XL-SDI-N47-M (171220) (Rev.a) LIAISON XL Introduction To SW V4.2.1 (Internal Users)

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Introduction to

Software V4.2.1

Introduction to Software V4.2.1
(internal users)
1. MAIN PURPOSE OF SOFTWARE V4.2.1 .............................................................. 2

2. INCLUSIONS ....................................................................................................... 2

3. COMPATIBILITY ................................................................................................. 2
3.1. SYSTEMS .............................................................................................................. 2
3.2. ASSAY PROTOCOLS .................................................................................................. 2
4. NEW FEATURES AND IMPROVEMENTS (FOR ALL USERS) ................................. 3
4.1. INHIBIT THE USE OF INTEGRALS STIRRED FOR LESS THAN 15' .............................................. 3
4.2. OFFLINE INTEGRALS REMOVED FROM INVENTORY PAGE ...................................................... 4
4.3. NEW COMMAND TO TRIGGER RESUME VIA LAS ................................................................ 5
4.4. FINISHEDJOBS.TXT FILE POPULATED ON A SECONDARY PATH ............................................... 6
4.5. NEW SAMPLE BAY TOP COVER AND ANCILLARY RACK .......................................................... 6
4.6. CONFIGURATION UPDATES ......................................................................................... 7
4.7. IMPROVED SYSTEM RELIABILITY .................................................................................. 9
5. CHANGES RELEVANT TO SERVICE ................................................................... 10
5.1. WASHER ASPIRATION FROM TOP............................................................................... 10
5.2. HANDLING OF T, C AND D RACK FILES ........................................................................ 10
5.3. FINISHEDJOBS.TXT FILE POPULATED ON A SECONDARY PATH ............................................. 12
5.4. SERVICE SW DEGASSER REPORTED PRESSURE ............................................................... 13
5.5. SERVICE SW NEW BUTTONS FOR WAP ....................................................................... 13
6. BUG FIXES RELEVANT TO SERVICE.................................................................. 14

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System Development & Integration
Introduction to
Software V4.2.1

1. Main purpose of Software V4.2.1

The LIAISON® XL Software V4.2.1 is intended to introduce new features as well as bug
In particular, the new features originate from the continuous feedback received by our
Customers and Colleagues worldwide. A dedicated prioritization allowed us to define the
requirements for the present list. The present document lists the most relevant changes, that
may be of interest for LIAISON® XL users.
DiaSorin would like to thank everybody who contributed to the requirement collection, and
encourages all LIAISON® XL users to keep on providing observations and suggestions to
make LIAISON® XL a better device.

2. Inclusions
The changes included in SW V4.2.1 are listed in comparison to V4.2.0.2. DiaSorin released
additional Hot Fixes for V4.2.0.2, namely
- LXL_HotFix_201
This Hot Fix has been included in V4.2.1, and it is not reported here as previously
documented and notified separately.

3. Compatibility
3.1. Systems
The LIAISON® XL software V4.2.1 is compatible with all LIAISON® XL, LIAISON® XL LAS and
LIAISON® XL PMA systems. For the sake of brevity, the system may be referred to as

3.2. Assay protocols

The LIAISON® XL software V4.2.1 is compatible with all LIAISON® XL assay protocols
currently released.

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System Development & Integration
Introduction to
Software V4.2.1

4. New features and improvements (for all

4.1. Inhibit the use of integrals stirred for less than 15'
Summary: A new option allows to inhibit the use of integrals stirred for less than 15'.

Previous situation (V4.2.0.2, any Hot Fix installed)

In V4.2.0.2, the system may use an integral for which the 15’ countdown was not elapsed
yet to start new tests. In that case a warning message is given.
The routine can start as the countdown is only informative as the integral magnetic particles
may have been properly re-suspended before, and the countdown is reset each time the
integral is recognized (after loading or initialization). The countdown is not intended to
replace partly or completely the assay IFU.

Update (V4.2.1)
In V4.2.1, the user is provided with an option to force the system to ignore kits for which the
15’ countdown was not elapsed yet.
The kits for which the 15’ countdown was not elapsed yet are not reported:
 in the Status  Inventory page.
 to the LAS system within the Inventory message
As a result the system will not schedule any test on those integrals, until the countdown
reaches the end.
A dedicated message (see User Manual Event ID: ”262.004.00005”) is used to inform the
user in case the system is not able to start a test due to this option.

Configuration(see User Manual, §6.7.5)

This setting is optional: to enable it, open the page System  Settings, access the tab
Others and check the field “Ignore integrals with insufficient resuspension”.
Per default this field is unchecked.

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System Development & Integration
Introduction to
Software V4.2.1

Important notes

! The new functionality is not intended to replace the needed instructions that shall be
followed as detailed in the assay Instructions For Use.

4.2. Offline integrals removed from Inventory page

Summary: Integrals that are set offline due to no/not enough liquid are no longer listed
within the Inventory page.

Previous situation (V4.2.0.2, any Hot Fix installed)

In V4.2.0.2, the system is not removing from the Inventory page those integrals, which were
set offline due to no/not enough liquid detection.
The same integrals are still communicated as available to the LAS system within the
Inventory message.
Note: offline integrals are ignored for scheduling new tests.

Update (V4.2.1)
In V4.2.1, system is removing from the Inventory page those integrals, which were set
offline due to no/not enough liquid detection.

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System Development & Integration
Introduction to
Software V4.2.1

The same integrals are no longer communicated as available to the LAS system within the
Inventory message.

Important notes

! As per explanation provided for Event ID “265.000.00045” and “265.003.00017” (see User
Manual), when an integrals is set offline it shall be checked to ensure the proper integral
conditions. The “Reset LLD” function provided in the Diagnostics page can be used to
reset offline conditions due to no/not enough liquid.

4.3. New command to trigger resume via LAS

Summary: A new command allows LAS systems to trigger the LXL resume.

Previous situation (V4.2.0.2, any Hot Fix installed)

With SW V4.2.0.2 it is necessary to manually start the resume process and wait for its
successfully completion to bring the LIAISON XL to a status suitable for accepting and
processing tubes from LAS system (i.e. Ready/Running).

Update (V4.2.1)
With SW V4.2.1 the LAS system can make use of a new dedicated command to trigger the
resume of the LIAISON XL from remote.
If LIAISON XL is in a suitable status for executing the resume (i.e. Stand By), it will positively
answer to the received command and start the resume process.
The LAS system can get feedback that the resume successfully completed by polling the
LAISON XL system for receiving its current status.

Important notes

! Due to the LAS protocol architecture, the new feature has no impact on any current LAS

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System Development & Integration
Introduction to
Software V4.2.1

4.4. FinishedJobs.txt file populated on a secondary path

Summary: The system can provide a copy of the FinishedJobs.txt file (featuring a
cumulative history of successfully completed tests) on a specified secondary path.

Previous situation (V4.2.0.2, any Hot Fix installed)

In V4.2.0.2, the system saves the FinishedJobs.txt file to a local path and updates it when a
new RLU or Dose are obtained.
The file can be retrieved by using the backup functionalities (see User Manual, §6.7.3)
On a monthly base the FinishedJobs.txt file is automatically removed from the original path
and locally stored by the system in the backup for temporary files. When new results are
obtained, a new FinishedJobs.txt file is created and populated in the local path.

Update (V4.2.1)
In V4.2.1, the FSE can configure a secondary path (that can be a network path), where the
system saves and keeps updated a file with the same contents of the FinishedJobs.txt. This
copy is also named FinishedJobs.txt.
The system will not automatically remove the copy of the FinishedJobs.txt file.

This option shall be configured by DiaSorin representatives.

Important notes

! .The LIAISON XL shall be always granted of Read/Write access to the secondary path/file
when a new result is obtained or a dose is calculated.
The FinishedJobs.txt file only reports those results that are accompanied by an actual RLU
measurement (i.e. in case more than one replicate is calculated, only the single replicates are
reported and only the single son results are reported for combi tests).

4.5. New sample bay top cover and ancillary rack

Summary: due to new safety requirements a new sample bay top cover and a new ancillary
rack are installed on brand new analyzers. The sample bay top cover requires a new
dedicated control rack.

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System Development & Integration
Introduction to
Software V4.2.1

Previous situation (V4.2.0.2, any Hot Fix installed)

SW V4.2.0.2 does not support the sample bay top cover as it is not provided with a control
rack file (T.rac) compatible with such cover.
In case such cover is installed a newer SW Version is necessary.

Update (V4.2.1)
SW V4.2.1 installs the new control rack file (T.rac) that is compatible with the sample bay
The new T.rac is described in chapter §4.2.5 of the User Manual.
The new Ancillary rack is described in chapter §4.2.6 of the User Manual.

Important notes

! Analyzers provided with the sample bay top cover do not support “C” and “D” racks. In case
“C” and “D” racks are loaded on such analyzers will not be recognized and used.

4.6. Configuration updates

Summary: User Manual and Quick Guide are updated, translated (together with the
Software) in the usual languages. Also the antivirus configuration and Operating System
security are updated.

Previous situation (V4.2.0.2, any Hot Fix installed)

With Software V4.2.0.2, the User Manual and Quick Guide are tailored to the existing
features, and translated to a number of languages. The Software is translated also. The
installed virus definition and Operating System updates are based on commercially available

Update (V4.2.1)
Software V4.2.1 includes a version of User Manual and Quick Guide updated to the latest
features, as well as the translation of the User Software itself in the following languages:

User User Quick

Software Manual Guide
Bulgarian (2) (2) Available
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System Development & Integration
Introduction to
Software V4.2.1

User User Quick

Software Manual Guide
Chinese Available (1) (1)
Croatian (2) (2) Available
Czech Available Available Available
Danish Available Available Available
Dutch (2) Available Available
English – International (UK) (3) Available Available
English – USA Available Available Available
English – Canada (3) Available Available
Finnish (2) Available Available
French Available Available Available
German Available Available Available
Greek Available Available Available
Hebrew (2) (2) Available
Hungarian Available Available Available
Italian Available Available Available
Lithuanian (2) (2) Available
Norwegian Available Available Available
Polish Available Available Available
Portuguese Available Available Available
Romanian Available Available Available
Russian Available Available Available
Slovakian (2) Available Available
Slovenian (2) (2) Available
Spanish Available Available Available
XL-SDI-N47-M (171220) (Rev.A) DiaSorin S.p.A. Page 8 of 14
System Development & Integration
Introduction to
Software V4.2.1

User User Quick

Software Manual Guide
Swedish Available Available Available
Turkish Available Available Available

(1) Distributed separately from the LIAISON XL Software
(2) Uses the English version
(3) Same as English USA

Language specific errors have been corrected in the Export/Printouts and User Interface
The virus definition has been updated.
A new cumulative security patch for Windows 10 based systems is applied. A new setting for
Windows Vista based systems is applied to improve cybersecurity.

4.7. Improved system reliability

Summary: Several low level improvements have been introduced to increase the overall
system reliability.

Previous situation (V4.2.0.2, any Hot Fix installed)

With V4.2.0.2 certain residual occurrences were found to affect the overall system reliability
from the mechanical perspective.
In addition the Export file, generated form the Results –> Controls page, is missing some
of the columns.

Update (V4.2.1)
V4.2.1 addresses the identified improvement areas to introduce related countermeasures.
The Export file, generated form the Results –> Controls page now features all the
expected columns.

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System Development & Integration
Introduction to
Software V4.2.1

5. Changes relevant to Service

5.1. Washer Aspiration from Top
Summary: The system is now performing the washing step by aspirating the liquid while the
lift is slowly diving into the cuvette

Previous situation (V4.2.0.2, any Hot Fix installed)

The washer needles dive into the cuvette and only after the descent is completed the Washer
Aspiration Pump (WAP) is activated.

Update (V4.2.1)
The Washer Aspiration Pump (WAP) is activated while the washer needles dive into the
cuvette. The total aspiration time is increased to accomplish the task.
The bubble sensor thresholds for washer channels have been modified to accomplish the
Washer Aspiration from Top process.

5.2. Handling of T, C and D rack files

Summary: The system is now compatible with the new sample bay cover that requires a
new dedicated rack file for controls

Previous situation (V4.2.0.2, any Hot Fix installed)

SW V4.2.0.2 does not support the sample bay top cover as it is not provided with a
compatible control rack file, a compatible “BottleTypes.txt” file and a compatible Teacher
In case the sample bay top cover (see below picture) is installed a newer SW Version is

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System Development & Integration
Introduction to
Software V4.2.1

Update (V4.2.1)
SW V4.2.1 provides the new control rack file (T.rac) and a new “BottleTypes.txt” file that are
compatible with the sample bay cover.
In parallel SW V4.2.1 removes the previous “C” and “D” rack files.
In case the FSE performs the installation of SW V4.2.1 on a system not yet provided with the
sample bay cover, the “C” and “D” rack files shall be manually restored by following the
dedicated steps as reported in the Installation Procedure.

Important notes

! The Teacher Software has been modified as well to allow the teaching of Z Max without
removing the sample bay cover. In particular, the teaching positions have been shifted in
order to fit the holes of the cover and a part of the sample bay floor free from rack guides.
New teaching positions corresponds to Lane #1, positions #1 and #12, Lane #12 position
The sample bay cover will be installed on future systems (release date not yet defined when
issuing the present document), to accomplish new requirements of standard EN 61010-
1:2010 (Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control, and
laboratory use. General requirements). It is not intended for analyzers already on the market.

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System Development & Integration
Introduction to
Software V4.2.1

5.3. FinishedJobs.txt file populated on a secondary path

Summary: The system can provide a copy of the FinishedJobs.txt file (featuring a
cumulative history of successfully completed tests) on a specified secondary path.

Previous situation (V4.2.0.2, any Hot Fix installed)

In V4.2.0.2, the system saves the FinishedJobs.txt file to a local path and updates it when a
new RLU or Dose are obtained.
The file can be retrieved by using the backup functionalities (see User Manual, §6.7.3)
On a monthly base the FinishedJobs.txt file is automatically removed from the original path
and locally stored by the system in the backup for temporary files. When new results are
obtained, a new FinishedJobs.txt file is created and populated in the local path.

Update (V4.2.1)
In V4.2.1, the FSE can configure a secondary path (that can be a network path), where the
system saves and keeps updated a file with the same contents of the FinishedJobs.txt. This
copy is also named FinishedJobs.txt.
The system will not automatically remove the copy of the FinishedJobs.txt file.

On the user network a network-folder shall be made R/W accessible to the LIAISON XL PC.
On the LIAISON XL PC such folder shall be mapped among the network folders (e.g.
On the Liaison XL PC the configuration file L2Main.config, present in the folder
D:\LiaisonXL\bin, shall be set as follows:
the occurrence of <add key="FinishedJobsFileSecondPath" value="" /> shall be changed
adding the path of the network-shared folder (e.g. <add key="FinishedJobsFileSecondPath"
value="K:\MyFolder\" />)

Important notes

! . The LIAISON XL shall be always granted R/W access to the secondary path/file when a new
result is obtained or a dose is calculated.
The FinishedJobs.txt only reports those results that are accompanied by an actual RLU
measurement (i.e. in case more than one replicate is calculated only the single replicates are
reported and only the single son results are reported for combi tests).

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System Development & Integration
Introduction to
Software V4.2.1

5.4. Service SW degasser reported pressure

Summary: The system now shows the right description (difference vs ambient pressure) for
degasser reported pressure

Previous situation (V4.2.0.2, any Hot Fix installed)

The SSW provided within SW V4.2.0.2 is showing the erroneous description “Actual
Pressure”, while the number shows the difference with respect the ambient pressure.

Update (V4.2.1)
The SSW provided within SW V4.2.1 now shows the correct description, i.e. “Difference to
ambient pressure”. The value displayed is calculated in the same way as previous version.

5.5. Service SW new buttons for WAP

Summary: The service SW is provided with a new functionality to make more
straightforward starting and stopping the WAP in the reagent area tab.

Previous situation (V4.2.0.2, any Hot Fix installed)

On SSW provided within SW V4.2.0.2 was not possible to switch on and off the WAP on the
reagent tab.

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System Development & Integration
Introduction to
Software V4.2.1

Update (V4.2.1)
Using the buttons reported in the screenshot below it is possible to start/stop the WAP in the
Reagent Area tab. This can be conveniently used to check removal of condensed water.

6. Bug fixes relevant to Service

The following bugs in addition to what reported in previous chapters have been solved and
shall be taken into account by DiaSorin representatives.

ID Description Additional information

In the enhanced export from the
User inconvenience:
Results>Controls page, the
Only the labels of the header of two
header of the column “Result
1211522 columns are wrongly reported,
flags” is missing and the header of
however there’s no risk to misinterpret
the column “Tube position”
the reported values.
wrongly reports “Flag”.
LXL SW does not include the QC- Minor FSE inconvenience: the QC DB
1092851 Database in the QC backup if needs to be manually retrieved in case
performed on x64 Systems troubleshooting activities are needed.

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System Development & Integration

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