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Lesson Plans for Multi-Grade Classes

Grades 1 and 2
Learning Area: MUSIC Quarter TWO Week : ONE
Grade Level Grade I Grade II
Content Standard The learner... The learner...
demonstrates basic understanding of pitch and demonstrates basic understanding of pitch and
simple melodic patterns. simple melodic patterns.
The learner... The learner...
Performance Standard responds accurately to high and low tones through body performs with accuracy of pitch, the simple melodic patterns
movements, singing, and playing other sources of sounds. through body movements, singing or playing musical instruments.
Identifies the pitch of a tone as high or low Identifies the pitch of tones as
MU1ME-IIa-1 high
Matches the correct pitch of tones with other sound sources low
MU1ME-IIb-2 higher
Sings simple melodic patterns 3.1 ( so – mi, mi so, mi –re-do) lower
MU1ME-IIb-3 MU2ME-Iia-1
Matches the melody of a song with the correct pitch vocally Responds to ranges of pitch through body
greeting songs movements, singing, and playing sources of
counting songs sounds.
action songs MU2ME-Iia-2
MU1ME-IIc-4 Demonstrates high and low pitches through singing or playing
musical instruments
Sings the following songs with accurate
rote songs
echo songs
simple children’s melodies

Echoes simple melodic patterns

through singing or humming

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Grade Level Grade I Grade II
Echoes simple melodic patterns through singing or humming
Day 1 (80 min)
Objectives To identify the pitch of a tone as high or low. Identify the pitch of tones as
To match the correct pitch of tones with other sound sources. higher
Respond to ranges of pitch through body
movements, singing, and playing sources of
Demonstrate high and low pitches through singing or playing musical
Subject Matter Identifying the pitch of tone as high or low. Identifying the pitch of tones as high,higher, low, and lower.
Matching the correct pitch of tones with other sound sources Responding to ranges of pitch through body
movements, singing, and playing sources of
Demonstrating high and low pitches through singing or playing musical
References Songs were taken from the collection of Kindergarten songs
BOW, Encarta Kids,;_ -instruments-set-sketching-music-instrument-isolated-
white-background-contains-hi-res-jpg-pdf-51052833.jpg&action=click (others)
Procedure Grouping Structures (tick boxes):
Use these letter icons to  Whole Class
show methodology and Describe the parts of the lesson (for example the  Ability Groups
assessment activities. introduction), where you may address all grade levels as  Friendship Groups
one group.  Other (specify)
Direct Teaching T  Mixed Ability Groups  Combination of Structures
 Grade Groups
Group Activity G
Teaching, Learning and Assessment Activities
Learning I Say :I have here a song. I will sing first then afterwards you are going to sing. ((Listen).
( See Appendix AB Day 1 1.1 Animal Sound )
Assessment A
What are the animals mentioned in the song ? What pitch does the dog produce? Cat? Cow ? Goat?

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Grade Level Grade I Grade II
Bird? Duck ?
We sing it together. (Group the children according to animals. Tell them to produce the sound as it
was produced.)
Emphasize on the high, low, higher, lower etc.
Cut the pictures of animals.Classify them according to the Let the pupils sing a song with action. Sit down if it is a low
pitch they produce. pitch and stand if it is a high pitch. What did you do if it is a low
See Appendix A Day 1.1 picth? High pitch?
Kitaen tayo no ania dagidiay ayup nga addaan ti nangato ken A.The pupils will group the instruments that
nababa nga uni. produce high sounds in column A and Low sounds
Kolum A Kolum B in column B.
(See Appendix B Day 1 1.1)

B. Draw lines / shapes showing high and low pitches

A. Instruct the pupils to move their hands up and down as the pitch goes high and low while singing the song “Animal Sounds”. (See
Appendix AB Day 1 1.2)
Pagannurotan: Agpanunot ken kantaen ti sunata/kanta iti nababa nga tono ti aweng kabayatan ti panagpauni iti instrumento nga
nababa ti uni na.
Kantaen iti nangato nga tono ti aweng ken danggayan ti panagtokar iti instrumento nga nangato ti uni na.

B. Demonstrate high and low pitches through shaking the improvised tambourine or striking triangle for high pitch and striking
the improvised drums for low pitch. (Teacher may use also activities in the TG and LM). (See Rubrics on Appendix AB Day 1

Day 2 ( 80 minutes)

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Grade Level Grade I Grade II
Objectives To sing simple melodic patterns 3.1 ( so –mi, mi so, To sing the following songs with accurate pitches:
mi –re-do) rote songs
MU1ME-IIb-3 echo songs
To match the melody of a song with the correct simple children’s melodies
pitch vocally MU2ME-Iib
greeting songs Echoes simple melodic patterns through singing or humming
counting songs MU2ME-IIc-5
action songs To echoe simple melodic patterns through singing or humming.
MU1ME-IIc-4 MU2ME-Iic-5

Subject Matter Singing simple melodic patterns 3.1 ( so– mi, mi so, mi –re-do) Singing the following songs with accurate pitch: rote songs, echo
Matching the melody of a song with the correct pitch songs, simple children’s melodies, and echoes simple melodic
vocally:greeting song,counting song and action song patterns
Echoeing simple melodic patterns through singing or humming.
Reference BOW,
 Sing again the song “Animal Sound” and “Up and Down”.
Procedure  Let the pupils listen as you sing another song “ Ikot-ikot’ afterwards, the pupils will sing with you. (See Appendix AB Day 2
 Ask : How does the melodies of the songs move? Does it have variations in pitch ?
Group the pupils into two. The Grade l class will be the group 1 and the Grade 2 will be the group 2.
Activity 1
The group 1 will sing the animal sound then the group 2 will hum it with the correct melodic pattern.
The group 2 will sing “Up and Down” and the group1 will hum the melodic pattern.
Activity 2
The whole class will think of an action song they have learned and show the high and low pitches.
(Suggested Action song: “ Nu Sika Ket Naragsak” (See Appendix AB Day 2 1.2)
Day 3 (40 Minutes) ( CULMINATING ACTIVITY )
Objectives To identify the pitch of a tone as high or low To identify the pitch of tones as
MU1ME-IIa-1 High

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Grade Level Grade I Grade II
To match the correct pitch of tones with other sound sources. low
MU1ME-IIb-2 higher
To sing simple melodic patterns 3.1 ( so – lower
mi, mi so, mi –re-do) MU2ME-Iia-1
To respond to ranges of pitch through body movements, singing, and
To match the melody of a song with the correct pitch vocally
playing sources of sounds.
greeting songs MU2ME-Iia-2
counting song To demonstrate high and low pitches through
action songs
singing or playing musical instruments
To sing the following songs with accurat pitch:
rote songs
echo songs
simple children’s melodies
Echoes simple melodic patterns through singing or humming
To echoe simple melodic patterns through singing or humming MU2ME-
Subject Matter Identifying the pitch of a tone as high or low. Identifying the pitch of tones as high,higher, low, and lower.
Matching the correct pitch of tones with other sound sources Responding to ranges of pitch through body
Singing simple melodic patterns movements, singing, and playing sources of sounds.
Demonstrating high and low pitches through singing or playing musical
Singing the following songs with accurate pitch: rote songs,
echo songs, simple children’s melodies, and echoes simple
melodic patterns
Echoeing simple melodic patterns through singing or humming.
Reference BOW, (others)
Procedure Teaching, Learning and Assessment Activites

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Grade Level Grade I Grade II
1. Write H if the instrument has high pitch and L if it is low 1. The teacher sings the song “Ikot-ikot” with different pitches
pitch.(1-5) (See Appendix A Day 3 1.1) then pupils will identify if it is low , lower pitch and high,
2 . Draw one animal that sounds high pitch and one higher pitch.(1-5)
animal with low pitch.(5 points) 2. Identify the following song if it is greeting, action, or counting
song. Write your answers on the blank provided. (1-5)

Culminating Activity
Choose one among the song that we had learned and present (by three’s or it depends upon the number of
the learners) with body movements using an appropriate instrument. (See Appendix AB Day 3 1.1)

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