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1 Present Perfect
1. She hasn't studied (not/study) for the exam.
2. Adam and Natalie have lived (live) together for 3 years.
3. Where has he gone (go)?
4. We have not left (not/leave) yet.
5. I have wanted (want) a new car for a long time.
6. Have the bus arrived (arrive) yet?
7. They have brought (bring) their children with them.
8. Have you ever seen (see) a shooting star?
9. Have you ever seen (see) a shooting star?

1.2 Present Perfect Continuous

1. Here you been playing guitar much recently?
2. Steve hasn´t been practicing enough lately
3. What have they been doing lately?
4. I have liked seafood since I first tried id
5. What have you been learning in English class these days?
6. Sorry. I´m late. Have you been waiting long?
7. The kids have been watching television since 3 o’clock?
1.3 Present Perfect vs. Past simple
1. I read (read) yesterday´s newspaper, but I have not read (read, not) today´s
2. Tom has seen (see) that movie three times already
3. The students have had (have) eight exams this month. (The month hasn´t
ended yet)
4. The student had(hav e) eight exams last month
5. They have been practicing (practice) for the concert for over three hours now
6. They students have had (have) eight exams in the last month
7. Have you enjoy the game?
8. How long have you been working(work) here?
9. The Children have grown (grow) a lot since the last time I saw (see) them

1.4 Already-Just-Still-Yet
1. We are still rehearsing for the concert
2. Thank for the invitation, but I have already seen that film
3. Have you gone to the store yet?
4. You just started that new job and you are already complaining
5. They hurried to the store, but it was already closed
6. Are you still dating Jim?
7. Michael hasn´t paid me all the money he owes me yet
8. Michael still hasn´t paid me all the money he owes me
9. Michael said he already paid you the money
10. I´m so tired. I already ran 10 miles
1.5 For Since & Ago
1. we have been working since 8 o’clock this morning
2. They played football for three hours yesterday afternoon
3. Neil has been sleeping for hours
4. I learned to drive fifteen years ago
5. The children have been studying since this morning
6. My parents went to New York City two years ago
7. I have been tired since last week
8. She always talks on the phone for hours with her sister
9. We have been attending the annual conference every year since 2015
10. He has taught English at the academy for 8 year

1.6 Modal Perfect

1. You went to Oruro in February? It SHOULD have been cold_ must
2. We MIGHT have stayed home. That movie was terrible_ should
3. It MUST not have been the best cake you ever made, but it was still pretty
good_ may
4. It was bad. But it OUGHT TO have been worse! _ could
5. What a great day! I MAY not have asked for more_ could
6. The dog just got out. It MAY have gone far _ can
7. You went to Cuba? That WILL have been exciting! _ must
8. You MUST have brought a jacket. It´s so cold tonight!
9. If he had been in the competition, he MUST have been the winner _ might
2.1 Past Perfect
1. I had been (be) at home all day. I had to get out and go for a walk
2. She had taught (teach) Shakespeare before
3. Had you eaten breakfast when you left the house?
4. We hadn´t finished (not, finish) the document when the computer crashed
5. We had never seen (see) a whale before our trip
6. She had prepared (prepare) dinner before leaving for work that day
7. I hadn´t done (not/do) all my homework when I went to class
8. Had you met (meet) her before?
2.2 Past Perfect Continuous
1. They had not been talking (not/talk) when the phone cut out
2. Had you been researching (research) the problem for long when you
found the solution?
3. Adam and Natalie had known (know) each other for years when they started
4. I needed a change. I had been living (live) in New York for a long time
5. Sally had been working (work) as a waitress for 5 years when she went
back to university
6. Had Toni and Julie been (date) long when they broke up?
7. She had already seen (see)that film in the cinema when they watched it on DVD
8. I was so frustrated. I had been writing (write) my story for 2 weeks when I
lost my notebook
3.1 Future Perfect
1. They have arrived (arrive) before we leave.
2. The bus will have left (leave) by the time he arrives.
3. How long will you have been (be) married when your son is born?
4. Bob is not going to eaten (not eat) when he leaves work.
5. My mother is going to have made (make) lunch by the time we get home.
6. Will you have printed (print) the project by tomorrow morning?
7. By Monday morning I am going to have read (read) the whole book.
8. We are going to have bought (buy) all the ski gear we need by this Friday.

3.2 Future perfect

1. George is going to have been studying (study) for 6 hours by dinner time.
2. How long will they have been working (work) when the factory closes?
3. In another 5 minutes, we will have been waiting (wait) for 3 hours for the
4. This June we are going to had been paying (pay) the mortgage for 20 years.
5. He is going to have been playing (play) football for 90 minutes when the game
6. will you have been studying (study) long when we meet this afternoon?
7. Next Saturday they are going to have been dating (date) for 1 year.
8. Jim won't have been learning (not/learn) English long when he goes to England.

Pasado perfecto: Ejercicios
Coloca, en la línea, el participio del verbo que está entre paréntesis.

1.1. – I had slept in my car. (Sleep)

1.2. – Mary and David had not visited our high school. (Visit)
1.3. Carol had read the newspaper. (Read)
1.4. – Had they shown their talent? (Show)

Empleando la estructura gramatical del pasado perfecto complete las siguientes


2.1. – You _had_ _walked at the park. (Walk)

2.2. – Luisa _had not __taught in my school. (Teach)

2.3. – Had they _spoken with Mary? (Speak)

2.4. – He _had_ waited for me all time. (Wait)

Pasado perfecto continuo: ejercicios Coloca, en la línea, el gerundio del verbo que está
entre paréntesis.
1.1. – She’d been crying so much after he went. (Cry)

1.2. – Had they been coming_ early to visit me? (Come)

1.3. – You hadn’t been sleeping at home yesterday. (Sleep)

1.4. – I’d been thinking of you all day. (Think)

Empleando la estructura gramatical del pasado perfecto contínuo y usando las palabras
entre paréntesis complete las siguientes oraciones.

2.1. – Had_ you been kissing her, when your

girlfriend come in? (Kissing – Had) 2.2. – They had

__been_Looking for_ me for three hours. (Looking for – been)

2.3. – My mom_ had been cleaning the house all day. (Cleaning – My mom)

2.4. – Daniel had been watching the movie, but he get bed. (Been – watching – had)

Futuro perfecto: Ejercicios

Complete cada oración con la alternativa correcta.

1.1. – Dinorah will not have come, when you finish.
A- won’t be have
B- will not have C-
Won’t be have
1.2. – Will you - have bought the newspaper?
A- have bought
B- will bought
C- will have be
1.3. – I will have switched the all wires tonight.
1. – will be have
2. – will have switched
3. – wont be swiched
1.4. – We will have we in the same company.
1. – will have
2. – will we
3. – shall…served
1.5. – Yadira won’t have wanted go to farm.
1. – will be + ing
2. – We´ll be have
3. – won’t have
1.6. – My mom _ will have gone to the church at morning.
1. – will have gone
2. – My mom have will be
3. – want will be churching
1.7. – Jesus will have come, when the signs get completed.
1. – Won’t be Will have
2. – Will be 3.
– will have

Futuro perfecto continuo: Ejercicios Complete y ordene cada oración con las
palabras “desordenadas” dentro del respectivo paréntesis.
1.1. – When you come back, your son _will have been studying first grade.
(studying will been have)

1.2. – When she moves, I will have been living_ here for thirteen years.
(been have living will)

1.3. – By the end of summer, We will have been getting degree

(we will have been getting)

1.4. – If get money enough, I will have been

leaving my country on august (will leaving have been)

1.5. – We will fly at 21 o’clock and Carmen _will have been

doing it at same time. (been have doing will)

1.6. – At ten o’clock, it’ll have been raining for six hours
(raining have been)

1.7. – At eight pm, Rose will have been working for twelve hours. (will
been working have)
4.1 Conditional Sentences

1. If we spoke better English, we ____ (move) to the United States. *

If we spoke better English, we would moved to the United States.
If we spoke better English, we will move to the United States.
If we spoke better English, we would move to the United States.

2. If it ____ (rain), we should go to the movies. *

If it rains, we should go to the movies.
If it would rain, we should go to the movies.
If it will rain, we should go to the movies.

3. They ____ (wait, not) in the rain, had you called them to tell them you were going to be
They won't have wait in the rain, had you called them to tell them you were going to be
They would not have waited in the rain, had you called them to tell them you were going
to be late.
They wouldn't had waited in the rain, had you called them to tell them you were going to
be late.

4. If Peter ____ (work) less, he would have more time to study. *

If Peter worked less, he would have more time to study.
If Peter will worked less, he would have more time to study.
If Peter work less, he would have more time to study.

5. It would have been a nice holiday, if I ____ (break, not) my leg. *

It would have been a nice holiday, if I won't broken my leg.
It would have been a nice holiday, if I had not broken my leg.
It would have been a nice holiday, if I haven't broken my leg.

6. _____ you _____ (go) to a different show if you can't get tickets to "Les Miserables"?
Will you gone to a different show if you can't get tickets to "Les Miserables"?
Will you have go to a different show if you can't get tickets to "Les Miserables"?
Will you go to a different show if you can't get tickets to "Les Miserables"?

7. If she were shorter, she ____ (wear) high heels more often. *
If she were shorter, she would wear high heels more often.
If she were shorter, she would weared high heels more often.
If she were shorter, she will wear high heels more often.

8. _____ you _____ (be) angry if I hadn't called to tell you I would be late? *
Would you have been angry if I hadn't called to tell you I would be late?
Would you had been angry if I hadn't called to tell you I would be late?
Will you have been angry if I hadn't called to tell you I would be late?

5.1 The Passive Voices

. They make many movies in Hollywood. *
Many movies had made in Hollywood.
Many movies are make in Hollywood.
Many movies are made in Hollywood.
2. The students will give a presentation tomorrow. *
A presentation will be given by the students tomorrow.
A presentation was given tomorrow by the students.
A presentation had given by the students tomorrow.

3. Someone has stolen my bike! *

My bike had been stolen!
My bike has been stolen!
My bike was been stolen!

4. We receive the newspaper everyday. *

The newspaper is received everyday.
The newspaper had received everyday.
The newspaper was received everyday.

5. The children have eaten the cookies. *

The cookies had been eaten by the children.
The cookies are been eaten by the children.
The cookies have been eaten by the children.

6. We will complete the renovations next week. *

The renovations are completed next week.
The renovations will be completed next week.
The renovations were completed next week.

7. They pay us every Friday. *

We were paid every Friday.
We are pay every Friday.
We are paid every Friday.

8. Did they deliver your new sofa? *

Was your new sofa delivered?
Were your new sofa delivered?
Are your new sofa delivered?

6.1 Direct and report Speech

Construct Report and Speech:

* I am sleeping
He said that he was sleeping

*I was happy
He said, he had been happy

*I have been happy

He said he had been happy

*I have been sleeping

He said that he had been sleeping
*I will have been happy
He said he would have been happy

6.2 Say vs Tell

Say = para decir algo
Tell = para decir algo a alguien

Ejemplos: He said = El dijo
Glen said to Mike = Glen dijo a Mike

He said he was hungry (El dijo que tenia hambre)
Glen said to Mike that he needed his help (Glen dijo a Mike que necesitaba ayuda)

He told me, “I m hungry” (Me dijo “Tengo hambre”)
Glen told Mike, “I need your help” (Glen dijo a Mike “Necesito tu ayuda”)

He told me that he was hungry ( Me dijo que tenia hambre)
Glen told Mike that he needed his help (Glen dijo a Mike que necesitaba su ayuda).


Otros usos de “tell”:

1. Se usa “tell” con órdenes o instrucciones.

* I told him, “Stop complaining.” (Le dije, “Deja de quejarte.”)
* She told us to hurry. (Nos dijo que nos diéramos prisa.)

2. Usamos “tell” cuando damos o pedimos información.

* “Can you tell me your name please?” (“Díme tu nombre, por favor.”)
* You told him the address of the office? (¿Le dijiste la dirección de la oficina?)

3. Se usa “tell” con cuentos o bromas. En este caso, se puede traducir “tell” como
“contar” en español.

* He told us a great story. (Nos contó un cuento maravilloso.)
* “Tell me a joke,” she said. (“Cuéntame un chiste,” dijo ella.)

4. Con la verdad y las mentiras, se usa “tell”.

* “Tell me the truth”, she demanded. (“Dime la verdad,” dijo ella.)
* Keith never tells lies. (Keith nunca miente.)

5. Usamos “tell” con el tiempo o la fecha.

* “Could you tell me the time, please?” she asked. (“Podrías decirme la hora, por
favor?” me preguntó.)
* Bob told me the date. (Bob me dijo la fecha.)

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