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TWI CUE. THE WELDING INSTITUTE Senior Welding Inspection — WIS 10 Multi - Choice Question Paper (MSR-SWI-RT-1) Name: Answer all questions if it were necessary te radiograph @ 7-Inch thick steel product, which of the following gamma ray sources would most likely be used? C080. b. Ir92. c. Ce137 d. Yb169, ») The kilovoltage applied to an x-ray tube effects: a. The quality of the x-ray beam. b. The quantity of the x-ray beam. c. Has no effect on subject contrast. 4. All of the above. |sotopes of a single element differ only in the number of, a, Protons. b. Neutrons. c. Electrons. d. Positrons. . Calcium tungstate screens used in industrial radiography are usually used to: a. Improve definition. b. Improve contrast in the radiograph. -°&, Decrease exposure times, d, None ofthe above, WIS 10 Qu paper MSR-SWI-RT-1 issue 3 Date: 28/05/03, lot? TWI ay THE WELDING INSTITUTE 5. The most common causes for excessively high-density radiographs are: a. Insufficient washing and overdevelopment. 6. Contaminated fixer and insufficient washing Overexposure and contaminated fixer. ‘d, Overexposure and overdevelopment. 6. Movement, geometry and screen contact are three factors that affect radiographic: a, Contrast, . Unsharpness. c. Reticulation, d. Density 7. ‘The halt-life of a source is dependent on; it's original intensity, The source to film distance. ‘The physical size of the isotope. The isotope. iio > p 8. Ifa film is placed in a developer solution and allowed to develop without agitation: «8. The radiograph will not show correct contrast. ._ It will be impossible to fix the radiograph permanently, b ¢. There will be a general fogging condition over the entire radiograph, 4. Bromide streaking may result, 9. Whena radiograph of a weld which contains a large, the crack will appear on the radiograph as: A dark intermittent or continuous line. A light, irregular line. c. Either a dark or light line. d. Adark rounded indication. cia) WIS 10. Qu poper MSR-SWI-RT-1 issue 3 Date: 28/05/03 20f7 TWI CME. THE WELDING INSTITUTE, 10. Which one of the following persons is allowed to work with ionising radiation? a. An authorised person. b. A qualified person, ,) A classified person. d, A radiation person. 11. Which of the following units is used for measuring the amount of absorbed dose? a. Sievert. b. Rem . Roentgen, d. Gray, 12, Lead foil in direct contact with x-ray film: a. Intensifies the scatter radiation more than the primary radiation. b. Decreases the contrast of the radiographic image. ©. Intensifies the primary radiation more than the scatter radiation. d. Should not be used when gamma rays are emitted by the source of radiation. 13. Which of the following defects are likely to be missed using x-ray as the inspection medium? a. Plate laminations, lack of side wall fusion on a single U butt weld and cap overlap. ,b. Toe cracks, plate laminations and lack of side wall fusion on a single U butt weld. ¢. Plate laminations, lack of inter run fusion using the MIG/MAG weiding process and cap overlap. d. Alldefects are always detected using x-rays. WIS 10 Qu paper MSR-SWI-RT-1 issue 3 Date: 28/05/03, 30f7 14. TWI CLM. THE WELDING INSTITUTE Which of the following is the most likely appearance of lack of root fusion on a radiograph taken of a single V butt weld? a. Adark straight lina with a light root. b. Adark straight line with a root of higher density. c. Adark root with straight edges. .d, Adark uneven line with a light root. 15. 16. Which of the following defects would show up as light indications? a. Copper inclusions, slag inclusions and excessive root penetration. b. Tungsten inclusions, spatter and lack of root penetration. . Tungsten inclusions, excessive root penetration and spatter. d. Excessive cap height, copper inclusions and underflushing. If an exposure time of 3 minutes and 30 seconds were necessary using a 5-metre source to film distance for a particular exposure, what time would be necessary if a 3- metre source to film distance is used and all other variables remain the same? a. 1 minute 43 seconds. .. 6. 1 minute 15 seconds. 17. c. 65 minutes 12 seconds. d. 2 minutes 55 seconds. in order to increase the intensity of x-radiation a. The tube current should be increased. b. The tube current should be decreased, ¢. The test specimen should be moved nearer to the film. d. A lower kilovoltage should be applied to the tube. ‘WIS 10 Qu paper MSR-SWIERT+1 issue 3 Date: 28/05/03 of? TWI ELM. THE WELDING INSTITUTE 18. Excessive exposure of film to light prior to development of the film will most likely result in: 2. A fogced film, b. Yellow stains. c. Anincrease in film contrast. d. Frilling 19. The penetrating ablity of gamma rays is governed by: a. The isotopes activity. b. Time plus activity. +c, The isotopes halt-ife. d. The atomic number of the element used for the isotope. 20. Two different gamma isotopes of the same activity: a. Will produce different wavelengths of radiation. ~b. Will produce the same quality of radiation. c. Will produce the same intensities and wavelengths of radiation. 4. Will produce only electromagnetic and ionising radiation. “1, A goad radiograph Is produced using the following exposure conditions, 4 minutes at 3 mA. What exposure time would be needed if the mA were reduced to 2mA? a. 6 minutes. b. 3 minutes. ¢. 2 minutes. d. 4 minutes. WIS 10 Qu paper MSR-SWERT-L issue 3 Date: 28/05/03 Sof? 22. 23. 24, 25. 26. TWI LMF. THE WELDING INSTITUTE Reticulation resulting in a puckered or netlike film surface is probably caused by: a. Crimping the film after exposure b. Sudden extreme temperature change while processing c. Crimping the film before exposure, d. Warm or exhausted fixer. A penetrameter on the film side of the object is used to indicate: a. The size of discontinuities in a part. b. The density of the radiograph. ¢. The amount of film contrast d. The overall quality of the radiographic technique used. X-rays and gamma rays are: a. Corpuscular and ionising radiation. b. Particulate and ionising radiation. c. Particulate and corpuscular radiation. d. Electromagnetic and ionising radiation. The activity of the developer solution is maintained stable by: a. Constant agitation b. Maintaining processing solutions within the recommended temperature range. ¢. Avoiding contamination from the water wash. 4, Addition of replenisher. The smell area in the x-ray tube from which the x-radiation emanates is called the: a. Focal spot. b. Filament, c. Focusing cup. d, Cathode. WIS 10 Qu paper MSR-SWIRT-1 issue 3 Date: 28/05/03 607 TWI CLM. THE WELDING INSTITUTE 27. The absorption of gamma rays from a given source when passing through matter depends on: a. The atomic number, density and thickness or the matter. b. The Young's modulus value of the matter. c. The specific activity value of the source, d. All of the above, 28. The fact that gases, when bombarded by radiation, ionise and become electrical conductors makes them useful in: a. X-ray transformers. b. X-ray tubes. ¢. Radiation detection equipment. <. Radiographic film. 29. A graph showing the relation between material thickness, kilovoltage and exposure Is called: a. Abar chart. b. An exposure chart A characteristic curve. d. AnH &D cure. 30. Beta particles aro: a. Neutrons. 'b. Protons. c. Electrons. d. Positrons. ‘WIS 10 Qu paper MSR-SWE-RT.{ issue 3 Date: 28/05/03, T0f7 TWI CM. THE WELDING INSTITUTE Senior Welding Inspection — WIS 10 Multi — Choice Question Paper (MSR-SWI-RT-2) Name: Answer all questions \What qualities would a radiograph of a 10mm thick steel weld possess, ifit had been produced using 30-curie cobalt source over § minutes? ‘a. High contrast relative to @ radiograph produced using @ 10-curie cobalt source. b) ltwould have high density uniess solarisation has occurred. ¢. Itwould have high definition. 4, Itwil probably be blank Whilst engaged in radiographic exposures, a classified person is required by law to weata: a. TLD and radiation doserate meter. b) Film badge or a TLD. ¢. Geiger counter, d. None of the above, Why are radiographic densities in the weld area of approximately 1.5 and below are usually considered tco low for acceptance of the radiograph? a, Because the radiographic definition is too low b. Because the subject contrast is too low regardless of the light Intensity of the viewer used. c.) Because the radiographic contrast is impaired. d, Radiographs with these densities in the weld are not usually considered unacceptable. WIS 10 Qu papor MSR-SWE-RT-2 igeue 3 Date: 28/06/03 Lot? TWI CZ THE WELDING INSTITUTE 4. Low voltage «ray tubes are generally fitted with windows made of: a. Tungsten, b. Lead, c. Steel d, Beryllium. 5. Lead screens intensify primary radiation by: a. By emitting alpha radiation. b. ‘By emitting Beta radiation. c. By emitting visible or ultraviolet light d. None of the above. 6. Which of the following isotopes has the longest half-life?

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