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Foreign Language Acquisition and Learning

Phase 3 Observational Practice Step 2

Elaborado por:

Daniela Murillo Martínez

Código: 1001204596

Grupo: 12

Tutor: Edith Grande

Noviembre 2020- Bogotá

Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia. UNAD

Escuelas de Ciencias en La Educación ECEDU

Licenciatura en Lenguas Extranjeras con énfasis en inglés.

Step 4.
You have to watch the following videos of classes

Class number 1.

Contents Animals and what actions they do.
Learning Children learn about animals in a fun way.
Materials Book in English with illustrations.
Type of Activity Through a book, learn didactically and reinforce
what animals there are and what they can do or
what action they took at that time
Procedures Through a book, learn didactically and reinforce
what animals there are and what they can do or
what action they were doing at that time, for a
better understanding of the children who
performed the actions that the story tells.
Assessment Learn about animals and their actions.

Class number 2.

Methodology Collaboration between students

Contents -Food and greetings
-Get to know and interact more with your peers
-Writing about your city
Learning I believe that in all the activities it was
outcomes prevalent to do the activity in a group, it was
evident that they wanted to unite the children
while they learned or shared opinions on the
same topic.
Materials -Skirts, posters, food packaging, toys, real food.
-Notebooks and pencils.
Type of Activity -The first activity was very didactic, it consisted
of doing a role play where the students could
play to be sellers and buyers of a store.
-In the second activity the teacher asks them to
organize themselves in a row in order of age,
dates of birth, shoe size
-In the third activity they write an email
recommending that people visit their city.
Procedures -The children are chosen to participate in the
first activity, they talk and play together at the
-The second activity seemed a bit confusing to
me, but it consists of communicating with each
other in order to organize.
Assessment Learn and reinforce the topic through
collaborative learning among students.

Class number 3.

Contents -Sports and pronunciation
- How much and how many
Learning -Learn basic things like feature comparisons.
outcomes -Learn vocabulary and use L1 as little as
Materials -Cards with words and pictures about baseball
-Real objects
Type of Activity - -Explain with cards and mimic how baseball is
-Know some common adjectives
Procedures -The teacher explains in English to Asian
children, with the help of didactic material, how
to play the sport of baseball.
- The teacher teaches her students about how
to compare and adjectives, using the same
students as an example.
Assessment In these classes there was more interest or the
use of L1 in the L2 classroom was more

Step 5
Create a proposal of one or a mixture of teaching methods and
approaches included in Unit 2 where according to your point of view,
the information you have collected through the observational
practice, the theoretical support, and your knowledge can help you to
créate and perform a successful class.

The direct method, its success depends largely on the skill of the
teacher, this instead of a textbook focuses on the teaching of
vocabulary and everyday sentences, Grammar must be taught
inductively, the teacher must teach and promote both speaking and
listening. You must have a lot of understanding, you must emphasize
correct pronunciation and grammar when using complete sentences.
I propose to use activities to encourage students to listen, speak and
think in the language they are learning without hesitation. The direct
method to achieve this emphasizes conversation and pronunciation
while giving little importance to the study of traditional grammar
through reading and writing.
We must teach students based on real life situations. Students learn
inductively. Therefore, vocabulary is practiced in complete sentences,
never in isolation. The interaction is both ways: teacher-student,
Normally, what would be used the most in didactic material would be
audios or tapes, elements that are part of the environment or the
student's real life can be used in order to familiarize and support the
learning process. can use read-aloud, dictation, or paragraph writing
As a strategy the exclusive use of the target language. Teaching
vocabulary and structures for daily use. Inductive teaching of
grammar. Teaching of oral expression and comprehension. Emphasis
on pronunciation. Another positive aspect of this method is that not
only the teacher leads the lesson but also the student plays an active
role during the lesson.The English linguist Henry Sweet acknowledges
its shortcomings and claims that it has many innovative teaching
features, but lacks the methodological foundations. Sweet also states
that although he focuses almost exclusively on second language use
in the classroom. there are some aspects that should be analyzed

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