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Adjective part (3)

1-A 17 year-old girl allegedly put a

noose(1)/ around her neck and hung herself
in sheer desperation (2) / to death two
weeks after her cousin(3)/ committed
suicide in Ramol in Gujarat's Ahmedabad
district.(4)/ no error .(5)
2-There has always been a sense of
urgency on the part of BJP (1) /to raise
corruption issues and blame congress'
family for this (2) / but the way they
follow it up is indeed callous Modi
government has never (3)/and will
never act against Gandhi family! Bang
on, Kejriwal. (4)/ no error(5)
3-MS Dhoni has not played competitive
cricket and speculations (1)/ are rife over
his international future (2)/but Suresh
Raina believes his CSK skipper is not
getting tired (3)/to play cricket and
working hard to get back into action (4)/.
no error (5)
4-The quality of articles in the majority
(1)/ of scholarly journals is guaranteed
by peer review (2)./ The submitted
articles are reviewed by other scholars
in the field, (3)/and they also decide on
their publication. (4) /no error(5)
5-Modi govt hoped to win but failed
India in its hour of need - both (1)/
economy and people as India goes for a
freefall due to Covid and lockdown
(2)//, insensitive would be too mild a
word to characterise (3)/ Modi
government's shameful handling of the
crisis (4)/. no error(5)
6-I distinctly remember the ruthless 10+
hour power cuts (1)/ during the
summer months, growing up. (2)/and
the scorching heat drove the entire
neighbourhood (3)/to the rooftops ,we
could do nothing but loitering in the
balconies (4)/.no error (5)
7-Being a nice day,we decided (1) /to
take the evening off and have (2) /a
nice meal in the village, outside the
drink shop (3)/, which is far away from
our compact village (4)/no error (5)
8-Some of the councels appearing for
the students(1)/contended that the
university grant commission (2)/ has
not issued any advisory to central
universities (3) /to accomodate final
year students. (4) /no error(5)
9-He is one of those servants (1) /who
hardly works (2) /for the man who has
always call for (3)/them of his misery
and never stood by them. (4) /no
10-An unprecedented increase (1) /in
online shopping and running errands (2)/
have pushed up the need for (3)/an army
of delivery staff in the country. (4/)no
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