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Activities and Assessment

ACTIVITY 1: fill in the blanks


1. Hardware approach.

2. A.A Lumsdeine

3. They cannot be separated

4.hardware and software approaches

5. Three approaches

ACTIVITY 2: Answer the following questions and make your own personal reflections on the concept.
Write your answer on the table below.

Questions Answer/s My personal reflection

1. Explain the hardware Hardware approach is based on In my insight about

approach physical science and hardware approach it is
engineering technology it is the about Educational purposes
emphasis given to teaching and technology accessories.
accessories and it is firstly As a future educator we
describe by A.A lumsdeine. This should have hardware
approach is also called as approach and must know on
individual aids which means it how to use it properly for
is give to machine technologies able to get interesting ideas
and Davis said that hardware in the topic given by using
approach is based on the hardware machine we canly
application of physical science participate and we can
to the education and training present our work in a simple
system which mechanizes the way but have form proper
process of teaching gradually effective and effecient. For
so that teachers would be able the purposes of knowledge
to deal with more students that having hardware
resulting in less cost and approach in education Is a
economy in finances. Hardware biggest contribution in your
approach is an important tool school community because
of technology education through hardware approach
because it can provide time is to help a students a lot to
and effort and it stimulates understand more about the
more ideas and information lesson by teaching
about what you want to know something makes interesting
or what you want to Learn lesson you are able to
through the help of hardware discuss it and you should
approach we can use it in a have an ordinary machine
proper teaching because we like for example your
have an instructional materials. personal laptop,gadgets or
projector for able to engage
your students attention and
also it's help you a lot to
become your report easy
and realistic.

2. Describe the Education technology II is I've learned a lot about

educational technology concerned with integrating Educational Technology and I
technology into teaching and realized that this is very
learning specifically it is important part of education
focused on introducing, most of all in a new
reinforcing, supplementing and curriculum we are able or we
extending the knowledge and must able to use the
skills to Learners so that they technology. Obcourse, we
become exemplary users of can use it by describing
educational technology lesson, by reporting and
because of educational presenting the topic and by
technology student teachers exploring ideas about some
training helping them to meet interesting topic. Even
and adapt into rapid and Learners need to enhance
continuing technological more their computer literacy
changes particularly in the particularly in academic
thriving global information and aspects. We need to have
communication technology knowledge and skills in
environment . Technology computer literacy since it is
provides education in essential to Teachers. We
instruction by providing are in the modern world of
knowledge and skills and to technology so we have to
impact learning experience in expect that students now
instructional planning to adays are more digitally
acquaint students on focused and aware since we
information technology and it are interacting to completely
is related training theories with different students from
the computer as a tutor so that yesterday and it is important
Learners will engage and for the teachers to be aware
become actively participate for interms of computer literacy.
every activities. Although, Technology can
create sometimes a positive
and negative impact to each
and everyone but I guessed
that we must always put in
our mind that computer
must used the right way we
must be responsible and
accountable to the things we
search in the digital world.

3. Elaborate the origin and It's originates from the When I was read seriously
development of software pioneering works of Skinner the origin and the
and other behaviourist. The development of software the
programme's which such a realization comes into my
technology are often called mind that software approach
software then news papers, must need pay more
books,magazines programmed attention because as far as I
learning,microteaching,team know it is very important for
teaching and other educational us we are able to give more
games etc may also form part time and efforts because as
of software. Like we use to today technology had really
know software approach is made in the society it makes
characterised by task things easier for us.
analysis,precise objectives, Computer can help students
selection of appropriate to search information and
learning strategies, immediate data they need and it also
reinforcement of responses aid learning and as teacher
and constant evaluation and in the future, we must
the so called software and integrate technology in our
hardware approaches cannot lessons with the help of
be separated from each other technology for these
because in a manner both are enhance the teaching
inter-linked to plant and the learning process. Since
seed of educational technology student nowadays were very
so both of them go hand to fond of using gadgets then
maximize the effects of it's a good motivation for
teaching learning process. them to participate and
internalize what they have

4. Describe the principle of Using hardware approach is I believe as an educator,

using hardware and based on the application of hardware and software
software approaches engineering principles for approaches is essential for
developing electromechanical the children and can save a
equipment like radio, television teacher time, energy and
sets,tapes recorded and make them able to
projectors, teaching machines incorporate more real and
and computer etc. This authentic Learning and
approach of educational through the principle of
technology is bye product of hardware and software
the scientific and technological approaches students allowed
development of the present to learn not only how to
century so hardware in browse the internet but to
education is nothing but the become familiar with the
technology is education a large many sources of
number of sophisticated information. They also find
equipments are use for that it can be possible to
effective learning but on the have an activity who can
other hand, Software approach engaged students attention
is also based on the use of the and their are many fun
principles of psychology for activities that go along with
behaviour modification what we are learning in a
purposes. It implies use of class. Through the help of
methods, techniques and hardware and software I
media in teaching learning learned more about
process. Each component will integrating technology in to
contributes each maximum and the classroom. I have
complement each other learned that I must
according to the socio- continuosly reflect on how
psychological background of can I use my knowledge and
the learner. In fact the concept experience when it comes
of educational technology using technology.
means more than the sum total
of all media and methods,
Instructional materials and
techniques used for effective
teaching and learning.

5. Describe system System analysis is the process My personal observation has

analysis of studying a procedure or showed me that system
business in order to identify it's analysis is termed as
goals and purposes and create Educational Technology III
systems and procedures that and it was developed after
will achieve them in an efficient second world war.
way. Another view sees system Imagined,this system
analysis as a problem solving analysis has discovered a
technique that breaks down a long time ago and until now
system into it's component it is still progress and yet it is
pieces for the purposes of the much appreciated to prefer
studying how well those and choose in using
component parts work and technology. By my studying I
interact to accomplish their realized more about system
purposes. System analysis is analysis and I observed some
used in every field where important information that
something is developed. needs to give a pay attention
Analysis is also can also be a because system analysis is
series of components that very helpful interms of
perform organic functions studying through this we can
together. identify the parts and we can
combine the various
elements together which is
the input,process,output and
environment context and I
found out that input can
refers those behavior or
abilities which can obtained
from the Teacher and
students and for the process
which help in changing the
input or available behavior
and output refers to
behavior which the entire
system was created and last
is environment context
which is refers to such
elements of environment
that can affect the system
and through my studying I
found out that this system is
done in order to solve the
educational problems in
educational technology III.

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