Instrument Transformer

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1. Introduction to Instrument Transformer

2. Its Classification
3. Design & Function of CT
4. Construction, Accuracy Limit & Equivalent CKT
5. Safety Precaution & Usage of CT
6. Design & Function of PT
7. Construction & Error of PT
8. Cause of Error in PT
9. Conclusion
10. Reference
Instrument transformers are necessary for

Isolating the protection, control &

measurement equipment from the
high voltages of apower system

Supplying the equipment with the

appropriate values of current and
Types of Instrument Transformers
Two Types of Instrument Transformers :

Current Transformer (CT)

Potential Transformer (PT)

Current transformer & Potential transformer

Current Transformer (CT)
 Like any other transformer, a current transformer has a
primary winding, a magnetic core and a secondary winding
 The primary winding of a current transformer is
connected in series with the powercircuit
 The impedance is negligible compared with that of the
power circuit
 The alternating current flowing in the primary produces a
magnetic field in the core & induces a current in the
secondary winding
 The CT's primary circuit consists of a single 'turn' of
conductor, with a secondary of many tens or hundreds of
 The primary winding may be a permanent part of the
current transformer, with a heavy copper bar to carry
current through the magnetic core

 Reduce power system current to

lower value for measurement

 Insulate secondary circuits

from the primary

 Permit the use of standard

current ratings for secondary
Current TransformerConstruction


Bar-Primary Type CT
Laminated ‘strip’ wound steel toroidal core
Insulation to stop flash-over
from HV primary to core &
secondary circuit

1000 turns sec

‘Feeder’ or ‘Bus-bar’forming
1 turn of primary circuit


1000A 1A

Generator, or system
voltage source Insulation covered wire,
giving inter-turn insulation
& secondary to core
 The accuracy of a CT is directly related to a number of
factors :
 Burden : The secondary load of a current transformer is usually called the
"burden" to distinguish it from the load of the circuit whose current is being
 Rating factor : Rating factor is a factor by which the nominal full load current of
a CT can be multiplied to determine its absolute maximum measurable
 Load
 External electromagnetic fields
 Temperature
 Physical configuration.
 The selected tap, for multi-ratio CTs
C.T. Equivalent Circuit
P1 Is

Ip/N Ie

N Ze Es Vt Zb

Ip = Primary rating of C.T. Ie = Secondary excitation current

N = C.T. ratio Is = Secondary current
Zb = Burden of relays in ohms Es = Secondary excitation voltage
(r+jx) Vt = Secondary terminal voltage
ZCT= C.T. secondary winding across the C.T. terminals
impedance in ohms (r+jx)
Ze = Secondary excitation
Safety Precaution

The secondary of a current transformer is not disconnected

from its load while current is flowing in the primary

 The transformer secondary will attempt to continue driving current

across the effectively infinite impedance.

 This will produce a high voltage across the open secondary

 This high peaks of voltage may not be measured by conventional

voltmeter. But these high peaks of induced voltage may breakdown
the CT insulation, and may case accident to personnel
 Current transformers are used:

 Measuring current

A CT for operation on a 110 kV grid

 Monitoring the operation of

the power grid
Potential Transformer (PT)
 A Potential Transformer theory is just like
theory of general purpose step down
 Primary of this transformer is connected across
the phases or and ground depending upon the
 PThas lowers turns winding at itssecondary
 In an ideal Potential Transformer when rated
burden connected across the secondary the
ratio of primary and secondary voltages of
transformer is equal to theturns ratio
 But in actual transformer there must be an error
in the voltage ratio as well as in the phase angle
between primary and secondaryvoltages
Types of Potential Transformer
Two main basic types are available :

 Electromechanical PTs
 Similar to a power transformer
 May not be economical above 132kV

 Capacitor PTs (CPT)

 Used at high voltages
 Main difference is that CPT has a capacitor divider on the
front end
Construction of PT
 The construction of a voltage transformer takes into
account the following factors

a. Output – Seldom more than 200-300VA. Cooling is

rarely a problem
b. Insulation – Designed for the system impulse
voltage level. Insulation volume is often larger
than the winding volume
c. Mechanical Design – Not usually necessary to
withstand short-circuit currents. Must be small to
fit the space available within switchgear
 Provides isolation from high

 Must operate in the linear

region to prevent accuracy
problems - Do not over specify

 Must be capable of driving the

burden, specified by relay

 Protection class VT will suffice

Errors in PT
 The difference between the ideal value
Vp/KT and actual value Vs is the voltage
error or ratio error in a potential

% voltage error = Vp − KT.Vs /Vp X 100 %

Is - Secondary Current
Es - Secondary induced emf
Vs - Secondary terminal voltage Ip -
 The angle ′β′ between the primary Primary current
system voltage Vp and the reversed Ep - Primary induced emf
secondary voltage vectors KT.Vs is the Vp - Primary terminal voltage
phase error KT - numbers of primary turns/number of
secondary turns
Io - Excitation Current
β - phase angle error
Cause of Error in PT

 The voltage applied to the primary

of the potential transformer first
drops due to internal impedance of

 Transformed voltage across

secondary winding will again
drops due to internal impedance
of secondary before appearing
across burden terminals
 Current Transformer
 Measuring current

 Monitoring the operation of

the power grid
• CT secondary should not be kept open

 Potential Transformer
 Measuring Voltage
 Provides isolation from high voltages

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