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English II

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Unit 7 Week 1-Activity

Daniel Esteban Riascos Montezuma

ID 678128

Solangellie Arango Nieto

Colombia, San Juan Pasto November 13, 2020

Activity: En este ejercicio practicaremos el uso de « used to» como «solía Completa los
espacios en blanco de las siguientes frases. Pueden ser frases afirmativas, negativas o
interrogativas, así que presta atención al contexto:

1. I Used to walk to school every morning.

2. Did you use to go on holidays to the beach?
3. I used to didn’t use to like garlic in my food, but I love it now.

4. She Used to come to our parties, but she’s started coming recently.

5. Did he use to drink so much? I can’t remember seeing him like that before.

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