH techniques to produce Refractive indices oxidation than the emulsion
Anandharamakrishnan stable DHA nanoemulsions. HSH & HPH combined mean stored at other conditions (P <
2016b) particle range D 11.17 0.05). Better stability achieved via
& 11.31 HSH & HPH technique compared
HSH only D 87 (nm to HPH and could be used in
diameter) future in the food industry to
improve stability and
bioavailability of omega 3
Influence of an anionic Assessment of the impact of an Oil in water Fish oil (Ropufa 30 v¡3 Tween 80 1% w/w Sodium alginate (anionic) Microfluidizer Hydroperoxides, TBARS Chitosan and alginate were
polysaccharide on the anionic polysaccharide on food oil) containing significantly more effective at
physical and oxidative the physical properties and 101 mg of EPA/g of inhibiting lipid oxidation (P <
stability of omega-3 chemical stability of fish oil- oil, 148 mg of DHA/ 0.05) Intermediate sodium

nanoemulsions: in-water nanoemulsions. g oil, and a total of alginate addition resulted in

Antioxidant effects of omega-3 increased mean droplet sizes.
Nanoemulsion PUFA of 312 mg/g of oil. Chitosan (cationic) 20 days

alginate. (Salvia-Trujillo, Aqueous Oil phase 10% (fish Outcome – The use of alginate as a
et al. 2016) and lemon oil 50:50 w/w) natural antioxidant in
Light scattering (Mastersizer) Lemon oil phase mM acetic-acetate buffer Methyl cellulose (non-ionic) nanoemulsions can be effective;
at pH 3.0. however, it also highlights the
potential for this polysaccharide
to promote physical instability.
Particle size – D43
Initial droplet diameter

Physical and oxidative To determine how conditions 1 wt% krill oil in water Integral phospholipid 1% krill oil 99 wt% mM acetic a-tocopherol Trolox Microfluidizer Hydroperoxides TBARS, Lipid oxidation was accelerated by
stability of self- typical in foods impact the nanoemulsions emulsifiers within acid buffer pH7. 8 days ferrous chloride (P < 0.05).
emulsifying krill oil-in- physical stability of krill oil- Zetasizer (particle size Krill oil (30% EPA All a -tocopherol concentrations
water emulsions. (Wu, in-water emulsions and distribution) determined and DHA 32% decreased lipid hydroperoxides (P
et al. 2016) determine how after emulsion phospholipids). < 0.05). Addition of a-tocopherol
antioxidants’ polarity preparation and every after homogenisation inhibited
influences the oxidative day during each hydroperoxide and TBAR
stability of krill oil-in-water experiment. formation (P < 0.05).
emulsions. Particle size range – 150– Iron was a strong pro-oxidant and
165nm trolox was a better antioxidant
than a -tocopherol.
Phytosterol structured algae Reduce or delay oxidation and Algae oil (wt10%) in water DHA algae oil LCv3PUFA Quillaja saponin 1.4 wt% Algae b-sitosterol Ultrasound Peroxide value Spray dried algae oil powders from
oil nanoemulsion and off-flavours by phytosterols nanoemulsion content 40%. oil 10% wt surfactant structured nanoemulsions exhibit
powders: improving structured in saponin- dispersed within an excellent reconstructed behaviour
antioxidant and flavour stabilised algae oil-in-water deionised water aqueous up to 30 d of storage.
properties. (Chen, et al. nanoemulsions and spray- phase.
2016) dried powders made from Dynamic light scattering Phosphate buffer (pH 7.0). g-oryzanol campesterol GCHS Formulation with b-sitosterol &
the nanoemulsion (Zetasizer) g-oryzanol resulted in enhanced
templates. oxidative stability (P < 0.05)
Particle size range D 152 – Characterisation of spray Structured algae oil-loaded
164nm dried powders nanoemulsion and powder had
(examining lower levels of fishy off-flavour
microstructure and Phytosterols are an effective
reconstitution strategy to reduce off-flavours
behaviour), 30 days and maximize oxidative stability
of both algae oil nanoemulsions
and spray dried powders.
Physical and oxidative To examine the potential of Oil in water nanoemulsion Fish oil and lemon oil Tween 80 non-ionic (2.5– Butylated hydroxytoluene. Microfluidizer (MF), Peroxide value All emulsions reached a peak for
stability of fish oil spontaneous emulsification (10 wt% total oil phase) (FO) (Ropufa 30 20 wt%) 5 wt % fish oil Sodium benzoate. Citric Spontaneous hydroperoxides levels after
nanoemulsions produced to fabricate fish oil v¡3 food oil) 5 wt% lemon oil. acid emulsification (SOR) 12 days. Low-energy systems with
by spontaneous nanoemulsions that are containing 101 mg added surfactant had slightly
emulsification: Effect of suitable for application in of EPA/g of oil, higher hydroperoxides values
surfactant concentration clear beverages. 148 mg of DHA/g than other emulsions towards the
and particle size. (Walker, oil, and 312 mg of end of the study. The MF
et al. 2015b) total v¡3 PUFA/g of emulsion reached the highest
oil. TBARS value within the 14 days.
Neither particle size nor surfactant
concentration had a major impact
on the rate of lipid oxidation in
the fish oil emulsions.
Measured with either Tween 80. Aqueous phase was TBARS, 14 days Low-energy homogenization methods
Zetasizer (dynamic) or 70–87.5 wt% double (spontaneous emulsification) can
Mastersizer (static light distilled water with buffer be used to produce fish oil
scattering) 0.8 wt% citric acid and emulsions that may be suitable to
D32 (for large droplets) 0.08 wt% sodium benzoate.

(Continued on next page)

Table 3. (Continued )
Emulsion type,
Article/Author Study % system droplet Oil type and functional Emulsifier/ surfactant Antioxidant/ Creation Oxidation test methods and Main
/date objectives range and measure fatty acid and % of system other ingredients method storage periods findings

Z-average (small droplets) at pH 3.0, Emulsions fortify transparent food or

prepared using different beverage systems.
surfactant -to-oil ratios
Physical Stability, How synthetic and natural Oil in water Fish oil ethyl ester lecithin & quillaja saponin Microfluidizer Particle size After 5 days storage hydroperoxide
Autoxidation, and emulsifiers impacted the containing 55% natural emulsifiers Tween formation and propanal were in
Photosensitized Oxidation physical stability of omega-3 fatty acids. 80 & sodium dodecyl sulfate the order Tween 80 > SDS >
of v¡3 Oils in nanoemulsions, (SDS) synthetic emulsifiers lecithin > quillaja saponin and
Nanoemulsions Prepared autoxidation, and 1.5 wt % and 10 mM lecithin > Tween 80 > SDS >
with Natural and photosensitized lipid sodium 1% fish oil 99% quillaja saponin respectively.
Synthetic Surfactants oxidation in oil-in-water aqueous phases. Phosphate Lecithin stabilised emulsions
(Uluata, et al. 2015) emulsions. buffer solution (pH 7). showed increased oxidation with
light exposure. ORAC values
showed Tween 80 had a
significantly higher free radical
scavenging capacity (P  0.05)
Nanoemulsion Oxygen radical absorption Quillaja saponin is an effective
assay (ORAC) emulsifier for v¡3 ethyl ester
Particle electrophoresis Hydroperoxides, GCHS nanoemulsions due to its physical
instrument (propanal), 7 days and oxidative stability.
Mean particle diameter of
all samples was lower
than 100nm
Preparation & characterization To Evaluate suitability and Oil in water Antarctic krill oil (14.8% Lecithin surfactant (w/w) (X2) in Ultrasound Photostability and assay of NLC offers bioactives in krill oil giving
of novel nanocarriers effectiveness of NLC (Nan DHA, 22.5% EPA and double distilled water to bioactive constituents significant protection against
containing krill oil for structured lipo carriers) as a 250 mg/kg make aqueous solution (DHA, EPA and photooxidation upon exposure to
food application (Zhu, delivery system to astaxanthin). Total Differing ratios of krill and astaxanthin), 70 days UV light (P < 0.05). Good physical
et al. 2015) encapsulate krill oil and lipid phase (w/w) palm oil used. and chemical stabilities during
investigate chemical and (X1). long-term storage at different
physical stability of the temperatures. Feasibilities of
prepared NLC. pasteurization and lyophilization
were also demonstrated.
Nanoemulsion Novel nanocarriers containing krill oil
Zetasizer Nano ZS90 could be used in functional drinks
ZP value – 31.0mV, 332nm. and milk powders.
Preparation of nanoemulsions To prepare nanoemulsions Oil in water Carp oil, PUFA content Tween 80. 1% w/v chitosan N/A High speed Peroxide value (PV), 45 days PV from carp oil and UFAC
containing unsaturated containing capsules of Zetasizer 35.6% bleached oil powder, 5% w/w Tween 80, homogenization at nanocapsules similar at baseline.
fatty acid concentrate– unsaturated fatty acid All nanoemulsions and UFAC 50.1% Acetic acid solution (1% w/ 10,000 rpm PV for UFAC nanocapsules
chitosan capsules concentrate (UFAC) using presented capsules in respectively. 15 or v) Then, the surfactant remained stable during storage
(Esquerdo, et al. 2015) chitosan as wall material the nanometric scale 30% oil in ultra pure Tween 80 (5% w/w, in while oil PV increased. PV values
(UFAC–chitosan boundaries, smallest water. relation to chitosan) added. demonstrated that the
nanocapsules) and size 332nm microstructure was able to
determine the stability. protect the UFAC against primary
oxidation. The encapsulation
efficiency was 74.1%, Chitosan

has potential to be used as

encapsulating agent for UFAC.

Optimization of walnut oil To investigate the emulsifying Oil in water nanoemulsion Walnut oil (Fatty acid Tween 80/Span 80 0.7, 0.5 and Sodium azide (0.01% w D w) Ultrasound Response surface The quadratic effect of UT was
Nanoemulsions prepared conditions including Lazer light scattering. D43 composition not 0.3 ratio (deionised water methodology (RSM) significant in LAA (P < 0.05). The
using ultrasonic ultrasonic time (UT) & Average particle size 338 – stated). aqueous phase)Walnut oil modelling. Loss of enhancement of UT reduced the
emulsification: A response concentration ratio on the 450nm disperse phase 8, 6 and 4% antioxidant activity d43 and span, while this led to
surface method. particle size, Span, and loss w/w. 0.01% w/w. (LAA), 35 days increased loss of antioxidant
(Homayoonfal, et al. 2014) of antioxidant activity (LAA) activity.
of walnut oil-

Comparative study of the Evaluate and compare the Oil in water liposomal Fish oil DHA and EPA Lecithin. Fish oil and lecithin N/A Ultrasound Conjugated dienes and A significantly (P < 0.05) higher
oxidative and physical physiochemical properties suspensions, zetasizer, 2:3, 400mg/g. 2:0.4 mass ratio, 2% v/v oil cyclic peroxides. concentration of conjugated
stability of liposomal and of PUFA liposomes and liposomes 362.5 nm and in water. dienes and TBARS than was found
nanoliposomal nanoliposomes created nanoliposomes 316.5 nm in the initial values, was observed
polyunsaturated fatty using the Mozafari method respectively in liposomes prepared using the
acids prepared with (liposomes prepared by conventional method. In contrast,
conventional and direct hydration and liposomes prepared with the
Mozafari methods (Rasti without solving the PL and Mozafari method did not show a
et al. 2012) FAs in organic solvents). significant increase (P < 0.05) in
conjugated dienes and TBARS
Oxidative kinetics of salmon To examine the preparation and Oil in water nanoemulsion Salmon oil in 5 different Lecithin. 10% oil in deionised a-tocopherol E307), High-pressure valve Polyene index, conjugated Crude salmon oil was well-protected
oil in bulk and in characterisation of different 5 different samples with formats, fatty acid water marine lecithin astaxanthin, quercetin, homogenizer dienes (GC) fourier by its own natural antioxidant
nanoemulsion stabilised formulations of different ratios of crude composition of oils quercetin a-tocopherol in lecithin from salmon heads: transform infrared (tocopherol and astaxanthin).
by marine lecithin. nanoemulsions composed salmon oil, marine not presented. different ranges). spectroscopy (FT-IR), Salmon oil with marine lecithin
(Belhaj, et al. 2010) of salmon oil and marine lecithin, alpha- 40 days was the most stable to oxidation.
lecithin with or without tocopherol & water) The use of marine phospholipids
antioxidants. Zetasizer as emulsifiers in nanoemulsions
Droplet range for most preparation increases notably the
samples ranged stability of salmon oil against
between 200 – 207nm. oxidation with a rise in
One sample had a availability, especially in DHA.
droplet size of 160 nm
due to high polar lipids

cent carp oil nanoemulsion. Peroxide values for the nanocap- for supplementation and addition to foods (Adarme-Vega,
sules remained stable during storage while bulk oil peroxide Thomas-Hall, and Schenk 2014). Overall, the articles in this
values increased over a 45-day storage period. Salvia-Trujillo, review found that the presence or addition of antioxidants and
Decker, and McClements (2016), Walker, Decker, and McCle- encapsulation of krill oil increased oxidative stability and the
ments (2015a) and Belhaj, Arab-Tehrany, and Linder (2010) process of incorporation in to nanoemulsion systems did not
investigated the oxidative stability of 10 per cent oil in water have an adverse effect during storage periods varying from 8 to
nanoemulsions using fish oil as the LCv3PUFA source. The 70 days. However as with fish oil, krill oil by its nature may be
authors investigated the addition of antioxidants and effects of unsuitable for consumption by vegetarians and vegans, further-
different emulsifiers on the oxidative stability of the systems. more concerns have been raised in relation to sustainability
The addition/presence of natural antioxidants such as lemon due to global warming and exploitation by over fishing in arctic
oil, marine lecithin, astaxanthin and sodium alginate was found areas (Trivelpiece, et al. 2011).
to increase the oxidative stability of the resultant systems. A further issue with krill oil is its unpleasant off-odour and
Uluata, McClements, and Decker (2015) investigated the oxida- flavour, which cannot usually be removed by refining and deo-
tive stability of 1 per cent fish oil in water nanoemulsions, cre- dorisation during processing. This makes it unacceptable in
ating systems with droplet ranges under 100nm. A range of terms of quality to consumers when used for food enrichment
primary and secondary oxidation tests were used to evaluate purposes unless it is encapsulated and incorporated into novel
synthetic and natural emulsifiers. Synthetic emulsifier Tween nanocarriers to create a sensory barrier (Henna Lu et al. 2011,
80 was found to have significantly higher radical scavenging Lu et al. 2013, Zhu, et al. 2015).
capacity (P < 0.05) and quillaja saponin was found to be an
effective natural emulsifier due to its physical and oxidative
6.3. Algal oil
Overall, the use of nanoemulsion technology appears to have Algal oil is derived from algae, which forms the foundation of
increased or stabilised oxidation reactions in studies using fish the seafood chain. Most commercially produced algal oils are
oil. However, the use of fish oil in food fortification raises con- rich in DHA which is thought to be one of the most beneficial
cerns in relation to their suitability, sustainability and issues LCv3PUFA sources (Baker et al. 2016). However, DHA is par-
with contamination. The overall condition of global fisheries is ticularly susceptible to oxidation due to its long carbon chain
in decline and scientific concerns in relation to over fishing length and high number of double bonds. Three of the articles
have frequently featured in the literature (Bene et al. 2015). Sea- in the review examined the oxidative stability of algal oil nanoe-
food is particularly susceptible to contamination with organic mulsions created using high-power methods. Karthik &
lipophilic pollutants and fish is a major source of exposure to Anandharamakrishnan (2016a) investigated the physiochemi-
heavy metals and organic pollutants which may cause health cal stability and in-vitro digestibility of DHA nanoemulsions
concerns for consumers (Hong et al. 2015, Verbeke et al. 2005). stabilised with Tween 40 (synthetic emulsifier), sodium cas-
einate and soy lecithin (natural emulsifiers) created using
microfluidization. Significant differences were found in perox-
6.2. Krill oil
ide values of 10 per cent oil in water nanoemulsions stored
Krill are small shrimp-like crustaceans that have particularly over 20 days with soy lecithin stabilised systems significantly
high content of EPA and DHA attributed to their diet, which is greater than Tween 40 systems (P < 0.05). There were no
based on microalgae. Krill oil has recently emerged as a changes or differences in fatty acid profiles of the different sys-
LCv3PUFA source oil and is similar to fish oil in terms of its tems which suggests that soy lecithin may be susceptible to oxi-
EPA/DHA content although 30–65 per cent of the fatty acids dation reactions when processed using microfluidization.
are in phospholipid form which may increase bioavailability Tween 40 systems were found to be most stable in terms of pri-
(Adarme-Vega, Thomas-Hall, and Schenk 2014, Lenihan-Geels mary oxidation and in-vitro digestibility. Additional work has
and Bishop 2016). Two studies in the review used high-power also been completed to further evaluate algal oil nanoemulsions
methods to create nanoemulsions with droplet ranges stabilised with Tween 40 created using high speed/pressure
<333nm. Wu et al, (2016) examined the physical and oxidative homogenisation. There were no significant differences in oxida-
stability of 1 per cent krill oil in water nanoemulsions and the tive stability between systems created using high-power or pres-
influences of antioxidant polarity with the addition of sure homogenization. A combination of high speed/pressure
a-tocopherol and trolox antioxidants. The more polar trolox homogenization was found to create better physical stability in
was found to be a more effective antioxidant for these systems 10 per cent systems stabilised with Tween 40 (Karthik and
than a-tocopherol. Anandharamakrishnan 2016b). Research to evaluate spray
A further study by Zhu et al (2015) evaluated the chemical dried powders created from a 10 per cent algal oil nanoemul-
and physical stability of lecithin stabilised nanostructured lipo- sion template was conducted by Chen et al, (2016). Spray dried
carriers as a delivery system to encapsulate krill oil. Nanostruc- algal oil powders were found to have excellent reconstructed
tured lipocarriers were found to offer significant protection behaviour during the 30 day trial. Enhanced oxidative stability
against photooxidation upon exposure to UV light (P < 0.05) was found in systems formed with b-sitosterol & g-oryzanol
in comparison to bulk krill oil. phytosterols (P < 0.05). Spray dried powders also had lower
Krill oil contains astaxanthin, which acts as a natural antiox- levels of fishy off flavours which are associated with oxidised
idant enhancing the potential associated health benefits and oils. Algal oils offer a potentially viable source of LCv3PUFA,
offering increased stability against oxidation when processed which is sustainable and suitable for vegetarians and vegans. A
1164 L. BUSH ET AL.

review of 16 published clinical trials found that consumption of 7. Antioxidants

algal oil may be beneficial in cardiovascular risk factors and
A number of studies in the review examined the use of added
unlike fish oil, algal-DHA seldom caused gastrointestinal com-
antioxidants to improve the oxidative stability of nanoemulsion
plaints such as fishy taste and eructation (Ryan et al. 2009).
systems. Wu et al, (2016) determined how antioxidant polarity
The studies identified in the review evaluated the oxidative sta-
impacted the oxidative stability of 1% krill oil in water nanoe-
bility of DHA oils, however more recently EPA/DHA algal oils
mulsion systems to reflect conditions in typical enrichment
have become available and these have been found offer similar
food vehicles. Lipid oxidation was significantly accelerated by
benefits to fish oil for adults with hypertriglyceridemia (Maki
the addition of ferrous chloride and trolox was found to be a
et al. 2014). Research has yet to investigate the suitability of
better antioxidant than a-tocopherol. The antioxidant eugenol
EPA/DHA oils in functional foods. Further work is therefore
was used in combination with Purity gum ultra surfactant by
warranted to investigate integration of these oils into nanoe-
Sharif et al, (2017) who noted significant improvements to
mulsion systems with an additional focus on oxidative stability,
physical and oxidative stability in these 10% flaxseed oil in
which may be improved in comparison to algal DHA alone due
water nanoemulsion systems. Caseinate was used in combina-
to the shorter carbon chain and lower numbers of double bonds
tion with the emulsifier quillaja saponin to create 10% oil in
in EPA.
water flaxseed oil nanoemulsions by Chen at el (2017). Perox-
ide and TBARS values increased at significantly slower rates for
6.4. Flaxseed oil the systems containing caseinate. The antioxidant properties of
b-sitosterol & g-oryzanol were evaluated by Chen et al (2016)
Flaxseed oil is currently the most widely used source of vegetar-
in the formation of 10 per cent algae oil and quillaja saponin
ian LCv3PUFA in supplementation and food enrichment
nanoemulsions. A significant protective effect was observed in
(Lane, et al. 2014, Lenihan-Geels and Bishop 2016). Flaxseed
spray dried powders over 30 days of storage (P < 0.05). Overall
oil contains up to 57 per cent ALA, which may have increased
results from the review indicate that antioxidant addition is an
oxidative stability over its longer carbon chain counterparts
effective strategy to stabilize LCv3PUFA nanoemulsions
EPA and DHA (Decker, Akoh, and Wilkes 2012, Sharif, et al.
against oxidation during storage.
2017). Two studies identified in the review evaluated the oxida-
tive stability of 10 per cent flaxseed oil in water nanoemulsions
created using microfluidization. Primary products were identi- 7.1. The effect of emulsion stability and pH
fied using peroxide value testing in both studies and the use of
antioxidants eugenol and caseinate was found to significantly The zeta-potential of a conventional emulsion or nanoemulsion
reduce the formation of peroxides (P < 0.05) (Chen et al. 2017, is the electrical potential at the “shear plane,” which is defined
Sharif, et al. 2017). Analysis of secondary oxidation products as the distance away from the droplet surface below which the
was conducted using headspace analysis and thiobarbituric counter-ions remain strongly attached to the droplet when it
acid reactive substances tests, the use of eugenol and caseinate moves in an electrical field. Zeta potential is one of the funda-
was also found to be significantly effective when compared to mental parameters known to affect the physical stability of
systems generated with no addition of antioxidants. Flaxseed emulsion systems (McClements and Rao 2011). Zeta-potential
nanoemulsions were found to have significantly increased total and nanoemulsion oxidation stability was evaluated in 1% fish
oxidation levels in comparison to bulk oil in both studies (P < oil systems by Uluata, McClements, and Decker (2015) over a
0.05), which suggests that nanoemulsion processing does have 5 day storage period. The effect of pH was also determined
an effect on the oxidative stability of flaxseed oil. over the range of 2 to 8. At pH 7 all lipid droplets were nega-
tively charged. No significant change in particle size was noted
in pH range 2 to 8. Of the four natural and synthetic emulsifiers
6.5. Walnut oil used in the study quillaja saponin was found to create the most
Walnut oil contains relatively low amounts of LCv3PUFA physically and chemically stable systems. The physical and oxi-
at around 10 per cent ALA (Zhao et al. 2004), longer chain dative stability of fish oil nanoemulsions was measured by
EPA and DHA are not present which may give improved Walker, Decker, and McClements (2015a). The aqueous phase
oxidative stability. Short term consumption of walnut oil was buffered at pH 3.0 to simulate the aqueous phase of a bev-
has been found to significantly decrease total and LDL cho- erage system. Neither particle size nor surfactant concentration
lesterol (P < 0.05), walnuts may also have potential benefits had an impact on the oxidative stability of the systems over
on oxidative stress and inflammatory markers (Banel and 14 days of storage. Further work to evaluate the effect of physi-
Hu 2009). Limited research has been conducted to examine cal stability and pH ranges on the oxidative stability of nanoe-
the physiochemical properties of walnut oil nanoemulsions mulsions created with different LCv3PUFA oils, emulsifiers
with one study identified in the review. Emulsifying condi- and antioxidants is warranted to simulate conditions in food
tions were investigated including processing time and and beverage systems (Haahr and Jacobsen 2008).
concentration ratio using 8, 6 and 4 per cent walnut oil-in-
water nanoemulsion systems created using ultrasound. Loss
7.2. Nanoemulsion production methods
of antioxidant activity testing over 35 days identified a qua-
dratic effect of ultrasound treatment leading to significant The majority of studies identified used high-power processing
losses of antioxidant activity (P < 0.05) (Homayoonfal, methods to create nanoemulsion systems. High-power process-
Khodaiyan, and Mousavi 2014). ing has become more commonplace in the creation of

nanoemulsion systems in recent years, however interest in low- Meynier 2013, Nejadmansouri, et al. 2016). Conversely the study
energy methods for some applications is increasing due to their by Walker, Decker, and McClements (2015a) found neither parti-
simple production methods, lower costs and ability to create cle size nor surfactant concentration had an impact on the rate of
systems with smaller droplet size ranges than high-energy oxidation in 10% fish oil nanoemulsions created using spontaneous
methods (Walker, Decker, and McClements 2015b). Both emulsification and low molecular weight synthetic surfactant
methods have benefits and disadvantages. High-energy meth- Tween 80 to stabilize the nanoemulsion systems.
ods can be used to effectively create systems with narrow drop- Consumer demand is dictating that the food industry should
let ranges, however the necessary equipment can be expensive. substitute synthetic surfactants with more natural alternatives and
Low-energy methods are reasonably cheap in comparison, there is considerable interest in food products formulated with nat-
however high levels of surfactants are required to generate sta- ural ingredients to provide cleaner labels (Ozturk and McClements
ble systems (Walker, Decker, and McClements 2015b). One 2016, Roman, Sanchez-Siles, and Siegrist 2017, Walker, Decker,
study in the review examined differences in the oxidative stabil- and McClements 2015b). Lecithin was the most prevalent natural
ity of fish oil in water nanoemulsion systems created using emulsifier identified in the review with five studies analyzing the
lower-power spontaneous emulsification compared to high- oxidative stability of systems created with lecithin from various
power microfluidization. Emulsions created using microfluid- sources. Uluata, McClements, and Decker (2015) compared sys-
ization were found to have higher levels of secondary oxidation tems created using sunflower lecithin to various natural and syn-
products in comparison to systems created using spontaneous thetic emulsifiers and found that sunflower lecithin was less stable
emulsification with added iron over a 14-day storage period. to oxidation under light exposure which may impact its use in
The authors concluded that fabrication methods may have an delivery systems in food and pharmaceutical industries. The emul-
impact on secondary oxidation products of nanoemulsions and sifier quillaja saponin is a natural food-grade surfactant isolated
that low-energy methods can be used to produce fish oil nanoe- from the bark of the quillaja saponaria molina tree (Yang et al.
mulsions without the use of expensive equipment using high 2013), it can be used produce systems with increased oxidative sta-
levels of synthetic surfactants (Walker, Decker, and McCle- bility particularly when additional antioxidants are utilized. Three
ments 2015a). In addition to this study previous research has of the studies in the review used quillaja saponin and high-power
identified that ultrasound processing may cause degradation in methods to create nanoemulsion systems using fish oil, flaxseed
edible oils with the increase of free radicals and oxidative prod- and algae oil. Uluata, McClements, and Decker (2015) analyzed 1
ucts in sonicated oils when compared to untreated oils. Mi- per cent fish oil ester systems over a 5 day storage period and found
crofluidization and ultrasound were the commonly used quillaja saponin was an effective emulsifier due to its physical and
processing methods identified in the review, with only the oxidative stability. F. Chen et al (2017) found the addition of
Walker, Decker, and McClements (2015a) study examining the sodium caseinate gave a significant protective effect (P < 0.05) for
effect of processing treatment on oxidative stability of nanoe- quillaja saponin stabilised flaxseed nanoemulsions in microgels
mulsions, further research in this area is therefore warranted. stored over 14 days. X.- W. Chen et al (2016) found the addition of
b-sitosterol & g-oryzanol in the formation of 10 per cent algae oil
and quillaja saponin nanoemulsions offered a significant protective
7.3. Type of emulsifier
effect over 30 days of storage (P < 0.05). Further research to fully
Emulsifiers are surface active substances that play a vital role in evaluate the use of quillaja saponin as a natural surfactant in
emulsion formation and stability (Ozturk and McClements 2016). LCv3PUFA nanoemulsion enriched foods appears to be
The type of emulsifier used to create nanoemulsion systems can warranted.
have a large impact on their oxidative stability with droplet size Other natural emulsifiers were identified in the review
ranges and attraction to prooxidants in the continuous phase being including systems created using high-power methods that were
key factors. Furthermore the oil/water ratio, emulsifier concentra- stabilised with whey protein isolate and modified starches.
tion and location of the emulsifier within the aqueous phase inter- Whey protein isolate was found to offer a protective effect for
face are all important factors that can influence the oxidation oxidation in 1 per cent fish oil nanoemulsion systems created
stability of resultant nanoemulsion systems (Jacobsen, Horn, et al. with ultrasound by Nejadmansouri et al (2016). Systems cre-
2013, Jacobsen, Sørensen, et al. 2013) Studies identified in the ated with flaxseed oil and modified starch in the form of Purity
review by Nejadmansouri et al, (2016) and Walker, Decker, and Gum Ultra by Sharif et al (2017) were found to be most stable
McClements (2015a) examined the influences of these factors and to oxidation when created in combination with eugenol, a phe-
found droplet ranges affected oxidation stability when a high nolic compound derived from clove oil. This was thought to be
molecular weight emulsifier was utilized but there was no effect for due to the formation of a compact thicker interfacial layer and
a low weight molecular weight surfactants although different levels the free radical scavenging properties of eugenol.
of energy were used to create the systems. Nejadmansouri et al, Quillaja saponin and lecithin usually produce systems with a
(2016) found droplet size ranges had a significant effect on TBARS negative charge. Negatively charged emulsion systems have
in 1% fish oil in water nanoemulsions (P < 0.05) created with ultra- increased susceptibility to lipid oxidation when metals are pres-
sound when compared to conventional emulsions, both systems ent in the aqueous phase, this can be addressed by the use of
incorporated whey protein isolate. Proteins usually adsorb at the antioxidants as discussed earlier. Iron is thought to be the main
interface with the lipophilic groups in the oil disperse and the prooxidant that decomposes lipid hydroperoxides to products
hydrophilic groups present in the aqueous continuous phase. Sys- associated with the latter stages of oxidation such as propanal
tems are stabilized through electrostatic repulsion arising from (Walker, Decker, and McClements 2015a). Iron was used as an
charged groups on the protein surface area (Genot, Kabri, and accelerant in the study by Wu et al (2016) that determined how
1166 L. BUSH ET AL.

typical conditions and antioxidant use in food affects the stabil- evaluate oxidation stability of systems created with a variety of
ity of 1% krill oil nanoemulsions with a negative charge. Krill source oils incorporated into nanoliposomes.
oil contains natural phospholipids that can spontaneously form
nanoemulsion systems without the need for additional emulsi-
fiers or surfactants. Iron was found to be a strong prooxidant in 7.5. Conclusions
the study and the antioxidant trolox produced systems that There is considerable potential for LCv3PUFA functional
were more stable to oxidation than a-tocopherol. foods that could act as alternative sources to oily fish. Ready
Synthetic emulsifiers are still extensively used to create nanoe- formulated vegetarian sources of EPA and DHA such as algal
mulsions. The review identified that nonionic surfactants such as oils are particularly promising as they provide direct sources of
Span 80 and Tween 40 and 80 were widely used to create systems the more effective longer chain v3 without the need for con-
with lower droplet ranges and high physical stability than some of version in the metabolic pathway. Using nanotechnology to
the available natural alternatives. Karthik et al (2016a) compared incorporate these source oils into foods offers increased bio-
10 per cent algal oil nanoemulsions created using natural soy leci- availability and, if processed under optimum conditions the
thin and Tween 40. Refrigerated Tween 40 nanoemulsions exhib- oxidative stability of these systems may remain similar or be
ited lower lipid oxidation products and there was a significant improved in comparison to unprocessed/bulk oils. Consumer
difference in peroxide values between the Tween 40 and lecithin demand dictates a clean label approach with considerable inter-
samples (P<0.05). Uluata, McClements, and Decker (2015) com- est in the use of natural ingredients. The emulsifier quillaja
pared the oxidative stability of nanoemulsions prepared with natu- saponin appears to be a particularly promising natural emulsi-
ral and synthetic surfactants over a 7 day storage period. Systems fier that can produce systems with equivalent or increased oxi-
were created using 1 per cent fish oil with natural emulsifiers dative stability in comparison to other natural and synthetic
lecithin and quillaja saponin and synthetic emulsifiers Tween 80 emulsifiers, particularly when additional antioxidants are used.
and sodium dodecyl sulfate. Lecithin stabilised emulsions showed Further studies to evaluate the oxidative stability quillaja sapo-
increased oxidation with light exposure and Tween 80 stabilised nin in combination with algal sources of EPA and DHA are
systems had significantly higher free radical scavenging capacity warranted to enable the development of safe, clean label
(P<0.05). Furthermore the nanoemulsions stabilised with quillaja LCv3PUFA nanoemulsion enriched functional food products.
saponin were found to offer a suitable alternative to synthetic emul-
sifiers due to their physical and oxidative stability. The authors con-
cluded that quillaja saponin could be an outstanding natural Conflicts of interes
emulsifier for LCv3PUFA ethyl ester nanoemulsions.
This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies
7.4. Recommendations in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.

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