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NAME: Glaiza Mae C. Licayan

SY. 2019-2020


A. Assess and report your perception/experience (good and non-good) of the Facebook Social


Most of the time, I always use my facebook account. For this Facebook Social media is good because I
express my feelings through posting pictures, like for pictures of my friends and updated on a new
information. And I can see and contact my old friend for how many years that I never seen it. It is the
most use for our new generation today. And my perception on Facebook can be very addictive for its
members. Once you stay connected with friends, you will realize how often you login for another chat
and discover what other members are doing. Some people know the drawbacks of Facebook but cannot
help staying connected with old friends who they haven’t seen in years. All this will certainly make you
addicted to Facebook and will stop you from deleting your account. And it was wasting my time and
efforts. But is that all? What about the proportion of people who are slowly losing their place in the real
world and are being sucked into the virtual void of Facebook?
Facebook is one of the best social media platforms for businesses when used in the right way but as they
say, everything has its own downfall. There are certain Facebook disadvantages as well.

1. Casual Approaches

The majority of people who use Facebook belong to the teenage hood.
It is that period in life when you hardly know where to draw the line and they are vulnerable and are
easily prone to get addicted.
Because of this, you lose the real connection you have with people.
Everything turns into online conversations where you can express only half of what you feel.
You lose quality time with your family and friends and you start to isolate yourself.
You start building a wall around yourself and shut everyone out. This is one of the main causes of

2. Disconnecting Closer Human Bonds

The second tragic thing is Facebook reminding you of your best friend’s birthday!
What happened to those special midnight wishes?
What happened to that human bond?
Now it’s all just a “Happy birthday” in his/her timeline. That’s it

3. Privacy
Back in those days, people preferred to keep their life private.
It is okay to want your friends to know what is happening in your life but it’s a different thing when you
let the whole world see it by posting literally every second of your life online.
Too much attention can attract unwanted and unnecessary trouble in your life.
Trust me, it is always better to have pride in keeping your personal life personal.

4. Communication
Hours of phone calls have now been easily replaced by texts on the go. Basically, it’s just a way of
killing the English language and shortening the words as you wish because you’re just too lazy to type
what you wish to convey.

5. Low Productive
Facebook is widely being used by people as the ultimate way to kill time. When you stop using
Facebook by silently reading the news feed here and there, the chances of you working productively is
likely to increase.

6. Security
Security is another important constraint. Facebook has all your details from your Email id to your
phone number. In this era of information technology, tracking you is as easy as gobbling up a piece of

7. Advertisements
These advertisements attract people and kindle the shopaholics especially and encourage them to
waste money.

8. Health
Facebook spoils your health as well. Spending hours together in front of the computer screen can
damage the eyes and cause headaches and mental stress. It also physically makes you an unfit person.

B. Prepare a chart differentiating the past 30-years old generation and the new digital generation.

Past 30-years Old Generation New Digital Generation

1. Children are more engaged with 1. Children are entertained by the

physical activities. technologies like computer, cellphone
2. Teachers use traditional materials like and tablet.
cartolina, and manila paper in making 2. Computers are use on making
instructional materials. PowerPoint and instructional materials.
3. Students depend only for books and 3. Students can quickly browse to the
journals in a research. internet to have some research.
4. People communicate using telegrams 4. Communication has been made easier by
and letters, the use of phones, computers like videos,
5. Cultured Based calls and chatting through internet.
6. Respect is visible 5. Technology Based
6. Less respect to others
C. Show by graphic art illustration the six digital fluencies, adding textual information to support
each fluencies.

1. Solution fluency
 The ability to think creatively to solve problems in real time by clearly defining the
problem, designing an appropriate solution, delivering the solution and then evaluating
the process and the outcome.
 Define the problem, because you need to know exactly what you’re doing before you
 Discover a solution, because planning prevents wasted effort.
 Dream up a process, one that is suitable and efficient.
 Design the process in an accurate and detailed action plan.
 Deliver by putting the plan into action by both producing and publishing the solution.
 Debrief and foster ownership by evaluating the problem solving process.

2. Information fluency

 A model that builds on the skills of traditional digital literacy, integrating technology

with domain (discipline) specific knowledge, critical thinking, presentation, participation
and communication skills.
 Ask good questions, in order to get good answers.
 Access and acquire the raw material from the appropriate digital
information sources, which today are mostly graphical and audiovisual in nature.
 Analyze and authenticate and arrange these materials, and distinguish between good
and bad, fact and opinion. Understand bias and determine what is incomplete to turn
the raw data into usable knowledge.
 Apply the knowledge within a real world problem or simulation using a VIP action
(vision into practice).
 Assess both the product and the process, which is both a teacher and a student
3. Collaboration Fluency
 refers to team working proficiency that has reached the unconscious ability to work
cooperatively with virtual and real partners in online environments to create original
digital products.

 Establish the collective, and determine the best role for each team member by
pinpointing each team member’s personal strengths and expertise, establishing
norms, and the signing of a group contract that indicates both a collective working
agreement and an acceptance of the individual responsibilities and accountability of
each team member.
 Envision the outcome, examining the issue, challenge, and goal as a group.
 Engineer a workable plan to achieve the goal.
 Execute by putting the plan into action and managing the process.
 Examine the process and the end result for areas of constructive improvement.
4. Media fluency
 refers to the ability to unconsciously interpret the messages contained within media of all
sorts, and the ability to communicate in multiple multimedia formats.

 Listen actively and decode the communication by separating the media from the
message, concisely and clearly verbalizing the message and verifying its authenticity,
and then critically analyzing the medium for form, flow, and alignment with the
intended audience and purpose.
 Leverage the most appropriate media for your message considering your content or
message and what the desired outcome is. Then consider the audience, your abilities,
and any pre-determined criteria. From here, the application of the other fluencies is
used to produce and publish your message.

5. Digital fluency/ Global Digital Citizen

 The digital citizen uses the principles of leadership, ethics, accountability, fiscal

responsibility, environmental awareness, global citizenship, and personal
responsibility, and considers his or her actions and their consequences.

 Personal Responsibility in ethical and moral boundaries, finance, personal health

and fitness, and relationships of every definition.
 Global Citizenship and its sense of understanding of world-wide issues and events,
respect for cultures and religions, and an attitude of acceptance and tolerance in a
changing world.
 Digital Citizenship and the guiding principles of respecting and protecting yourself,
others, and all intellectual property in digital and non-digital environments.
 Altruistic Service by taking advantage of the opportunities we are given to care for
our fellow citizens, and to lend our hands and hearts to these in need when the need is
called for.
 Environmental Stewardship and its common sense values about global resource
management and personal responsibility for safeguarding the environment, and an
appreciation and respect for the beauty and majesty that surrounds us every day.

6. Creativity fluency
 artistic proficiency adds meaning through design, art, and storytelling. We are all
creative people. This means that creativity can be taught and learned like any other
skill. It’s a whole brain process that involves both hemispheres working together
 Identify the desired outcome and criteria.
 Inspire your creativity with rich sensory information.
 Interpolate and connect the dots by searching for patterns within the inspiration that
align with your desired outcome and criteria from Identify.
 Imagine is the synthesis of Inspire and Interpolate, uniting in the birth of an idea.
 Inspect the idea against the original criteria and for feasibility.

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