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= Ministry of Govt. of India . istry of Agriculture & Farm: Ministry of Fisheries, Animal iiceanany ana Gann Office of the Chief Controller of Accounts a ‘e,__ Principal Accounts Office 1" Floor, Gate No. 3, Jeevan Tara Building 5-Parliament Street, Near Patel Chowk, New Delhi-110001 E-mail: NO. G-20011(1) /Pr.A.0./Coord/Budget/2020-21/ & 3 84-4 — Dated 45-01-2021 v OFFICE MEMORANDUM ‘Subject: Allocation of funds under Demand No. 1-Department of Agriculture Cooperation & Farmers Welfare Major Head 3451 during 2020-21-Reg. In pursuance of sanction order No. F.Pr.AO/Agri/Estt/Purchase of Computers/2020- 21/2363-83 dated 06.01.2021 conveying therein the administrative approval and expenditure Sanction of Secretary(DAC&FW) for procurement of 68(Sixty Eight) Personal Computers and 40 (forty) Printers through Govt. e-marketplace as per rule 149 ‘of GFR 2017 as amended from time to time in concurrence with M/o Finance, funds under OE((T) Head is hereby allocated to following PAOs for the FY 2020-21 as detailed below to meet the expenditure accordingly: ‘Amounts in Actual (INR) S.No. | Name of Object Head Funds already Excess Funds Final Budget under allocated allocated AT(OE) ‘1.] PAO Extension - : 2.| PAO(Agri. ) Mumbai 4,00,000 50,000 450,000___—| 3.| PAO Chennai 25,000 1,75,000 2,00,000 \ 4.| PAO Cochin = 3,00,000 '3,00,000 \ 5.| PAO(PPM) FDBD - 4,50,000 4,50,000 | 6.| DDO(Has) 30,15,000 5,000 30,20,000 \ 7.| PAO (Sectt-l) 4,30,000 1,50,000 580,000 | 8.| PAO Kolkata - - | 9. sD urbe am —| Seni Copy to: AO SECTT-II Jeevan Tara Building AO SECTT-I, Krishi Bhawan PAO EXTN, Shastri Bhawan pao(PPM),Faridabed pao(Agri), Mumbal PAO(AGRI), Chennal PAO(AGRI), Kolkata paotacRl), Coachin eu ave - Govt, of India inistry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare inistry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying Office of the Chief Controller of Accounts : ‘ac, Principal Accounts Office : "Floor, Gate No, 3, Jeevan Tara Building 5-Parliament ‘Street, Near P: ’atel Chowk, New Delhi-110001 E-mail: NO. G-20011 (1) /Pr.A.0,/Coord/Budget/2020-21/ ute -39. Dated 27-01-2021 — : OFFICE MEMORANDUM ject: Revised Allocation of funds under Demand No. A-Department of Agriculture Cooperation & Farmers Welfare Major Head 3451 during 2020-21-Reg, ‘As per the approval of competent authority and considering the anticipated expenditure provided by all PAOs for the FY 2020-21, revised allocation under Object Head Office Expenses is. hereby allocated to meet the expenditure accordingly: Amount in Actual (NR) \ Name of the PAO [ Funds already allocated under OF | Revised allocation under OE | | PAO Extension 2,50,000 { 2,50,000, | | PAO(AgH. ) Mumbai | 845,000 [ '9,50,000 | | PAO Chennai | 520,000 | 520,000 | [PAO Cochin [ 8,00,000 | 40,50,000 | PAOIPPM) FDBD { 10,00,000 iy 10,00,000 | we { "76,00,000 [ 86,60,000 al [PAO (Sect) { 2,50,000 | 2,00,000 | [PAO Kolkata | '5,00,000 \ 5,50,000 | ‘[AHD Mumbai | “10,00,000 it 40,20,000 i AI PAOs are requested to update the budget in PEMS and strictly adhere to the guidelines on the expenditure management and ensure thatthe limit specified is not exceeded at any cost ‘and any breach in the ceiling/allocation will be viewed seriously and not accepted. AS LAA VA Senior Accoufits Officer (Admn.) Copy to 1. PAOSECTTALJeevan Tara Building 2. PAOSECTT, Kishi Bhawan 3. PAOEAIN, Shastri Bhawan, ‘4, PAOIPPM) Faridabad 5. PAO(A@r), Mumba 66. PAOIAGRI, Chennai 7. PAOIAGRN, Kolkata 8, PROIAGR), Coachin JF probs ehh

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