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WFH teams show a huge jump in productivity.

2) Desk capacity of the office:

Since the office is already at 98% of its building it’s impossible to go for new hiring which is required to
meet the growing demands.
While in the case of WFH there is no requirement of dedicated desk for employees in the office rather
common meeting rooms could serve the purpose for routine training and meetings for the WFH
3) Attrition Rate: The attrition rate has fallen by 5% for the WFH employees as stated by Matt to Amrita.
(And so far, it’s helped with attrition, not hurt. Our rate is down by 5%, which is outstanding.).
On the other hand Vijay seems to be worried about employees quitting .
4)Long term viability:
The long term viability of the WFH project is still under question as it’s only a year old.
On the other hand infrastructural expansion before hiring of employees will take time which KGDV
does not have.

5) Competitive Edge:
WFH could be a USP in the working style of KGDV as stated by an employee who joined the company
just for this reason.

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