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Composition of the Naval Service and Jurisdiction of QRRN BRd 2



(MOD Sponsor: DNSD)


J.0201. Defence Staff
0202. The Naval Service
0203. First Sea Lord/Chief of the Naval Staff
0204. Second Sea Lord/Commander-in-Chief Naval Home Command
0205. Controller of the Navy
0206. The Naval Member for Logistics
0207. The Assistant Chief of the Naval Staff

November 2007 Edition
BRd 2 Composition of the Naval Service and Jurisdiction of QRRN


J.0201. Defence Staff

1. The Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) and the Permanent Under Secretary of State (PUS)
are responsible to the Secretary of State for Defence for all aspects of the work of the
Ministry of Defence and the armed forces. In summary, distribution of duties within the
Ministry of Defence is as follows:

2. The Central Staff. The Central Staff is responsible to the CDS and PUS, through
VCDS and 2nd PUS for the political and parliamentary aspects of its work, and is
structured in 6 main groupings at 3-star level:

a. Operations and Policy. The Policy Director together with DCDS

(Commitments) are responsible for keeping under review defence strategy
and policy and for formulating policy for defence commitments including joint
and single Service plans for operational deployments and transition to war.

b. Resources Programmes and Finance. The Finance Director is responsible for

co-ordinating the Short Term Plan and the Equipment Plan in accordance with
priorities developed jointly with Defence Staff, and for the scrutiny of major
proposals for expenditure. He is also responsible for the Ministry’s financial
management and matters of parliamentary accountability and propriety.

c. Equipment Capability. DCDS (Equipment Capability) is responsible for

constructing a balanced Coherent Equipment Plan and seeking approval for
individual equipment projects.

d. Service Personnel. DCDS (Personnel) is the principal advisor on Service

personnel policy and reserve forces matters, including training.

e. Civilian Personnel. The Personnel Director heads the corporate services and
civilian personnel area.

f. Science and Technology. The Science and Technology Director supports the
Chief Scientific Advisor and provides scientific advice, including technical
scrutiny of equipment projects.

Some posts straddle these areas or operate independently in the Central Staff. They are:

g. Defence Export Services Organisation. Exists to help British companies

market and sell defence products and services overseas.

h. Defence Medical Services. The Surgeon General is responsible for providing

timely and high quality medical care to the Armed Forces on operations and
in peacetime.

3. The Defence Intelligence Staff, which is headed by the Chief of Defence Intelligence
who reports to CDS and PUS.

November 2007 Edition
Composition of the Naval Service and Jurisdiction of QRRN BRd 2

4. The Chief Scientific Adviser, responsible to the Secretary of State, through PUS.

5. The Procurement Executive, responsible under the Chief of Defence Procurement

to the Secretary of State through PUS for the procurement of defence equipment and
management of defence research and development establishments.

6. The three single Service Chiefs of Staff, responsible for the fighting effectiveness,
management, overall efficiency and morale of their Services.

7. The Defence Logistics Organisation. The Defence Logisitics Organisation under

Chief of Defence Logistics was created post SDR to bring together the logistics support
organisations in the Royal Navy, Army and Royal Air Force.

0202. The Naval Service

1. Within the Naval Service the First Sea Lord and Chief of the Naval Staff directs the
work of the Naval Service in accordance with policy directives and budgets for the main
areas of expenditure, determined centrally in consultation with the Naval Staff and Board
Members’ staffs. He is Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Admiralty Board
(known as the Navy Board), the membership of which consists of the Second Sea Lord
and Commander in Chief Naval Home Command (2SL/CNH), Controller of the Navy (C of
N), Naval Member for Logistics, Commander-in-Chief, Fleet (CINCFLEET), Assistant
Chief of the Naval Staff (ACNS) and the Second Permanent Under Secretary of State (2nd
PUS). The Service Members of the Admiralty and Navy Boards have responsibilities for
the management and conduct of areas of activity.

0203. First Sea Lord/Chief of the Naval Staff

1. Under the First Sea Lord and Chief of the Naval Staff, the Naval Staff fulfil their
responsibilities working in close cooperation with the Central Staff - in particular the
Director Navy Resources and Programmes, the Director of Naval Operations, the
Capability Manager (Strategic Deployment) and the staff of the TLBS.

0204. Second Sea Lord/Commander-in-Chief Naval Home Command

1. The Second Sea Lord/Commander-in-Chief Naval Home Command (2SL/CNH) and

Chief of Naval Personnel (CNP) is responsible to the First Sea Lord for ensuring that
sufficient motivated uniformed manpower, trained to the required standard, is available
and is deployed in peace, crisis, major crisis or war. 2SL/CNH is owner of the Naval
Training Command (NTC).

0205. Controller of the Navy

1. The Controller of the Navy (C of N) is the member of the Admiralty and Navy Boards
responsible to the Chief of Defence Procurement (CDP) primarily for the procurement of
ships, submarines and equipment for the Royal Navy.

November 2007 Edition
BRd 2 Composition of the Naval Service and Jurisdiction of QRRN

0206. The Naval Member for Logistics

1. The Naval Member for Logistics is the Deputy Chief Executive of the Warship Support
Agency and is the DLO representative on the Navy Board. He attends the NAVB as an
empowered representative of the Chief of Defence Logistics (CDL) to account to First Sea
Lord for the delivery of the DLO’s intermediate outputs to Commander-in-Chief FLEET.
When required, CDL will attend the NAVB in person.

0207. The Assistant Chief of the Naval Staff

1. The Assistant Chief of the Naval Staff supports the Navy Board, both collectively and
individually, and First Sea Lord in particular, on matters that are within First Sea Lord’s
management authority and which extend across TLB boundaries, acting not only as the
Chief Executive of the Royal Navy, but also as part of the MOD as a Department of State.

November 2007 Edition

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