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Nutrition and the life cycle:

nutrition and the school child
Alison Coutts
provide one-third of the children’s estimated
Abstract daily nutritional requirements, and were
also free to families on lower incomes
This is the third in this series of articles examining nutrition and the life
(Cotterel et al, 1994).
cycle. The first considered current thinking regarding nutrition in
In 1980, the strict rules concerning the qual-
pregnancy (Vol 9(17): 1133–8), and the second discussed nourishing the
ity and nutritional content of school meals
infant, particularly in relation to weaning (Vol 9(21): 2205–16). This
were relaxed, and free school milk was also
article considers nutrition and the older child. The school years are
discontinued. The current situation is that
characterized by increasing independence from parents and exposure to
local authorities must provide a midday meal
values from outside the home. After being neglected for some years,
on school days for all school children who
childhood nutrition is again giving cause for concern. Some children are
want it; the meal is free to those whose fami-
not eating enough, or not the right nutrients at the right time, while
lies receive income support or job seeker’s
others are becoming overweight, with possible severe long-term effects on
allowance, and costs £1.05 for other children.
their health. Many of these problems are not related to poverty, but rather
There are no formal nutritional standards.
to changes in lifestyle. Some older children, however, are undernourishing
This is being reviewed, and it is likely that
themselves in an attempt to obtain a particular body shape. The last two
some sort of statutory minimum requirement
articles in this series will review nutrition in adulthood and in older years.
will be introduced once again. Some education
authorities also provide milk at cost price.

his is the third article in this series out- Schools are now being encouraged to
lining current thinking with respect to improve their pupils’ general nutrition by
nutrition for the healthy individual at integrating the provision of school lunch with
different stages of the life cycle, and will a school-wide approach to improve pupils’
review the literature concerning nutrition and diets through lessons, school environment,
the child of school age. This is a time when and extracurricular activities (Journal of
parents have less control over the behaviour School Health, 1997). Some schools are even
of children, and when other influences, par- providing breakfast (see below).
ticularly those related to peer pressure and As children reach 4 or 5 years of age their rate
television, become increasingly important. It of growth slows down and remains lower until
is also a time when habits of a lifetime are they reach the adolescent growth spurt. The
formed, and when patterns of health and ill- child’s nutritional requirements reflect this
health are established. change, and are not as great, if expressed by
The importance of good nutrition in child- body weight as in infancy. Thus, a 12-month-old
hood has long been recognized. However, boy requires 0.23 MJ/kg/day (56 kcal/ kg/day),
there seems to have been a trend recently to while the 10-year-old requires 0.16 MJ/kg/day
assume that, with increasing affluence, chil- (38 kcal/kg/day), and the 40-year-old man
dren are being provided with all the food they requires 0.1 MJ/Kg/day (22 kcal/kg/day)
need to maximize their potential. While this is (Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries
an attractive idea, there are reasons for (MAFF), 1995). The nutritional requirements of
Alison Coutts is Lecturer, believing that it is not the case, and this arti- children are summarized in Table 1.
Applied Biological Sciences,
cle aims to outline some of the issues.
City University,
St Bartholomew School of The swings in concern about childhood IN WHAT WAYS ARE CHILDREN’S DIETS
Nursing and Midwifery, nutrition are reflected in the history of INADEQUATE
school meals. At the turn of the century edu-
Accepted for publication: cation authorities were required to provide a First, some children are simply not eating
December 2000 midday meal to all school children who enough, or not at the right times, as discussed
wanted one. These meals were expected to below. In particular, many children are


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missing breakfast, with serious consequences. Action Centre, 1998). Such schools have
There are two potential ways in which miss- found additional benefits in improved atten-
ing breakfast could adversely affect children: dance and reduced tardiness.
● The first is that the metabolism undergoes Some attempts have been made to introduce
short-term alteration, which causes diffi- trials of a similar programme in parts of the UK.
culties for the child that day. These alter- One primary school in East London, known to
ations could include a fall in blood glucose the author, offers a breakfast club. The club is
and insulin levels, leading to a low grade self-funding, with parents paying £1.50 per
stress response, which could, in turn, lead child per week to cover overheads and staffing,
to a fall in cognitive function. and then paying for each food item. For exam-
● The second consequence is that skipping ple, cereal and milk costs 32p and a carton of
breakfast is part of a pattern of undernutri- orange juice costs 15p. Another London prima-
tion that causes long-term problems (Pollitt, ry school has used lottery funding to start a
1995). scheme but will soon be self-funding (Matuszek,
A review by Pollitt (1995) highlights the 2000). However, the culture in this country, for
value of school breakfasts. Poorly nourished the most part, is that it is the responsibility of
children perform better at school on days the parent/carer to deliver the child to school on
when they have eaten breakfast. Pollitt dis- time, clean, having had breakfast, equipped,
cusses several studies showing that children and ready to learn.
performed better in cognitive tests, particu- If poverty is the cause of poor nutrition,
larly those relating to memory and language, one group that may have problems are those
if they had been provided with breakfast, and families headed by a single woman, as they
that they were also more emotionally stable. tend to be poor. Additionally, the mother has
However, the evidence is rather less clear for conflicting demands on her time (Dowler and
children who are well nourished (assessed Calvert, 1995). One study (Onyango et al,
from their height and weight). In this group of 1994) found that these families were indeed
children, most studies, including all the British poor but that nutrition was adequate, and in
studies included in the review, still found that some ways superior to other families, e.g. the
children performed better if they had eaten children of these families were offered more
breakfast; however, not all studies were con- variety in their diet.
sistent in that the nature and the extent of the In contrast, Dowler and Calvert (1995)
improvement varied (Pollitt, 1995). found that nutrition was poor in these fami-
One methodological problem of withhold- lies, but that children did not fare as badly as
ing breakfast from a well-nourished child is expected, as the parents would sacrifice their
that the child is probably used to having own diet in order to provide well for their
breakfast, and any deterioration in perfor- children. However, as discussed in the previ-
mance could be due to the stress of a change ous article (Vol 9(21): 2205–16), the Child
of routine, rather than the change in nutri- Poverty Action Group claims that it is still not
tion. There are also ethical problems with this possible to feed a family, according to
type of research. However, it seems likely that Government guidelines, on income support.
ensuring children have breakfast will enhance
the cognitive performance of all children, and Table 1. Recommended nutrient intake (RNI)
will definitely assist those who are generally
poorly nourished. Age in years (boys) Age in years (girls)
The precise nature of the breakfast required
4–6 11–14 15–18 4–6 11–14 15–18
is not fully discussed by Pollitt, but most of
the breakfasts in the ‘laboratory’-type trials Energy
were simple, consisting mainly of carbohy- (MJ) 7.16 9.27 11.51 6.46 7.92 11.51
(kcal) 1715 2220 2755 1545 1845 2110
drate and usually milk. Professor Pollitt was
mainly interested in the school breakfast pro- Protein
gramme in the USA, and concludes that it is (g) 19.7 42.1 55.2 19.7 41.2 45.0
definitely justified in areas with a large num- Iron
ber of poor families. Approximately 70% of (g) 6.1 11.3 11.3 6.1 14.8 14.8
American schools offering school lunches Source: Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries (1995)
also offer breakfast (Food Research and


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Severe dieting is OVERWEIGHT CHILDREN these: (1) dietary intervention (2) exercise pro-
AND ADOLESCENTS grammes and (3) behavioural modification.
never to be
recommended, and Not all families are poor, so can we assume Dietary intervention
any form of energy that those who are not are offering their chil- Most obesity prevention treatment pro-
dren an adequate diet? Probably not, since grammes include at least some dietary strate-
restriction is
many health problems in children may be gies. The aim is to reduce the energy value in
inappropriate in actually related to affluence. Of particular the diet. Protein yields 17 KJ/g of energy, and
young children...For concern is overnutrition, particularly with carbohydrate yields 16 KJ/g of energy, while
respect to energy intake. Indeed, it is possible fat provides 37 KJ/g (Ministry of Agriculture,
some children of
that childhood nutrition in 1950 was superi- Food and Fisheries, 1995). Thus, for weight
school age, mild or to that of today (Meikle, 1999), as of food, fat yields over twice as much energy
energy restriction rationing caused a reduction in sugary foods, as protein or carbohydrate.
and some fatty foods, while at the same time Most strategies encourage individuals to
may be needed, but
the government ensured that children obtain their energy from carbohydrate, rather
should be received all essential nutrients. than fat. Humans appear to achieve satiation
undertaken very Affluence may be a cause of the increased more easily with carbohydrate than fat, and
problem of obesity in childhood. The exact the volume of food that is necessary to meet
slowly, and under
magnitude of the increase in childhood obesi- energy requirements is greater if most of the
careful supervision. ty has not been reliably calculated for the UK, energy comes from carbohydrate. Most
Such children should mainly because there is not yet an agreed def- strategies recommend up to 40% of energy
inition of obesity in children (Bellizzi and being derived from fat, and the rest from car-
be offered a diet that
Dietz, 1999). However, Chinn and Rona bohydrate; protein should not normally be
is similar to their (1994) estimate that children are becoming used for energy.
present diet, but bigger. That is to say, they are likely to have a Ideally, the carbohydrates should be unre-
greater triceps skin-fold thickness and also a fined. In the Western diet, these are provid-
slightly modified to
greater weight for height ratio. ed by potatoes, bread, pasta and rice.
reduce the amount The increase (which has been greatest since Avoiding refined carbohydrates, such as

of energy 1986) is substantial, e.g. the average English sweets and cakes, means that the child expe-
girl weight increased by 0.5 kg and for Scottish riences a slow, steady rise in blood glucose,
girls the average increase was 1.5 kg (Chinn rather than a sudden increase, which may
and Rona, 1994). Some, but not all, of this reduce the chances of developing non-insulin
weight gain is related to an increase in height. dependent diabetes.
The noted increase in height, however, is small, Refined carbohydrates should be eaten
and other researchers (e.g. Chinn et al, 1989) after a meal, to avoid this steep rise in blood
have found no such increase recently. Chinn et sugar. Restricting sweets to after meals also
al (1989) also show an increase in the range of reduces the total daily number of ‘sugar
sizes. In the USA, it is estimated that 22–30% attacks’, i.e. the occasions when the environ-
of children are obese (Troiano et al, 1995). ment in the mouth is particularly suitable for
Why is this happening? One’s tendency to decay to develop, and therefore is better for
develop obesity is influenced by genetic inheri- dental health. Any diet programme will need
tance, but this cannot explain the increase in to include regular sessions to support the
size and, presumably, obesity. An interesting child, as almost all studies (e.g. Johnson et al,
finding of Chinn and Rona (1994) was that 1997) have found that information alone
parents were also apparently getting bigger, and leads to very little improvement.
that the size of the child was related to the size Severe dieting is never to be recommend-
of the adult; the authors concluded that the rea- ed, and any form of energy restriction is
son must lie in family dynamics and lifestyle. inappropriate in young children (see Vol
One’s weight is a function of energy intake 9(21): 2205–16). For some children of
and energy use; thus, if children are getting big- school age, mild energy restriction may be
ger they must be increasing their energy intake, needed, but should be undertaken very slow-
or burning less energy in activity or, most like- ly, and under careful supervision. Such chil-
ly, both. There are three possible interventions dren should be offered a diet that is similar
to combat this course of events, and most stud- to their present diet, but slightly modified to
ies use one or a combination of two or three of reduce the amount of energy available. The


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energy from the diet should be a little less Obesity in children is only weakly linked to There is a
than their estimated energy expenditure health problems; however, it is strongly
perception that
(Mellin et al, 1987). linked to several health problems in adult-
hood. Overweight children tend to grow into children, particularly
Exercise programmes overweight adults; ‘puppy fat’ does not exist older children, are
There is a perception that children, particu- after the age of 5 or 6 years. Children tend to
less physically active
larly older children, are less physically active retain the same percentile ranking for body
than they used to be. This could be due to the mass index — BMI = weight (kg)/height (m)2 than they used to be.
rise of sedentary activities, such as television — as they grow up (Bellizzi and Deitz, 1999). This could be due to
and computer games, and also because par- The adult who was overweight as a child is
the rise of sedentary
ents are reluctant to allow their children to more likely to experience other health prob-
play outside due to the perceived dangers lems, even when adult weight is taken into activities, such as
from traffic, and people who would deliber- account. Indeed, obesity as a child is more television and
ately harm them. It is likely that this decrease closely correlated to adult health problems
computer games,
in physical activity is important in causing the than obesity in adulthood (Cambell et al,
increase in body size of children (Bellizzi and 1999). These problems include coronary and also because
Dietz, 1999). artery disease, hyperlipidaemia, hypertension, parents are reluctant
Attending exercise sessions has limited sus- and reduced glucose tolerance.
to allow their
tained improvement in weight control
(DeWolfe and Jack, 1984), but teaching chil- DIET AND CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE children to play
dren to avoid sedentary activities is more suc- outside due to the
cessful (Mellin et al, 1987). This is probably There is a well known link between plasma
perceived dangers
because short bursts of physical activity have lipid levels and the risk of developing cardio-
some effect on energy use during and shortly vascular pathologies such as cerebrovascular from traffic, and
after the activity, but a more active life style accident and coronary artery disease (McGill people who would

generally increases metabolism for all the et al, 1996). The risk of developing these dis-
waking hours. eases is greater in an individual with elevated
low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and decreased harm them.
Behavioural modification high-density lipoprotein (HDL). As discussed
An example of behavioural modification with in the previous article (Vol 9(21): 2205–16),
respect to weight control in children can be breast milk is very rich in all lipoproteins,
seen in the work of Epstein et al (1994a). and this seems to actually protect the indi-
Behavioural modification clearly overlaps vidual from later cardiovascular disease
with the intervention above (exercise pro- (McGill et al, 1996).
grammes), but is rather more complex as it However, what about the diet of children?
involves attempting to alter children’s rela- It appears that atherosclerotic lesions start
tionship with food. Thus, children are taught very early in life. In children, lesions are seen
to identify and avoid situations when they eat as fatty streaks in the arteries of persons as
inappropriately, e.g. many children snack young as 3 years of age (Berenson et al,
while watching television programmes. They 1992). It is not certain that these fatty streaks
may also need to reconsider how they (or are of clinical significance, as they do not
their parents) reward themselves; thus, chil- occlude the vessel and are reversible.
dren who are used to receiving sweets for However, it is possible that they could devel-
doing well at school may need to consider op into raised, fibrotic lesions.
buying comics or make-up instead. Work from the Bogalusa heart study
Whatever strategy is selected, it will almost (Berenson et al, 1992) indicates that these
certainly not succeed unless parents are fatty streaks, particularly when they are
involved. There are three types of parental located in the coronary arteries, are indeed
involvement: (1) simply inviting the parents related to high serum triglyceride and very
to attend sessions with the child (2) encour- LDL cholesterol, and also to blood pressure.
aging the parent to make appropriate modifi- Lauer et al (1988) carried out a major longi-
cations in their own diet (Epstein et al tudinal study of the relationship between cho-
1994b), activity or behaviour, and (3) involv- lesterol in childhood (after 5 years of age) and
ing the whole family in therapy sessions adulthood. They found a considerable degree
(Flodmark et al, 1993). of tracking, i.e. those children with a high


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...recent research plasma cholesterol tended to maintain high television a week (Kotz and Story, 1994). The
cholesterol levels into adulthood. authors monitored Saturday morning televi-
by child The adult levels of cholesterol were unlikely sion, and saw 997 adverts for products of
psychologists to be above the 90th percentile* if childhood which 564 (56.5%) were for food; this
suggests that levels were below the 50th percentile**, and as amounts to as many as 3 hours of food
childhood cholesterol levels rise above the 50th adverts a week, or one advert every 5 minutes
children of school percentile, the adult cholesterol levels also rise. of television watching. Of the adverts for
age are quite However, this does not, in itself, indicate that food, 37.5% were for products classified as
sophisticated, not to diet in youth and dietary habits are the cause ‘fats, oils, or sugars’ and 23% were for ‘high-
of high or low cholesterol levels, and it is sugar carbohydrates’. Promotion of fast-food
say cynical, in their known that there is some genetic predisposi- outlets, which tend to serve high-fat meals,
understanding of tion (Berenson et al, 1992). accounted for 11% of adverts.
advertising... Research designed to establish whether All of the adverts were opposed by 10 nutri-
dietary intervention is effective in reducing tion-related public-service announcements.
Children are able serum cholesterol was carried out (Diet The main message from the purveyors of the
to appreciate the Intervention Study in Children [DISC] advertised products was that these foods taste
motivation of others Writing Group, 1995). Children aged good; 16.9% of the adverts included a
between 8 and 10 years with raised LDL lev- promise of a free toy and 7.3% suggested that
and this skill seems els were randomized into groups for inter- the food was in some way fashionable.
to be developing vention or normal treatment. The interven- However, 49.1% of adverts implied that the
earlier in children, as tion group was given behavioural therapy food was healthy, often by stating that the
aimed at achieving a diet where fat provided food formed part of a healthy meal.
they are exposed to only 28% of energy, including up to 8% pro- It is possible, however, that children are
a wider range of vided by saturated fat, and less than not as gullible as it is sometimes assumed.
social interaction 75 mg/day of cholesterol. The food industry has fiercely opposed

This diet is similar to that recommended moves in both Europe and America to reduce
than they were for children with a marked family history of the amount of advertising aimed at children.
in the past. coronary artery disease. The intervention The industry must have read research by
consisted of devising a personalized diet Galst and White (1976) showing that chil-
based on the child’s present diet, followed by dren’s food choices and purchasing requests
a series of visits to the family GP. The group were directly related to their exposure to
receiving normal care was advised that the advertised items.
child’s plasma cholesterol was raised, and was However, this research is rather old. More
provided with written information. No fol- recent research by child psychologists sug-
low-up was organized. gests that children of school age are quite
After 3 years the diets of the intervention sophisticated, not to say cynical, in their
group were significantly lower in fat, and understanding of advertising (Cohen, 1999).
serum cholesterol levels were also lower. Children are able to appreciate the motiva-
Importantly, the intervention group’s diet tion of others and this skill seems to be devel-
was equally adequate in other ways, in that oping earlier in children, as they are exposed
height growth and iron stores were equal to a wider range of social interaction than
in both groups. they were in the past. For example, 4-year-
olds are able to identify who is being target-
OTHER INFLUENCES ON CHILDREN ed by an advert, and most 5- and 6-year olds
have learnt that it is possible to say one thing
So why do children persist in taking a poor and feel another.
diet in spite of relative affluence? One possi- In the UK, there is a voluntary code stating
ble reason is peer pressure and the effect of that adverts must not take advantage of chil-
advertising. In the USA, children aged dren’s natural credulity, or raise unreasonable
between 6 and 11 years watch 23.5 hours of expectations. Other countries, such as
Sweden, have gone further and banned all
*If the blood cholesterol levels for the individual fall
into the highest 10% of the figures for blood adverts that target children; however, this
cholesterol in the population as a whole may have the effect of forcing television pro-
**If the blood cholesterol levels for the individual
fall into the top half of the figures for blood ducers to import programmes from overseas,
cholesterol in the population as a whole which may be of poorer quality.


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However, eventually, many children learn and cardiovascular risk factors in persons aged 6 to
that overeating can lead to obesity, and that 30 years and studied at necropsy (the Bogalusa heart
study). Am J Cardiol 70: 851–8
being obese is a bad thing. Some children, Cambell K, Waters E, O’Meara S, Summerbell (1999)
Interventions for treating obesity in children (proto-
particularly girls, begin to manipulate their col for a Cochrane review). The Cochrane Library,
diet in an attempt to achieve a particular Issue 4. Update Software, Oxford
Chinn S, Price CE, Rona RJ (1989) Need for new reference
body shape. The subject of eating disorders curves for height. Arch Dis Childhood 64: 1545–53
is outside the scope of this article, but nurs- Chinn S, Rona J (1994) Trends in height for weight
and triceps skinfold thickness for English and
es need to be aware that many teenage chil- Scottish children 1972–82 and 1982–90. Pediatr
Perinatal Epidemiol 8(1): 90–106
dren engage in occasional unwise dietary Cohen D (1999) Toy story. New Sci 164(2210; 30
practices, often trying to achieve a body October): 38–40
Cotterel J, Davies R, Garvey A, Manley K, Hibbert A,
shape that may be almost impossible. Such Salt H (1994) Nutrition and Nursing — A Resource
practices include binge–purge, severe ener- for Teachers. Royal College of Nursing, London
Diet Intervention Study in Children [DISC] Writing Group
gy restriction, and fat-free diets (DeWolfe (1995) Efficacy and safety of lowering dietary intake of
fat and cholesterol in children with elevated low-densi-
and Jack, 1984). ty lipoprotein cholesterol. JAMA 273: 1429–35
Boys do not seem to be as vulnerable to DeWolfe JA, Jack E (1984) Weight control in adoles-
cent girls: a follow-up comparison of the effective-
attempts to lose weight, but can be just as at risk ness of three approaches to follow-up. J School
of this sort of behaviour in the pursuit of athlet- Health 54: 137–49
Dowler E, Calvert C (1995) Nutrition and Diet in
ic excellence. Thus, rugby players may attempt Lone-Parent Families in London. Family Policy
Studies Centre, London
to gain weight, while boxers, gymnasts, and Epstein LH, Valoski A, Wing RR, McCurly J (1994a)
jockeys may try to keep their weight low in Effects of mastery criteria and contingent reinforce-
ment for family-based child weight control. Addict
order to remain within a certain ‘class’. In order Behav 19: 135–49
to achieve this, they may be recommended to Epstein LH, Valoski A, Wing RR, McCurly J (1994b) Ten
year outcomes of behavioural family-based treatment
take certain diets. Nurses need to be aware that for childhood obesity. Health Psychol 13: 373–83
Flodmark CE, Ohlsson T, Ryden O, Sveger Y (1993)
this aspect of nutrition is under-researched, par- Prevention of progression to severe obesity in a
ticularly as it affects children, and few ‘high-per- group of obese school children treated with family
therapy. Pediatrics 91: 880–4
formance’ diets have scientific credibility at pre- French SA, Perry CL, Gloria RL, Fulkerson JA (1994)
sent (Sinatra and Sinatra, 1996). Weight concerns, dieting behavior and smoking ini-
tiation among adolescents: a prospective study. Am
Another way that is popularly believed to J Pub Health 84(11): 1818–20
Food Research and Action Centre (1998) School ■ Healthy eating for
result in weight loss is smoking. Whether this breakfast score card. Pediatrics 91: 880–4. See also
is true is very contentious, but many young children should be
Galst J, White M (1976) The unhealthy persuader.
people believe it works. French et al (1994) Child Dev 47: 1089–96 promoted in all
followed a group of nearly 2000 teenagers Johnson WG, Hinkle LK, Carr RE et al (1997) Dietary aspects of school
and exercise interventions for juvenile obesity: long-
who were mostly white and of upper middle- term effect of behavioural and public health modes. life.
Obesity Res 5(3): 257–61
class families. The children were questioned Journal of School Health (1997) Guidelines for school ■ Poor nutrition is
about their smoking habits and their beliefs health programms to promote lifelong healthy eat-
ing. J School Health 67(1): 9–26. See also not related to
concerning diet. They found that girls who
m0042446.htm (accessed 06/12/99)
poverty, but may
were most concerned about their weight gain
Kotz K, Story M (1994) Food advertisements during be associated with
— in that they very much wanted to be thin, children’s Saturday morning television program-
ming. J Am Dietet Assoc 94: 1296–300 other issues such
or that they thought about their weight a lot Lauer RM, Lee J, Clarke WR (1988) Factors affecting the as peer pressure
of the time — were much more likely to com- relationship between childhood and adult cholesterol
levels: the muscatine study. Pediatrics 82(3): 309–18 and fashion.
mence smoking. The same did not hold true McGill HC, Mott GE, Lewis DS, McMahan CA,
for boys, although similar numbers of boys Jackson EM (1996) Early determinants of adult ■ Programmes for
metabolic regulation. Nutr Rev 54(2): s31–40
and girls commenced smoking. Matuszek C (2000) Lottery win cooks up a healthy overweight
diet. Wimbledon News 21 January: 16 children should
Meikle J (1999) Children’s diet healthier in 1950 than
CONCLUSION today. The Guardian 30 November: 4 include dietary
Mellin LM, Slinkard LA, Irwin CE (1987) Adolescent
obesity intervention: validation of the shape-down changes, activity
This article has presented a picture of a wast- programme. J Am Dietet Assoc 87: 333–8 and behaviour
Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries (1995)
ed opportunity; most families have the finan- Manual of Nutrition. 10th edn. The Stationery modification.
Office, Norwich
cial resources to nourish their children ade- Onyango A, Tucker K, Eismon T (1994) Household head- ■ Obesity in
quately, yet many fail to do so. Why this is, ship and child nutrition. Soc Sci Med 39(12): 1633–9
Pollitt E (1995) Does breakfast make a difference in childhood can lead
and what is to be done about it, provides school? J Am Dietet Assoc 95(10): 1134–9
Sinatra FR, Sinatra GM (1996) Food fads and special
to health problems
much for the nurse to consider. BJN
diets: facts and fallacies. Contemp Pediatr 13(2): 56–68 throughout life.
Bellizzi MC, Dietz WH (1999) Workshop on child- Troiano RP, Flegal KM, Kuczmarski RJ, Campbell SM,
hood obesity. Am J Clin Nutr 70(Suppl): 173s–5s Johnson CL (1995) Overweight prevalence and
Berenson GS, Wattigney WA, Tracy RE et al (1992) trends for children and adolescents. Arch Pediatr
Atherosclerosis of the aorta and coronary arteries Adolesc Med 149: 1085–91


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