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Political Ideologies

Sunday, September 09, 2018 5:16 PM

A more or less coherent set of ideas that provides the basis for some kind of organized political
action (Heywood, 2002)

September 13, 2018

Destutt de Tracy
Science of ideas , on biology, zoology, philosophy etc. The science of ideas want to set out to
uncover the origins of conscious thought ad conscious ideas. Coming from the word Idea or set of
Neutral origins of the word.

Karl Marx
A tool used by the ruling class.
What ideology means is different across generations
- Amounted to the ideas of the ruling class, these set of ideas are used to uphold the class
system between the ruling class and the working class and perpetuate exploitation by the
ruling class to the working class.
- Confuse the subordinate classes by concealing from them the contradictions upon which all
class systems are based.
- Used to mystify and confuse them of the realities they face everyday.

INTERWAR PERIOD: Popper , Arendt, Talmon

Is an instrument (tool) of social control to ensure compliance and subordination (on the part of the
citizens/ people)

An abstract system of thought that distorts political reality
because they claim to understand something that is clearly cannot be understood.

Functional (not value laden) definition
A more or less coherent set of ideas that provides the basis for some kind of organized political
action whether this is to preserve, modify or overthrow the existing system of power relationships
(Heywood, 2002)

Meant to either preserve, modify or overthrow existing systems of power relationships

Seeks to change something whether it be drastic or simply modify
Have 3 specific purposes
1. Tries to explain reality offers existing account of the world, existing order, OFFER A WORLD
2. Aspire how the world SHOULD BE , how it OUGHT TO BE, how it WILL BE .Provide a model of
the desired future, a vision of the Good society
3. Outline how political change can and should be brought about from point a to point b will
be. How to achieve the desired future. It’s a guide, a framework of how we view the world and
how we aspire to change it .

1. Distortion Distort social reality specifically , ideologies give contorted images of reality . They
exagerate or over simplify reality
2. Legitimacy On the part of the ruler. Consent of the governed
3. Integration Identity. Beliefs and values can be a part of our culture. The bringign together of
people here is INTEGRATION


people here is INTEGRATION


Mother Ideology: LIBERALISM

Has won over other ideologies
Most common, most widely observed.
Construct society where individuals can flourish.
Morally neutral; allows for individuals to define what is good for them

Individualism - CORE PRINCIPLE OF LIBERALISM Roots from the belief in the human person, the
individual. Supreme importance as opposed to any communal group. Implies that human beings are
of equal moral worth and possess separate unique identities.
Liberal goal is to therefore construct a society within which individuals can flourish and develop each
pursuing the good as he defines it, to the best of her abilities.
Morally neutral. In terms of moral worth we are all equal.

Freedom - CORE VALUE GIVEN Priority over equality & justice . Advocates freedom within the
context of the law. Not Absolute freedom. Freedom under the law. We have to follow certain
standards or rules.
Reason - rationality. Individuals are born equal , springs from the fact that we all exercise reasonable
judgement. Faith in the ability of individuals to make wise judgement on their own behalf. Debate
and argumentation to resolve conflicts.
Cannot build consensus through killing each other.
Equality - not social equality, but legal and political equality.
Legal equality everyone should be treated the same in the eyes of the law. The law must be
enforced in the same way for all people.
Political equality individuals should have the same political rights and not given to just one
part of society.
Equality of Opportunity a level playing field. Doing what they want to do, not dictated by the
state . Given the choice to take the opportunity.
Equality of Outcome individuals should be equal in all facets of life.

Meritocracy RULE BY THE TALENTED. What you have in life is because of your hard work.
What you achieve is based on your hard work. Not because of affluence or popularity but
because you deserve it and have the capacity to be in it.

Toleration - individuals have different perspectives, ideas, etc. liberalism promotes tolerance. The
willingness of people to think speak and act in ways which they disapprove. Ways they do not
necessarily agree in. promotes pluralism which means cultural, political and moral diversity.
Diversity is a normal condition in society for liberalists and should be encouraged. Ideas work from
innovation and change
Society is a free market of ideas which must be encouraged not quashed by the state.

Consent - consent of the governed to be governed. People should express consent to authority
(social contract) . The govt. only exists because the people allow it to exist. It is legitimate because
people give it the power. State cannot exist without the citizens.
Authority must come from below and not from above. (opposite of conservatives: state to citizens)
Prefer democratic systems of government.

Constitutionalism- there is rule of law and belief in the law. Laws exist for the benefit of the people
and society. Gov. cannot be all too powerful. Exercise of power must be limited by a constitution.
Promotes checks and balances.
Bill of Rights - state power cannot be used to abuse individuals. Perfectly presents relationship
between the state and the individual. LIMITS THE POWER OF THE STATE. (article 3 section 1)




Extreme form of individualism. More sympathetic attitude towards state

Human beings are as egoistical, self-seeking and Free market has caused injustices.
largely self-reliant creatures.
Atomist view: ‘negative liberty’, meaning non- Freedom does not simply mean just being left
interference or the absence of external constraints, alone but that ability of the individual to gain
implying an unsympathetic attitude towards the fulfillment and achieve self-realization (basis
state and all forms of government intervention. for social or welfare liberalism).
State as a ‘necessary evil’. Five giants: want, ignorance, idleness, squalor
and disease (UK, Beveridge Report).
Laissez-faire capitalism Managed or regulated capitalism (key
economic responsibilities handled by the

Contradictory to liberalism
Preserving the status quo , preserving the same system . Late 18th Century to early 19th century
Harked back to the ancien regime

The desire to conserve.
Respect for established customs, institutions. Desire to conserve , tradition has the virtue to
promoting security. Social cohesion becomes problematic.

Practical. Conservatives don’t want to pursue new ways. The old ways, should be used by the state.
Human beings have limited human rationality so focus on what works.
Experience is the best teacher, history is the best teacher.

Human Imperfection - Rooting from perspective of what human beings are. - human beings are
limited, dependent, security seeking, morally corrupt, selfish, greedy, thirsty for power . Thus, trad.
Institutions must regulate it.

Society as an organic whole or living entity; structured by natural necessity

Hierarchy is necessary. Social status are natural and inevitable. Bound by mutual obligations and
reciprocal duties.
Conservatives and socialists are the same in some sense.
See society as an organic whole, structured by a hierarchy.

Authority - exercised from above.

Impression of a very strong state. But to limit state power:

Property- private property ownership gives people freedom from the state, while the state is strong
there is still private property. What distinguishes conservatives from those who believe in common
ownership. Be independent from government.
Associated to authoritarian left & right

Paternalisti Consistent with principles such as organicism, hierarchy, and duty.


Paternalisti Consistent with principles such as organicism, hierarchy, and duty.
Conservatis Blend between market competition and government regulation (private enterprise
m without selfishness: broader benefit of society)
New Right Counter towards state-intervention and the spread of liberal or progressive social
values (post-1945)

Shift from state to market-oriented forms of organization

Supporting the goal of a strong but minimal state: the free economy and the strong
state (Andrew Gamble, 1981)

Neoliberalis Updated version of classical political economy Central pillars: market and the
m individual ‘Roll back’ the frontiers of the state, in the belief that unregulated market
capitalism will deliver efficiency, growth and widespread prosperity. Nanny state
breeds a culture of dependence and undermines individual freedom. Faith should be
placed in self
help, individual responsibility, and entrepreneurialism.
Neoconserv Reasserts 19th century conservative social principles Restore authority and return to
atism traditional values notably linked to family, religion, and nation. Authority as
guaranteeing social stability Shared values and common culture are believed to
generate social cohesion and make civilized existence possible

Analysis must root from the concept of community or collectivism. Is the vision of human beings as
social creatures that relate and interact with other individuals in order to proceed with their lives.
Fashioned by social interaction and social groups or social bodies.
Reason is incomplete. Rational thinking may be innate but shaped but our social conditions how
people think. It is shaped by environment and conditions. Nature.
Consider social factors instead of innate abilities.


Social Equality - central value

Egalitarian EMPHASIZE EQUALITY OF OUTCOME , THINK that social equality is essential to
gain stability and cohesion. Encourage individuals to identify with fellow human beings. Basis
for legal and political rights. < not because they deserve it but because we want to achieve
social equality.

Community- core of Socialism

The degree to which individual identity is fashioned by social interaction and membership of social
groups and collective bodies; nature vs. nurture (explaining individual behavior through social
factors than innate qualities).

Fraternity - brotherhood, comradeship. Prefer cooperation rather than competition / prefer

collectivism rather than individualism .

Need - Marxist concept of distribution. From to each his own ability, each according to his need .
What they have is really what they need. e.g : free healthcare, education < should be free.

Social Class - form of hierarchy. Form of social cleavage . Is considered as the most significant social
cleavage. Very other cleavage goes back to social class.
Traditionally associated w/ an oppressed working class.

Common Ownership - collectivized system. No such thing as private property > breeds selfishness


Common Ownership - collectivized system. No such thing as private property > breeds selfishness
and conflict. Principle of distribution (Marx)

19th Century - a reaction against the emergence of industrial capitalism
Principle alternative to the liberal rationalism that has dominated western culture and intellectual

Marx is not a Marxist

Based on our interpretation of Marx' writings. No guarantee that we interpret it to be is what he

Historical Materialism - Cornerstone of Marxist philosophy , what Engels calls the materialistic
conception of history . Highlighted the importance of economic life and the conditions under which
people produce and reproduce their means of subsistence.

Dialectical Change - Dialectic, a process of interaction between competing forces that results in a
higher stage of development .This model implies that historical change I a consequence of internal
contradictions within a mode of production reflected in class antagonism.

Alienation - central principle of Marx' early principles . Unalienated labour is thus the source of of
human fulfilment and self-realization

^^ central to Marxist writing. Mans' future / destiny is predetermined. What defines destiny is
economic base. Mode of production and economic base. Live for the profit of the ruling class. :(
Mode of production - defines all aspects of life. Defines politics of the state. Source of all analysis for
Marx. History is predetermined in the sense that you have the economic base and mode of
production telling man what to do.
Rift and tension will lead to economic change.

Class Struggle - Struggle of working class and ruling class.

Surplus Value - tendency of capitalism. Extract so much labor from workers w/ cost of production
reduced but profits are high. Leads to class consciousness. (high sales but low pay? ) awareness of
class interest and willingness to pursue them. People realize that the system is exploiting them so
leads to proletariat revolution

Proletarian Revolution -

Capitalism would pass through a series of increasingly serious crises of overproduction. This would
bring the proletariat to class consciousness (an accurate awareness of class interests and the
willingness to pursue them).

Communism -classless communist society. State withers away . No state, no classes, socialism is
ushered in.

The practicality of this ideology. How do we achieve this? What is the way to do it ? Proletarian
revolution. But from this there is a transitionary socialist period with a tendency to create dictators.
Hard to usher a communist setup. (USSR; they tried and FAILED. ) WILL ONLY SUCCEED IF
COMMUNISM IS A GLOBAL SYSTEM. Crushed with the fall of the USSR

Is this still relevant? Is the left and right distinction still relevant?

The Left and Right

Norberto Bobbio


Norberto Bobbio

“The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways. The point, however, is to change
― Karl Marx, Eleven Theses on Feuerbach

Not relative terms. We cannot be limited to just the absolute/ rigid definitions. These are evolving
terminologies. Evolved based on our conditions in society, these shape our understanding of the left
and the right.
Left= equality
Right= inequality
All these jargons have their own meanings and how they mean at a certain period may not be the
same in another period. Be careful what we mean. These are relative terms, they have to be
understood visibly the conditions of our time.

Complacency = if people become complacent with one ideology the other is left to rot ,if one
distinction withered there is no distinction to speak of.
Extremism = never take ideologies to their extremes


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