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A. Identification Tungko, San Jose del Monte Bulacan Farmview Market

B. Hazard
Physical Hazard
a. Hot environment 2 Hot environment can cause various types of heat
conditions such as heat stroke, heat exhaustion and
dizziness that can pose hazards to the people inside
the Farmview market.

b. Entangled and 6 The wires are not properly fixed and there are some
Dangling wires instances that the dangling wires are located on the
working area itself where the vendors and customers
interact with each other. Entangled and Dangling
Wires can cause short circuit and electric shock if not
properly address.

c. Noise 3 Too much noise that comes from vehicles and people
can also pose a hazard in psychological aspects. It
can create distress and irritability which can affect
one’s performance.

Biological Hazard
d. Improper waste 6 Improper Hygiene and waste disposal is hazardous to
disposal one’s health. Pathogens such as bacteria and viruses
can build and contaminate the market if not properly
administered. The foul odor and unaesthetic view can
also affect the person’s psychological aspect. Plastics
that ended up in sewage system can clog and can
cause floods during rainy season.

e. Physical and Social 5 The observer notice that most of the people do not
distancing not follow the 1 meter (6 feet) protocol for Physical
observed distancing . This is hazardous since it can alleviate
the chances of spreading the COVID 19. Aside from
that, heat stress can also affect the person especially
if the place is not properly ventilated.

f. Improper use of 4 Aside from violating the 1 meter protocol for social
PPE distancing, some people do not also wear proper
PPE. Some customer wear facemask without face
shield and some people wear face shield but not
wearing face mask. This can also increase the spread
of COVID 19.
g. Drainage System 1 Wastes such as plastics that ended in the drainage
not Properly fixed piles cause clogging. As a result, contaminated water
continuously wet the pavement. This is hazardous
since wet floor can cause injury related accidents.
Aside from that, the foul odor continuously affects the
people psychologically.
Ergonomic Hazard
h. Uneven floorings 2 Holes and irregular floorings are hazardous to people
since it can cause injury related accidents such as trip
and fall. It is also uncomfortable for the users since it
is not ergonomically designed.

i. Wet Floor 3 Wet pavement is very dangerous to the passerby

since it can cause them to slip and acquire injuries.
Aside from that it is also inconvenient to use since the
user needs to exert extra force on their feet to prevent
them from slipping.
j. Wet stairs 1 Similar with wet floor and uneven floorings, Wet stair
is also hazardous to the users since it can cause
accidents. The rusty hand rail is dangerous since it
can be home to various pathogens . It can also cause
serious infection such as “tetanus” brought by the
bacterium Clostridium tetani . The chances of getting
this infection increases if the person has an open
wound and had a direct contact with contaminated
hand rail. The infection can interfere with the muscle
movement that can cause severe muscle spasms,
serious breathing difficulties and can also lead to
death (Felman, 2017).
k. Improper Lighting 3 Improper lightings can cause eye strains. The
observer noticed that the lightings in the Farmview
market is not properly placed on its right location and
in some instances, the lights are too bright and too
near to the vendor and customer’s eye level. There
are also some situation where the lights are too dim,
which also posed a hazard to the people since there
is a possible that they will not see the other hazard on
their surroundings.

C. Composition/ info on Not Applicable

D. First-aid Measures Not Applicable
E. Fire-fighting
F. Accidental Release Not Applicable
G. Handling and Not Applicable
H. Exposure Control/ General protective and hygienic measures:
Personal Protection Proper Use of Personal Protective Equipment is
advised for proper protection, these include the
Face Shields and Face Masks: Required for
reducing the exposure and emission of respiratory
droplets that can alleviate the spread of COVID 19.
Gloves: Helps in preventing direct contact with
contaminated items and other protection for hands
Bota shoes: Helps for protecting against direct
exposure in wet floor.
Hair Net: Helps to keep the hair from falling that can
cause contamination

 Proper cough etiquette

 Proper Hand Washing and disinfection
 Proper social and physical distancing
 Avoiding touching eyes, nose and mouth

I. Physical and Not Applicable

Chemical Properties
J. Stability and Not Applicable
K. Toxicological Acute toxicity: plastic bags/containers are
Information commonly used in public markets LD50 of BPA (a
chemical present in plastic bags and containers) was
841 and 35.26 mg/kg body weight for ip and iv route.
Potential routes of exposure/potential health
Skin: BPA from plastic containers can be absorbed
through the skin.
Eye: chemicals in plastics can cause irritation in the
eye, and if further exposed, vision failure.
Inhalation: when plastic waste are burned, they
produce dioxin. If inhaled, it can instantly cause
coughing, shortness of breath and dizziness.
Ingestion: Plastics can leech many of harmful
chemicals into the water or food it's being used to
contain, causing food contamination.
Carcinogenic effects: Long-term exposure to dioxin
(a chemical caused by burning of plastic) can cause
cancer. At certain exposure levels, chemicals in these
plastic, such as bisphenol A (BPA), may cause
cancer in people.
Mutagenic effects: Mutagens may cause induction
of the disruption of DNA molecular structure and brain
damage, If the plastic’s composition has additives
such as Mercury.
Reproductive toxicity: Endocrine-disrupting
chemicals that present in most common plastic
materials are associated with reproductive problems
(genital malformations, infertility).
Sensitization: CMR properties of plastic may cause
skin sensitization.
Target organs: The internal organs that are most
commonly affected by the chemicals present in
plastics are the liver, the kidneys, the heart, the
nervous system (including the brain) and the
reproductive system.
L. Ecological Eco toxicity: an improperly disposed plastic bag,
Information (non- abandoned fishing net or bottle cap can kill aquatic
mandatory) animals by entanglement, strangulation, suffocation
or starvation.
Mobility: disposing of plastic waste into the sewers
can cause it to be washed off to the nearest aquatic
environment such as a nearby lake.
Biodegradation: plastic packaging materials has the
biodegradability to the conversion of >90% of the
original material into CO2, water and minerals by
biological processes within 6 months
Bioaccumulation: wastes from markets pose
chemical threats such as bioaccumulation of the
chemical ingredients of plastic to wildlife and the
marine ecosystem.
M. Disposal Guidelines to Proper waste disposal must be followed
Considerations and observed at all times. Separation of different
(non-mandatory) types of waste such as paper, plastic, glass and
metal must be strictly implemented. Dirty Plastic
bags/containers used in food packaging must be
thrown to the trash immediately to avoid
contamination. Murky stagnant water that may
contain insects must be sweep off to the sewers so it
does not contaminate the food on display. Spoiled
meat must be thrown out instantly to avoid food
contamination. Collection of waste by Garbage truck
should be done everyday to achieve a clean public
market environment.
N. Transport Not Applicable
Information (non-
O. Regulatory RA 9003 (Ecological Solid Waste Management Act
Information (non- of 2000) provides for a systematic, comprehensive
mandatory) and ecological waste management
program to ensure the protection of public health and
the environment.
PD 856 - Sanitation Code of the Philippines and its
Implementing Rules and Regulations,
Regulating the establishment of all trades,
occupations, industry, institutions,
commercial undertakings, water system, refuse
disposal system, sewage collection
and disposal system, vermin control, etc. in
accordance with prescribed guidelines
and standards promoting environmental sanitation
and hygiene.
P. Other Information Additional Information: The data given in this Safety
Data Sheet is adjust to the finest of our information,
data and belief at the date of its distribution. The data
given is planned uniquely as direction for safe
handling, utilization, processing, storage,
transportation, disposal and discharge; it isn't to be
viewed as a guarantee or quality determination. The
data relates just to the particular material assigned
and may not be legitimate for such material used in
combination with some other materials or in any
process, unless specified in the content.
Ocular Inspection Report

Name of Place: Farmview Market

Location: Tungko San Jose del Monte, Bulacan

Date of Inspection: November 7 2020

Purpose of Inspection: Safety Inspection

Facts and Findings:

During the observation on November 7 2020 at 8:30 AM, the observant found the market crowded, and many people come and go to buy necessities.
Most of them do not wear face shield but they wear face masks because of the current situation. Its noisy as usual, there are shouts here and there and
the sound of vehicles passing by. The floors are wet and slippery because of the water they put in the fishes and because of the drainage overflowing,
the lights are bright and glaring with their wires dangling. There are cracks in the path inside and outside the market, that some of it are protruding.
There are sellers that do not wear apron so its quite unhygienic and garbage like vegetable waste were not disposed properly.

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