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2'to SCIIIcDULE 4 FOU FY 2020/2r


Ottice o{'the Clerk

Feh ,!0.1

Rt. l{on. Speaker. r-rrr the l8'r' I)ecembcr 2020, the l[on. Minister ol Finanoe. Planning and
Econonric Development laid before Parliarnent a Supplernenurr,.." Expcnditure request (under
Schcdule l.{(1.4) arnounting to Shs94.32billion. On the 2ndF'ebruar1 202l, thc l1on. Minister
also laid Addcndurr I and 2 to Schcdule 4 umounting tu Shs 1ll.{77 billion and Shs8(r.597
billion respectivcll. Schedule 4 (inclusive oI the adderrda) requires prior approval b!
l)arlianrcnt irs plovidcd tbr by the CrrnsLitut.ion and the Pt.'M Act 20 t5 (as arnended).

l{t. Hon. Speaker. it is irnponant to no(c that (iur,ernrncnt has so lar [.aid bc'f<rre Parliarnent

supplernr'ntar'\, cxp(.nditure te<luests fbr F\'2020/21 surnrnarizq.d in tatrl!. I belorv:

Tablc I: Supplcmentaq' Erpcnditure Rcqucsts Prescntcd (o l'arlirmcnt

r!' )ate of Laying Anrount (UShs Billion)

I Schcdule I st Octoher:020 t.36-i.l

l-Schedule lsl Ocrobq 2020
+ 2.063.8
2 I I


..lderdunt No. I to Scherluls 2 Ocr 2010 -i 89.3 7

I schedulc i tobcr 2020 1 I51.87 -l

lenrlum No. I to Schedulc l + 1E.61

venrber 2020
L ---ii*t I

ddenclum No. 2 to Schedulc -i ber 1020

I ---1
lto'tAl. I

'l'he Supplernentar.v Schcdtrlc No.4 rvas referrcd b1 the Spcakcr to the Budget C'ommittec for

scrtrtinv and reporting (heruto. 'l he Cr.rmrnittec has considered thc rcport and wishes to rcport
as fbllorvs

l{r. 11o pcaker. the repoft olthe Cornrrrittce is presentcd in trvrr parts as lbllo

art A: Prescnts the lvlethrrdologl,, Lcgal Prarnervork, and Prelinrinarv Obscrvations

Plrt B: Presents the proposcd Supplcrncntarv Estirnates under Schedule.l lbr the lrY
1020i2 I : Observations and llL'com mendltions

B 1,.

lhc C'omrnittc'e scrutinized the Supplementarl Schedulcs and held rncetings \rith the
tbllorring lvlDAs in dre ellbrt to c,bl.ain additional intbrrnation and jusrillcation tbr the
l. Stirte l{oLrse./\l akcrerc linivcrsilr
l. ()llicc t,l'the ['rinrc iUirrisrer

3. \,1inistr1, ol'[inlnce Planning and Economic Devcl(]prnent

.1. iVl in istrl- ol'l{calth
5. N4inisny of Works and Tftnsport
6. lVlinistry of lradc. Industr_r, and (iooperatives

7. lvlinistr)" ol Educitti<.rn and Sports,/Namb(lole Stadiunl

ll. tvlinistr) ofl-ands, Housing and l.Lrban Devclopnre.nt
9. Liganda National Exanrinatir.ln lloard (UNEB)

I 0. Electoral Conrnrission
I | . Petrolcum Authoritv of Uganda
ll. Private Seckrr Fourrdation


r\rticle l5(r (2) ot tlrc (lonstitul.ion olthe Reputrlic ol'tjganda states that "If in rcsped of ony
linancial .yeur it is found that ,c unlourrl appropriated for unV purpose urrder thc
Approqriali.rn ,,lc! is inst(.li<:icrtt or tlrct u need has arisct for c.\pcnliture lor .t purposc

.for which ,b arrurunt has heen upprapriutctl hy that Act; or rat arry. monies huya heen
e.\pe ded .fot an), purpor'c in cxces,| of thc antoun! oppropride rtrr tha! lurposa ot Jirr a
rposa .for which no amounl has hcen apprupriulc hj: thul Acl, a suplrlen cnt(qt esti rate
show lhe surns required or spcnl slrull bc laid tlowu bclbre Parlianrcn!, within rtrur
lhs oftcr lhe nnna! is tpctrl."
he above urticle is operationalized under Section 25 ol the Ptrblio Finance N'lirnagelrrerrt Act.
20li which provides as firllou.s:
(l) Thd thc ktld suppl(nrenla\i c-qteudituru thot requircs additional resources over nnd
ahove h)hd is upprovcd h1: Purlionrcnt :thall nol cscaed 3/r, of the kttul approv hud!:d .for
lhat ./iuancial 1,ear. withont upltrovul of Purliuncnt. /
Artr(1e I 56 l2l of rhc Constinrtron of the Repul)lic of Ugtnda
h t

(2) ll/herc.funds arc e.rpenled undcr subscction (l), supptenrcntur! shoLittg the
sunts spent sholl he laid hefore Purlianrcnl jeithirt lirkr months oflcr the mouel, is spenr.2
Funhernrore. llegulation ltl(5), (6) and (7) of thc l'ublic l'inance Management [{egulations
2016 provicle as fi-rllorvs:
(5) "Partiorrent nur-t, opprove ( supplemutary appntp aliotr or th( lllinisteruna.y approv(
u supplententarl, brulgct, us the cusc may be, whcre lltc supplerncnlary c.tpctrdituru is
u n u vo i<lu h I e o r u n.[o rc s<,ct hlc.''
(6) l'or tht purposes olthis Regulation:
(o) "unavoithhle" urcuns au (xpcndilure lhul (anrrol he postponed lo lhc n<,xr rtnonciol
)'eur th rough vircntu! ;
(h) "uttJirrcseruhla" docs not iflclude an expenditutc thd w s.forcseeahlc hJ, lhe t'L,te ot
th( lin,e of prq ration of lhe brulgct o.f thc t'ole or u, e.tpcnditurc lhol shoull hovc
hetn in<:ludtd in fhc hld{el of lh( vote
(7) Att! e.tpctrditure, whit'h is in e.tctss ofthe appropriulcd budget ol vote and which is not
in acc:or atu:c with this scttion shull be lrcolul os los:t' of public' .funds as profided .for
untlcr scction 79 (l) o.f the Atl.l


.r.0 suPPr-EilrEN'r.{,RY lltlQuEs'r's 'r'HAT REQUTRE PRIOII

2 T() SCH|iDULE { FOR'tHri FY 2020t2t

Rt. Ht-rn. Spcaker, Sche<lule 4 for l.'Y 202(l/21 is ove'r and abovc thc ii% leg,al rcquircment,
and th rctbre requircs prior appr, ol'Parliarnent in line u,ith the Scction 25 (l) r,rl the

l,F /\cr (2lt l5) as anren(led

lorv is a listing ol supplerncntary cNpenditure requests under Sclicdulc .l and addentla I

and l. FY2020/21 :

a Vo(e 002: Sta(e oLrse: LIStrs. 2.27 bitlion

b Vote (103: Ot'tlce olthe Prinre l\,linistcr: tlShs. 12.87 hillion

-Sectl(t -/4 / .. L,' bL'

li cl
l il
thc l'utrlic liourrec i\lariaAcrncnt ,\c(. l0lj
(,l thc Public l inancc \,lirnrgcrncnt Rcgula(io r 2016

/ l--,

c. Vote 008: lvloFt'Et): UShs 10. l8 billion
d. Vote 012: N{inistry olLands and Urhan f)evelopmcnt: UShs. 7.(r7 billion
e. Votc 0l.l: iVlinistrl of Hcalth: (lShs. .14.7 billion
t. Vote 015: tvlinistry of Trade, lntlustrv and Cooperative: UShs I 1.25 I billion
g. Vote Il.,l: t.iganda (lanccr lnsritute: tlShs. l.2tibiltion
h. Vote 156: (Jganda l.arrd Corrrrnission: UShs. ll.ll billion
i. Votc 157: \ational Forcst Authority: tIShs.0.57 billion
j. Vote 500 - 797 l-ocal Covernrncnts: tishs 0.79 billic,n

ADDIiNDtiM l .o SCIlEDtlLli .l

lt) \iote (108 l{inistr-r of Finlnce, l'lanning and Economic Devclopnrenl: Shs. 6.98..i

b illion
b) Vote (ll.l: IIinistrl,of llcalth: Shs-11.8 hillion

c) Vote (ll3: Nlinistrv of liducarion and Sports: Ushs. tl.43.l hillion

<l) I'ote 122: KCCA: Shs.0.0(r trillion
e) \t)te 312: l'ctroleum .{uthorit} of Iiganda: t.lshs. l.lJl{ billion
f) \rotc 500 - 797 Local (ior.ernnrcnts (Clo\,ernment Fiscal Transfcr) tlGlI,'T: Llshs.

23.1-l billion

ADDIINDU\'| 2 to SCHIl)t-'LE .l
a) \tr(e (ll;l: NIinistrl' of Ilcalth: Shsl8.5 hillion
b) \rote 102: Electorfll Cornmission: Shs, 56.523 billion
c) Vo(e l2ll: Uganda National Eurnination Boartl: Shs. 10.465
d) Vote 5ll0 -797 (Local Govcrnments): Shs. l.l I billion


Votd002: Statc House UShs. 2.27 billion

ttrte l{ouse rcquested fbr t]Shs 2.27 billion to cater for the Anti-tick Vaccine
l)cvcl(rpmenI lnitiativc includirrg ljstablishrnent of Ngorna Ficld 'l'ick lrarnr.

Latlorrtor! reslructurins. exprcssion and production ol' protein:,. cquipmcnt and

personnel expenses arrrung otlrcrs. '['he comrnittee interac(ed urith (hc Researchers

tiorn \,lak!'rere Universi(v rrho explained thc progress so tlr nrade n thcir rescarch
and thc importance ofthis vaccine to aninral husbandry in the countrv


t {,
m ,L
'l'hc Commitlce obscrvcd thal iniliative is at advancotl stagc of Clinical lrials to
roll out thc vaccincs to (hc general public and thcrefore recommcnds for thc
lpproval of Shs. 2.27 billion for tho inititrtive

b) vote 006 - ol,!VI Ushs. 12.87 billion

Ottlce ot'the Prinlc \{ini:iter rcquested tlShs l2.lt7bn to c cr frrr disbursemcnts over
itnd above the r\ppropriated Budget lbr ttre Northcrn l.lganda Social Action l]und.'Ihe
Conrmittec rvas inlbrrned that Proiect carriccl ftrrq,ard funds r,orth Slrs
frotn F\' 2019-2()20. lhis rvas bccause r-rf'COVID-19 that unabled some activities not
ttr bc tlnded hence lunds rvere rolled or,cr to lrY 2020-2021 )-et they wcre not
budgcted or approprilted in this 1'ear's finarrciel budgct. The Cornmittee rvas inlirrrncd
(hat [he pro.iect rccc'ired an erchange gain ol LISD t.768.961 equivalcnt to Sl lS
6.61 5,91-1, 140 using thc llOU rate ot 37,10.
The ('ommittcc rr,as also irrlbrrncd this is unspent balance {it-rm donors at thc errd olthc
linancitl lear rvlrich neetled to he appropriated through Supplenrcntary Appropriatiorl.

The Comnrittec recommends thc approval of tlShs. 12.87 billion to the ()llicc of
thc Prime Minister to catcr firr disbursements over and above thc Appropriat€(l
Budget firr tlre Northcrn Uganda Socill Action Fund.

() Vote 00tl: [!{inistry of Financc, Planning and Ecnnomic l)cvelopment:

UShsl0.l8 billion
Ministry ol F inance. Planning and ficorlor]1ic Dcvelopmcnt req(cste(l tbr t.!Shsl0.lll
billion tirr is rcquired to ccter {br unspcnt f]\tcrnxl lfinancing ftrr FY 2019i20 firr
nctivities irnplernented under ltesource Enhancement and accountahilitl, Programme
( ltEAl'). l hc (lornnrittee r,vas inlorrned this is unspcnt balancc li-orn World Bank at the

end ol' thc tlnancial vcar'.

Thc Committee recomme nds lhe:rpprolal of Shs.l0.l8 hillion to the lvlinistr."- of

ance, Planning and liconomic Dcvclopment as ulrspcnt balancc fnrm World
Birnk at {he end of the linancial lerr tn enahle the Ministry spend th€ tunds on
the program.
d) Volc 012: Ministrl,of<ls :rnd Urban Development UShs.7.(r7 billion
\,[inistrl'ol'l.and billion to inrplernent l'residential
requested additional Shs. 7.(r5
dircctir'es lirr acquisition ol land in Lusania lvlpercnvc (tiShs. .i.89bn) antl land in

Ndeeha lbr the Church that was broken tlol,n (UShs 3.8 hn).'the Comrnittee wars

inlbrmcd tlrat thc acquisition ol'land in Lusun-ia r\as to scttle the residents u,ho have
been under thrcat ol cvictinn bv Coun Ordcr. l'he Clornnrittcc xlso noted thilt thc
c(lnrpulsor\ ecquisition ol Lxnd in Ndccba is firr the ('hurch of Liganda. lhc dctails
ar€ in the tahlc helor'r':

Table t: l)ctails of Compulsorv Acquisition Land

ol Benefician Land l-ocation T_ Amount llcnrark
Nlr. Kiconcir qlr,,r,lonUJUro& 3.81,1.O00.000 Acquisition of larr<l to sr'ttl
tvlet ard 106 Plot 671 residents r.rf l.rsanja lvho
Lusarrja i\lpcrenl e {re rrndcr tllrent of evicliorl
Wak so hl Co(rt Or(ler
_t .- I -
t 1
-lrls. -I phurirn
- ' Blocl, 7 Pltrt l9 I l ,802.s00,( (lrmprrlsory rctluisition trf
Enl!.Iprises \'lcnqo N<lcctra land tr1 (iot.l lbt Nd ba

Church of Uganrla
L ]_ L- l______ __l

The (lornmittee rccomnlcnds thc approral of tjShs. 7.67 billion to the X'Iinistry of
Lantls and Urban Dcvelopment f<rr (hc ncquisition of thc al)ovc l:rnds to cnsure
th:r( rcsi(lcnls of l.usrnja lre nol evictcd and thc Church in Ndceba rcbuilt on
the land acq ui red.

e) Vo(e 013: Ministr"'- of lloalth: UShs. 34.6 billion

Tlrc (lovernrnent of Llgandl reccivcd tlcrrrations towards the COVI[)-19 Fund

arnounring to []Shs. 29.600,000.000i -- and collected tJShs. 5.000,000,000/= frorn the

user's t'ees undel the ('ovid-[!) l'csting at che Points ofEntrv.

Thc (lornrniuec u,rLs intbnned thrt guided b1.the COVID-19 National l'ask Force the
dcc ision was nlad!'(o s pond the moncv as lollor! I

Shs. 2.'1.893.860.000i= to procrrc 282 pick-up vehicles tbr thc Locnl

Co\,emment:i (tlSD 22.900 L.ach). given rhc challcnges ol'hospitals
and Local C(lr cnrulerlts firr hcalth rctivities.
(ii) Shs. 2.400.000.000/= for construction of 2 Border I lealth Posts (Vurra
arld C),anika) rr'hich inclutle a waiting shcd. nretlioal huildirrgs and
<1 stat I rLc\ rnr nl('dr(ion.

,fl t 7

-\/ --rl
4, fi- L-
(iii) Shs. 1..|06,000,000,/- to construct Phlsc I of trvo Blood llanks at
Soroti and Arua as directcd bi fl.E the ['resident.
'l'he L'ornmitree firnhcr obscn,ed that the total tunding rcquircd for completion ol'thc

2 lllood Banks is cstimatcd at Shs. l(r.748. 192,820/=. The Ministry rif Health rvill
rvork u'ith llloFl'ED to cater for Phase [[ requiring Shs. I 3. ii90,000,000i= for
cornpletiorr and e'tluipnrent of the 2 Blo<,rd llanks.
'l'he Cornmittec alsQ noted tha( an additionalll tJShs. 5.000,000.000i= rvas collccted

liom the C'OVID-19 testiug user fecs and the iUinistry of Hcalth requcsted to utilize it
lbr procurcnrent of more test kits and reagents.
This brirrgs it to a total of LrShs. 3.1.600.000.000/- under the COVII)-19 response
'l'he Committcc reconrmcnds approval of UShs. 3{,600,000,000 billion to the
IIinistrl of Health to procurc lmbulances for cach district (|(her than huying
pirkups n'hich rre prone to abusei nnd construction of 2 Border Health lDosts

(Vurra and C1-anika) and to conslruct Phasc I of two Blood Banks a( Soroti and
.{rua as dirccted b}'ll.f, the Prcsidcnt.

f) Vote 015: Ministrv ofTrade, lndustry and (ioopcratives: tlshs 20.494hn

Ilinistrl- ot 'l rade. Industry and Oooperltives requested t ]shs I I .25 I bn to cater tbr the

conrpcnsal.ion t,-r tobacco thrrncrs in Eunr,oro sub-region arising out of unpaid bills b)'
tuo Toblcco c(lnrpanies namelr' ('ontincnkrl 'lobacco Cornpanl, Ltd (Shs.

7.271.916.300) and Nirnatahac (tJ) Lrd (Shs. 3.979.281.3.11).

ln a letter tlated [9th Novcnrbcr'2019. H.ti the Presidcnt tlirer:ted thc iVlinistcr ol
liinance. liinance. Planning and Econornic [)eleloprncnt and the \,linistr-y of'frade,
lndustq arrd C'oopcratilcs to veril_v thc llunr,oro region tobacco farnrers clairns rlf
non- pavnlcnt by some companies li:rr thcir crop supplicd in the 2018 crop season.

ommi(tee Observrrtions
a) [he n\o Col]lpilni!.s cnterc'd into contractual arrarrgement indepcndentll-
rvith thc thrmers t'ol the crop scason irr 2018 upon heing licenor:d try the
illinistry rrl'Trado. lndush') and Coopcrativcs.
b) Both ( ontinental and Nimxtabac Tobacco Companl still hare the sLrpplicd
tobacco in thcir respective stores on account that thc Ministrl, of Tradc.

tl (' .-,'4"t^
lndustr)'and C'ooperativcs denied thern thc cxpon licensc duc to defaulting
pa_'-rnents to the Ctrmcrs

Commitlee recommendntions:
a.) Rccommcnds thc approval of Shs. ll.25lhn to cater for the
cornpcnsalion to tobrcco firmcrs in Bunyoro. [n addition, thc coml)anies
should hc trskcd (o relund the funds back to (;overnment

b) The additional Shs 9.24J billion be alloca(ed for compensation for the
following Cooperativcs: Banvakole Kwctcrana Oooperativc (Shs lbn),
WanraLr (lrowers Cooperatives (Shs. l.Shn), Busog:r Growers
Cooperntive (Shs. I bn), ()koro Coopern(ivc [Jnion (Shs. 0.7.13bn), Tcso
Cooperltir,e (Shs. lbn), Wcst Nile Central (looperative (Shs. lbn) ind
l\Iasaba Cooperatir,e flnion (Shs. 2hn); Lrngo Cooperative 1Shs. lbn)

g) Votc I l4 Ugandn Canccr lnstitutc: LIShs. 1.28 billion

tJganda Cancer lnstitute rcquested fbr additional LJShs l.28bn to catcr tbr otrtstanding

pcynrcrlts ttr lr4s. Rtrko Construction l-imitcd liir the pcnding ccrtiticrtes. '['he

Comrnittec observed that thesc are pending arrears.

'l'he Conrnrittee recommends thc lpproval of Shs. 1.28 billion to Uganda Cancer

llstilrl(e catcr for outstanding paymen(s to \{s. Roko Construction Limitcd.

h) Votc 156: Uganda Land Commission: Shs. l2.l l2 billion

'l his supplcrnentnry tcques( is to eneble Llganda Land (lommission settle outstanding

cornpensation under Land liurld to the t'ullorving beneficiaries in thc table b!'low.
'!'able 2: Details of land (lompensation

llcncficiaries Lan(l Value Anx,un( pxid llala nce Remark

[.and i 9.4.i0.000.000 000 000 0 00 6..n0.000,000 President idrl
[(rvabukurukr.rru Kilunga. Dircctive s

2 Mr. Nagenda Kibalc t.062.778.000 Nil t.062.778.000 Court

Stephcn Petcl Brvunsrva Ordcr
lJrrsuulrla lJul,aga 2,2 r2.000.000 8 12.000,000 1,.100,000.000 Lost

(r -)
u .{. \ I t.
l(o Benc liciaries Llld Valuc .Amotlnt pai .t-f Balancc I Rcmark
ron I
1, lious le (lounties

F_ Nataliu Buyaga 1.600.000.000 Nit t.600,000,000 Need for

N 1m u Kibaale u rgcnt

L _l
5 lvlr. Yisaka
Lw ek an il
t. r75.146.000 000
l- lfJr,!er)t

I ,n.ntio,, I

I rn.t bur

t l___
I a d c se

rvlr rc
--l-irrl"g, I I

6 lvlr. llugisha 1.544.000.000 50.000.000 1.494.000.000 lirgent

Gcotiel' Kibaale nledical
and buv I

an de c I

lvhe[e I

'l otal
f' 7,021,I2{,r)r)0 {,9t2, 12,fi2,124. -

'I he Committee recommcn<ls approv:rl of LJShs. 12,112,124,000 to the l-and

(lommission to enable them to settle the ab0r,c compens:rtions.

i) Vote N:rtionrl Forcst Authority: tiShs. 0.57 billion

National lrorest Au(hority requested additional UShs 0.j7bn to cater for e\.ternal
financinq renritted to the Consolidated Fund but were n(lr spent by the end o{'thc
financial vear. 'l hc Cornmittee rvas inlbrmed this is unspent balance at thc end ol thc
cial r

'l'hc Committee reconrmends lpprovrl of UShs. 0.57 Billion ns the (ounterpart

funding to thc Authoritl'

j) Votc 500 -71)7 (l,octl Govcrnmenls) Shs. 785,020,000

l'hc Cornurittcc was inforrned that l9 l-ocal (iovemrnen ( req uestcd lbr UShs
?85.(120,000 to citter fbr (lOVlt)-19 activities funds that \!cre renlitted to the


LQ r) A |.l
Consolidatetl Fund belore thc tlnarrcial vear ended. llelow are the lists of thc l,crcal

'[lble 3: l,ist of Local (]ovcrnmcnl's

59r (jonlbir Dis(rict 2u,000.000

561 Kirrrhura Distlict 20.000.000

60',7 l(olc District 59.9q0.000

5:i6 llblle Distrio .1,600,000

528 Koli(1l) Distri(t 4{).000.000

54,r Nakasonrola District 2(,,000.000

570 Amuru Disttict t9.9e0,00(.)

594 Nalllavingo Disrricl 59.990.000

6lt Agago I)istrict 3e,980.(n0

5o? llusiir l)istrict 6 t .980.000

5r7 Kamuli Drstrict 99.990.000

-itl Kabale Di:trict 8(,.000.00(,

616 l{uban(la Dislrict 60.000.()()tr

569 Nakrscke Di\trict Iti,500,(,00

620 Rukiga District 20.000,000

5r5 Kalangala District 60.000.000

6i7 Katrrclcbrrong District 20.000.00t|

590 Buvunla l)istricl 40.ofi).000

122 KiuIp Lr ( ]apilal C ir) .,\r.rllnx ir] .1(1,000,00(.)

TO'I'AL 785,020,000

hc Committcc recomnrcnds approral ol'LShs. 785,020,000 to cater for the

Cnvitl rctivilies in thc abovc listcd l.octl Governmelts.


r"l (

a) Voae 008 Ntilistry of Finance, l'lanning lnd Economic Developmetrt: Shs. 6.983
Thc Ccrrnnrittee was inlirrmed that Covcrnrncnt of [Jganda rcceir,ed credi( liorn the
World []ank towards irnplementation of thc Uganda Conrpctitive lrund for employer-
lcr.l shon-ternr training (L,ganda Skills D*cloprnent ["uncl - L]St)F). 'l he Uganda
competitive tlnd for crlptoyer-led short-tefln training is pnrt of thc Skilling LJganda
Prtr.iect addressing prevailing skills inrbalances and shortagcs in tlganda. Thc Project
c(.lrnponent. rellrrccl to as Skills Development racility (SDF). being inrplemcntcd b1'

['rivate Scclol Foundation tlganda (PSFU) has a total budget of tiSD 21.8 lvlillion
including operationill costs. 'l h(, c(n.nponcnt has foLrr lirnding u.indorvs: i) Skills
shorteges in the forrnrl :iectorl ii) Skills shormges in inftrrmirl scctor: iii) lnnolative
training and iv1 l{ecogrrition ofprior learning.
l'hc Budsct tbr the F\' )()20121. the \l IEF ce iling tbr the Skill De r,ctopmenr l'roiect
appropriatcrl nt Shs. 12.552 billicrn only.'l he project was planned to end on the 3l't
August 2020 and the budget fbr the J,ear rvas rnade basirrg on tlrcse assurnp(ion thc projc'ct.just receirctl an q'xtension for aclditional l6 nlonths Llp to il'r
l)ccernber 2021. Thc current approvcd budgct of Shs 12.-552 billion results intn a

detlcit of Shs (r,983 billion for thc FY 2020121 (t]p to Junc 202 l).

The Comnrittcc recommends thc approv:rl of Shs. (r.983 to (he Ministry of

l'inance, Phnning:rntl Econornic l)cvckrpment to cover thr lctivities lhr the
project for FY 2020121.

b) Vo(e 00lt Nlinistry of Finance, l'lanning and Econornic l)evelopment: tjShs 25bn
hc rn!1r lllcc rvas intirnned that fbllorving the imptementation ol NDPlll
P qr arnrnntic Appro{ch. ir has becorne critical to redesign the Intcgrated lrinrncial
Milnagemurt System (lFlvIS) and l'rogram Budgeting Systern (PBS) for proper
alignment ol'the Budget to the NDPltl. To dris end. (hc {irllo\t,ing lirnding is rc<quired.
i) UStrs 15 billion is retluircd to upgrade the lFN,lS svstenr in line
with NDPtl l l'rogralnmatic approach
ii) UShs l0 billir-rn is recluircd fbr the redesigning of the l'BS-
sv stcrn in linc rvith NDI'lll ['ro grarnnratic approach

.t /L
-L,!!t- 1y',
Thc Committce rccommcnds lhat a total of UShs. 25bn f<rr thc redesign of the
Integrxled Financial Managemcnt S]'stcm (IFMS) and Program lludgeting
Slstem (PBS)

c) tllinistrl'of lllndela \ationul Stadium: tjshs l.{5lbn

Education irnd Sports:
'lhe crrrtrmittce was intb[nrcd thxt Llshs. l.4il billion is to cater fi]r ()utstanding
recurrcnt adrninistr(irc cos(s under Nlandela National Stadiunr given its designation
as a COVID l9 isolation and treatrnent ficility. 'l hc cornmittee noted follouing the

takeovcr. the Stadium lost its rcgular rcvenue strearns lionr thc sports rnd rlon-spons
activiLics. ln particular [he stadium lost its rental reverruc rvhich it rvould have used to
rnect its stal'|, administrative and operationll costs. Currently Manrgernent is n(rt ablc
to lrect its ()utstanding recurrent costs.
Thc Comntittcc recommends thrt fl lotal of Ushs. l.45lbn be npprovctl for
Mandela Nati0nal Stadium to rnect ils staff. ldnrinistrntive and opem(ional

d) Vote 006 Nlinistr]' of I lealth: tlShs. 33,55(r,l15,2(10 for face rnasks

Thc lvlinistrl ol Health (\{oH1 conrrnenced thc di:itributiorr of'reusablc fircc nrask to
all Llgandans r-il agc 6 and ubor,e on thc lOtr'June 3021 folloiring thc pronouncement
ol'the actir.itl'b1, His Iixcellcnc),(he President ofthe Republic of tlganda in a [rid thc
control the sprcad ol CO\ttD - 19 Panderrric t(r thc cornmunity and tlre general
population ol Uganda.

The Cornrnittee observcd that thc total budget [irr the procuremsnt and distribution of
rnasks rvas SHS tttl.0i6,ll5,200. ]'his included learner's nrasks. Flach rnask rvas

procu at Sl{S 2.400. The Cornnrittec r'vas intbnned thrt liom thc tinre the
d brrt started. Mol{ has so lar distributed --i3,1 70.288 cornrnunity rnasks at a cost

i lS 79.601i.691.2(l() and 2.592.963 masks to learners at a cost ol'Sl lS

,11 I I 1.200 making it a k(al of SHS 85.113 1.802.400.

Thc Cornntittce rvas inlbrrned that lloH receir.ed a tottl t-rf SHS 5-+,500,000,000

lcaving a balance ,.rl'Sl lS 31,.'i..i 1,802.{00. The fvlinistry has a comnritrnerrt to deliver
926,727 to Bugiri, lganga and tvlbalc at a cost of SHS 2,224,-l l2.tl00 rnaking a total
re(lu irenlent ol SHS 33.5i6.1 15.200

\!B .f.t, (' .n.
The surnmary status ofthe mirsks procured. distributed and paymcnts: is highlightcd
in tilble 4 bcl(lr\.

'l'ahlc 4: Summan'Status of Nlasks Procurcd, Distribuaed :rnd l'a!,mcnts

s.N. Particulars No. Quantity uf l'crcentage Anlount
Masks (cost-UShs)

lnitial'largct Districts 135 11,000,000 ze,zoolbo,ooo-

b) Di:itricts servcd to-date l]1 33,170,288 97 .704 79,60E,691,200

c) lirpcctcd actual del ivcn r.35 3,.1,097,085 8l,tt33,00.1,000

(bascd on nurnbcrs

subnritted b), t)istricts)

l-earncr's Masks del ivcred li5 2,454.71 r 6,223,111,200
[.,, to Dis(ricts (('abinct
c) l-earnc'r's lVlesks del i vcrc'd 9 r3 8.252

to lns(itutions
TOT.{L 36,690,0{8 88,056,I 15.2(X)
2. I'TJNDING Total
Relelses tiom lv'loFl'lil) 54.500.000.000=
(lost trf masks delivcrcd 15,763,2s r 85,8i 1,802,4(x)=
Out.,t nding to suppl icrs 3l,331,802.{00=
Conlrnitmcnts in ordcrs 926,797 2,224,3 12,8(X)-

T0TAL 33,556,1 15.2(l(l=


(:ornmittce rvas intbrrrred that [r-v Dcccrlber -.] l't 2020. total outstanding
tuircment tbr brrth delivercd and ordered lbr masks rvas Shs.,l2.8brr: horvever.

sinc(' stan ol i''r Qu:rner (Janulry. 202 | ). thc lvloFPEt) has rcleased a third tranchc of
Shs. tt.5 bn. thus bringing thc otrtstanding to Shs: 13.556 bn

.-t\ \4
!!i-> L' \ /

E /
Commia(ee recom nrcndations
The rommittee thcrctbre recommends the rpproval of Shs 33,556,115,200 to thc
lVlinis(ry of Hcalth t'or the prrchxse and distrihution of the face mnsks and thc
balance of Shs. 9.2{3 billion be re-alkrcatcd to the Ministry of 'l'radc.

Conpcmtivcs and ln(lustry (Vote 015) as partirrl palm€nts lor conrpensations to


e) \rotc It2 KCCA: UShs. 0.06 billion

KC('A rcqucstcd ftrr [-rShs 0.06hn kr cater fbr COVID-19 activities fiom firnds that
rvere rcrnittcd to the (i)nsolidatcd Fund belore tho financial year cndcd. l'hcse funds

a[e k) h!'lppropriated back to th!'KCCA through supplementar\ appropri.rt iori.

The Committee recommends for thc approval of Shs. 0.06hn to K(l(lA to cater
firr (l()Vll)-19 activi(ies from funds that rrere remi(tetl t(| (hc Consolidatcd Funtl
bclbrc thc linrntill vcar cndcd.

r) Vote Jl2 Petroleum Authorityof Uganda: UShs. l.8ti hillion

The ,{tiican Dclclopmcrrt Bank ;rnd the (-i(rr,crnment of t lganda havc' signcd e

$50(),0(X) Brant altrccment for tinrncing ot'lvlicro, Small and N,lediurn linlcrpriscs
(lvlS\{lis) to boost hLrsiness linkages on the llast .\tiican Crucle oil Pipc'linc 'lcchn ical
.{ssistlrrcc prcr.ject.
lhe (\-rrrrrnittcc was inlirrmed that thc projcct':i overall ohie,.tive is to hclp develop
capccity ol k-rcal IJganda tis along thc East Afiican crude oil pipeline. b1'

enahling llrcnr tu access ne\r'markct opport.unities. and building linkages rritli larger.
nationirl- R'gional and international companies. lhe projcct ilinls to support inclusive
privlte scctor grorvlh rrrd the creltiorr ofan estirnated along the pipeline.
The Crlnrmittec rccommentls for (he nppror,al of Shs. 1.88 billion (o l'ctrolcum
Authorit y of Uganda to cater firr the financing of lvlicro, Small anrl tllcdium
nlerpriscs (MSMOs)

g) Covitl lunds collected by Loc:rl (;ovcrnmcnts: l-lShs 0.tS9bn

'l'able 5 provides details ol itlloca(ions ol' Shs. 159,960,000 Supplententalv
espcnd iture requests b1 Vote. firr C'ovid funds fbr l.ocal Covcrnnrents

t L

\- -l--
Table 5: Local Governmcnt (IOVID Funds
I 522 Katakrvi District 39,990,000
2 535 Mal,uge District 40.000.00r)
60..i Nqora Distrie t :i9.990.000
4 626 Krvania Di:itrict 1e.990,000
5 6ll Rrvarnpara District r9.eq0.000
TOTAL 159,960,000

Thc (lonrmit(ee rcconrmends lirr thc approvll of Shs. 159.9(r millinn for Covid
funds to Local (lovernments.

h) Votc 500 - 797 Local Govcrnments (Governmcnt Fiscal Transfer) UCIFT: Shs.
23. l4 billion
Thc conrrni((cc rv:rs intbrnrctl that additional co-funding of Shs. 23.1.1 billion is

rcquired tirr Ugandn lntcr-l<.r!,ernnlent Fi:cal lranstbr (t..lGlt'l ) to Loeal

Covernrments lbr respectivc Loqrl Covcrnmcnt (COVtD Funds), lrrigation Sub Grant,

upgrlde of Hcalth Centre s and llls and Sccd Secondart' Schut,ls as a Co!ernnlent

Tablc 6: LI(IIFT Micro Scale lrrigation Developmcnt Sub Gr:rnt to the following
vot'Ii coDtl vo'!'rr NAME AMOUNT'(IJSilS)
506 Bushcnvi District 70.761.78+
510 lganga District 7 4.924,2C)6
5lt .linja District 36.2e7,879
5t7 Kamuli District I i0. I 57.{+ I

5r8 Kamlrcrrge l)istrict 49.995.861

520 Kapchonva District l(,1.65e,790
52i Kalunga Distr ict 67.8i8.166
fl4 ,/' Kibaalc [)istrict 87,742,194 District 34
i1) Luuero f)istrict 73.1{(}0.3 t5
J33 \,lasaka [)istrict 56.0e8,575
535 lvlal uge D istrict 99..1ilr.017
536 Mbale l)istrict 160.636.454
540 NIpigi I )istrict 56. l r 2..105
5{l ![ubende f) istrict 72.(r I I ,936
542 Mukono l)istrict tzt,237,172


#' 2., t,-

546 Ntungamo District il 6.271.321
549 [lakai District 86.765.+71
550 l(ukLrrrgiri Di:lrie t 57. r 97. 107
551 Senrbabu le District .i6.e.I8.l2 i
552 Sironko District r6.1.706.004
551 'lirroro District I 45. 197, 140
558 lbanda [Jistrict 18.81{-1.102
5 (i(r \lnn{ft\.a District 7rJ.9l 1.595
5 (rtl Mityana District ll(r.550,608
5 (r9 Nakaseke District 6 t .247.93 5
570 Arnuru Distriot 3t,re1.45.'l
i79 Bududa District t2 t. t2i.0..10
i8l Buikrr e District l-1.7i 1..(r5I
5lr.l Kr cgegrt a l)istrict 64 ) 0 763
5 9.1 Luuka District i8,80.1.461
5 9lt Kitllnuu District 17.991,,103
599 [.rvengo Distric( 42.70.r.908
fixt lJukonransimbi District
(rO(r N*or,a District 6t .55r.2e0
(rOrl Butambala 1)istrict 40.:i42.5 5 3
(rl5 Onloro District 5().016.666
621 Ki otera [)istrict 57.926.59.+
Kitaglrenda [)istrict
TOTAL 2,901,98{,756

Table 7: Alloc:rtion of Shs. 675,679,125 Supplenrentary Estim{tcs by Vote tirr

Forrlula Based llc.alth to Local (iorernments

Table 7: U(;lt'l' Formula B:rsed Health l)cvclopment Grrnts countcrltart

funrling lo thc l'rrlkrs ing Votes
50y ,,\djumani District 86.77 I .96i
Alxc District .l0 7.ti95
Arua District 5,25e.29 t

5(r5 Rundibugy<.r 1)istrict t.(r67.(r75

5 0(i B ushenvi Disrtict t.-12-1.137
508 (-iulu District 5 24..105
5t2 Kabale District | .519.8 r-l
5t3 Kabarole District r ,5 I :|,108
5t4 Kabcranraido District 445. t49


/ I
(I \-s-1
\IOTF], CODE VOTE NAl\TE, Al\{or-rN't (ust{s)
515 Kalangala l)istrict I. l(x).66 I

5t8 Karnu,enpe l)istrict 44,320.780

5r9 Kanungu District I .819.780

5lr Kasesc Di:itIict t.58 t.000

5ll Ketakwi District | .2i7.32r)
525 Kiboga District r.260,332
i26 Kisoro District 2.109.088
527 Kitaum Dist rict 94 t.478
5.t l Luwero District 2.432,496
lrt N,lasaka District 841.592
514 N'las indi District i9 t.616
53ri Nkiroto District 230.177
53e Moyo [)istricl 959_142
5.10 tv'lpigi t)istrict t.185,758
5.1-r Nakasonsola [)istrict I .013.9.15
545 \cbbi District 7.908.035
517 Padcr District t,0 t0.203
5.+q Rakai District 9,r 1.478
550 Rukunciri l)istrict l.{35.1 l5
552 Sironko Distlict I. 140,407
554 loloro l)istrict 2.237.34t
55(r Yunlhe District 6S. t98.309
557 tsutale ja District 1.159.,197
558 lbarrda District 773.570
559 Kaabonq l)istrict I7r,r.924
560 lsingiro District 10.i5(r.tl62
561 Koboko District j,9 r 5,522
5(r5 Arnuria llistrict r.2r6,9il
567 Buk!ro District 9l1.909
i68 l\,litvana District r.58.r.38i
56q Nakaseke l)istlict r, [6.098
5?o /,/ Arluru District 67i,469
sJ/( ,'"' Eludaka District 1.757.760
itTv' Maracha l)istrict 1t7 t.067
'5to Lyarrtondc District (r(r(r.793
h ') lluiku'e District 769.696
5 ti.r Ky.egegrr a District 9t.720.247
585 Lrmlvo [)is(rict I , te.I,659

586 O(uke District 84 t .592

589 Bularnbuli District r.5 r3.507
59r (lornba l)isn ict r ,2 r9.506
592 Kiryandongo l)istrict .l:1.5i7,659

-) 18

i>r: h,
I g
voTE coDE VOTI1 NANIE Ar.rouNT (r.;sHs)
595 Ntoroko District 33 7.58 r

59n KalLrngu District I .07i, l9.l

600 llukornans inr bi District 405.578
601 Mitooma District 1,4e8,868
601 Ngorir District I. 198.00(r
604 Napak District 3 3 7..r88
60s Kibuku District l.(r5(r,48,1
607 Kole I)istlict l, t 98,56 1

60tt Eutarntrala Disrrict I.t 91t.006

609 Slreenra f)istr-ict 92 r ,909
610 Buhu eju District 567,726
(rll Agago District 923.37 t
6r2 Ku,ecn District 1.199.830
6t6 Itubanda District 1.459,975
617 \arrr isindrr.a District 475.965
(r20 Rukiga Disu'ict 6011,124
(r2l Kvotela District 8 10. 195
672 Bunyangabu District 1.238,139
6ll Bug\\eri District 375.5 ll
62t\ Kikuube District I5.5 52, r l7
62.9 Obongi l)istrict 143.4.ii..r r0
6l.l fr'ladi-Okollo 40.72 t .932
7,i5 Iinja !lunicipal Council 4li.(,06
760 Mbale fvlunieipal( ounc il 28.r.989
70.1 Soroti \,[unic ipal ('ouncrl 346.{J85
761 Tt.rroro I\4un icipal ('ouncil 260. 1 64
770 Kasese rllunicipal (lounc il 2(,0. 164
775 Ntungarno icipal Council
N'l un r71.,141
Bushenyi- lshaka l\{unicilral
777 Council t7r.5i8
778 Rukungiri Vlunicipal Council 480.821
I t\) lr'{it1'ana N4un icipal Council 141.097
'[eo Sheerna Municipal Council 6i t.784
TOI'A1, (r75,679,125

Trble 8: Alloeation of Shs. l0,2l2,8tl.nsl Strpplenrentaft Estirnates b1, Votc ltrr

upgrade ot' llealth Centrc s & llls to Local Covernnrents

t-- t-. t/
{ r, -.-/

'fahle E: Unspena bllanccs on upgradc of Hellth Ccntre IIs & Ills

Votc District Name Facilily Namc Frcility Unspcnt Balance by

Codc T]'pe 30-06-2020
513 Kabarole [)istrict NYANTAB()lvtA l{calth cerrter
t.tct til
519 Kanurrgu District Kinatra t{C Il I lealth ccnter 183,42 1,89t
530 Klenjojo District Kigoyera t lC I lealth ccnter 379,239,967
510 K1'en jojo t)istrict \,tYIRt llcalth ccrrter
539 Mo;o l)istriet AYA tlc il llealth ccnter ,:1.37,31.4,802 .

- \{ubende District Butas.ata H('ll tt"rttt',.=,''t.. 259,343.630
545 Nebtri t)istrict PAMAKA
l{ Ez\ t.'l't-l
I lealth ccnter ;t 13,st1,71 5..

546 Ntungarno District KARt,IITI,'MA llealth ccnter 392,777,307.'
KYn f\.lwASlln
l{C lls
550 Rukungiri District Kashcshe H(l ll Hcalth center
551 Sernbabule [)istrict BUSr IiK-\ I lealth ce rrter
5 5-t I oror(' District Kamuli l lC I lealth ccnter 3t5,589,477
555 Wakiso District Nakitokolo I lcalth l-lcalth ccnter
5 5lt Ibanda District KASHOZI II(] It Hcaltlr centcr 24,362,859 "
56t Kaliro District Nati arnpiti I l( ' ll lJcalth center 22,283,072
56r Kalirrr District Kasokrve HCI l[ I lealth center 187,492,140
,i63 Koboko District crHr\KUt_tA rllealth center ..383,508, 995
c EN |rr0 il
566 Manafwa District BukinranayiltClll llealth ccnter :.184,681,389,:
567 []uk\\.o lJistrict lvl t.;TLTSHE I [-lcirlth center I85,235,520
(:EN l]{E I I
567 Bukrro l)isrict Anranang and Hcalth center 403, t24,480
569 Nakascke Disrrict Ut.- Tr\t.;\N(it. Hqalth center 110,702,678
lszo Anluruf)istrict
Otrvee Ilealth ccnter 196,539
rl I

Namuturnba KACULU II(] It Hcalth center lt0,221,769

lszr I
Distrie t
576 lluliisaDistrict IAVOCERA Health center ; 400,436,991
t' 20

,/ .'v'
Vote District Name Facility Name Frtcility Unspent Balance by
Code Type 30-06-2020
r5 tt5 Laml o f)istrict KA'I'IJM HC II I lealth center 346,662,440
{r02 Rubirizi District lvlunyonyi and 1'[ealth ccntcr 334,679,490
Mrrshumha HC lis
605 lKibukr l)istriol. Kahr,"eri l-{C Il Hcalth center 423,019
(t09 Shcerna District IvIA BAARD I lealth centcr 262,502,205
796 Sheenra !l( Kitdo and Hcalth center 180,434,872
Kashozi HC
-- -
(rll Kaqadi District iKYAI}ASARA Health center 144,962;A06
6tl Kagadi District Burora HC [[ I lealth center 217,93t,012
6 t-l Kakumiro l)istrict Ki(aihuka tlC ll l-lealth ccntcr 14t,750,026
Omoro District I,oY()AJONCA Hcatth cJnter 147,138,725
llc lrl
61 r R rr'arrr pala l)istrict Nl,aruhandagazi I lealtlr center 336,4t4,492
H( lt
7'71 \ lasind i \IunieipaI KATr\SIINYWA l-leelth center 80,055,329
Council HC' II
549 l{akri lli:itrict Kiziha llC ll Hcal(h ccnter 54,161;685
790 Kapchorwa fvlC Kaplclko HC Il I lealth center nt,372,771
60t lvl itoonr:r l)istrict Nl,akishojrva. I lealth center 660,377,r08
tl Lrkuba
5e4 Nallrayillgo Distrist B ukana and I lealth center t75,244,1 l8
Syanyonja HC ll
5t{9 Bulanrtruli [)istrict Bunangakha. I lealth center 558,659,000
Brr rk honge and
7t Hoinra fvlC K ihukl a llC ll llerlth center 182,955,950
Kyankwanzi S irinru la. Hcalth center
District lvl ujunza and
Kikolinrbo HC ll
Sub- 10,232,817,654

Tablc 9: AllQoltion ol Shs. 9,132,410,215 Supplernentary Estimatcs by Vote fbr Seed

Secondarl' Sclrools to Local Cor.crnrnents

l'rblc 9: linspent balanccs on thc construction of Seed Secondary Schools h1'

ckrsc of the IrY 2019/20

Vo(c District Narre l.rcilitv N{me Facility_Typc Uospent B{lanc€ by 30-
Code 06-2020
5 l.i Kabarolc Di\t[ict KuscnJx Seed secondar\ school 71, r39,917
519 Kanungu l)islt-tct Katctc Sced sec{m(hr,, school 713,088,040
52e Kumi I )istr ict Kunri Sced secondlrrv school . .t242,7 63,764 .,:,

510 Klenjojo l)istrict NlPu.rr,r Sccd secorrdurr schr:ol 86,925,166

51t I irr District Agrli Scad secondx.\ rchool 2,698,121
5io \lhalc Distr ict Sccd seconde|r school 207,922,962
540 tr'tpigi Dirtiict Sccd scc,nrJrr) \chool .: .36t ,467 ,t21i : ::.: .
j,l1 l\'l u kono Distlict Kirncnreclde Sctd sccondrlr school 29t,234,972
5.r 5 \cbbi [)istrict Sccd sccoll.I.i|r school 102,941
5.1() \tun!anlo I)isu icL l{r.r1,.,
'rri l:a>( Sccd scc(lodil.! school 1,245,r91,599
550 llukungiri District Keltisoni sccd sccondarv school .l:4?1,338,110 ::l.r'
J:] Wakis0 District Sced sccondxr'! school
56.',} Kohttktr L)istlict [,ohule Sccd sccondlr'r schot'il 714,065,198
i66 \lanal\!r I )i\trirt Burrugogo S€ed secondxa\ school 9E,414,23?
567 lJuk\\'o l)iit[ic( K-rpter cr'rto Seed secondrrv school
's69 Nakaseke l)i\lrict NxkxsckcSuhcount! Seed secorrdar y school
585 l.arn\r(r l.) istIict l'eloee Sccd sccon,lar! school r 1,257,825
587 ./rimbo L) istrict ,\t\.lk Sccd sccondelr school 546,509,r40
605 Kibuku Dislrict Kalrrle ri&Kasasirl Scccl sccondar'v school 421,692,524
6| Agago District l,apono Sccd sccorrdar'v schr'tol
6t5 Ornoro Di5tric( l,ukrtana Secrl sccondar'r school ,!07,000,000
6t 7 \arni;indrr a \{ u k( rnr Scttlsccondrlr school 58?,172,t82
5{1r I'allira District Olok Sucd sccondar'v school 102,447,142
5q7 Kvankrtrnzi llrnxn\'!v:r Sccd sccondalv school
l)ish icr
i03 Gulu l)istIiet l)alarrr Sccil sccon,lan school s17,190,074
ift(i Bulambuli l)irtric[ Buniurrbulr'e Sced sccondarr rchool 337,507,000
Sub- 9J32,410,215

C nrittee recommends :rpproval ofndditional co-funding ofShs.23.l.l hillion for

to the aborr krcll governments.

Vo(e 016: Ministry of Works and Transport-Ushs I 1.5 billion

lr,[inistrl'ot Works lnd 'lrrnsport rcqLresred tbr additional Shs. 31.2 billion as part pa!.lnent to
catcr li)r the procurcmcnt of ibur locomotive:r and tt\,o r!'ach stacker:t lirr L,gandr Railrvays
Corporation. Thc Cunrnriftee rvas informed thnt on thc advent ol the Covid pilndemio in
\'larch 2tll0. among the various (lo!ernnlent cntitics qlgaged rvas [.]RC in order to providc
xn intelvcntiul that rr.truld diverr traffic fiont roads and also reduccs the nunlber of peoplc
entering thr()ugh thc hoarders. 'l he Cornrmittcc noted tlrat URC prcscnted the rcquiremcnts

t t 22

xnlong others the need to purchasc locomotircs ursentl),. The Cabinet agreed to the (ll(C s

rcqucst rrlrielr rvas plesented b1,the N'linistcr,,rl \\'orks ancl Transport. The Cornnrittee lirrther
notcd tlrat the l'SiST tlrereatier rvrotq. to LRC'promising the tirnds rvill be ar,ailed in the lrY
2020i21. Llttc proactivel)' *'ent through procurcrncnt prticess because the intervention

tirnc barrctl.
t.R(l inlbrrncd thc Conrmittee rhat a nurnhcr ol options wcrc evaluated and frorn the
cvaluatiort I.JRC opted for the 4 used 6 ycars old llrcomrr(ivcs and 2 rcach stackers worth Shs.
42 billion lor (he locornotives and Shs 6 billitin tbr (hc Rcach Staokers that can l)e delivctcd
rvith 2 4 nltxrths. LIRC rvent ahcad and sigltcd cuntlacts tbr the purchase of'the 4
locornotivcs and dle 2 reach stackers with M/s (il'l{ Leasing Africa tbr the locornotivcs tnd
thc lvlis Joh Achelis & Soehne CrnbH. lhc Comrnittee lvas t'urther inlbnned that thc
purchasc conditions u.ere 707o dorvn palrnent lirr the locornt-rtives (Shs. 29.-l billion) and
j09,; lbr the lteach Stackers (Shs 1.8 billion).

Conlnrittee 0bservations
a) lhe e\,aluation rras done tbr r,arious opti()trs (lt locomoti\,cs that is 20 )ear old. 6

1,cars old and brand neu ones using the Net l)resent Value and Rcturn on Inve:,itlnent.
It arose that purchasing the 6 lears old locornotives was thc most leasible.
t)) Shs 31.2 billion is the initial dr..posit lbr tl'rc lturchase of the 4 used 6 ycars old
loconrotives and 2 reach stackers

(hmmittcc Rccommendation
llascd on the avrilnhle rcsourccs in ahe schedulc, (he Committcc recommends th:rt Shs
I1.5 billion be appror,ed to commcnce thc procurcmcnt of the locomotives and rcuch
stackers. The I urthcr recommends thilt (;{,\.crnmcnt rrithin this financial 1,clr
ntohilizes rnr.rther Shs 19.7 billion lor thc procurement of the locomotives ilntl re:rch
slacke rs.


Votc (ll4: lVlinis(ry of Hcalth: Shs 18.5 billion
'lhe (lornrnittcc was infornred rhati Uganda optcd lor.Astrazeneca vaccincs lionl
Scrum fnsti(ute of lndia. AstraZcnccir vuccilrcs carr lre stored in our coltl chain systent.
tirch cligitrle individual is mernt (o rcccivc two ((12) doses separarcd by 28 days.
[ach dose costs [JSD 8..16. uhich to tisl) 16.92 per pcrson.

i. I 23

\- '9
--J /"
\,linistr\ ol' health has ordered tbr 1l.i.000.000 doses ol' (' l9 vaccines

(AstraZcncca) 0.orrr the Serum lnstitute ol'lndia tbr vaccinating 20% ot the population
of Llgamla c<luivalcnt to 9 million people. The total cost lbr l8m doses is
$161,567.118. Ht-rrvever, because not all the vaccine can be supplicd at oncc, a down
pa\rrcnt ol'$5m is requircd to contirrll the order and prepare li.rr supply in phascs.

This is Lhc 18.5 bn retluested tbr in dre supplernentarv.

Thc Cornrnittee ras irrformed that cs soon as this down pa) mcnt is made. Nlinistrl ol
I lealth rvill bc givcn a delivery' schedule beginning end of Februarl.

The C(rmmitteo noted that this order rvill be used tcl vaccinatc pcrsons liour the age 50
years and aLTove, persons rvith underlling health conditions. hcrlth workers. security
pcrsonnel. tcachers rnlong ofier essential social scrr,ice pror iders.

'fhc Corninillee of Shs 18.5 billion lo llinistrl, of

recommends thc approval
Health to ca(er firr the purchasc of thc (lOVlD-lg vaccines

b) Vote 128 Elccloml Conrnrission: Shs.55.02.] billion

Electolal Cr.rrrr rrr ission requested lor additionnl tunds Shs. 55.01i billi<-rn to oater for
palrnent (rt supcrvisors up to l\,larch. 1021. Sazetting oI nominatcd carrdidates.
gazening (ll cl!'ction rcsults. and retrier.:rl olelectir:ln rnaterials.

Table l0: Sumrnary nf Su;lplemenlary lludget tbr EC

No .4cti vity, Amount
(LlShs Billions)

Bionlctric Voter \erit"icati(lrr Sr,<terrr (tlVVS) that uas 13 762

uscd durins thc Presidentia[. l'arliarnentar\ and LG
1 Dcrnareation oI Parlianrentary (]onstitucncies, Local 2.808

Covurnnrent Fllectoral Areas and Rc-organizing ol

polling stations in 168 new'l'own ('(runcils
) CondLrct t.rt (ieneral Elcc(ions in thc nerr.1\ created |:cal 7.365
go\:crnrncnts (J6 nerr Counties. l(l Cities. Tcrcgo
District and 168 new To$ns ('ouncils)

1 Elcction olthc 5 (Jlder ['crson 1o I'arlianrent (4 ltegional I.()88 I National Wonritn)
Totll 55.023

The Committee otrserved that the all the above-rnentioncd itcms rvcrc n(lt in thc initial
budgct ol the Electoral Cornnrissi<in tbr lrY2020ill therr'torc rr.-ndcring the requcst
tbr thc supplenrentxr\ tirnding. lhe Conrnrirtcc turth!'r leant that (irnds wirs fiont
loaded (cr tlre Conrrnission to carr\,thc ah(rvc nctivitics.

Thc Committee there recommends (he approval of Shs. 55.023 billion to thc
Elcctoral Commission to c:rler for thc ahor.c lclirilics

e) Vote 126 Ugantla Nttional lirirnlinalion tloard: Shs. t0.{65

The commi(tce rvas inlirrnred that llis l'\cc'llencv thc Pr('sidcnt allowcd the canrlidrte

classcs ttr rcsunte sehool on l:'r'Ockrbcl ](]l() but rrith a caution to S(rictl).obscr\e
thc Cor,id- 19 Standard Operating Prr.rccclurcs (SoPs). L.NEB thcrclbre kie k-strrted the
process <ifconducting thc national c\arninitLions rr.ith thc r€gistnltion olclurdidates.

A total ol l.l8l-9{0 eandi(litte:, harc beert registered to undL.fiakc rhc nrtionel

exantinations this )car ( l)LE-7.19.t10 7. t (ll-.-.1.i1.7(r(r and (lA('tr -98.367). r\lrcadl
schools har.e bccn provided rr.ith the tintetables and instructiorrs lor thc sittirrg
arrangenrr'nts in line rr.ith rhe guidelines issued b1,\,linistr,r ,"rl Hcalth.

Cornmittee 0bservations
il) Tlre Conlnlittee !\,as intirrncd that in ortler (o observe the social
distancing. thc rnininrunr sitting rlistancc bct*.een the candidatcs !vill
increase tiorrr 1.2 rnetr.'rs currcntll- providcd in the regul:rtions to ltnetres.
't his rvill rcsult on illcrilgc to a 40%r increntent in the c(lst ot'invigilation
irnd su;rcr-vision since nrorc invigilators rvill bc rct;uirctl to eovcr the
- adtlitional roonis to he uscd.
b) n (otal olSl lS l0.l42bn rvill bc necdcd firr invigilation/field conduct ot

exarninations as dctailcd in tablc l0 helo*,

'I'ahlc I l: Showing addilional rcsourcc rcquircntcnts for invigilalion

It l) (i
l.l\an! Plannc<l 'l otal llrvig. A(ldition{l tjoi( Avrr:rge Additiorrl
levcl i.rvigilators l{equilcd lnvigilatorr Cost No. of l,ulldirg
beaore Covid with (lorid C.B (s H,.s) llxrnr llequircd-,


_ t'.- /, I
iA Ir (' l) F (i
SOP!. (sHs ttN
P LT-] i9.l Ili 5e.{J9i 19.91(r 1ti.500 l.9l I

tl(l r+.isrr 2.i.553 8.701 .t8.5(o l,l 5.909

t A( [ 7.500 [.:{7 l{.17 | 18- i00 l0 r.102
TOT\L ro.irr

c) Similarll'. during rnarking of eranrinations. tcn (10) rrtor!'Marking ('entrcs

rvill hc uscd in ordcr to have tbrvcr exarnincrs at each ccntre in linc with
SOPs. A total oi.l0 marking centrcs will be rcquired instcad of the planncd

10. tiNEB rvill also procure sanitizers and llce rnasks to be used at tlre

rnarking venues. 'lhe Comrnittee observcd that the total emount ol monel'
requircd is Shs. 322.2million highlightcd in'l able I I below

Tablc l2: Shoning additionrl N'larking Ccntre llequircmenls

Item No./Qu rti(y I l:nits pcr t!nit cost 'I'otxl A mount

(_elltrr sHs
llrnd \!xshing .[Ocentres 3pcs 300.000 16.0{r0-000
2 'l crnpcaxturc 4(lccntrcs 3pcs 50(,.000 (i0.0(,{,,0(x,

sJn itizer \, \, )xp 1t0 l-ir,ir\ ri.{ri[ {lt.000.000
l l:\tri't pcl\(nrnel l(')ccntle's li Pcople I. I 83.000 t78.200.000

Totxl 322.200,000

Thc Committee (hcrel'ore recommcnds thrt Shs. 10.{(r5bn be lpproled to the

Uganda N:ltioul Eurninalion lloard to crtcr firr the additional costs (o c{)nducl
cxams undcr Covid grandemic
d) Votc 500 - 797 (Local Govcrnnrents): Shs. l.ll hillion
,,\dditional co-tirnding of Shs. l.ll hillirrn for Uglnda lntcr-go\,ernrncnt liscal
Transl'er (l-lClF l lto Locnl (iovcrnnrents fbr rcspectivc Local (iovernrnerrt upgrade ot
Irh ntre Ils and llls antl Seed Secondary Schools as a Covcrnrnent polioy.

Tablc l3: Thc unspen( balances on upgradc of Ilcallh Ccnlre IIs

v"a.ltrltt.t"t-"r",; Budgc. FY 2019/20 li{cilitv Faciliq_type llnspcot Bxlaoce
Code by 30-06-2020
588 /\lchl,nrg l)i:r ri(t 650.000.(xx, Awci lnd Hcalth Centrc 519,284,46E
r\nqcttu I lC' ll
786 l\'lubcntlc ill(' l-rvcmikomagr, Health Ccntrc .29,958,796.._
ltc lt
l)istrict 650.(,(Xl.(Xl() Airrapoo und Hc;rl(h fletltre 232252,141
lscrerc Ki18\\rrr H( ll



5i2 Sironko Distlict 650.000.(xx) Itlutul'u and Health (ientre . 280,6I,038.....
tludcle ll(' 1l

Sub. r.,062;1 ,449


Tablc l{: Unspent b;rlanccs on the construction of Seed Sccondarv Schools by

closc of the FY 2019/20
Vote l)isarict nrme Budget l'Y 2019/20 !'aciliay_o{me i'ac il ity_typ€ t, nspent Balxllcc by
Code 30.06-2020
538 /\lebt()ng 921.0i I ..ti8 Seed e3er
-.. 47J93;931
ls.o- |
'I otal I

5.0 Conclusion
Right llonofirtrle Speaker. I rr'quest the llouse to consider the C(rmrnittee's rccomnrendetions
lnd approle the Supplernentart Erpenditures undcr Schedulc No. 4 (including addendl I and

2) as outlined in the tat)le t5 belou,and detailed in the Anncx l, 2 and 3 olthe proposed

Suppll Schedulcs lbr F\' 2020121 .

Tablc l5: Sumnrary ol Supplemcntarv Erpcnditures Rccommendcd for Approval

Sche(lltle 4
(Ushs. Bn)
(Ushs. B
Adctcndunl No. I to
Schcdule 4 35.067 68.666 103.733
Addendum No.2 to
Schcrlule 4 83.988 1.110 85.098
Jirand Total 140.335 1S2.0S6 292.391

I beg lo movc

t 27
Anncx l: Sunolementa Ex ne n d itu re Estimates Rccomnrendcd for S u nolv
- Schcdule No.4 for FY2020/21
capE VOTENAME (usHsl - -_ (usHsl
oo2 StAtC HOUSC 2,270,OOO,OO0
003 Office of the Prime Minister r2,865,507,903
Ministry of Finance Planning ro,183,000,000
ernd Dconomic Develo ment
ot2 Ministrl' of Lands Housing 7,646,500,000
l_ and Utbgq D."glgpment_
lor+ Ministry of Health 34,700,OOO,000
Mirritrl of Tradc Indusrry'arrrd
Coo r:rtives 20 4
I Uga nda Cancer Institiute | 1,934,905,943
LL!9 da Land Cornmission 12, r.08,124,000

I 157 nal Forestry Authoritl'
T-t<"- pala Capital City
r22 Authorit 40 000 000

Sub-Total 20,534,884,800 82.280.083.OO7

s07 Busia District 61,980
| 512 Kabale District r10,000
ls 15 Kalangala District 60 ooo ooo
I sl7 Krr1r gli District e9pq0,0o0
528 I(oriclo District 40,000,000
536 r Mbale District 4 600 ooo
Naka songolir District ?o-,oqo, ooo
l{iru hura District 2!p94, 000

Nakaseke District Lq'sop,000_
. 570 Amuru District 1-9_,990,9 oo
Buvuma District 00
,59 I -lc-- ba Dis_tr'rct _ 20,000,000 _
N^,r., 4yrqgg Dis-t rtct
| r<or. District
-l _ 59,990,000
59 990 ooo
611 o District 39,980 ,000
(r 16 Rubanda Distri<:t 60 000 000
620 l?uk iga District 20,000.o o0
627 Ka cleb n District 20 000 o00
Sub-Total 745.O2o,OpO
GRAND TOTAL 21,n9 9 8()0 a2 ,?8008 3 oo7

l^[ .t

L" 28
/L ,4,,
Annex 2: Sunolementarv Exncnditure Estimates Recommended fo r Su onlv

- Addenda No.l to Schedulc No.4 for FY202tll2l

Ministrv of Finance Planning 31,9r,3,500.320
and Economic Dev elgps,ent
I 450 980 447

ol4 33,556,115,200
r 1,500,000,000
,ol 6
f,, 2 Kampala Capital City
Author {v

Petroleurn Authority of 1,880,000,000

U anda
Sub-Total 46 36 500 42o

i) 77,714,379
36,2e7 372
r 30, 157,441


l-_- t

Kisoro District 2,309.0n8

27 Kitgum District 941,47t)

L L.-
Kumi District t,242,763,764
t<yin1o1o-oistrict- 574,,+81,6 10
Lira District 2,698,t21
Luwero District 76.232,8tO
Masaka District 56,940,166
39 1,646
1 39,318,0 l 7


33 1,()55,566
542 District 4t2,472,r44
44 gola District
+5 Nebbi District -t
46 Ntungamo District
547 Pader District
548l Pallis:r District
549 Rakai District i 141 ,1368,634
550 Rukungiri Districr
Sembabule District
J-' 14,t70,425
'I 55 27 t318 1

Sironko District _19!,839_t! ll

'lororo District 463,O23,95 q----l
Wakiso District t 621 ,26a,7O1 I

Yumbc District
au til.ra-Distriit
Iband:r District 74,O20,63t
Kaabong District 378,924 i

lsingliro District 30,s56,862 I

2{o9 212
1, r0 r,489,7 l 5

_ 362,008,22r
604,703,59 I

,,i /
\ t (., /,
_(qqEst _(qEEst


, Bukomansimbi
600 ___I :- i:::-i::l- District
_- .---- _ _ I

, 601
t_ i Mitoorna District l._._._
I ooz Rubirizi District
4l ,188,006
1, r98,56 1


362,893,0 r8
t 141,750,026
tr04, 165,391
_l t,459,975
t 8,736,789 ,

r,238, 13e I

375,5 1 2 l
19,990,000 I

-r4:7aa +Lo -l


tr \r}-r ,/ -/

. , 1v-\' ,b
'- - -*/
CODE VOTI NAME ___[lsHSl -_ (usHll .
631 Rv,,am para District 356,404,492

79O , I{apchorr.a Municipal r tt ,37 2,771

796 Municipal Council 181,086,656

Sub-Totel 23,302;851,7sO
GRAND TOTAI 35 06? 096 o47

Annex 3: Supplementan, Expcnditure Estimates Rccommendcd for SupDlv

- Addenda No.2 to Schedule No.4 for FY202lll2l


or4 Ministry of Health
(qEnst IqEHqI-
lol Electoral Commission 55,023,O00,000
Ugernda National 10,465,000,000
t2a Examination Board
I sub-totat '83;988.OOO.OOO I

--lI s66,678,399
786 Mubende MC 29,9)8,796
Sub-Total 1 109 520 ao

-/ 32

Hn u. I-,i go t nn t, i .{.,, *-6h, i. 1,".- 19
Hon. Opolot [si:rgi l'atrick (Vice Chairperson)
.) Hon. \lrr csigl,e Frecl
.l l{on. Ilukor Charles (
I Hon. Hashinr Su lainran

6 Htrn. tJtro-eo f eunetll-

[{orr Mutebi Davitl Ronnie

nu N-,rah
n k i

Hon. 0thienoOkoth Richard

run,,r .q n n Nl-a iii-

t0 l-lon. Kornuhangi Margarct

H.rk --
ll h,iii-rn J r.r In"
t1 l{on. Achialternigio
ll Horr. AsikuF.lly lllias

r4 I lon.'I'urrrurarrrve Ccncsio
r 15 I lon. Aleper Aachilla N,largarct

tr t7

Hon. Nabayiga ltlah

t trartct
t8 llon. \,lusasizi I lcnrl
t9 llorr. Silrvanl Sulonron
l0 Hon. Kiiza \\i inli ed
ll i ni t )gua I Cer i I ia
12 I lon. llugumc l{olanil
t.'| H*3,,rg<* .ioi -
ll n,,
n u ir. ar ga r r*n
i u i

l5 Hon. \tende llohcrt

16 I [c.rn. KartLhanga (icmld

)i l{on. Bagoole Johrr

Hon. Klkoza.larncs
llon. Sovekt a (lhcborion Kenneth

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