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Analysis of the relationship between computational thinking

and mathematical abstraction in primary education

Hasnaa Chaabi Amina Azmani Juan Manuel Dodero
Double affiliation Chemestry Department Informatics Engineering
UCA / UAE Abdelmalek Essaadi University Department
Cadiz / Tangier Spain / Morocco (UAE) University of Cadiz Tangier Morroco Cadiz Spain

Enhancing Multiculturality (TEEM 2019) (León, Spain, October 16-18, 2019),

ABSTRACT F. J. García-Peñalvo Ed. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 7 pages.
The aim of this paper is to broaden our view on the relationship
between Computational Thinking and the development of the
abstraction skill applied to mathematics. It was aimed to reveal
trends and new potential solutions to be explored in the teaching
1 Context and motivation
of mathematics. We carefully selected sixty-four papers related We started with basic learning by working on a first article
with the objective above cited. From which we inspected twenty- [6] about reading skill. Then, we decided to direct our research
four discovering that abstraction is a key skill for mathematics towards the mathematics to get closer to the field of computer
and Computational Thinking. We also discovered that we need science.
to define which type of abstraction are we going to work on Our goal in tackling basic learning was to help primary
together with choosing between the two ways of teaching CT: students to assimilate best the learning taught. And by making a
integrating it to the curricula or as an after-school program. state-of-the-art of exploited profiles in primary education (which
is the subject of an article being published), we have found
CCS CONCEPTS studies that proclaim the usefulness of assimilating and
convergent profiles for the improvement of the relationship with
• Social and professional topics~Computational
thinking • Social and professional topics~K-12
In the next section we will describe the state-of-the-art on the
education • Social and professional topics~Children • Theory
relationship between Computational Thinking and abstract
of computation~Abstraction • Applied
thinking process in the primary education. We will then present
computing~Education • Applied computing~Mathematics and
the hypotheses and research objectives. We identify our research
statistics • General and reference~General conference
approach, method and we expose results to date.
Finally, we introduce current and expected contributions of
the research.
Basic Learnings, Computational Thinking, Abstraction, learning 2 State-of-the-art
profiles, Thinking Skills, Mathematics Education Research, APOS
To obtain the papers we are going to focus on, we used the
SPC [10](situación, población, cuestión) format. We did not use
ACM Reference format: the PICO [24](Population Intervention Comparison Outcome)
Hasnaa Chaabi, Amina Azmani and Juan Manuel Dodero. 2019. format because our purpose is not to analyze the impact of a
Analysis of the relationship between computational thinking and health intervention. Table 2 shows the preparation of the String
mathematical abstraction in primary education. In Proceedings of Search according to the SPC format.
the Seventh International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Next, we formed the search equation using the terms already
assembled with OR in the previous table and joining them with
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal
or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or the logic operator AND.
distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice (“Computational Thinking” AND (“primary education” OR
and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights forcomponents of this work “childhood education” OR student* OR children OR “young
owned by others than ACM must be honored. Abstracting with credit is
permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute
learners”) AND (“abstraction” OR “abstract thinking” OR
to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from “abstraction abilities” OR “thinking process”) Finally, we executed the search equation in the Web Of Science
TEEM'19, October 16–18, 2019, León, Spain
database. In table1 we describe the results obtained.
© 2019 Association for Computing Machinery.
ACM ISBN 978-1-4503-7191-9/19/10...$15.00
TEEM 2019, October 2019, Léon, Spain H. Chaabi et al.

Table 1. results obtained after running the String Search

Database String Search Localize Selecte

d d
articles articles
“Computational Thinking”
AND(“primary education”
OR “childhood education”
OR student* OR children
Web of
OR “young learners”) 64 24
AND (“abstraction” OR
“abstract thinking” OR
“abstraction abilities” OR
“thinking process”)

Table 2. preparation of the String Search according to the SPC format.

SPC Conditions Standardized terms Synonyms Assemble with OR

Situation Computational Computational Thinking “Computational Thinking”
Population Primary school primary education Children “primary education” OR “childhood
children childhood education student* education” OR student* OR children OR
young learners “young learners”
Question Develop abstraction Abstraction abstraction abilities abstraction OR “abstract thinking” OR
abstract thinking “abstraction abilities” OR “thinking
thinking process process”

“Computational thinking involves solving recognizing aspects of computation in the world that surrounds
problems, designing systems, and understanding us, and applying tools and techniques from Computer Science to
human behavior, by drawing on the concepts understand and reason about both natural and artificial systems
fundamental to computer science. Computational and processes.”
thinking includes a range of mental tools that Finally, and in the same sense, as mentioned by Barr and
reflect the breadth of the field of computer Stephenson, computational thinking as a thinking process has
science.” much in common with other type of reasoning (engineering,
This is the official definition started by Jeanette Wing in 2006 algorithmic and mathematical) [3].
[37]. Despite the fact that this notion has been first introduced And this, we would like to explore. Hence, to see how the CT
by Papert [27] as “Procedural thinking” in his book in 1980 but is evolving in the world of research, we conducted an overview
he did not define it. Wing’s definition has widely spread since of CT relating it with the development of abstraction.
2006. On one hand, abstraction is seen by various experts as the
Other definitions followed up. But are all, for the majority, most important computational thinking skill [29], Wing [37]
okey to say that it is a process. states that one of the central skills that students should gain in
Among others, the definition given by Hemmendinger [20] computational thinking is abstraction and as noted by Yadav [39,
where he encourages on teaching the learners to think as an 40] it is a key element of CT.
economist, a physicist or an artist this way they will understand This is why many studies investigated it. According to the
how to solve their problems and not just that, he continues with authors [22] abstraction is the fact of reducing complexity to
the fact of creating and investigating. define main ideas and create a formula to solve problems.
Five years later, the definition of Wing focuses more on the Wing[38] supports this definition certifying that “The
fact that solutions found must formulated so that they can be abstraction process- deciding what details we need to highlight
computed by an information-processing agent [23]. and what details we can ignore- underlies computational
The royal society in her technical report of 2012 [13] stresses thinking.”. Abstraction [29] is defined by having the ability to
more on the link that should be built between the reality and determine which aspects are important and which are not. And
what the learner can do in terms of understanding and reasoning in otherwords, Zúñiga and Al. [41] addresses the existing
when it states that : “Computational thinking is the process of relationship between thinking development and abstraction

Analysis of the relationship between computational thinking and
TEEM 2019, October 2019, Léon, Spain
mathematical abstraction in primary education

mechanisms. It defines the abstraction mechanisms as being the world maze to the virtual maze on the screen. This fact was
separation of interests and the creation of composite elements reported by the learners.
from simple elements. Despite the fact that other tools have been exploited to
The way to learn abstraction is by promoting imagination via facilitate teaching and the most popular used stays Dr. Scratch
engaging in personalized projects by the exploitation of tools [30].
such as interactive garments and wearables to fulfill this Tools such as App Inventor[42] or NetLogo [43] and other
objective. Besides, the use of the Arduino technology permets applications for teaching programming and other robotics kits
cross-disciplinary teachings (Art, Design, music …). And it helps [12]. Also, we encountered a non-exhaustive list of initiatives
link ideas and imagination to CT [17]. that work to develop computational thinking[19].
In [31], the authors differentiate between abstraction in Sung and Al. [33] used Dr. Scratch to explore a new factor:
computational thinking and scientific inquiry. For example: CT the degree of embodiment. The authors examine the
considers iterative and incremental development as a formal development of early mathematics and programming skills
software engineering process and in a scientific inquiry it would through experiencing computational perspectives.
be an iterative theory refinement through modeling. The papers [32, 41] stress the fact that there is a necessity to
Taking interest in abstraction, Rijke and Al. [29] investigated attract the attention of learners so that abstraction is activated
the development of students’ decomposition and abstraction naturally. In other words, this could be done with Dr. Scratch
skills with the objective to determine the appropriate age to tool.
teach those skills. Shodiev [32] affirms that CT with a hands-on scratch
It has been found that girls outperform their peers at this task graphical approach gives the learners necessary confidence. And
from 9.5 years old. And that the capacity for abstract reasoning the authors of [41] propose a range of activities based on the
begins to develop on the latest years of primary education as Child programming method which will be assessed by the tool.
also supported by Marini and Case [25] and [7]. And on another This last area is in need of development. A lack of definition
register, Izu and Al. [22] analyses the structure of the Berbras and assessment tools is a factor that slows down the inclusion of
challenge ( with the objective to CT into K-12[16, 36].
encourage interest and motivation in computing-related topics. Finally, the authors advise proposing interesting projects so
The results show that the majority of the proposed exercises test that the attention of students would be attracted to the subject
the algorithms & procedures and data representation. Also due and the students will start thinking computationally naturally
to the usage of interactive tasks there is a slight predominance of [32]. And recommend, working with ICT, to not give students
abstraction (only 8%) tasks. Abstraction tasks (considered more too much information so that their sense of abstraction can be
advanced) were mostly addressed to the youngest age groups. activated [41].
Our investigation showed other forms to explore CT: The second form is the unplugged way. The DISSECT
Programming and the unplugged way. (DIScover SciEnce through Computational Thinking a program
In the European Union, more than 800,000 professionals aiming to integrate fundamental CT principles into existing K-12
skilled in computing/informatics by 2020 are expected; In classroom courses)[11] works to provide these skill-sets to
addition to that coding skills help understand today’s digitalised students and classrooms that lack access to computers. The
society and foster 21st century skills like problem solving, paper presents the positive and negative side of every unplugged
creativity and logical thinking [2]. learning of CT. The researchers are working on finding
This first form is supported by Yadav and Al.[39] stating that alternative methods to teach CT the appropriate way without
it is valuable for students to learn computational thinking within using computers. Staff was mobilized to help develop modules
the context of computer science curricula and programming related to their respective curriculum with the aim of teaching
environments. Arguing that the access to computing tools is CT concepts. As are doing Rijke and Al. [29] where they took the
required to teach automation. And with the objective of learning lessons from the Barefoot Computing project
CS basics concepts and CT, Tran[34] did investigate the changes ( Also Bell´s group, where they use activities
that are going to occur in third-grade students after 10 weeks of from the website , they state that
coding lessons, the results showed that there had been an Computational Thinking is first of all a way of thinking and
improvement from pre- and posttests-based understanding learning solve problems. And this does not, necessarily, require
specific CS concepts and at the same time promoting CT. And in the use of a computer. The ideal case is to use ideas from
another experiment [35] authors presents T-Maze, a more direct Computer Science to solve real-world problems [4, 19].
and less abstract programming tool for children (5–9) by Results in Atmatzidou’s paper show that not all activities
building computer programs out of wooden blocks. It has been need to be computed because although providing written
used as an efficient approach to teach children about CT. The so- answers is tiring and boring for students, it is an important
called Tangible programming. It proposes 2 essential activities learning tool. In the same direction, the results in Rambally’s
which are playing and creation. Results show that the use of [28] article indicate that it is possible to provide practical,
abstraction was inevitable because of the obligation of respecting concrete, learning experiences about a variety of CT concepts
the restrictions imposed by the tool, having to represent real- using a problem-driven approach rather than programming.

TEEM 2019, October 2019, Léon, Spain H. Chaabi et al.

From this we can say that introducing Computational 3 Hypotheses

Thinking and a solid base of coding is the educational agenda of
The hypotheses proposed for our thesis are as follows:
many countries. The question remains: "what is the main
H1. Teaching CT at the primary level could help the
objective behind it?" And the answer should be: "whatever the development of abstraction and thus improve the
mean used, the most important thing is to lograr the acquisition understanding of mathematics.
of these skills; the application of high level of abstraction and
learning how to solve ptoblems using the computer science´s We think that improving the abstraction skill would help
principales"[15]. improve the relationship between the learner and mathematics
It is important to note that in Section 2[5], the authors since abstraction is at the heart of mathematics [14, 16].
suggest that empirical abstraction is not a powerful mechanism
of abstraction and nominate reflective abstraction for concept H2. Abstraction can be taught in primary education.
construction. Knowing that there are two opposite currents when it comes
We are going to use the general term "abstraction" and then to teaching abstraction at an early age [14, 29, 41], we would like
decide later on which one we will be focusing. to study the improvement of abstraction in primary learners
On the other hand, Abstraction is at the heart of mathematics working with CT since assimilator and divergent profiles (Kolb’s
[14]. Doing the overview of the subject, we encountered the learning profiles) manage very well the abstraction skill.
APOS Theory which is helping teachers meet the needs of
students to deal with abstraction and mathematics. The theory
proposes two ways of using it: the first helps explain the 4 Research objectives
difficulties students have with developing the appropriate The objectives and goals that we want to explore are the
mental constructions to understand some mathematical concepts. following:
The second helps determine the strategy to be used to help the Objective 1: Analyze the current state of advances made in the
student overcome difficulties in learning concepts in field of Computational Thinking. For this purpose, an overview
Mathematics [5]. For this matter Mathematics’ educators could will be carried out regarding the application of computational
use the free online course provided by Google thinking in mathematics in relation with Kolb's learning profiles
(, (more specifically the assimilators and convergers).
among other resources. Or, design learning environments on Objective 2: Explore the APOS Theory to develop mathematical
science topics this way it will help promote the development of abilities in primary education. Since APOS Theory has been
computational thinking integrated in scientific school subject in successful in describing the mental process that learners need to
K-12 [31]. learn numerous mathematical concepts [1, 5].
This last idea is conveyed by many authors. Rambally [28]
Objective 3: Develop a methodology that allows elementary
conducted a study with the aim of evaluating the introduction of
children to develop their Learning profiles favoring the learning
CT in discrete structures using an APOS-CT approach: the of mathematics (above cited) via the use of Computational
impact is positively significant. This approach allowed to Thinking. The methodology should allow these children to
develop mental models of different elements of CT and to solve make use of these lessons for the development of their Learning
problems in such a way that the solution was to be automated. In profiles.
this sense they propose to develop in future works a
mathematics curriculum that integrates CT.
Current educational reforms (Next Generation Science 5 Research approach and method
Standards and Common Core) focus on the need for students to Given the nature of our research, we were looking for a
be exposed to computer science, based on computing-inspired approach that could effectively bridge the
algorithmic/computational thinking concepts in the K-12 chasm between research and practice in formal education. With
curriculum so that the countries remain competitive in the the aim to participate in the improvement of teaching processes
education of the 21st Century [16, 18, 21]. Also, Wing [38] and learning [3], we decided to go with Design Based Research
stressed the importance of introducing CT to basic learnings. (DBR). Also called “design-research” [26] and “development
And Yadav and Al. believe that the best approach is connecting research” [8, 26], DBR is defined by :
CT concepts to what already exists in the curricula [39].  The involvement in real educational context,
With that said, Research has found that early childhood  The Design and Testing of real Interventions is a key
educational interventions are related to lower costs and more feature designing the quality of the research project,
lasting effects [9].
 The involvement of multiple iterations,
 The complicity of a collaborative partnership between
researchers and practitioners.

Analysis of the relationship between computational thinking and
TEEM 2019, October 2019, Léon, Spain
mathematical abstraction in primary education

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