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M. A. AI-Faraj
Saudi Consaledated Electrical Company
P 0 BOX 5190
Dammam 3 1422
Saudi Arabia
Phone : +966 3 858 6590
Fax : +966 3 858 6058

M. H. Shwehdi & A. S. Farag

King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals
Electrical Engineering Department
Dhahran 3 126 1
Saudi Arabia
Phone:+9663 860 2288

ABSTRACT transmission lines is becoming a source of comeliness. It has been

A primary corona phenomena that is important for conductor observed that this noise is high at the rainy weather.
selection is the Audible Noise (AN) due to this phenomena at
higher voltages. This paper presents the main causes of audible The audible noise can be controlled by several factors Such as :
noise in some high voltage power system (380 kV and higher) the voltage level of the transmission line which indicate the
transmission lines. Simulation of different transmission conductor surface gradient, the bundle subconducting spacing and
configuration under various weather conditions, that exists in the clearance distance between the phases. Many experiments
the Eastern part of Saudi Arabia is done in this paper. The have been done in order to study the causes of this audible noise
simulation is done by the use of ACDCLINE program of TL at different line characteristics. The common result of these
Workstation designed by EPRI. The use of mathematical studies are illustrated.
formulas to calculate AN of transmission lines of 34.5 and
a b w e is evaluated by a software package written in FORTRAN
77 compiler, the results of both simulated and formulas are Audible Noise Definition
compared and verified for some existing data. Transmission line audible noise has two characteristics
components, namely: ( 1 ) broad band noise (frying, cracing or
The influence of rainfall intensity, lateral profiles of audible hissing) and ( 2 ) pure-tone components at frequencies of 120 Hz
noise and the effect of bundle subconductor spacing is also and multiples.
discussed. These effects are manipulated in order to decrease the The pure tone are superimposed on the broadband noise. The most
audible noise on certain transmission line configurations. Other noticeable tone is the 120 Hz “hum”. The broadband noise is
methods for the reduction of audible noise are also evaluated. caused by a random sequence of pulses produced by partial
discharges (corona) in the air at the surface of the conductor. The
most important modes with regard to the audible noise generation
INTERODUCTION is the positive polarity of every cycle, and consequently 60 Hz
Noise generated by high-voltage transmission lines is and higher harmonic components may be present in the frequency
becoming an increasing concem today. The audible noise. spectrum.
produced by corona discharges on the transmission lines, has
emerged as a problem when increasing transmission system At each point where a streamer is produced, apoint-source
voltages. pressure wave is generated and propagates into the surrounding
space. These waves are produced in different locations along the
Audible noise from transmission lines is primarily observed in conductor and at different time. The hum, in fact, is caused by the
association with preciption. Water drops impinging or collecting movement of space charge surrounding the conductor, which
on the conductor produce a large number of corona discharges. causes reversal of air pressure twice every half-cycle due to the
each of which create a burst of noise. movement from and to the conductor surface of positive and
negative ions. Space charge is created by ionization of air and this
As the demand for the electrical power is increasing and the is generated by the same partial discharge causing the random
system voltage level is growing with it, the audible noise on noise. Thus, in different weather condition , the relative
high voltage ac magnitude of random noise and hum can be different.

Statement of the Problem (Design Limits for Transmission because the voltage level are of little concern. In fact, below 500
LineNoise) kV, the radio noise is more sever constant. If the conductor is
It is extremely complex to define how much audible noise can designed to have an acceptability low radio noise, normally there
be tolerated from a transmission line. The question, however, is is no audible noise problem
important in view of the fact that, as wltage levels are
increased, audible noise becomes one of the limiting factor in For 500 kV and above, however. the audible noise must be
the design of transmission lines. An attempt must, therefore, be considered as well as the radio noise and in many cases is found
made to define the acceptability noise level for the basic line to impose limitations on the choice of the conductor number and
design, recognizing the possibility of reducing the level further dimensions. Audible noise is of concern mostly in foul weather.
by means of local cures in special situations. A general guide- since at operating gradients very little corona is present for
line based upon public response to transmission line audible practical transmission line in fair weather. In foul weather. a great
noise level is shown in Figure ( I ) . number of corona services is present on the conductor, increasing
the noise to high levels. In rain. above a certain precipitation rate
a saturation value is reached.
70 1
The audible noise is a function of the geometrical parameters of
the bundle, i.e. the number of subconductors. subconductor
diameters and subconductor positions.


The Korean Electric Power Corporation ( KEPCO ) studied the
I audible noise pcrforinance of a 6-rail conductor on a 765-i;V
double circuit test line. They did study the line to meet the need
for economical bulk power transmission over the limited right-of-
way with the least cnvironmental impact to the people who live in
the vicinity of these lines. After measuring the audible noise
Recently, with the advent of the EHV transmission, the audible (AN) of 8 different conductor bundles in the corona cage, they
noise was identified in the conductors of the transmission line as found that a bundle of 6-rail conductors is the minimum one
an indicator for the presence of the corona discharges. It is ver!’ which meets the AN criteria of 5 0 dB (A) in the residential area
likely that the audible noise will be a limiting design factor for according to the environmental protection. In the same study, 4-
the EHV transmission lines. In addition to that, people who are bundle conductor was recommended for the 345 kV lines to keep
living close to these transmission lines will complain from the the audible noise below 50 dB(A). The measured value has been
noise coming out of them. There may be physiological effects. compared to the predicted value founded by the Bonneville Power
Administration (BPA) AN empirical formula, as shown in Table
Much of the investigations performed on UHV dealt more (1).
specifically with optimization of the geometry of individual
bundles considering two kinds of optimization : Table ( I ) Comparison of Audible Noise of Different weathers
(1) For a given voltage and line configuration for a given I dB<A)
number of subconductors. for a fixed location of the


subconductors, and for a fixed total cross section area of the 48 8

I 48.5
bundle , find the diameter of each subconductor corresponding
to the minimum audible noise generation.

A ) Audible Noise Frequency SDectrum

( 2 ) Tor a given \oltage and line configuration for a fi\ed I t was obscr\,ed that the Iiighcr part of the AN frequencies
subconductor diameter, find the position of e x l i subconductor spectrum is formed by frequency components between 800 and
corresponding to the minimum noise generation 10.000 IHz which is due to random noise created b] the conductor
corona during rain), weather. The most stable AN data were the 8
The first procedure is called “optimization b) proper choice of K f4Z measurements.
subconductor diameter” and the second procedure
optimization by proper choice of subconductor positions”
B) The influence of rainfall intensity
The first 1) pc of optimization is onl! d theoretical interest 7 he The relation between rainfall intensity and AN is shown in
second type involves inrnor ne\+ technolog!. for instant Table (2).
different spacer and hardware design
Table (2) Rainfall Intensity and Audible Noiw Relation
Literature Review of Theory I Rain fall 1 0 1 1 05 I 09 1 2 3 6 6 I319
Corona on conductors of overhead transmission lines generates a Intensit?,
noise M hose intensit) depends on the geometrical characteristics (mm/hr)
and voltage, and on weather conditions Little attention is paid to I Audible Noise 41.3 43.4 44.2 44.9 48.1 52
this problem for operating voltages below 500 hV. primarb (WA)

It indicates that at the higher rainfall intensities. the nuisance
effect of corona noise for residents living near the line will be
lower because of the higher noise created by the falling rain. On
the other hand the measurement on the test line and the corona
cage indicates that the AN reaches a saturation point at a rain
intensity of about 30 mm / hr.

/) 3 4 5
The electrical field at the surface of the conductor (Conductor
Surface Gradient) which is directly proportional to the test
voltage greatly effects the AN generation are shown in Table Figure (3) Audlble Noise dB(A), at 15 mfrOm the outer phase, for 345 KV double
urcut vertical calfiguration

Test Voltage (kV) 630 765 783 800 AUDIBLE NOISE CALCULATION METHOD
~ Audible Noise 46.6 48.8 50.5 51.6 Most of the esisting AN formulas for ac lines have been
W.4) developed from data as a result of tests on a large number of
conductors in test cages. Audible noise data from full-scale or test
lines is usually obtained in two ways: (1) short-term data from
g . n " manual measurement and (2) long-term data from continuous
The result of the bundle subconductor spacing on AN is shown monitoring stations. The most popular method used for AN
in tables (4) and ( 5 ) and figures (2) and (3). calculation is the one used in the [Transmission Line Reference
A spacing of 40 cm for the heavy rain condition and 35 cm for Book 345 kV And Above, Chapter 6 1. This method is evaluated
the case of wet conductor condition produced the minimum AN by a software package written in FORTRAN 77 compiler. A
level. sample of the program is shown below followed by a sample of
the output result to illustrate the program. The results of both
simulated and formulas are compared in the following tables.
The Korean Electrical Power Research Institute (KEPRI) study
concluded that
(i) The AN in rain weather at 15, from the outermost phase is SAMPLE OF THE 77 FORTRAN COMPILER
48.8 dB(A) and in the fair weather is 42.1 dB(A). This
conductor bundle satisfies the design criteria of 50 dB(A), at program AUDIBLE NOISE PROJECT
that location.
(ii) A 40 cm subconductor spacing is the selected from the GRADIANTON OUTER PHASE '
viewpoint of AN and practice of 345 line design. READ *, Ema
(iii) The increase rate of the AN below nominal voltage is much GRADIANT'
lower compared to the above nominal voltage. READ *, Emb
Table (4) Table (5) SUBCONDUCTOR
Su u or
Adible ~ 0 1 % READ *,n
READ *. d
47 41
lF(n.EQ.1) THEN
Kn= 5.6
70,-. - .. , . ..... . _ .. Kn=l.8
Kn= 1

Alaa= 46.4 - (665 / Ema)
A I ca=A I aa
AI ba= 46.4 - (665 / Emb)
pLoBEm9m '
- __ ~ ~
A 1a= (1.2625)**(AI aa)
Figure ( 2 ) Lateral profile ofrainy mather AN f r m KERPI 765 - KV double umlt test
AI c=Al a
A I b=( I .2625)**(A I ba)

Aa= n*n*((d / 3.8 )**4.4)*Ala * Kn many times an engineer may not be aware of the existence of such
Ac=Aa long-term data or may find it difficult to obtain. For such case. a
Ab= n*n*((d / 3.8 )**4.4)*Alb * Kn general formula is, obviously, more useful. Because of these
reasons, general formula have also been developed at BPA.
READ *, m A considerable amount of research has conducted at the
print *, 'WHAT IS THE AVERAGE HIGTH' Electrical Power Research Institute (EPRI) High Voltage
READ *, ah Transmission Research Center (HVTRC) in Lenox, U.S.A, on ac
PRINT *, 'WHAT IS THE PHASE SPACING' and dc transmission line electrical effects in the areas of electrical
READ *, ps and magnetic fields; corona effects (radio noise, corona loss.
R1 =SQRT(ah* *2+m**2) audible noise, ions, and ozone) and other effects. The ac research
R2=SQRT(ah* *2+(m+ps)**2) is documented in EPRI Red Book, Transmission Line Reference
R3=SQRT(ah**2+(m+2*ps)**2) Book, 345 kV and above, Second Edition Revised. Use of these
Ja=(EXP(-O.O075*R1 ))*Aa/(4* R 1) research data for comprehensive line design and analysis requires
.Ib=(EXP(-O.O075*R2))*Ab/(4*R2) considerable background and experience on the part of the user.
.Ic=( EXP(-0.0075 * R3))* Ac/(4 * R3) One of these TLWorkstation is the ACDCLINE. It is a software
.I=Ja+Jb+Jc package consisting of several integrated FORTRAN programs
designed to operate in the EPRI TL Workstation environment. The
J=J/l 000000 ACDCLINE module provides designers and planners the tools
PI = (20.5*SQRT(J)) to evaluate the operational characteristics of ac. dc. ac/dc hybrid
transmission lines. It reduces analysis time and enable the less
P = 20*(LOGlO(PI/0.00002)) experienced engineer to effectively conduct transmission line
PRINT *. 'THE AUDIBLE NOISE IN db(A) 1S.P evaluations that, in part, were not previously possible.
END ACDCLINE is composed of several fully integrated individual
program modules. However, the user need selected only the
desired electrical effects calculations through an execution
options form. Extensive environmental parameters are provided
WHAT IS THE MAXIMUM SERVICE GRADIANTON OUTER for environmental sensitive electrical effects calculations.
13 64
The ACDCLINE in the TLWorkstation is used to verify the
result that were given for the 765 - kV double circuit (vertical
configuration) using bundle of 6 - 29.61 mm (canary)
conductors at the Korean Electrical Power Research Institute
8 The KEPRI case (case study or the base case) was simulated in
the ACDCLINE and the output is evaluated in the following
The audible noise profile is showing using the HVTRC and the
BPA methods in Table (6) and Figures (4) to ( 7 ) .
A comparison of the measured ( at KEPRI ). predicted by BPA
15 and the one calculated using the ACDCLINE for A-weighted
AN at 15 m from the outmost phase is shown at Table (7). Also,
WHAT IS THE AVERAGE HIGTH comparison of the measured (at KEPRI), predicted by BPA &
CRIEPI methods and the methods calculated in the ACDCLINE
( HVTRC, BPA and CRIEPI) is shown it Tables (8) to ( I 0).
18 j
Different methods may be employed to reduce the audible noise
of a transmission lines without the number or the size of the
subconductor. Some of the methods are :
AN PREDICTION MkTHOD (Basic Philosophy for Predicting (1) Use of small wires or protrusions which generate
Audible Noise). "ultra- corona".
When AN or other cotona phenomena for future lines need to be ( 2 ) Conductor covered with a thick layer of insulation.
calculated, BPA's basic philosophy is that long-term data that has (3) Conductor covered with insulating tubes.
been obtained from an existing line whose design and surrounding (4) Application of a dc voltage bias to reduce the
climatic conditions arq similar to the one under consideration positive peak.
should be used in conjunction with a comparative formula.
(5) Bundle geometry optimization.
This philosophy. gives a more accurate calculation of AN and is (6) Change in surface conditions.
easier to defend in court hearing or legal proceedings than
predictions from general1 formulas. However, there are many times
\\.hen calculations must be made for lines where long-term data of
similar design in similar weather conditions is not available. Also,

Table (6) : The Audible Noise profile founded by the HVTRC and
the BPA methods.

_- ________~_ _______
Figure (4) AudiMe Not- Profile Using the W R C mthcd

Figure (5)AudiMe Noise Profile Using the MPA mthcd

Table (7) : Comparison of the measured ( at KEPRl ), predicted by BPA and

the one calculated using the ACDCLINE for A - wighted AN at 15 m from
the outmost Phase. TaMe (10) : Canparison of variyang the subcondudors spaclng calculated
Measured (KEPRI) Predlded Calduted ' in the ACDCLINE ( uslng W C and BPA methocls), fwA - wighted AN
Weather TdB(A) I
est Line Corona Cage
at 15 m from the outmost phase. ( fw KEPRl case)

Note : All the calcluated values by the ACECLINE are less than the
predided BPA values by 2.3 dB(A)

Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-] 04, No. 10, October 1985.
pp. 2764-2769.

3- J. Lunduist. "Result From AC Transmission Line Audiblc

Noise Studies at the Anneberg EHV Test Station", IEEE
Transaction on Power Delivery. Vol. 5. No. 1. January 1990.
pp.3 17-323.

4- Conny Larsson, "Long-Term Audible Noise and Radio

Noise Performance From an Operating 400-kV Transmission
Line", IEEE Transaction on Power Deliver),. Vol. 3, No. 4.
October 1988. pp.1842-1845.

5- T. Vinh, J. V. King. "Statistical Analysis of Audible Noise

and Corona Loss Data For A 10-Conductor U I W Bundle".
IEEE Transaction on Power Deliver),. Vol. IWRD-2. Eo. 1.
Januar!, 1987. pp.217-225.
Figure (7) Effect of Subcdndudor S p a n g
6- Audible Noise". Transmission Line Reference Book 345

k V and Above", Second Edition. Electric f'ower Research

Institute. Palo Alto. California. 1982.
There are several conclusions that can he dcrived from thc
previous studies which dan be summarixd as follows : 7- ANSIIIEEE Standard Std 656-1992 IEEE for tlic
Measurement of Audible Noisc From Overhead Transmission
1- The noise increases, )stays constant, or decreases sta>'s the Lines.
spraying is ended. depcdding on the gradient. the. bundle
geometry, and the surfaqe conditions. 8- "Effect of Bundle Orientation on Transniission Line
Audible and Radio Noise". IEEE Transaction on Potver
2- At low gradients. thcl wet conductor noise is less than heavh- Deliver!.. Vol. 9. No. 3. July 1993. pp.1538-1542.
rain noise. 1
9- V. L. Chartier. R. 1).Stearns, "Formula For Predicting
3- Therefore. the wet-cbnductor noise is more critically Audible Noise From Overhead High Voltage AC and DC
dependent on the gradie' t. while heavy-rain data show less Lines". IEEE Transaction on Power Apparatus and Systems.
variation with the gradit& and also little influence of bundle Vol. PAS-100, No. I , January 1981, pp. 121-130.
geometry for the same v
IO-"Audible Noise Performance of'6-Rai1 Conductors on a
4- The bundle orientatiqn does not have an appreciable effect for 765-lV Double Circuit Test Line". 96 SM 461-4 PWRD.
bundle with n 2 3.

5- The bundle diameter D ) has indirect effect on the noise
generation, since the sanp applied voltage the maximum surface
gradient depends on the pundle diameter.

6- The wet conductor a p s t i c power IS 6 dl3 less than in

heavy rain. i
7- The optimization by !proper-choice of suhconducti r

position from a practical 'oint of vie\\, sincc it involve:. minor
new technology, for insta , ce diff'crcnt spacer and hard\vare
design. i
The authors acknowledge ithe support from KTUM and


1 - J. Lundquist. "M ~thodrfor Predictins AC Transmission
Line Audible Noise By hort-Term Single-Phase Tests". IEEE
Transaction on Power A paratus and Systems. Vol. PAS-103.
No. 2. February 1984. pp. ,283-29I .
2- T. Vinh. C. H. Fhih, J . V. King. U .R. Roy. "Audible
Noise and Corona Loss ~Perfnmianceof 9-Conductor I3undle
UlIV Transmission Li$es". IEEE Transaction on Power 2087

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