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Cheda Trisha D.

12-Perseverance B

1.   Base on the video presented or base on your research how can these four
types of eating be handled or managed? Site some examples, events, or
- Food is a direct reflection of our connection to life. It can be very frustrating to
know what foods we should and shouldn't be consuming, particularly when it
seems like the advice changes constantly. However, research suggests that
what we eat can also affect the way we feel, as well as influencing our
physical health. It will help us improve your mood, give you more energy, help
you think more clearly, to improve our diet. Though you can manage and
decide how much you want to eat for each category to maintain a healthy

When we engage in Fuel eating we know that we are eating to provide

nutrition to our bodies. Fuel foods are nutrient dense and include foods like
fruits, vegetables, lean meats, complex carbohydrates and healthy fats. Fuel
eating should occur 90% of the time. In Joy eating, this is when you eat food
simply because it tastes good. It just tastes good in your mouth. The secret to
joy eating is that you must enjoy it. Examples include cup cakes, cookies,
candy and anything else that tastes delightful but provide little or no
nourishment for our bodies. Chocolate cupcakes from A Piece of Cake are
my joy food. Eating for joy 10% of the time is a healthy balance.

In Fog eating, this is when you eat and are not conscious of it. It could be
eating a bag of chips while watching our favorite program on television and
not realizing how much until the bag of chips is empty. It is eating when you
are not hungry or eating when you are distracted. You should NEVER fog eat
if you can recognize it. In Storm eating, This is eating when you are not
hungry, however you realize it but feel that you can’t stop even though you
may want to. This is similar to binge eating. Storm eating can happen when
you have been on a diet and deprived yourself of a particular food. Storm
eating can also happen when you feel a great sense of emotion and feel out
of control. After a storm eat it is important to wait until your hungry and eat
your fuel food again. Categorizing your eating helps to understand when you
are eating for reasons other than nourishment and gives you a guideline on
what you need to do to lose weight or maintain a healthy lifestyle. Always
remember whenever you eat it will fall into one of these four categories.
2. Which of the four types of eating do you belong at this point in your life
and why.
- Among the four types, I would most likely fall between Fog eating and Storm
eating. While doing my school works, I always like to have some snacks or
coffee just to reward or take a break every after tasks are done. Sometimes, I
eat without even realizing that I finished like 3-4 bags of chips or 2-3 cups of
coffee. Though I know that this is not healthy but if you are distracted by
something, it can’t be avoided unless you realize what you are doing.
I munch on chips without even tasting them, I get eat while I cook
lunch/dinner. Fog eating is not enjoyable or purposeful; it’s an unconscious
munch that we are not even aware we are doing.  The goal is to never fog
eat.  Stop the minute you catch yourself.

Storm eating happens to me all the time. I deprive myself from eating
something in particular that when I see that food I can’t stop myself from not
eating it. You are aware that you are eating and you want to stop but you feel
like you can’t stop or like you can’t control yourself. It’s almost like you are
watching another person inside your own body. Sometimes this happens if
we let ourselves get too hungry and sometimes it happens when we have an
overwhelming emotion that we do not want to feel.

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