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Optimization for engineers

Assignment No 4 Max Marks5

Last date for Submission 26 January 2021

1. Write the following problem statement in standard L.P form.

Maximize z=x 1 +3 x2 −2 x 3 + x 4
Subject ¿ 3 x 1+ 2 x 2 + x 3+ x 4 ≤ 20
2 x1 + x 2 + x 4=10
5 x 1−2 x 2−x 3 +2 x 4 ≥ 3
xi ≥ 0

2. For the following problem find all the basic solutions using hand calculations. State the
optimal point and the optimal value of the objective function. Plot the feasible region
using contour plot command, and show the feasible and infeasible points.
Minimize f =−100 x 1−80 x 2
subject ¿5 x 1 +3 x2 ≤15
x 1+ x2 ≤ 4
xi ≥ 0

3. Solve problem 3 using the simplex method as explained in the class

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