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Special Project: Development of Learning Assessment Tools for Senior

High School Students per Specialization in Technology and
Livelihood Education (TLE) for the School Year 2016-1017
under the Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) Track


The success in the implementation of the K to 12 Basic Education Program this

year is evident through the output that senior high school students especially the
Grade 11 will produce. Aside from the learning resources that these students will
have as per allocated by the Department of Education, there must be more supplies
of teaching and learning resources for the students as well as for the teachers.
These resources must be responsive enough to the requirements of the curriculum,
must be learner-centered, decongested and enhanced.

To attain more quality outputs and have competitive learners, the need to have
experts from the academe to prepare and produce quality learning assessment tools
per specialization in Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) under the
Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) Track in the newly implemented Senior High
School of the K to 12 Basic Education Program is timely and responsive to the needs
of quality learning resources. This is a great advantage to every school with pool of
experts and experienced practitioners to converge and manipulate assessment tools
for the sake of the development and readiness of the learners in their upcoming
assessment especially in Technical Education and Skills Development Authority,


At the end of the First Semester, or Second Quarter of this school year 2016-
2017, A Developed Learning Assessment Tools per Specialization in Technology
and Livelihood Education (TLE) under the Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL)
Track shall have been completed and submitted for approval to the Division Office,
and shall be used by the teachers in the Senior High School Department.

Project Description:

The Project is called Development of Learning Assessment Tools for Senior

High School Students per Specialization in Technology and Livelihood Education for
the School Year 2016-1017 under the Technical-Vocational-Livelihood (TVL) Track.
This will involve the writing of Learning Assessment Tools based on the standards
and competencies found in the Learning Materials (LMs) and Curriculum Guides
(CGs) of the Senior High School offered courses. These will be developed and
organized by Technology and Livelihood Education-Learning Component Team
(TLE-LCT) which is composed of Master Teachers, the head of the Department, at

least 2 English Master Teachers as language editors, and external expert in the field
particularly TESDA assessor as content validator and the Principal as the consultant.

The Division Office particularly the 2nd District, Division of Quezon City shall
be the overall in-charge of the project. It shall be responsible for the approval of the
TLE-LCT organized by the school locally and shall subsidize the implementation of
the program.

Terms of Reference:

1. Division of City Schools, Division of Quezon City shall be the overall in-
charge of the Project. It shall attend to the following:
1.1 Note the Organization of the TLE-LCT
1.2 Approval of the Authority to implement the Project
1.3 Allocation and Approval of the Budget
2. School Authority shall do the following:
2.1 Identification/Selection of the members of the TLE-LCT which is
compose of TLE Master Teachers-writers; English Master
Teachers- language editors, TESDA Assessor- content validator;
Head of the Department and Principal-consultants.
2.2 Approval of the schedule and venue relative to the conduct of the
2.3 Subsidize further allocation of budget from the MOOE whenever
the Division Office’s budget deficit.
3. TLE-LCT shall develop and write the learning assessment tools based from
the competencies found in Learner’s Material and Curriculum Guides and
make them adaptable and responsive to the needs of the learners. They
shall convene and produce the outputs as scheduled.
4. The content editors shall review and validate the assessment tools if they
are aligned and based from the TESDA training Regulations.
5. The language editors shall edit all outputs that passed through critiquing.
6. All writers shall have original outputs.
7. All schedules and deadlines must be strictly followed.

Schedule of Activities:
Activities Dates Venues
1. Development of July 4-8, 2016 CHS Bulwagan, QC
Assessment Tools July 18-22, 2016
2. Validation of August 8-12, 2016 Hotel H2O, Manila
Assessment Tools
3. Finalization of September 5-9, 2016 CHS Bulwagan, QC
Assessment Tools

Source of Funds: City Schools Division, Division of Quezon City Budget and

The TLE-LCT shall submit the budget estimates for the Project and
indicate other activities that cover transportations, per diem (if necessary),
meals, lodging, supplies, and materials, cash grants and honoraria of writers,
validators, consultants, content and language editors.

Incentive for the TLE-LCT

1. A cash grant for each TLE-LCT will be given as indicated below:

1.1 Php 5,000.00 for the writer; Php 3,000.00 for the validator;
Php 2,000.00 for the consultant; and 3,000.00 for the language
2. A plaque and certificate of recognition shall be awarded to each
members of theTLE-LCT.
3. Authorship for the completed Learning Assessment Tools

Prepared by:

April 6, 2016

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