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I write this today in the hope that it will be received with an open mind and a generous spirit. I
am graduated with Journalism, with a solid knowledge in news reporting and writing from both
academic and internship programs. Throughout my academic and internship experiences, I
have always taken an interest in communications. Communication is an integral component in
the inner-workings of all other specializations and it will most definitely play a significant role in
my career I might choose. More specifically, I believe a Master’s degree in Journalism from
Carleton University would allow me the opportunity to work in a field I have long desired to find
a place in broadcasting and journalism.

If I were allowed to pursue the aforementioned degree, a possible specialization in New Media
appeals to me. I have enjoyed all opportunities I have been afforded in the past that allowed
me expression of creativity in audio and visual communication.

My interest in Journalism includes all manner of publication, but news reporting and editorial
writing are of particular interest to me. After finishing a Master’s in Journalism at Carleton
University would hope to find work in television, or as a writer. I am interested in the ongoing
search for truth, and I am often astounded by the scope and profundity of the influence we
allow popular media in the shaping our society and its views.

During my lifetime I would hope to be part of a movement that reforms our media. The role
that popular culture plays in some of the more prevalent issues afflicting my generation is of
great interest to me. I am also interest in researching why members of my generation have
spent most of their formative years concerned more with fitting in than establishing any sense
of self-identity or creating any lasting change for our posterity.

I am aware that intensive study in a specialized field, especially one somewhat foreign to me,
will be a difficult task. But I strongly believe that those who have to work harder for something
will always have a greater appreciation for what it is they do.

I believe myself to be a capable student in any field, as I hope my academic record would prove,
and I would be forever grateful for the opportunity to prove so in the graduate studies

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