I. Directions: Explain Your Understanding About The Text by Answering The Following Questions

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Ady Marie M.

Mandado HUMSS 12- A Practical Research 2

Let’s dissect our Title!
I. Directions: Explain your understanding about the text by answering the following questions
on space provided.
1. Describe what is intervention?
- Intervention is a combination of program elements or strategies designed to bring about
behavioral changes or to improve the health status of individuals or the entire population.
2. How long will the intervention be administered? And when will it begin?
- Although the amount of instructional intervention a student requires to make progress varies,
research suggest the following ranges for elementary students: at least 8-16 weeks. Length and
frequency of intervention: 30-120 minutes per day. The intervention process begins when a
concerned person, or persons, has seen enough and decides action must be taken.
3. Who will administer the intervention?
- Addiction professional, such as a licensed alcohol and drug counselor, a social worker, a
psychologist, a psychiatrist, or an interventionist, team usually includes four to six people who
are important in the life of your loved one – people he or she loves, likes, respects or depends on.
4. Will those be administering the intervention are fully informed about the study?
- Yes, the one who will be administering the intervention should be fully aware or informed
about the study for them to really understand the circumstances and given appropriate
conclusions for it to be successful.
5. Will study participants be fully informed?
- Yes, research participants must give their permission to be part of a study and they must be be
given pertinent information to make an “informed’ consent to participate.
6. Under what conditions will the intervention be withdrawn or altered?
- The participants withdraw from the study at any time without consequence. Also, when an
intervention no longer helps to achieve the patient’s goals for care or desired equally of life.
Lastly, if the study already caused harm/death to the participants.
DIRECTIONS: Write TRUE if the statement is correct. Write FALSE if otherwise.
5. TRUE 10. TRUE
Ady Marie M. Mandado HUMSS 12- A Practical Research 2

Identification. Identify what statistical test is appropriate for each of the conditions below.
1. Martha wanted to find out the perceptions of Grade 12 learners in Homeschooling. She
randomly selected 55 participants in her school then she wanted to compare the responses
among male and female respondents.
Statistical Test: Two Independent Samples (Comparing Two Groups)
Clue: Comparing the responses of male vs female to find out the perceptions of Grade 12
learners in Homeschooling.
2. Joe is a researcher in Iloilo National High School and he is interested to know about the
purchasing trends of online buyers in Iloilo City. He selected 15 participants using
convenience sampling and he compared the responses among educational attainment
(high school, college, and postgraduate level).
Statistical Test: The Case of More than Two Independent Samples (Three or More
Clue: Comparing the responses among educational attainment from high school vs
college vs postgraduate level about the purchasing trends of online buyers in Iloilo City.
3. Roni wants to conduct a research on the impact of his learning intervention on the
academic performance of students. He applied a pre-test/post-test research design and he
already had two predetermined groups.
Statistical Test: Two Dependent Samples (Same Group, Before and After)
Clue: Concept score of pre-test vs product score of post-test from the two predetermined
groups in a research on the impact of his learning intervention on the academic
performance of students.

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