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Published on 04 January 2013. Downloaded by University of California - Santa Cruz on 31/10/2014 12:47:32.

On-site solid phase extraction and HPLC determination

of chloramphenicol in surface water and sewage
Cite this: Anal. Methods, 2013, 5, 1150

Sheng Liu,*a Xian-Zheng Wu,†b Zi-Hui Gaocd and Fang Jiaod

A mini-solid phase extractor (MSPE) was designed and applied in the on-site determination of trace levels
of chloramphenicol. The results showed that 1.5 g of the macroporous XAD-16 resin was suitable for
capturing chloramphenicol from 500 mL of solution. Methanol was used as the eluent to desorb
chloramphenicol from the resin. Chloramphenicol was determined by HPLC at 278 nm with a mobile
phase of 0.01 mol L1 oxalic acid–acetonitrile (40 : 60 v/v), the retention time was around 5.07 min. The
Received 8th October 2012
Accepted 26th December 2012
detection scope of chloramphenicol was between 0.004 and 0.120 mg L1. Using the MSPE,
chloramphenicol in surface water and hospital sewage was determined with recoveries of 96 to 108%
DOI: 10.1039/c2ay26162f
and RSDs of less than 6.8%. The MSPE achieved a rapid on-site preconcentration of chloramphenicol and avoided the inconvenient transportation and storage of large volumes of water sample.

Introduction requirement for accurate, simpler, faster and improved analyt-

ical methods. The complexity of matrices and the presence of
Antibiotics are widely used in animals for the treatment of much potential interferences, require specic and selective
diseases and also as animal growth promoters. The use of anti- methods for analysis.
biotics may lead to the presence of drug residues in animal- Various methods have been developed for determining
derived foods and in water, the side effects of which would chloramphenicol, including immunoassays,4,5 microbiological
threaten public health. Chloramphenicol, i.e. D()-threo-2- methods,6 sensors,7 molecularly imprinted polymer-based
dichloroacetamido-1-p-nitrophenyl-1,3-propanediol is a broad- methods8 and chromatographic methods i.e. GC–MS,9 LC–
spectrum antibiotic, previously used in veterinary medicine.1 MS10–12 and capillary zone electrophoresis.13 However, most of
The adverse effects of this compound have led to its restricted use these methods need expensive apparatus and reagents and they
in both human and veterinary medicine. Among other applica- are time-consuming. Many methods are focused on the deter-
tions, this drug has been used for the treatment of childhood mination of chloramphenicol in food but few on its determi-
meningitis. It is also a potent drug for typhoid fever. Chloram- nation in water. The residues of chloramphenicol have an
phenicol has been used in veterinary practice for the prevention important inuence on the safety of seafood, so the determi-
and treatment of many bacterial infections. However, toxic nation of chloramphenicol in water is necessary, especially in
effects in humans such as aplastic anemia have been described. aquaculture water-bodies. It is therefore important to develop
It has been banned for use in foodstuffs of animal origin in the accurate techniques to quantify chloramphenicol in water. Due
European Union.2,3 Chloramphenicol is still illegally used in to the low concentration in environmental samples and the
animal farming because of its easy access and low cost. Further, complexity of matrices, it is usually difficult to detect chlor-
in the EU, application of chloramphenicol to food production amphenicol directly. Two principal sample pretreatment
has been prohibited since 1994. Moreover, the EU has dened a methods developed for the determination of chloramphenicol
minimum required performance limit of 0.3 mg kg1 for chlor- are liquid–liquid extraction (LLE)14 and solid-phase extraction
amphenicol in food of animal origin, because a safe level of (SPE).15 However, LLE usually requires some poisonous volatile
chloramphenicol dosage has yet to be identied. With growing organic solvents. SPE is an important method with good puri-
concerns over food safety and the need to increase sample- cation and concentration effect. During the years, it has
throughput in analytical testing laboratories, there is a constant evolved to meet such requirements because of several advan-
tages e.g. exibility, low cost, simplicity and ease of automation.
Anhui Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Hefei The traditional SPE device has some disadvantages. For
230001, China. E-mail: example, a vacuum pump is essential so that it is used only in
the laboratory. In addition, water must be kept at a very low ow
Tongji Hospital, Shanghai 200065, China

rate to pass through an SPE column lled with sorbent. A

College of Politics and Economics, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, 130-701, Korea
Shanghai Green Empire Environmental Protection Science & Technology Corporation,
portable SPE device consisting of the sorption, separation and
Shanghai 200092, China
elution functional units has been used to preconcentrate heavy
† Share the rst author.

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metals ions from aqueous solution with satisfactory results.16 In Aladdin Reagents), and further diluted for use. Amberlite
this work, the portable SPE device was further miniaturized, i.e. XAD-16 macroporous resin (Shanghai Mosu Science Equip-
a mini-solid phase extractor (MSPE) was created for on-site ments, China) was used to capture chloramphenicol from
preconcentration of organic compounds at trace level in water. aqueous media. Methanol was used to elute chloramphenicol
Chloramphenicol existing in three water samples was pre- from the XAD-16 resin. Oxalic acid and acetonitrile (Chro-
concentrated with the MSPE device and Amberlite XAD-16 matographic Grade, Aladdin Reagents) were used as the mobile
macroporous resin as sorbent and was then determined phase. The other chemical reagents were GR grade.
Published on 04 January 2013. Downloaded by University of California - Santa Cruz on 31/10/2014 12:47:32.

by HPLC.
Preparation of sorbent
Experimental Amberlite XAD-16 macroporous resin was selected as the
Instruments and materials sorbent in this work. Prior to use, it was immersed in acetone
The MSPE device was designed (Fig. 1A), assembled (volume – for 4 h, then distilled water was used to wash the resin to pH 7.
15  15  12 cm3, weight – only 1.5 kg, Model GE MSPE-02, Then 2 mol L1 HCl and 2 mol L1 NaOH solutions were used to
Shanghai Green Empire Environmental Protection S&T Co., immerse the resin for 2 h, respectively and distilled water was
China) (Fig. 1B) and employed for on-site preconcentration of used to wash the resin to pH 7.
chloramphenicol. An HPLC instrument (Model L-2000, Hitachi,
Japan) was used with a chromatographic column (Model All- Preconcentration and determination of chloramphenicol
sphere ODS-2 5 mm, Length 250 mm) for determination of According to Fig. 1, 1.5 g of the XAD-16 resin (2) was added into
chloramphenicol. a water sample (1) containing chloramphenicol. The liquid in
A chloramphenicol (Aladdin Reagents Co., China) stock the ask (b) was stirred (a) for 20 min and then pumped (e)
solution was prepared with methanol (Chromatographic Grade, through a ow-guiding pipe (c) with an empty column (d). The
resin with chloramphenicol (3) was separated from the liquid.
The resin (3) was washed with 5.0 mL of eluent (4) for 1 min with
an ultrasonic unit (f). The eluent (5) was pushed into a 5 mL
glass bottle (g) with an injector and chloramphenicol in the
eluent was determined by HPLC with detection at 278 nm (h)
the retention time was around 5.07 min . The mobile phase
consisted of both 0.01 mol L1 oxalic acid and acetonitrile
(40 : 60 v/v) and the ow rate through the chromatographic
column was 1.0 mL min1. The injection volume was 20 mL.

Application to on-site water monitoring

Chloramphenicol in three water samples (Taihu Lake, The
Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal and hospital sewage) was
captured and eluted using the MSPE device and determined by
HPLC according to the above procedures.

Results and discussion

Design of the MSPE device
An MSPE device was designed, which consisted of the sorption
of chloramphenicol, separation of sorbent and desorption of
chloramphenicol (Fig. 1). Being different from the traditional
SPE, it is favourable for on-site preconcentration of chloram-
phenicol in aqueous media.

Effect of sorbent
A known amount of XAD-16 resin from 0.5 to 3 g was added into
500 mL of solution containing 0.100 mg L1 chloramphenicol.
Aer adsorption and elution, the recovery of chloramphenicol
Fig. 1 Design of the MSPE device. (A) The function units, and (B) cartoon illus- was calculated and the results are shown in Fig. 2A. The
tration of the device-working. (a) Magnetic stirrer, (b) sample flask, (c) flow-
recovery of chloramphenicol increased to 91% from 31% with
guiding pipe, (d) SPE column, (e) wriggle pump, (f) mini-ultrasonic transducer, (g)
reservoir bottle, and (h) detector. (1) Water sample, (2) the XAD-16 resin, (3) the
an increase in the amount of XAD-16 resin. Thus, 1.5 g of XAD-
resin adsorbing chloramphenicol, (4) raw eluent i.e. methanol, and (5) eluent 16 resin was added and the recovery approached a constant
containing chloramphenicol. maximum.

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Fig. 2 Effects of the experimental conditions on the recovery of 0.100 mg L1 chloramphenicol. (A) Addition of XAD-16 resin, (B) the sorption time, (C) the solution
volume and (D) the elution time of XAD-16 resin.

Effect of the sorption time ultrasonic elution time caused the decomposition of chloram-
phenicol. Only 1 min was selected in this work.
1.5 g of XAD-16 resin was mixed into 500 mL of solution con-
taining 0.100 mg L1 chloramphenicol. The effect of the sorp-
tion time from 5 to 30 min was investigated. From Fig. 2B it can Calibration graph
be seen that the recovery of chloramphenicol increased with an According to the above optimized conditions, 1.5 g of XAD-16
increase in time in the rst 20 min and then approached a resin was added to 500 mL of the standard series of chloram-
constant value. phenicol from 0 to 0.12 mg L1. Aer preconcentration, chlor-
amphenicol was determined by HPLC, the retention time was
Effect of solution volume around 5.07 min (Fig. 3A) and the detection wavelength was
The effect of the solution volume from 200 to 1000 mL on 278 nm (Fig. 3C). The good linearity (Fig. 3B) indicated that the
adsorption of chloramphenicol was investigated. The recovery recommended method is suitable for the preconcentration and
of chloramphenicol decreased to 89.1% from 93.3% with an determination of chloramphenicol in aqueous media. The
increase in the water volume from 200 to 1000 mL (Fig. 2C). detection limit (3s) of chloramphenicol was calculated to be
2 mg per 500 mL, i.e. 0.004 mg L1.
Effect of the ultrasonic elution time
1.5 g of XAD-16 resin was mixed into 500 mL of the solution Application to water monitoring
containing 0.100 mg L1 chloramphenicol. The effect of the The MSPE device was used for on-site monitoring of Taihu Lake,
ultrasonic elution time from 0.5 to 3 min was investigated. The The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal and hospital sewage.
recovery of chloramphenicol increased in the rst 1 min and According to the recommended method, chloramphenicol in
then decreased (Fig. 2D). The possible reason is that the long these water samples was determined as given in Table 1. The

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Fig. 3 Separation and determination of chloramphenicol by HPLC. (A) Chromatograph curves of the Taihu Lake water eluent (1) and its chloramphenicol-adding
sample eluent (2), detected at 278 nm, (B) calibration graph, i.e. plots of the peak area around 5.07 min vs. chloramphenicol concentration and (C) absorption spectra of
the eluent (1 and 2) at 5.07 min.

recovery of chloramphenicol was between 96 and 108% and the Conclusions

RSDs were calculated to be 0.4% for the Taihu Lake sample and
6.8% for the hospital sewage sample. In recent years, chloramphenicol has been detected frequently
From Table 1 it can be seen that over 0.1 mg in natural water18 owing to the abuse of antibiotics. The toxicity
L1chloramphenicol was detected in Taihu Lake. In addition, and health risk of antibiotic drugs has begun to raise
the determination of chloramphenicol in Taihu Lake was found concerns.19 Regarding the determination of ultra-trace amounts
to be 0.117 mg L1 by a conventional GC–MS method,17 which of harmful substances in aqueous media, some new sample
was in accordance with the recommended method. The preparation methods have increasingly been developed e.g.
possible reasons are that lots of tourists oen gather around the magnetic separation,20 microextraction,21 membrane extrac-
scenic region and waterfowls are stocked. In the hospital tion22 and so on. Nonetheless, this work provided an easy-to-
sewage, more than 2 mg L1 chloramphenicol was found. This use, light and handy on-site preconcentration device for
indicates that the hospital is a major emission source of harmful substances in trace levels. In addition, experiments
antibiotics. show that the MSPE device is rapid, effective and avoids the

Table 1 Determination of chloramphenicol in water samples (n ¼ 3)

Chloramphenicol added Chloramphenicol Chloramphenicol

Sampled from into 500 mL of sample/mg found/mg Recovery (%) in sample/mg L1

The B-H Grand Canal 0 <2 98.5–99 <0.004

40 39.4–39.6
Taihu Lake 0 63.0–63.2 99.8–105 0.126
60 123–126
Hospital sewagea 0 930–1057 96.0–108 2.05
1000 1985–2107
25 mL of the sewage was diluted to 500 mL with distilled water.

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