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Basics of python

 Installing the Python

 Creating First Program
 Variables and Types
 Reading input from Keyboard and Garbage
 Operators and their Precedence
 Types of Errors
 Solved Programs
 Review Questions

2. Conditional statements

 Decision Structures: if, if-else, if-elif-else

 Solved Programs
 Review Questions

3. Iterative computation

 The for and while loop

 The break and continue statement
 Solved Programs
 Review Questions
4. Idea of debugging

 Debubbing with pdb

 Exception handling
 Review Questions

5. Working with Strings

 String
 Solved Programs
 Review Questions

6. Working with Lists

 Lists
 More on Lists...
 Sorting Algorithm
 Solved Programs
 Review Questions

7. Tuples and Dictionary

 Tuples
 Dictionary
 Solved Programs
 Review Questions

8. Introduction to Modules
 Introductioin to Modules.

9. Functions

 Functions
 Storing Functions in Modules
 Solved Programs
 Review Questions

10. Data File handling

 File Input/output - Text File

 Text File - Solved Program I
 Text File - Solved Program II
 Binary File Handling - Pickle Module
 CSV File Handling

11. Working with NumPy

 Basics of NumPy

12. Classes and Object-Oriented Programming

 Object Oriented Programming Concept

 Creating a Class
 Class Examples
 Creating List of objects
 Class Variables
 Inheritance

13. Database Concept and SQL

 Database Concept
 Relational Algebra
(Myself PirZada Swati Student of BS Computer Science).

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