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– Vol 2
Rolf Ulrich Kramer (SMN)
Shaker Media 2016, 364 pp., no price given, p/b.

This second volume on exploring spirituality through MindWalking goes even further than the first volume
into extra-terrestrial matters. The theme of getting to the root of traumas or identifying what Ulrich calls the
primal incident continues, with further discussion of role of mental files and mental fields and the experiences
appearing on the mental screens of clients. This volume contains case histories on the period between lives,
angels, close encounters and spiritual beings. Ulrich is sanguine in his interpretations, emphasising the
transformative role of the experiential sessions and the reality of the mental imagery, whatever its status. The
last part of the book is devoted to an extensive discussion of fundamentals of the method, including ten laws
of the mind and MindWalking principles. It is interesting to find this at the end rather than the beginning of the
book so that readers are acclimatised by case histories and realise the extent to which the principles are
derived from clinical experience. Among the most useful concepts is the action sequence of intention,
execution and completion, which is particularly interesting in relation to unfinished business represented
traditionally by karma; then the vortex of forgetfulness often referred to by mystics such as Plotinus, where
we forget our true spiritual identity.

A key spiritual skill is maintaining one’s composure in these other worlds where we are subject to historical
and psychological influences - this is explained as ‘acceptance capacity’, defined as ‘the faculty of
experiencing consciously, and without any diminuition of serene equanimity, any type of perceptual content
with intellectual understanding as well as emotional empathy.’ (p. 326) Ulrich explains the dangers of what he
calls the Global Violation Zone, a dense fog of interconnected mental fields surrounding the Earth. He
reminds readers that fields and pictures lose their power when we have the courage to engage with them, all
in the quest for freedom - including freedom from one’s past - the truth sets you free so ‘what has set you
free must be a truth.’ I found the ten laws of the mind instructive as a guide for living and transforming
negative patterns and attitudes; ultimately, love and goodness can win out, and we are responsible for our
general mental state. The principles are clearly articulated and explained as a set of practical and workable
truths. These two volumes are an invaluable psychological and spiritual record which should be widely read
by consciousness researchers, and the principles articulated make a great deal of sense as a spiritual
philosophy of life.

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