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इंटरनेट मानक

Disclosure to Promote the Right To Information

Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 12786 (1989, Reaffirmed 2009): Irrigation

Equipment--Polyethylene Pipes for Irrigation
Laterals--Specification. UDC 621.643.2 [ 678.742.2 ] :

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
“Invent a New India Using Knowledge”

“!ान एक ऐसा खजाना > जो कभी च0राया नहB जा सकता ह”


“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
(Reaffirmed 2009)
IS : 12786 -1989
( Reaffirmed 1998 )
Indian Standard



UDC 621.643.2 [678.742.2] : 631.67

© BIS 1990


NEW DELHI 110002

February 1990 Price Group 5

Irrigation Equipment and Systems Sectional Committee. FADe 35

This Indian Standard was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standard on 29 September J989~ after the
draft finalized by the Irrigation Equipment and Systems Sectional Committee had been approved by
the Food and Agriculture Division Council.

Drip irrigation systems is one of the modern irrigation techniques to economise the use of water in
agriculture. It has a very high water use efficiency as it applies water directly to the plant root zone.

As the drip irrigation is becoming popular the requirements for the polyethelene pipes intended for
irrigation laterals have been specified in this standard.
In preparation of this standard, assistance has been derived from ISO/DIS 8779 'Polyethylene (PE)
pipes for irrigation laterals - Specification' prepared by international Orgnizations for Standardization
( ISO) and IS 3076 : 1985 'Specification for low density polyethylene pipes for portable water supplies
( second revision )'.

For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement Df this standard is complied with, the
final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis shaH be rounded -off in
accordance with IS 2 : 1960 •Rules for rounding off numerical values ( revised)'. The number of
significant places retained in the rounded off value should ce the same ai that of the specified value in
this standard.
IS 12786 : 1989

Indian S-tandard
1 SCOPE c) Carbon black equivalent to a content of
2"5 ± 0"5 percent (m/m) and complying
1.1 This standard lays down requirements for with -the following requirements:
polyethylene pipes of outside diamet~r. fr~m
12 mm up to 32 mm to be used for lrr1gatJon i) Density, 1-5 to 2'0 g/ml
laterals that is branch supply lines on which spra- it) Toluene extract, not more than 0"1
yers or drippers or emitters are mount~d dire~tly percent ( m/m ) ( see Annex A )
or by means of a fitti ng or formed ln th.e pipe
during production_ iii) Maximum volatile matter, 9'0 percent
( m/m) (see Annex B )
2 -REFERENCES iv) Average particle size, 0'010 to 0'25 p.m
2.1 The following .Indian Standards are necessary d) Grade of Polyeth)ilene - PE 25, a raw
adjuncts to this standard: material mentioned in 4.1 (a) having a
minimum design creep rupture stress of 2"5
IS No. Title MPa for 10 years life at a maximum of 800
working hours per year at 35°C.
2530 : 1963 Methods 0,(11 test for polyethylene
moulding ttrinteriaJs and· polyethy- 4.2 When tested in accordance with IS 2530 :
lene comptl~ds 1963:
4905 : 1968 Methods f~~~andom
f~~ ~andom sampling a) The percentage of carbon bJack in the mate-
rial shall be 2·5 ± 0"5 percent by mass"
b) The dispersion of carbon black shaU be
3.1 The pipe shaJJ be classified by pressure ratings satisfactory.
( working pressure) as follows:
4.3 Addition of not more than 10 percent of the
Class of Pipe Working Pressure manufactures own rework material produced
Class 1 0"25 MPa during the manufacture and works testing of pipe
complying with ihis standard is permitted. No
. Class 2 -0'40 MPa other rework material shaH be used.
Class 3 0-60 MPa
NOTE - Normal working condition" of pipes shall
be operation of maximum 800 working hours per 5.1 The outside diameters and walI thicknesses of
year at the pressure rating of the pipe and at a
water temperature up to 35"C. If these working con- the pipes shall be as given in Table 1.
ditions are exceeded the next higher c1ass of pipe
that is pipe with greater waH thickness shall be 5.1.1 The outside diameter of a pipe shall be
chosen. With these working conditions the life average of four measurements taken at 45° round
expectancy of the pipe is 10 years_ the pipe.
4 l\fATERIAL 5.1.2 The wall thickness shall be measured with a
4.1 Extrusion compounds shall be manufactured dial vernier/ball ended micrometer.
from a mixture of the following: 5. t.3 The resulting dimensions shall be expressed
a) Polyethylene, which, may include copoly- to the nearest O~05 mm.
mers of ethylene ap~ higher olefins, in 6 VISUAL APPEARANCE
which the higher olefin constituent does not
exceed 10 percent ( m/m ); 6.1 The inlernal and external surface of the pipes
shalJ be smooth, dean and free from groovings
b) Antioxidant in an amount not exceeding and other defects. The ends shall be cleanly cut
0"5 percent ( m/m ); and shall be square with axis of the pipe. Slight

IS 12.786 : 1989

Table] DimeDSions of Polyethylene -Pipes for Irrigation Laterals

( Clause 5.1 )
All dimensions in millimetres.

Outside Tolerance 00 Clas. t Class :z Class 3

Diameter Outside (0·25 MPa) (0'4 MPa) f 0·6 MPa)
Diamder ,...----'------ r-----'----:-l ,---...A----",,"",\
Min' Max Min Max Min Max
12 . + 0':1 ]"0 J"2 1'1 1'3 1-4 1'6
16 + 0-3 1'2 r4 1'4 1'6· t·g 2'0
20 + 0'3 1"3 l'S l"S 1'7 2 0
) 2'5
2S +'0'3 )'4 l"S 1'9 2'), 2'8 3'3
32 +:0')" 1"6 2'1 2"4 29
3'6 4'2
NOTE - Wall thickneS~i,Or pipes arc based on a safe worJdngstreBs of 2'5 MPa at 20'C. Occasional rise iD
temperature has no dele~,~rious eff~cts on the life and working pressure of the pipes.

shallow longitudinal grooves or irregularities in supply three samples of different diameters ( selec-
the wall thickness shall be permissible, provided ted from a regular lot) which will be tested by a
the wall thickness remains within the permissible testing authority. Intbe absence of a recognised
limits. testing laboratory_ a certificate for the compliance
of pipe issued by the manufacturer's laboratory
7.1 -Hydraulic Characteristics
7.1.4 If all the thr<te samples each of different dia-
When subjected to internal pressure creep rupture meters pass the requirements of the quality test,.
test in accordance with the procedure given in the type of the pipe under consideration shall be-
Annex C the pipe shall show no_signs of localized considered eligible for quality approval which will
swelling, leakage or weeping and shall not rupture be normally valid for a period of one year.
during the prescribed test duration. The tempera-
tures, durations of test and .stressess for quality 7.1.5 In case any of the samples faila in. quality
acceptance test shaH be as given in Table 2- test, the -testing authority, at its discretion, may
call for fresh samples not exceeding the original
Table 1 Requirements for IDternal Pressure number and subject them to quality tests. If in
Creep Rupture ~est repeat tests no single failure occurs. the type of
pipe under .consideration shall hI.! considered eligi-
Test Test Test Duration Indaced ble for approval. [f any of the samples fails in
Tempera tllre ( MIJ Holding StreNS the repeat tests, the type of pipe shall not be
°C Time) (h) (MPa)
approved. The manufacturers may be asked to
Quality 10 100 2-5 improve the design and resubmit the pipe for
Test quaHty approval.
Acceptance 20 6'9
Test 7.1 Reversion Test
A pipe length of 200 mm shall be placed horizon-
1.1.1 A(;ceptance tests carried out at a tempera .. tally on a support in an air-oven or a 9uitabje
ture of 20 C allow a fast verification of the con ..
liquid bath at a temperature of 100 ± 2°C for
formity to requirements of 7.1. -For every degree 60 minutes so that the dimensional changes in the
rise in the test temperature the induced stress is to pipe section are not impeded. After. cooling to'
be reduced by 3 percent. Test temperatures for room temperature, the dimensional change of the'
acceptance tests should not exc(!ed 30°C. pipe section shall be measured in the longitudinal
7.1.2 Quality tests carri~d out at an elevated tem 4 direCtion and deviation from the initial length
perature of 70')C allow evaluation of the standard shaH be calculated and stated in percentage. The-'
of the procedure and the pipe material used and dimension shall not change by more than + ~
must be carried out once every year when or percent in the longitudinal-direction.
change is made in polymer composition or method
of manufacture or when a new size of pipe is to be 7.3 Tensile Test
The tensile strength of the material and elongation
7.1.3 For qU-llity tests the manufacturer must at break at 27 ± 1°C for different thickness or
IS 12786 : 1989

the pipes shall be as follows: NOTE - The pipes may also be supplied in coils of
diameter smaller than those recommended, if agreed
Tensile Testing Elongation at to between the purchaser and the supplier. However t
Strength 7 Min Speed Break,Mifl the pipes should be recoiled to a larger diameter
after these are delivered. .
10 MPa 100 mm/min 350 percent
The test piece shaH consist of a dumb ben punched CONFORMITY
from points on the circumference of the pipe 90°
apart. The shape of the test piece shall be as 10.1 The sampling procedure to be adopted and
shown in Fig. 1. the criteria for conformity shall be as given in
7.3.2 Procedure
lbe test piece shaH be conditioned for two hours 11 MARKING
in air or one hour in water so that it is at a tem-
perature of 27°C ± 2"C immediately before test. 11 .. 1 Each pipe shall be indelibly marked in
The test ihall be carried out as given in 6 of English at intervals of not more than _5 m in
IS 2530 : 1963. coJour as indicated in 11.1.1. The marking shall
7.4 Susceptibility to I~nvironmental Stress show the following:
a) Manufacturer's name or trade-mark,
The susceptibility to Environmental stress
cracking shall be tested in accordance with the b) Outside diameter,
t~st method specified in Annex D and the test
results shall comply with the requirements of the. c) Class of pipe..
Annex D.
d) Batch number, and
8.1 The pipes shall be supplied on coil of nominal e) Pipe material PE 25.
lengths 25, 50t lOOt 150. and 200 m unless other-
wise agreed to between the purchaser and the 11~1.1 The formation specified in 11.1 and 11.2
supplier. Each coil shall contain not less than shall -be indelibly marked in coJour or heat
one specified nQminall~ngth, embossed as indicated below for different classes
9 (30ILING of pipes:

9.1 Wben the pipe is supplied in coils, the mInI" Class of Pipe Colour
mum internal diameter of the coil shan be as
follows: Class -1 Red
,Nominal Size Minimum Internal Class 2 Blue
of Pipe, mm Diameter o/Coil, mm
Class 3 Green
12 300
16 300
20 300
25 300 The principles of the selection of irrigation laterals
32 450 are given in Annex F for guidance.

r l

All dimensions in millimeters.


IS 12786 : -1989

[ Clause 4.1 (c) ]
A-I APPARATUS A-3.3 Evaporate successive small-portions of the:
extract solution ( filtered, if necessary) nearly to
A-I.l Extraction Thimbles, double thickness, fat dryness in the previously cleaned, dried and tared'
extracted. 50 ml shallow ~lass weighing dish. Rinse the
A-1.2 Soxblet Apparatus extraction flask with toluene and add the washings,
to the weighing dish. Evaporate the combined:
A..l.3 Shallow Weighing Dish, 50 ml capacity, of extracts on a hot-plate to a volume of approxi-
borosilicate glass. mately 5 to to ml and finally the dish and contents
in an oven at 115°C. until dry.
A-2.l Toluene, Sulpbur-free, of AR quality. A-3.4 Cool in a desiccator to room temperature-
and weigh.
A-3.t Place 5 to 8 g of pel1etized carbon black or
2 to 5 g of compressed fluffy black in a paper A-4.1 Calculate the toluene extract, percent as.
extraction thimble. Insert the thimble into the foHows:
soxhlet -extractor. Measure 50 to 60 ml of toluene
into the soxhlet flask. Toluene extract
A-3.2 Assemble the soxhlet apparatus and extract Mass of extract
=.---.--.------ x 100 percent
for 22 hours. Mass of sample

[ Clause 4.1 (c) J
B-1 APPARATUS desiccator. When these attain the room tempera--
ture, weigh them to the nearest O-t mg.
B-l.1 Electric Furnace
Capable of temperature regulation of ± 25°C at B-2.3 Place I g of dried carbonbJack in the-
950'C and equipped with ~ thermocouple-activated weighed crucible leaving an air space not more-
indicating pyrometer. than 2 mm.
B-l.2 Platinum Crucibles, 25 x 35 mm. B-2.4 Ignite the crucibles and contents in the
B-1.3 Petri Dish, 75 mm dia. electric furnace for exactly 7 minutes at a tern--
perature of -950 ± 20°C.
B·l.4 Oven
Electrically operated air-circulating type, capable B·2.5 Remove the crucible assembly to the desic-
of temperature regulation of ±1 °C at 100)C. cator, allow to cool to room temperature and
weigh to the nearest 0'1 mg.
B-1.5 Analytical Balance, having a sensitivity of
B-1.6 Desiccator B-3.1 Calculate the percentage of volatile matter
B-2 PROCEDURE as follows:
B-2.1 Dry 5 g of the sample in an air-oven at Volatil~matter
100 C for 2 hours. Loss of mass
- Mass of sample taken x 100 percent
B-2.2 Ignite two platinum crucibles in the electric
furnace at 950 ±25°C for about 30 minutes. Cool NOTE - The Joss of volatile matter during dryina
to about .200-C in an iron plate and place in the operat ion is negiiaible.

IS 12786 : 1989

( Clause 7.1 )

deviation ± 1°C) and kept in the bath for 1

hour to adjust -the temperature.
C-l.l The test shall be carried out not earlier than C ..4.3· The pressure in the pipe shall then be in-
24 hours after the pipes have been manufactured. creased to the test pressure (p) gradually and
-C-2 TEST SPECIMEN without shock, preferably within 10 to 30 seconds
in the bath whose-temperature has been adjusted
C-2.1 A specimen of pipe having free length in accordance with C-4.2. The pressure. with a
between the end fittings equal to ten times the out- permissible deviation of ± 2' 5 percent, shaH be
side diameter bu't not less than 250 mm for testing maintained for the test period Jaid down in
from each pipe to be tested. Table 2. The test pressure (p) shall be calcu-
lated from the minimum dimension and values of
C-3 APPARATUS induced stress given in Table 2 as follows:
C .. 3.l Equipment which permits the application
of a controlled internal hydraulic pressure to the
P =~
d - S
specimen whiJe being immersed in a thermostati-
cally controlled water-bath shall be used. where
P = test pressure in M
M Pa,
S = minimum wan thickness in mm.
C-4.1 The pipes shall be fitted with the locking
plugs at both ends in such a way that the axial (j = induced stress in MPa, and
forces due to the internal pressure are transmitted d = nominal outside diameter inmm.
to the pipe. The pipe shall remain free to move
in kngitudinal direction. C...S ASSESSMENT OF RESULTS
C-4.2 Through a closable opening in one of the C-S.l The specimen when tested as above shan
locking plugs, the pipe shall be filled with water meet the requirements specified in 7.1. The tests
at ambient temperature. It shaH then be put in a showing rupture within a distance d from the end
water-bath at the test temperature (permissible cap shall be disregarded and the test repeated.

( Clause 7.4 )
D·l SCOPE AND FIELD OF APPLICATION NOTE - If used in a bath. the reagent should be
replaced every week.
This standard specifies a test method used to
detect, in a very short t irne, pipes which arC! poten- n..2.2 Apparatus
tialJy susceptible to environmental stress-cracking
( ESC ). Forced air circulation oven, maintained at
50 ±3°C, capable of re-establishing that tempera~,
D·2 TEST METHOD ture within five minutes after insertion of test
D-2.1 Reagent
NOTE - A constant temperature bath containina
An undiluted surface active agent of the type of the reagent may be used, if it has the same thermal
nonylphenoxy poly (ethy lentoxy) ethanol capabilities as the oven described above.
[ 1gepal CO-630 or Antarox CO-630 ] may be used D-2.3 Test Pieces
for reference purposes. This information is given
for the convenience of users and does not consti· Five sections of pipet preferably from different
Clndorsement of tbe product kept in closed
tute CJndorsement coils, each of length about 20 times the diameter
containers and used fresh for each test. shall eonstitute the test piece.

IS 12786 ; 1989








NOTE - Shorter lengths may also be llsed, .b~t.Jess D-2.4.4 Inspect each bend thoroughly, with the
conveniently. The test pieces shall not Initially unaided eye for any visible crack, (generally
contain any cracks. originating at the two ends of the f01d ).
D-2.4 Procedure D ..2.5 Expression of Results
D-2.4.t Bend each test piece sharply at two pieces~
to form two U-bends~ in two different planes per- Any bend which contains at least one visible crack
pendicular to each other ( see .Fig. 2). Ea~h bend ('excluding cracks induced by the object used to
is worked to the limit, that is until both sIdes of. secure the bend), is classified as failed. The
the fold touch and lie parallel to each other, and total number of bends which fail shall be noted.
then the bend is tightly secured to maintain that NOTE - Each test piece consists of two bends
deformation throughout the test ( see Fig. 2 ). which should be counted independently.
NOTE - Rings cut ofPE pipes of J~rger diamete!,s n-2 .. S.-1 The definitions of various terms for
can be slipped over the bent pIpes to helpm
securiol them. assessing the failure shaH be:
D-2.4.2 Coat each bend completely with the rea- a) Cracking
gent by dipping and then place all the test pieces Any narrow opening or fissure in the
in the oven, taking care not to impose any addi.. surface, that is, visible to the naked eye.
tional stresses on them.
b) Crazing
NOTB - The test pieces rna, be kept in the reagent
immersed ill a constant temperature bath. Apparant fine cracks at or under the sur-
.D ..2.4.3 30 minutes after the temperature of the face of the plastic pipes •
oven ( bath) has returned to 50 ± Joe take the NOTE - The crazed areas arc composed of poly-
test pieces out and release the stress and wipe the meric materials of lower density than the surround·
bends free of the reagent. inc matrix.

, IS 12786 : 198~

e) Bloom D-3 RETEST

A visible exudatioa or effiorescence on the D-3.1 If one bend failed while nine others did
surface of the,pipe. not, the whole procedure is repeated with five
further test pieces ( that is ten further bends ).
d) Rupture D-4 REQUIREMENl'S
A break in the pipe wall with immediate D-4.1 The pipe is considered to have passed the
loss of test fluid and continued Joss of test if not more than 10 percent of the bends
pres,",ure. ( that is lout of 10 or 2 out of 20 ) have failed.

( Clause 10.1 )
E-l LOT A pipe failing to satisfy any of these requirements
shaH be considered as defective. The lot shall be
};·l.l All pipes in a single consignment of the deemed to have satisfied these requirements if the
~Hme outside diameter.. same wall thickness, same
number of defectives found in the first sample is
length and manufactured essentially under similar less than or equal to the -corresponding acceptance
conditions of manufacture shaH -constitute a lot. number given in col 5 of Table 3. The lot shaH
E-t.2 For ascertaining the conformity of the be deemed not to have met these requirements, if
material to the requirements of this specification, the number of defectives found in the first sample
samples shall be tested from each lot separately. is greater than or equal to the corresponding
rejection number given in col 6 of TabJe 3. ,If,
F...2 VIS1JAL AND DIMENSIONAL however, the number of defectives found in the
REQUIREMENTS first sample lies between the corresponding accep-
tance and rejection numbers given in coJ 5 and 6
E-2.1 The number of samples to be taken from a of Table 3, the second sample of the size given in
lot shall depend on the size of the lot and shall be col 3 of Table 3 shall be taken and examined for
in accordance with T~lble 3. these requirements.
E-2.1.1 These pipes shall be selected at random
frOJll the lot and in order to ensure randomness of E ..2.3 Criterion for Conformity
selection, procedures given in IS 4905 : 1968 shall
be followed.
The lot shall be considered to have satisfied these
E-2.2 The number of pipes given for the first requirements if the number of defectives found in
sarnpJe in col 3 of Table 3 shaH be taken from the the cumulative sample is less than or equal to the
lot and examined for dimensional and visual re... corresponding acceptance number given in col 5 of
quirements given in 5 and 6 of the specification. Table 3t otherwise not.

Table 3 Scale of Sampling and Permissible Number of Defectives

.for Visual-and Dimensional Requirements
( Clauses E-2.] and E-2.2 )
No. of Pipes Sample Sample Cumulative Acceptance Rejection
io the Lot Number Size Sample Number Number
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Up to 100 First J J 0 2
Second 3 6 1 2
101 to }OO First 5 5 0 2
Second 5 10 1 '1
30] to SOO First 8 g 0 2
Second 8 16 2

SOl and abo\'e First 13 13 0 2

Second 13 26 2

IS 12786 : 1989


E·4.1.1 For this purpose, the number of pipes to
be taken at random (see E-2.1.1 ) from the lot
E-3.1 The lot having satisfied visual and dimen- shall be according to Table 4.
sional requirements shall be tested for reversion. '
Table 4 Scale of Sampling for Hydraulic and
E-3.1.1 For this purpose, the first sample of-three Tensile Strength Requirements
pipes -shall be taken from the Jot. The sample
pipe failing in the reversion test shall be consider- ( Clause E-4.1.1 )
ed as defective. If no defecti ve is found in the
first sample, the Jot shaH he deemed to have met Number of Pipes Sample
the requirements given in the specification for in the Lot Size
reversion test. If, however, only one defective is (1) (2)
found in the first sample, a second sample of three Up to 100 2
pipes shall be taken from the lot and tested for 101 to 300 4
reversion. 301 and above 6
E ... 3.2 Criterion for Conformity
E-4.l.2 The number of pipes selected from the lot
The lot shall be deemed to have met the specifica- according to E-4-1.1 shall be randomly divided
tion requirement for reversion given in 7.2 if not into two equal sets. Each of the pipes in the first
more than one defective is found in the cumuJa· set shall be tested for internal pressure creep rup"
tive sample, otherwise not. ture test according to 7.1 and each of the pipes i~
the second set shall be tested for tensile strength.
E-4 HYDRAULIC AND TENSILE STRENGTH and elongation at break according to 7.3.
E-4.2 Criterion for ~oDrormity
E-4.1 The Jot having met the --requirements given
in E-2.2 and E-3 shall be finally tested for internal The lot shall be declared as conforming to the
pressure creep rupture test specified in 7.1 and requirements of the specification if no failure-
tensile strength test specified :in 7.3. occurs under E ...4.1.1, otherwise not.

( C-/ause -12 )

F-l SELECTION FACTORS means of damps, the wan thickness of the'

pipe shall then be not less than 1"2 mm.
In addition to working pressures, the following
factors affect the pipe selection. NOTE - For greater accuracy. a relationship must
be found between nominal wall thickness, the hole-
F-1.1 The type of connection between the pipe diameter and inside diameter of the pipe ..
and various fittings, and between the pipe and
various distribution devices. b) When the distribution device is threaded
from the side into the pipe waU, the wall
F-l.l.l The type of connection does not affect the thickness shall not be less than 1"5 moo.
selection of the pipe in the following cases:
NOTB - For greater accuracy, a relationship must:
a) When the connection fitting or the distri .. be found between minimum wall thickness and dia ..
bution device is of the insert type ( serrated meter of the thread.
insert with or without outside reinforcing
clamps ). c) When the conn~cting fitting is a compres-
sion fitting (external grip fitting ), the wall
b) When a distribution device inserted into the thickness of the pipe shaH not be Jess than
pipe is used, whether or not it is secured by 1'4 mm.
a clamp.
NOTE - This limitation does not apply when tho-
F-1.1.2 The type of connection does affect the' pipe is reinforced in the gripping zone with a suit ..
selection of pipe in the following cases; able .insert.

a) When the distribution device is inserted in F - t.2 The way of linking the lateral as part of a.
the wall of the pipe and not secured by fixed or movable system~

IS 12786 : 1989

F-l.1.t In a semi-mobile sprinkler system, the pressure of the pipe is determined according to the
lateral shall not be less than a Cla-ss 3 pipe. maximum marking pressure in the pi-pee
F-l.2.1 In a trailer-type drip irrigation system, the F..1.3.2 At temperatures of 36 to 40°C, the pipe
lateral shall not be less than a Class 2 pipe: shall be selected according to the next higher
F-I.3 Effect of water temperature on selection of class of pipe series listed in Table I, so as to
nominal pressure of pipe. obtain a pipe with greater waH thickness for
example if the working pressure is 0·25 MPa use
F-l.3.1 At temperatures up to 35°C, the nominal 0"40 MPa pipe.
Standard Mark
The use of the Standard Mark is governed by the PCOV1Slons of the Bureau oj Indiem
Standards Act, 1986 and the Rules and Regulations made thereunder. The Standard Mark on
products covered by an Indian Standard conveys the assurance that they have been produced
to comply with the T_equirements of that standard under a well defined system of inspection,
testing and quality control which is devised and supervised by BIS and operated by the
producer. Standard marked products are also continuously checked by BIS for conformity
to that standard as a further safeguard. Details of conditions under which a licence for the
I use of the Standard Mark may be granted to manufacturcn or producers may be obtained
. from the Bur~_au_~_f_I~~~~n_S_t_a_nd_a_r_ds_._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Bureau of Indian Standards
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Burtau of Indian Standard8 Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending -to connected matters in the country.

BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in
any form without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This does not preclude the free use, in the
-course of implemen ting the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade
designations. Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Director ( Publications 1. 81S.

Revision of Indian Standards

Indian Standards are reviewed periodically and revised, when necessary and amendments, n any, are
issued from time to time. Users of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of
the latest amendments or edition. Comments on this Indian Standard may be sent to BIS giving the
rollowing reference:
Doc: No. FAD 35 ( 3041 )

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected



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r Page 1, clauses 4.1 (c), SI No. (i) and (iv) ] - Delete.
(Page 3, clause 11 ) - Substitute the following for the existing clause:
11.1 Each pipe sbaU be indelibly nlarked at intervals of not -more than IS m
in colour 8S indi~ted in 11.1.1. Tbe nlllrking shall show the following:
a) Manufacturer's name or trade-mark,
b) Outside diameter,
c) Oass of pipe.,
d) Batcb number, and
e) Pipe tuaterial PE 25.
11.1.1 The information specified in 11.1 shall be either indelibly marked in
colour as indicated below for di ffelent classes of pipes or beat em(x\<'sed:

Class of Pipe Colour

Class 1 Red
Class 2 Blue
Class 3 Green'

(FAD35 )
R-eprography Unitt BIS, New Delhi, Jodi.
( Page 2, clause 7.2, last sentence) - Substitute the following for the
existing sentence:
'The dimensions shall not cbange by more than ± 3 percent in the longitudinal
direction .. '

(FAD 54)
Re·progf&phy Unit. BIS .. New Delhi. India
Af\fENDI\IfENT NO. 3 MAY 1999
(Foreword, para 2) - Insert the following at the end of the paragraph: -
'Polyethylene laterals may be perforated at regular intervals for mounting the
drippers or emitters by means of fittings.
(Page 2. clause 7.1.3) - Substitute the following for the exjsting text:
'Three samples or same outside dianleter and same pressure rating selected at
random from a regular lot shall be tested for conlpliance with the requirements
of-quality test.'
( Page 2, clause 7.2, {lTst seiuence ) - Substitute the" fo1Jowing for tbe
existing sentence:
'A pipe length of 250 ± 5 mln shaH be taken And two points at a distance of
sball be marked on the outer surface of the pipe with the help of vernier
200 mm sbaU
ca1iper.. The test piece shall be placed borizonta.J1y o~ a support in an air oven or
:1 suitable liquid bath at a tenLperature of 100 % 2°C for 60 minutes in such a way
that dinlensional (.hanges in the pipe section are not impeded,,'
( Page 2, clause 7.3 ) - Substitute tbe fqllowing for the eJ(istin~
'The tensile strength of the material at yield and elongation at brake of the pipes
sbaU be as follows:
Tensile Strength Testing Elongation
IA i¥
at -Y,"J.e.-, )1·
Speed Break, .Arfi!!

10 MPa 100 mm/min 350 percent'

( Page 3) cil1llse 3.1 ) - Substitute the foJIowing for the existing text:
'The pipes shall be supplied on coil of oominallengths 25 m, 50 m, 100 m,
150 m, 200 m, 300 m, 400 m and .500 m. unless otherwise agreed to between the
shUl contailt not less than one. speciflerl
purchaser and the supplier. Each coil shall
nomina llength.'
..~mend No.3 to IS 12786: 1989

[ Page 3, clause 11 ( see also Amertdment NO.1) ] ~ Substitute the

fol1owing for the existing:
11.1 Each pipe shan be heat embossed without colour or indelibly nlarked in
colour as indicated in 11.1.1 at interval of not more than 15 m 'With the following
a) Manufacturer's nanle or lrade . . n1ark,
-b) Outside diameler,
c) Class of pipe,
d) Batch nunlbe,f, and
e) Pi pe materia) PE 25.
11.1.1 The information specified in 11.1 shall be indelibly marked in colour as
indicated below for differe.nt classes of pipes or heat embossed:
Class of Pipe Colour
Class 1 Red
Class 2 -Blue
Class 3 Green'
( Page St clause D·2.1 ) - Substitute the following for the existing text
'An undiluted surface·active agent of the nonylphenoxy poly (ethyleneoxy)
etheno1 type, kept in a closed container and used fresh for each test. Igepat
CO-630 or Antarox CO-630 or cquiva]ent may be used for reference purpose .
This i nfornlation is given for the convenience of llseIS of this Indian Standard
and does not constitute an endOISement by BIS of tbese products.'
( Page 7. clause D-4.1 ) - Substitute the fol1owing for the existing text:
'The pipe is considered to have passed the test if not more than 10 percent of the
bends (that is 0 out of 10 or 2 out of 20) bavt failed.'

(FAD 54)
Reprography Unit, SIS, Ne",,' Delhi, India
[ Page 2, clause 7.3 ( see also Amendment No.3) ] - Substitute the
following for the existing:
7.3 The tensile strength of the materal and elongation at break of the pipes at
27 + 3°C shall be as follows:

Tensile Strength Testing Elongation a.t break,

at break Speed Mill

10MPa 100 + 10 mm/min 350 percent

(FAD 54)
Reprography Unit, BIS. New Delhi, India
(Page 1, clause 3.1) - Substitute the following for the existing text:
~The pipe shall be classified by pressure ratings (working pressure) as follows:
Class of Pipe Working Pressure
Class 1 0.20 Mpa
Class 2 0.25 Mpa
Class 3 O.40Mpa
NOTE - Normal worlcing oonditions of pipes shall be operation of maximum 800 working
hours per year at the pressure rating of the pipe and at a water temperature up 10 3'OC. If
witli'are .. '~
these working conditions are exceeded the ,next higher class of pipe, that is, pipe witliare
wall thickness shall be chosen. With these working conditions the life expedanc;:y of the pipe
is 10 years.'

( Page 2, Table 1 ) - Substitute following for the existing table:

Table -1 Dimensions of Polyethylene Pipes for Irrigation Laterals
( Clause 5.1 )
All dimensions in millimeters.

Outside Tolenn~eon a.a.-I Class 2 Clau3

Diameter Outside (0.20 Mpa) (0.25 Mpa) (O.40Mpa)
12 +0.2 O.6..().8 0.9... 1.1 1.2-1.4
16 +0.2 0.8·1.0 1.1~1.3 1.4-1.6
20 +0.2 0.9·1.1 1.2.. 1.4 1.'.. 1.7
2S +0.3 1.2-1.6 1.7..2.0 2.1-2.4
32 +0.3 1.S..1.9 2.0-2.4 2.' ..2~9
NOTE - Wall thicknesses of pipes are based on a safe working stress of 2. S Mpa at 20o e.
Occasional rise-in temperature bas no deleterious eff~cts on the life and working prcsaw:o of
the pipes.

(Amendment No.4) - Delete the entire text

Amend No.5 to IS 12186 : 1989
(Page 2, clause 7.3 ) - Substitute-the following for the existing text:
'The tensile strength of the material and-elongation at break of the pipes at
27± 3°(: shall be as follows:
Tensile -Strength at Break Minimum Testing Speed Elongation at Bre-ale
Min Min
12.5 Mpa 100 ± 10 percent 500 percent

( Page 5, Annex D, clause D-2.1, line 1 ) - Substitute 'A 10 percent

diluted (volume/volume) of' for 'An undiluted'.

( l'age 5, Annex D, clause D-2.1, line 2 ) -

(l'age Substitute '77 ± 3°e" for
'50 ± 3°e' .
( l)age 6, Annex D, clause D-2.4.3,first sentence) -:- Substitute ~48 hours'
for '30 minutes' and '77-± 3°C' for '50 ± 3°e' .

[ Page 7, Annex 0, clause D-4.1 (see also Amendment No.3)] -

Substitute the following for the existing text:
'The pipe is considered to have passed the test if none of the first ten bends fails
Of, not In.ore than two bends fail in the total sample ofuventy bends. >


Reprograpby Unit,. BIS, New Delhi, India

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