EPI 3.5 Research Overview & Consolidation

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Research Overview & Consolidation


Dr. J. Nailes || 20 April 2017 LECTURE

Content Outline: o Principal investigator – name, position, contact

I. Objectives details
II. Parts of the Research Proposal o Co investigators (curriculum vitae and Good Clinical
a. Title Practice (GCP) - training if applicable, it's training that
b. Proponent is required for those students who want to implement
c. Significance an experimental study design e.g. herbal medicine, if
d. Background descriptive cross section, it is not required)
e. Research Problems and Subproblems
f. Hypothesis SIGNIFICANCE
g. Objectives o What you are trying to tell us is: Why do you even
h. Methodology need to do it?
i. Study design o Rationale
ii. Subject Selection
iii. Operational Definitions o Does it have an Impact?
iv. Data collection, methods, and o Does it provide clinical utility?
tools o What is the magnitude of the problem that you are
v. Subject Selection trying to answer
vi. Interpretation and Conclusion
i. Time Table If you are really stomped looking for your topic,
j. Personnel and Facilities
usually start from the top 10 morbidity, mortality
k. Budget
l. Informed Consent diseases. Kasi iyong question niyo about the
m. Appendix magnitude of the problem is automatically answered.
III. References
You do research because there is a gap in
LEGEND: knowledge, or if you want to contribute new
Presentation Mentioned Remember Book Other
in the Trans BACKGROUND
lecture o Give the Current status of what we know about your
research problem
OBJECTIVES o Describe the situation that requires the study – gap
in knowledge, unresolved issue, conflicting data with
 Explain the purpose of Qualitative Research and its
the theoretical data
o Literature review related to your topic
 Differentiate qualitative research from quantitative
research o Write your References* write at the end of your
 Discuss the different Qualitative research design proposal just before your appendix.
o Use the Vancouver style of citation.
PARTS OF THE RESEARCH PROPOSAL o There are 2 more common ways of citation:
Vancouver & NLM (National Library of medicine),
1. Title
APA (Harvard way)
2. Proponent- name, position
o Cite using the last name of the author and the year
3. Significance
the paper was published (APA citation)* this is not
4. Background (references)*
what we need
5. Research Problem and Subproblems
o When you cite, you use numbers (Vancouver or NLM)
6. Hypothesis (analytic studies)
o You put superscript - the corresponding
7. Objectives – general, specific
number should reflect on your references
8. Time table
o Usually seen in our laboratory manuals
9. Personnel & facilities
o Common mistake of 2nd year students
10. Budget
o For thesis making: APA citation
11. Informed consent
o For research paper in Medicine and Science:
Vancouver or NLM citation
o Attractive, concise, informative
Research Problem and Subproblems
o Includes study variables, (P, I, C, O, M)
o Research problem is usually your title stated in a
o Contains key words of research question
question format (PCOM)
o Gives viewer an idea of what the study is about
o Is the problem researchable?
If you want to make your study a bigger target, then
o Is the data available and can it be collected?
you involve certain words/keywords that are not seen
o Is the data adequate enough?
in your title but are very much related to your study, to
make your study a bigger target when it is being o Is the problem feasible?

Exam #3 Trans #5 | Ouano | Pablo | Pacamarra | Palima | 1 of 4

Research Overview & Consolidation
o Do you have enough time, money,  Two- tailed: if you just want to detect a
materials, equipment and manpower to difference, regardless of the direction of the
implement such? difference.
 For planning the method of data analysis

o “Cultural Diffusion and Adaptation of Indigenous Objectives

 General objectives - reflects what the study hopes to
Medicinal Plants in South Cotabato”
o At least 40 respondents
o What do you think is the budget?  Specific objectives – SMART (Specific, Measurable,
 A. 1,300,000.00 Attainable, Realistic/ Relevant, Time Bound)
 B. 585, 000.00
 C.79, 000.00
 This will tell us what is the proposal of your proposed
o * WHY? They have to partner with Notre
Dame of Marbel, and majority of the budget
were allotted for the wage to sustain the  You have to be very specific
needed manpower, equipment, plane tickets,  When using an equipment, even the model
board and lodging. number and the brand must be stated
 If others want to replicate your study, s/he
o “ Development of Diabetes Risk Score for the should be able to do so just by reading your
Lay” methodology, with no need of contacting the
o Involves 3,000 people original authors.
o What do you think is the budget? Study design
 A. 1,300,000.00  Plan of investigation
 B. 585, 000.00
 Who, what, when, where & how will the study be
 C.79, 000.00
o *WHY? It requires a lot of people and you
need to do glaucometer to screen for Subject Selection
diabetes (uses around 3000 strips)  Source population
 Inclusion, exclusion of criteria
o Associations between Lifestyle Behaviors and  Method of recruitment/sampling
Psychosocial Health Conditions Among o How will you sample?
Adolescents in the Region: A Cross- sectional o How did you arrive at your sample size?
and Cross- cultural Study Show your sample size computation in your
o At least 4,000 students in NCR proposals
o What do you think is the budget?  Ethical considerations
 A. 1,300,000.00  Sample size computation- parameters
 B. 585, 000.00
 C. 79, 000.00 Operational definitions
o *WHY? You don’t need to pay the  Most commonly committed mistake of 2nd year
respondents when conducting a survey, the students
only expense you need is when you  Dependent and independent variables as applied in
photocopy the questionnaires. It's situated the study
only in NCR, no need for transportation.  NO TEXTBOOK DEFINITIONS!!!!
 Example: Height
o Always consider the cost of your study, not only the o Textbook definition: how high an object is
number of your sample. Sometimes the study with the o Operational definition: number of inches an
most sample size ended up being the cheapest. object, using a steel ruler
 You are giving the specific method of how you will
Hypothesis (for Analytic Studies) measure a particular variable.
 Will guide you into what method of data of analysis
you need to do Data collection, methods & tools
 For estimation of sample size  Describe each step/procedure/phase sequentially,
 How you phrase your hypothesis will tell you logically
if your study is a one-tailed or a two–tailed o Who, what, when, where, and how
study design. o How you will do your study in chronological
 One tailed: you are specifying the direction of order that is how you will also present it in
the difference you’re trying to detect. your methodology
 Describe randomization/random allocation
(or random selection)

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E #3 T #5
Research Overview & Consolidation
 Sampling technique and random J F M A M J J A S
allocation or random selection are a e a p a u u u e
not the same n b r r y n l g p
 Define your study arms/ groups e y t
 If a new method instrument is used,
describe it in sufficient detail; otherwise, cite IRB
 Examples:
o If you are going to use a Mango leaf Recruitme
extract, you can just copy the nt
methodology from the previous study. Data
There is no need to specify the steps. collection
You can just cite the study.
o However if you are doing a novel, or a Analysis
new technique, you have to specifically Writing of
state and describe it in detail manuscript
 Describe the manner of your data analysis. You Revision
should know what statistical test you would be
needing to be able to analyze your data properly Submissio
Data processing and Analysis Table 1. Example of time table. Your data collection must be done by
 Describe manner of data analysis- statistical tests
o Cite software/program (licensed) Personnel & Facilities
o Cite the software or program that you  Personnel
would use and make sure that the o Co-investigators, research assistants,
program is licensed. encoder, office staff, statistician, driver, etc.
 “We don’t promote piracy in o Qualifications
UERM” o Job descriptions
 Microsoft excel: If your paper is  Machines/equipment
going to be published  Computer/laptop
internationally, they will cross  Drugs/test kits/reagents
check the license number you  Study site-requirements
used  Office (phone/ fax, internet connection, etc.)
 Dummy tables  Storage area
 We need to know how you envision your *We won’t allow you to rent/pay for a
data presentation would look like statistician, because we believe that you
 Use appropriate method of presentation should be able to do statistics yourselves.
 Demographics, data of objectives
o Table 1 is always for demographic Budget
characteristics of the study  Summarize per category
population o Personnel: honoraria to certain people that
you will be “renting” services from,
Interpretation & conclusion o MOOE: Maintenance and other operation
 You need to show theoretical interpretation and expenses (transpo, ballpen, etc.)
conclusion o Capital outlay: Expense that you would be
incurring to buy new stuff (test kits, Elisa
 Describe how possible results will be interpreted
reader, etc.)
and describe possible conclusions
 You put the results you expect to see Informed consent
 English version: for approval and documentation of
Time table ethics board approval
 Milestones/important events- preparatory, study  Vernacular version: will be used in the field
phase, post-study phase
 Realistic/ doable Appendix
 Gantt chart  Should have endorsement from the Department Head
 Use appropriate time periods or dean for funding and ethics clearance purposes
 You should have a biodata or CV of every author and
investigator involved in the proposal
 Informed consent

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E #3 T #5
Research Overview & Consolidation
 Data collection forms
 Gantt chart
 Itemized budget


HAPPENED YET. Say what you mean and mean what
you say. Be very clear, concise and convincing.
Remember you are doing a quantitative research
proposal, be very short, very sweet.”

1. Lecture
2. 2019C

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E #3 T #5

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