Detailed Lesson Plan in English 5

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Detailed Lesson plan in English 5

I. Objectives
Content Standard
The learner demonstrates understanding of subject verb agreement.
Performance Standard
The learners transfer learning by showing appreciation for the sentences and
correct subject verb agreement.
Learning Competencies: At the end of the lesson pupils will be able to:
a. Cognitive: be able to identify the subject-verb agreement in a sentence.
b. Affective: display interest in doing the given activities.
c. Psychomotor: be able to read and write their own sentences by the use of
subject-verb agreement or linking verb.

II. Subject Matter

Subject-Verb Agreement
III. Learning Materials
a. References
1. Teacher’s guide: page 105-106
2. Student’s guide: page 98-102
3. Textbook pages: 67-83
4. Learning resources: www.joyinenglish5

b. Other learning materials

 video clips
 Powerpoint presentation
 Woksheets (for activity)
 Rubrics (For every Group and individual Activity)
 Laptop (for the activity)
 Sentence Strips
 Manila paper and marker
IV. Procedure (Explicit teaching method)

Teacher’s activity Student’s activity

Good morning class!
Good morning Ma’am.

Please all stand for the prayer. You may lead

the prayer Carina.
Classmates are you ready to pray?

‘Yes we are”

In the name of the father, of the Son, Of the

holy and spirit Amen…
Before you sit down, kindly pick up the piece
of paper or trash under your chair.

If you’re done you may take your seat.

Before anything else, what are the classroom

rules that you need to follow? Shine.
First, we need to listen to our teacher.

Excellent Shine because you remember one

of our classroom rules. What are the others?
Geralyn. Second, Don’t make any unnecessary noise if
it is not needed.
Third, raise hand if you want to answer
last, sit properly and listen carefully to the

Splendid answer Geralyn! So, make sure that

you really understand our classroom rules.

Did you understand children?

Yes, teacher, we understand.
Now, please ready yourself because we are
now going to explore our new topic for

A. Pre-Lesson Assessment
It seems that you are very ready for our new
topic, so we will start. You are going to watch
video clips and you need to focus on
watching because after that you are going to
write sentences base on the video.

Are you now ready to watch class?

Yes teacher, we are ready to watch video

It is all about subject-verb agreement.

Presenting/Playing the video clips
about subject-verb agreement.

Presenting/Playing the video clips about

subject-verb agreement.

Did you understand the video clips children?

Yes teacher.

Very good because you understand the

content of the video clips presented.
Now, You are going to write sentence in the
blackboard which indicated in the video clips
which you think have a correct subject-verb

Do you understand class? Yes teacher.

Who will answer first? Okay Eloisa you may

go to the blackboard and write your sentence
base on video clips.
‘’The women who went to the meeting are
This is one of the sentence in video clips
teacher which I think have a correct subject
verb agreement.
Fabulous answer Eloisa your sentence has a
correct subject verb agreement. Because the
women in the sentence is the subject and
‘’were ‘’ must be the verb.

Now, class please read the sentence written

on the board. “The women who went to the meeting are

For another sentence, please go to the

blackboard and write your sentence, kyla.

“A can of lima beans seats on the shelf.

I wrote this teacher because I think “can” is a

subject and ‘’sits’’ is the verb. this is one of
the correct subject-verb agreement
Excellent kyla ! your sentence has a correct sentence.
subject-verb agreement.
Class, please read the sentence number 2 in
the blackboard.
For the next, please answer bernalyn. kindly “A can of lima beans seats on the self”
write your sentence base on the video clips.

“One dog is sitting on the grass”

Thank you bernalyn, your sentence is also
correct because “dog “is a subject and ‘’is’’ is
Please all read the third sentence in the
blackboard class.
“One dog is sitting on the grass”

Give yourself a round of applause because all

of you are great students.
I am so happy that you are able to read and
write sentences and to broaden your
knowledge, I am going to introduce this topic
very well.

B. Introduction

Today, we are going to study about subject

verb agreement and the linking verb.
Let u first know what is linking verb. I will
going to present about linking verbs . here it

A linking verb is a traditional term for a type

of verb (such as form of be or seem) that
joins the subject of a sentence to a word or
phrase that tells something about the
For example, is functions as a linking verb in
the sentence “The boss is unhappy”.

The word or phrase that follows the linking

verb (in our example, unhappy) is called a
subject compliment that follows a linking
verb is usually an adjective (or adjective
phrase), a noun (or noun phrase) or a

Linking verbs in contrast to action verbs

relate either to a state of being (be, become,
seem, remain, appear,) or to the senses
(look, hear, feel, taste, smell)

Singular plural
Linking verb is,am,was are,were
Verb form -s form base form

Did you now class understand the linking

verbs for singular and plural subjects? Yes teacher, we understand that linking verb
joins the subject of a sentence that tells
about something about the subject and we
understand the use of singular and plural in
the sentence.

I am glad that you understand it very well.

How about the verb form used in the
We also understand it teacher.
Very good class you clearly understand the
topic that I have presented to you.
Now we are going to proceed in a new
discussion that will help to deepen your
understanding about our topic.

C. Modelling
Okay class I am going to give a group activity
which you can collaborate with your
classmates or groups but before that I am
going to show you on how linking verbs use
in a sentence.

Linking verbs, is, am, and was are used for

singular subject.

Example: I am happy to see you.

Linda plays luksong baka.
Mother is also a teacher.
Ramon was sick last week.

Now, could you tell me what are the linking

verbs used for singular subject? Kaye.

The linking verbs used for singular subject are

am, is,-s form of the verb for present tense
and was for past tense.
Admirable answer kaye , your answer Is
correct . that was linking verbs used for
singular subject. Let’s give kaye a fabulous
We will now proceed to plural subject.
Linking verbs such as are and were are used
for plural subject. the base form of the verb
is also used.

Example: Grace and kambal are friend.

We were in beach last month.
They sing until morning.

Now, Could you tell me what is the linking

verb used for plural subject? Eloisa.

The linking verb used for plural subject is

Thank you for your answer Eloisa that is “are”.

For the second one, what if it is in the past

tense? Christine.

In the past tense is “were”

Your answer is also correct Christine, and for
the last one. What will be the form of the
verb? Marisol.
The form of the verb teacher is ‘’base form”.
Nice. I am pleased with your participation.

Now let’s have an activity.

I will be going to divide you into 2 groups
each group will construct or write their own
sentences of subject verb agreement and
also includes the linking verb. The first row
will be the group 1, the second row will be
the second group . You are going to your
sentence in manila paper.

content mark
correctness 40%
cleanliness 20%
collaboration 20%
appropriateness 20%
Total 100%
Please read the rubrics kyla.

content mark
correctness 40%
cleanliness 20%
collaboration 20%
Okay thank you. appropriateness 20%
I will only give you five minutes to do your Total 100%
task and after that you will present your
Did you understand class?

You will now start your activity. Yes teacher, we understand.

(After 5 Minutes)
Are you done class?
So le’t proceed to your presentation. Group 1 Yes teacher.
you may present your work.

Good morning ma’am good morning

classmates. Here is the work of group 1.
Sentences with linking verbs used for singular
subject. We wrote these sentences.
I am happy to hear your voice.
Christine plays mobile legends.
Diane is also a teacher.
Jhon was sick last week.

We use am,-s form of the verb, is for present

tense and was for past tense.

For plural subject:

Mike and Jose are siblings.
We were on vacation last month.
They dance until afternoon.
We use are, were and dance for these
Very Excellent presentation group 1 you sentences. That’s all for our report.
wrote sentences accordingly, you used
linking verbs appropriately. Let’s give them a
fireworks clap.

Group 2 . you may present your work. 123…123… fireworks!!

Good morning everyone. this is our work for

singular subject.
I am sad to say goodbye.
Aron plays takraw.
Sister is also a singer.
Chris was terrified last week.

We also use am,-s form of the verb, is for

Amazing presentation group 2. You write present tense and was for past tense.
sentences appropriately. Let’s give them an
amazing clap.

Very Nice group 1 and group 2 you are able
to write your own sentences related to our
topic both of your group will have 40% for
correctness, 20% for cleanliness, 20% for
appropriateness and also 20% for
collaboration all in all you got 100% because
you are all good in doing your task.
D. Guided Practice

In your notebook you are going to write 5

sentences with linking verbs in subject verb
agreement. I will give you 5 minutes to finish
your work and after that you will going to
pass your notebook. if you have any
questions you are free to ask me for me to be
able to guide you.

Did you understand class?

You may start your task.

(After 5 minutes)
Are you done class?

Please pass your notebook in front.

I am happy that you finish your task on time.

Now let’s go with another activity.

E. Group/collaborative practice
Now I am going to give you a group activity. I
will be dividing you into 3 groups. each
group needs to have 4 members, you may
choose your groupmates and make sure that
you are going to collaborate with them.

Here is the rubrics for your activity.

content mark
correctness 40%
cleanliness 20%
collaboration 20%
appropriateness 20%
Total 100%

Direction: Read the sentences properly and
write the correct answer on the blank
1. The six chicks ______ the mother hen
around the barnyard.
Follow, follows
2.My sisters ________ their own clothes.
Sew, sews
3 . the twins ________cereal for
Eat, eats
4.One of my uncles _______ in a
Work, works

Circle the correct verb and complete the

5 The mama kangaroo (carry,

I will only give you 3 minutes to finish your


(After 3 minutes)

Are you done class?

So now let’s go to the presentation of each

group. group 1 please present your work. Yes teacher.

Good morning everyone, so here’s the

answer of group 1.
1. The six chicks follow the mother hen
around the barnyard.
2. My sisters sew their own cloths.
3. The twins eat cereal for breakfast
4. One of my uncles work in a coalmine.
5. The mama kangaroo carries her baby
Very good answer group 1 . your all answer is in her pouch.
correct. Now let’s proceed to group 2.

Good morning everyone, so here’s the

answer of group 2
1. The six chicks follow the mother hen
around the barnyard.
2. My sisters sew their own cloths.
3. The twins eat cereal for breakfast
4. One of my uncles work in a coalmine.
5. The mama kangaroo carries her baby
Excellent you also did a great job. Your all in her pouch.
answer is also correct and appropriate. Let’s
hear the answer of group 3.

Good day ma’am and classmates, these our

answer for the activity.
1. The six chicks follow the mother hen
around the barnyard.
2. My sisters sew their own cloths.
3. The twins eat cereal for breakfast
4. One of my uncles work in a coalmine.
5. The mama kangaroo carries her baby
in her pouch.
Everyone did a great job. let’s give everyone
a great job claps.
In your activity you got 100% of grade
because each of you collaborate with your 123…123…great job
groupmates and you wrote the correct
answer for the activity.

F. Independent practice

Now that you learned a lot about our topic, I

will give you an individual activity that you
can apply your knowledge about earlier. You
are going to write your own 10 sentences.
After that you are going to pass your paper.
I will give you 5 minutes to finish your task.

Did you understand what you are going to

do class?

You may now start.

(after 5 minutes) Yes teacher.

Are you done class?

Please pass paper your paper now.

I am glad that you are able to read sentences Yes teacher.

and write your own sentences based on what
you have learned.

Now , what do you think are the importance

of using linking verbs in a sentence or the
subject verb agreement? Inna.

Superb answer is very important in The importance of linking verbs to a sentence
one sentence to have linking verbs because it is that it tells us what the subject of a
tells us on what the subject of a sentence sentence or clause is doing.
doing. Please give yourself a round of

G. Post Lesson Assessment

I can see that you learned a lot in out topic Applause!
and you apply your knowledge in every
activity and now, you are going to have an
individual activity which we can called “Verb
fill –in”

Direction: Write the correct verb in the blank


1. I ________(eat,eats) egg every day.

2. The baby ________(smile,Smiles)
3. They _________ (build, builds) a sand
4. The painter ________(paints, paint) a
5. Susie _________ (buy, buys) many

You will have 3 minutes to answer your

You may start now.

(After 3 minutes)
Are you done class?

Exchange your paper with your seatmates

and we are going to check your answer.
For number1. what is the answer carina? Yes, teacher.

Correct answer carina, now for number 2.

For number 1 my answer is.
1. I eat egg every day.

Thank you shine for your answer for the last

three numbers. Leonalyn.
2. The baby smiles.

3. They build a sand castle.

4. The painter paints a portrait.

Great answer students. Your answer is all 5. Susie buy many oranges.
correct. Who among you got a perfect score?

Amazing all of you study well and participate

in our class specially in every activity.
Continue what you are doing to learn more
and be a good student. All of us teacher!

Now get your another notebook and copy

your assignment.

I . a. construct and write 10 sentences.
B . make a reflection about your own
sentence and subject verb agreement.
II. what are the figures of speech?

Are you done copying class?

That’s all for today, but before you leave,

again, make sure that you pick up the piece
of paper under your chair.
Yes teacher.
Goodbye class.

Goodbye teacher.

Mary Grace N. Molenilla BEED 3-1

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