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Globiogo, Jastine T.

CMPE 30153
BS CpE 3 – 2 Fundamentals of Mixed Signals and Sensor

Assessment #8: Op Amp Circuits

Exercise 1. Summing Amplifier

Design a circuit known as a summing amplifier with the following (a) Use
the ideal-op-amp assumption to solve for the output voltage in terms of the
input voltages and resistor values.
𝒊𝑨 =
𝒊𝑩 =

(b) What is the input resistance seen by vA? RA

(c) By vB? RB

(d) What is the output resistance seen by RL? Zero (0)

Globiogo, Jastine T. CMPE 30153
BS CpE 3 – 2 Fundamentals of Mixed Signals and Sensor
Exercise 2. Differential amplifier.

Find an expression for the output voltage in terms of the resistance and
input voltages for the differential amplifier and draw the circuit.

Op Amp input volt age is 0, v- = v + and

So, the expression for the output voltage in

terms of the resistance and input voltages for
the differential amplifier is:

Exercise 3. Non-inverting Amplifier Design

Design a noninverting amplifier that has a voltage gain of 10 using an ideal

op amp. The input signal lie in the range from -1 V to 1 V. Use 5% tolerance discrete
resistors for the feedback network.
Globiogo, Jastine T. CMPE 30153
BS CpE 3 – 2 Fundamentals of Mixed Signals and Sensor

Exercise 4. Amplifier Design

Suppose that we need an amplifier with input resistance of 500 kΩor greater
and a volt age gain of -10. The feedback resistors are to be implemented in
integrated form and have values of 10 kΩor less to conserve chip area. Choose
a suitable circuit configuration and specify the resistance values. Finally, estimate
the resistor tolerance needed so that the gain magnitude maintained within 5 %
of its nominal values.

To attain desired input resistance

𝑅1 = 500𝑘Ω
The formula for the gain is
𝐴𝑉 = −

To achieve the desired gain

𝑅2 = 10𝑅1 = 10 𝑥 500 𝑥 103 = 5MΩ

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