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Name of Student: Ferrer, Nyree T.

Date: February 12,2021

Level/Block/Group: 2BSN-3 Hospital/Area: Clinical Instructor: Ma’am Amelita Dumaguin



Cephalosporins exert Hypersensitivity to GI:  Vomiting Before:

bactericidal activity by cefuroxime or to other Diarrhea,  Abdominal pain  Determine history
interfering with bacterial cephalosporins. nausea, antibiotic-  Colitis of hypersensitivity rea
cell wall synthesis and associated colitis.  Vaginal candidiasis ctions to
Cefuroxime inhibiting cross-linking of  Toxic nephropathy cephalosporins,
the peptidoglycan. The Skin:  Cholestasis penicillin, and history
cephalosporins are also Rash, pruritus,  Aplastic anemia of allergies,
BRAND NAME thought to play a role in urticaria.  Hemolytic anemia particularly to drugs,
the activation of bacterial  Hemorrhage. before therapy is
cell autolysins which may Urogenital: initiated.
contribute to bacterial cell Increased serum  Lab tests: Perform
Altoxime lysis. creatinine and culture and sensitivity
BUN, decreased tests before initiation
creatinine of therapy and
clearance. periodically during
therapy if indicated.
Therapeutic: Hematologic: Therapy may be
Anti-infectives Hemolytic anemia instituted pending test
results. Monitor
Pharmacologic: MISC: periodically BUN and
Second generation Anaphylaxis creatinine clearance.
Cephalosporins During:
 Inspect IM and IV
injection sites
INDICATIONS frequently for signs of
Susceptible mild to  Monitor for
moderate infections  manifestations
including of hypersensitivity (se
pharyngitis/tonsillitis, e Appendix F).
acute maxillary sinusitis, Discontinue drug and
chronic bronchitis, acute report their
otitis media, appearance promptly.
uncomplicated skin and  Monitor I&O rates
skin structure, UTIs, and pattern: Especially
gonorrhea, early Lyme important in severely
disease. ill patients receiving
high doses. Report any
significant changes.
 Report onset of
loose stools or
diarrhea. Although
DOSAGE & FREQUENCY colitis (see Signs &
Dosing in adults: Symptoms, Appendix
 Acute exacerbation F) rarely occurs, this
of chronic potentially life-
bronchitis: 250mg to threatening
500mg PO q12h x 10 complication should
days be ruled out as the
 Uncomplicated UTI: cause of diarrhea
125mg - 250mg PO during and after
q12h x 7-10 days antibiotic therapy.
 Gonorrhea: 1g PO x After:
1 dose  Instruct patient to
 Lower respiratory take medication
tract infection: around the clock at
750mg - 1.5g IV/IM evenly spaced times
q8h and to finish the
 Bone/joint medication
infection: 1.5 g completely, even if
IV/IM q8h feeling better
 Advise patient to
Dosing in pediatrics: report signs of
 PO: 30mg/kg/day superinfection and
divided q12h allergy
 IV/IM: 50-  Instruct patient to
100mg/kg/day notify health
divided q6 to q8h professional if fever
and diarrhea develop
Disease state based
Renal failure (IV dosing): 
 CrCl > 20mL/min:
Standard dosing
 CrCl 10-20mL/min:
0.75g q12h
 CrCl < 10mL/min:
0.75g q12h

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