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1. Why is Field Method in Psychology important?

1-3 sentences

- Field method in psychology is a tool which aids in the data collection wherein the researcher could observe,
and have a personal interaction with people. Also, it allows the researcher to understand people in their natural

2. What do you think Field Methods in Psychology is all about? 1-3sentences

I think field methods in psychology pertain to the ways on how data collection is done in the field. It pertains to
methodologies that are used to collect data sample.

3. In a minimum of 5 sentences, make a short reflection on the question below. 

How can research improve our quality of life especially in the field of psychology?

Research is a means to discover new things. One of the greatest products of research is a machine.
With the advent of machines, things can be done faster than being done using human force. Through research,
behavior can be well understood and the processes behind it. The Researcher through research could
understand how people think and feel and correlate it with psychological behaviors and disorders in the field
of psychology.

4. Task: 3-2-1 Activity 31

3 Realizations that you have about Research.
1. Research requires teamwork.
2. Research requires time management.
3. Research requires critical thinking and dedication in order to have a positive result.

2 Questions that you have in mind about Research.

1. It doing research expensive?
2. Do field work apply in all types of research?

1 Word to describe Research.

Exciting. Che

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