Checklist Liturgical Space and Furnishings

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Checklist: Liturgical Space and Furnishings

 Is handicapped access available to the church and other buildings?
 Is space available for people to congregate and converse before and after Mass?
 Is the church building clean and inviting?
 Does the seasonal environment “spill out” from the building so that it greets people when they arrive, or
even when they drive by?
 Is there a gathering area for rituals such as the Blessing of Palms on Passion (Palm) Sunday, or the lighting
of the fire at the Easter Vigil?

Within the Building

 Are restroom locations clearly marked for visitors?
 Are the restrooms clean? Do they smell good?
 Is lighting sufficient for the assembly to read the worship aids or hymnals; for the various ministers—
presider, readers, musicians—to do their ministry?
 Are the sightlines to the focal points of the liturgy clear, or have they become cluttered or obscured?
 Is the baptismal font well-situated for visibility during Mass?
 Is there a space set aside in the church for wheelchairs and other special needs seating?
 Is the sound system volume comfortable?
 Is it loud enough for hearing, but not so loud as to drown out the response and song of the assembly?
 Has a system been installed for the hearing-impaired?
 Is the air conditioning system sufficient for the building?
 Is it quiet enough that it does not impede hearing when it is running?
 Is there a separate room for parents with babies and small children?
 Does that room have good visibility of the focal points of the liturgy?
 Is the speaker in the room adequate? Is it adjustable?
 Are hymnals and worship aids provided for this space?
 Is the room comfortable for the parents and for the children?

 Are the seasonal decorations appropriate for the liturgy?

 Are they arranged to facilitate liturgical movement and not be in the way?
 Does the seasonal decor include the assembly, or is it confined to the sanctuary?
 Do the flowers and plants appear fresh and well-arranged?
 Is the seating comfortable and sufficiently roomy for the assembly?
 Is there space for processions and other movement of the liturgy?
 Are the hymnals and worship aids readily available and in good condition?

The Sanctuary and Furnishings

 Does the design of the altar and ambo show their complementary functions?
 Is the presider’s chair placed for good visibility and to promote his role as leader of the assembly?
 Is the sanctuary neat and uncluttered with no unneeded furniture?
 Is the placement of this furniture designed for ease of movement in the space?
 Is a separate lectern/microphone provided for announcements and other spoken messages that are not
appropriate for the ambo?
 Is the tabernacle located in a space conducive to private prayer?
 Are the vestments, linens, wall hangings, or other decor clean and in good condition?
 Are the vestments well designed?
 Do they express the season without being adorned with pictures and symbols?
 Are the vestments well-coordinated; do they look like they belong together?
 Is there a single crucifix without multiplication of symbols?
 Are the missal, lectionary, and Book of the Gospels of good quality and in good condition?
 Are the holy oils displayed appropriately in an ambry?
 Is the ambry located in the sanctuary or near the baptismal font?
 Is the baptismal font located where baptisms during liturgy can be seen by the assembly?
 Is the paschal candle located near the baptismal font except during the parts of the liturgical year that call
for its placement in other locations?
 Is it always used during baptisms and funerals?
 Does it have sufficient presence to bear the weight of symbolizing Christ our Light?
 Are the various vessels used at liturgy clean, polished, and of a design suitable to their importance?
 Are there sufficient credence tables available so items used during the liturgy can be placed on them when
not in use?
 Are the books and vessels always placed on a table and never on the floor?

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