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Student’s Name : Nurul Ain Amirah binti Abu Bakar

Matric Number : 2020490724
Faculty / Group : AAP2431C
Lecturer’s Name : Zarlina Mohd Zamari

Speech Title : Why you should always wear sunscreen?

Organisational Pattern: Monroe’s Motivated Sequence
Visual Aid : Power point slides
General Purpose : To persuade
Specific Purpose : To persuade my audience to use sunscreen in daily life
Central Idea :Applying sunscreen on your face daily could prevent
skin cancer,aging,sunburn and even more!


(Monroe’s Motivated Sequence → Attention)

I. Attention getter
I bet you all know what picture is this. Yes, it is sunburn!
A. Who wants to get sunburn?
B. Who wants to increase your aging process and look older?
II. Reveal topic
I spent a lot of time reading about sunscreen. I just know that actually sunscreen can make
a change to our face.

III. Establish credibility

A. As a Malaysian, we all understand the harm that constant sun exposure is to our skin
which is why applying sunscreen is so important

IV. Today I want to motivate you to wear sunscreen by telling you, first of all, what happens if
we do not apply sunscreen in our life. Second, I want to remind you that the simple step of
applying sunblock can eliminates the problems. And finally, a three simple steps to apply
sunscreen in your skin.

(Transition: Now, let’s discuss the dangers that sun exposure has on our lives)


I. Everyone is affected by the sun’s ray. Too much bare exposure to the sun can increase
the risk early aging skin,skin cancer and hyperpigmentation. But most people still
disregard of UV rays toward their skin their skin and bodies when they do not shield their
skins with sunscreen.
A. UV radiation can cause the premature aging

Updated: 20 August 2020 ELC590 Resource Team

- Sun damage from of rays cause photoaging of the skin which is characterized by a
thick, leathery look, discoloration and a breakdown of collagen which contributes to
lines, sagging and wrinkles.
- The sun’s ultraviolet radiation is responsible for an estimated 90 percent of visible signs
of aging.
A. UV radiation is the top risk causing skin cancer
- Skin cancer develops when one of the three types of cells that make up your skin
reproduce abnormally. As they grow and divide without stopping, they can metastasize.
This means they spread to other places in your body through your lymphatic system
- Most skin cancers are caused by exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light. When you don’t protect
your skin, UV rays from sunlight or tanning beds can damage your skin’s DNA. When the
DNA is altered, it can’t properly control skin cell growth, leading to cancer.

B. Sunburn
- Sunburn is an inflammatory reaction to ultraviolet (UV) radiation damage to the skin’s
outermost layers.
- Sunburn can range from mild to blistering. After sunburn, your skin may start to peel.
This is a sign that your body trying to rid itself of damage cells.

(Transition: There is a few simple solution to this problem. So, what’s the solution?)

(Monroe’s Motivated Sequence → Satisfaction)

II. Although sun exposure seems likes problematic for your skin condition, you are still be
able to avoid these troubles by applying sunscreen to your skin.
A. Using sunscreen on your daily
- Yes, you should wear sunscreen every day. Wearing sunscreen is one of the best and
easiest ways to protect your skin’s appearance and health at any age.
- If you don’t do so, says Manno, “ You’re going to accumulate damage in the skin, which
can lead to developing cancerous skin lesions later in life.”
A. Apply sunscreen even if it’s rainy or cloudy
- If you’re stepping outside, you need to apply sunscreen. Even if it's rainy or cloudy.
This is because the clouds don't block the harmful UVA and UVB rays from penetrating
your skin. "According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, clouds filter less than 25% of the
UV rays that penetrate your skin to cause skin cancer," says Dr. Tony Yuan, MD and
board-certified physician at Doctor On Demand. Even though you may feel cooler on a
cloudy day, your skin will still absorb a majority of the UVA and UVB rays. So, never
skip sunscreen, regardless of the weather.
B. Reapply sunscreen
- Generally, sunscreen should be reapplied every two hours, especially after swimming
or sweating.
- If you work indoors and sit away from windows, you may not need a second
application. Be mindful of how often you step outside, though. Keep a spare bottle of
sunscreen at your desk just to be safe. Even a short stroll at lunch could put your skin
at risk.

(Transition: Let me teach you how to apply sunscreen into your face correctly.)

(Monroe’s Motivated Sequence → Visualisation)

III. While no sunscreen is 100 percent effective at blocking ultraviolet ( UV ) rays, many
sunburns are caused by faulty or infrequent application. Many dermatologist say that most
people don’t follow the directions right on the bottle. Proper use of sun protection plays a
huge role in prevention.
A. Choose the right sunscreen
- The American Dermatology Association (ADA) recommends one that’s labeled “
broad-spectrum,” because this means it protects against both UVA and UVB rays.
- UVA rays are the ones that prematurely age your skin, causing wrinkles and age
spots, while UVB rays cause sunburn. Overexposure to both can lead to skin cancer.
Updated: 20 August 2020 ELC590 Resource Team
- Next, consider the Sun Protection Factor (SPF). Dermatologists recommend using an
SPF of at least 30, which calls “ the magic number”
B. Apply sunscreen with a correct amount
- There is an essential concepts in the field of dermatology calls fingertip unit to
determine the correct dose of sunscreen.
- The fingertip unit is measured as a line of cream spanning from the distal crease of the
index finger to the tip of the finger.
- For each body part, you need two strips of sunscreen squeezed out onto the index and
middle fingers from the palmar crease to the fingertips.
B. Wear sunscreen before you go outside
- There are wo types of sunscreen, which is chemical sunscreen and physical sunscreen.
-Chemical sunscreen absored into the skin, needs to be applied 30 minutes before going
outdoors to let the ingredients fully bind to the skin, says Dr. Engelman.
- Physical sunscreens take effect immediately and can be applied right before sun
- Rub it in until you can’t see the product and remember the two hour rule: “If you apply
sunscreen an hour before heading out, you need to reapply it an hour after you get outside.”


(Monroe’s Motivated Sequence → Action)

I. Signal end of speech and summarize main points / reinforce central idea.
-You need to apply sunscreen everyday in order to preserve your skin’s natural health
II. Make a call for action.
- sunscreen application is essential to our skin’s health, and if applied and reapplied daily will
protect our skin from harmful UV rays.
III. End with a “bang” i.e. use any of the attention getters discussed in class.
- Having heard all the beneficial properties sunscreen usage, we can all preserve our youthful
looks and lives long,healthy lives. So, do even dare to ignore your sunscreen?


Updated: 20 August 2020 ELC590 Resource Team

Retrieved from:

Skin care foundation ( April 13, 2020) All About sunscreen.

Retrieved from:

Allen Foster ( February 8, 2015) Why dermatologist say you should wear sunscreen everyday
Retrieved from:

Melisse Gelula ( July 18, 2017) How to apply sunscreen

Retrieved from :

Better by today ( November 7, 2019) How choose the best sunscreen

Retrieved from:

Lisa Bain ( February 21,2020) Every Little Thing You Need to Know About How to Apply
Sunscreen Correctly
Retrieved from:

Middle Tennessee State University ( January 6,2017) speech outline

Retrieved from:

Updated: 20 August 2020 ELC590 Resource Team

Updated: 20 August 2020 ELC590 Resource Team

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