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chapter 3

Water for life

Essay type questions of text

1. Explain water cycles with figures.

Ans: The water of ponds, canals, rivers and seas turns into vapours by
the heat of the sun. Water vapours go up through the atmosphere, cool
down and turn into small particles of water. The small particles of water
gather at a place to form clouds and float in the sky. Then these drop
down on earth as rains. When water particles in the cloud become
extremely cold, the particles turn into ice and falls down on earth as
hails. Rain water flows over the soil and mixes with river water.

Figure: Water Cycle

Water vapours reach to the mountain peaks as clouds. There the cold
atmosphere turns water droplets of the clouds into ice. In summer the
ice melts into water due to the heat of the sun and flows down the
slope of the hills. This leads to the creation of small rivers in the hills.
The water of the rivers finally falls into the sea. This cyclic order in
which water returns back is called a water cycle.
2. How will you prove that are always some water vapours in
Ans: Air contains some vapours all the time. To prove it, at first, we have
to take a few pieces of ice in water a glass. After some time, we can see
some drops of water outside the glass. Water inside the glass pot
cannot come out.

Figure: Water drops outside the glass

The glass became cold due to the cold ice. Reaching cold surface water
vapours of the air turned into water drops. From this experiment, we
can realize that, there are always some water vapours in the air.

3. What are the main causes of water pollution?

Ans: Man pollutes water mixing different things in it through careless
activities. The main reasons for water
pollution are given below:
1. Washing utensils and dirty clothes, bathing cattle, rotting raw jutes,
excreting, throwing animal carcass etc. pollute water of ponds,
marshes, canals and rivers.
2. Washing beds, clothes and excretions of patients suffering from
cholera, dysentery, typhoid and diarrhea in ponds, marshes, canals and
rivers pollute water with the germs of the diseases.
3. Throwing of wastes from mills and factories into water pollutes it
since the wastes carry harmful substances.
4. The excess amount of insecticides used in agriculture is drained by
rain water into marshes, canals and rivers and pollutes water.
5. Floods and tidal waves inundate villages and cities. The excretions of
men, domestic animals and birds mix with water and pollute it. This
polluted water mix with the water of ponds, wells and tube wells and
makes the drinking water undrinkable.
6. Besides there are natural causes of Arsenic pollution. There is
mineral of Arsenic down in the earth. When Arsenic comes in touch
with the layer of water it mixes with the water and pollutes it.

4. How is water pollution prevented?

Ans: To prevent water pollution the causes of water pollution should be
1. We should not wash utensils, dirty clothes and bath our cattle in the
water bodies.
2. We should not throw excretion, animal carcass etc. in the water
3. Stop throwing of wastes from mills and factories into water.
4. We should not use excess amount of insecticides in the fields.
5. Stop washing beds, clothes and excretions of patients suffering from
cholera, dysentery, typhoid and cholera.

5. How is pond water purified to make it free from germs?

Ans: There are many ways to make pond water free from germs. But
boiling is the best way to kill the germs properly.
1. Filtration: Water may be cleaned by filtration through a thin cloth or
filter. This water is clean but not free from germs.
2. Sedimentation: If we keep river or canal water into a pitcher for a
while and we will see sediments at the bottom of the pitcher. But the
water in the upper part of the pitcher is clean. The process of
separating clean water in this way called sedimentation. This water is
not fully free from germs.
3. Purifying water with chemicals: Water may be purified by mixing it
with alum, bleaching powder, halogen powder etc.
4. Boiling: Boiling is the best way to make water germ free. When water
starts boiling it is to be heated more for twenty minutes to kill the
germs in it. Water is then cooled and filtered to make it 

Water for life

Short Answered Questions of text

1. Why does water wet the outside of a glass when ice is kept in it?
Ans: Water wets the outside of a glass when ice is kept in it. This water
has not come from the ice inside the glass pot. The glass became cold
due to the cold ice. Reaching cold surface water vapors of the air
turned into water drops.
2. What is the cause of Arsenic pollution?
Ans: There is mineral of Arsenic down in the earth. When Arsenic comes
in touch with the layer of water it mixes with the water and pollutes it.
3. What are the diseases caused by drinking polluted water?
Ans: The diseases caused by drinking polluted water are: cholera,
dysentery, typhoid and diarrhea, stomach and skin diseases. Drinking
of Arsenic polluted water for a long time causes a kind of disease or
scar in the hands and legs called Arsenicosis.
Fill in the blanks
1. Water is essential for life.
*2. Plants get water and nutrition from soil.
*3. Water is used as a medium for digestion.
*4. We get our foods from fruits, leaves and grains of plants.
*5. Water is also essential to maintain the proper temperature of our
*6. Air contains some vapors all the time.
*7. The tube wells which have Arsenic in water are marked red.
8. We need to drink and use safe water for a healthy living.
*9. When water starts boiling it is to be heated more
for twenty minutes to kill the germs in it.
Short answered questions

1. What is hail?
Ans: When water particles in the cloud become extremely cold, the
particles turn into ice and falls down on earth as hails.
*2. What is polluted water?
Ans: The water which has any harmful substance mixed in it is called
polluted water.
*3. Is there any cure for Arsenicosis?
Ans: There is no easy cure for Arsenicosis. But the cure is possible if the
disease is diagnosed during the primary stage and drinking of Arsenic
polluted water is stopped.
*4. Is Arsenicosis infectious?
Ans: No, Arsenicosis is not infectious. If one goes to a patient of
Arsenicosis there is no possibility of attack by the disease.
5. What should we do during floods and tidal bores?
Ans: It is not possible to boil water during floods and tidal bores. In
such a situation water may be purified by mixing it with alum, bleaching
powder, halogen tablets etc. in right proportion.
6. How river water is purified and supplied to the houses in big
Ans: River water is purified and supplied to the houses in big cities by
mixing it with alum, bleaching power, halogen tablet etc.
chapter 4


Essay type questions of text

1. What are the works where flow of air can be used?

Ans: Flow of air can be used in many works.
1. The flow of air is used to rotate big wheels or turbines to generate
2. Flow of air is also used to clean crops from dirt and hoist sails of
3. We dry our clothes by the flow of air.
4. We feel comfortable in summer when wind blows and touches our
5. We use hand fan and electric fan for blowing air to keep our body

2. Discuss how air is polluted?

Ans: Air is mainly polluted by the activities of man.
1. Black smoke from brick fields, mills and factories, buses, trains,
tempos and baby taxies pollutes air.
2. Air becomes polluted if carbon dioxide increases in the air. The
burning of coal, petroleum, and natural gas is the reason for increases
of carbon dioxide in air.
3. The smoke of bidi and cigarettes pollutes air.
4. When a patient of tuberculosis or pox sneezes or coughs, he also
spreads germs into air and pollutes it.
5. Excreting and throwing garbage carelessly anywhere spreads foul
smell and pollutes air.
6. Air is also polluted by small dust particles during construction of
houses, roads and highways.

*3. Explain how the elements of air help us to live?

Ans: Air mainly contains nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and water
1. Oxygen: When we breathe we take oxygen from air. Oxygen breaks
down the foods we eat and creates energy. Fish lives on taking oxygen
from the air contained in water. We cannot build fire without oxygen.
We cook our foods and boil water using fire.
2. Nitrogen: Nitrogen is used to produce Urea. This nitrogen is used to
preserve different kinds of foods such as fish, meat, fruits, chips etc. in
tins or packets.
3. Carbon dioxide: Carbon dioxide is mixed under high pressure with
the soft drink of the bottle. This gives a sharp taste to the drink. This
gas is used to extinguish fire.
4. Water Vapours: Water vapours help to build cloud, to dry clothes.
4. Write the steps to be taken to prevent air pollution?
Ans: Prevention of air pollution is important to keep us safe from the
harmful effect of air pollution. Air pollution may be prevented by taking
the following steps:
1. Stop use of vehicles which produce black smokes.
2. Construct brick fields away from human habitations.
3. Develop new technology which uses less fuel.
4. Stop smoking, especially near others or in closed places.
5. Use hearth or cooker of improved quality.
6. Conserve forests.
7. Plant trees of new forestation.

5. Why is smoking harmful?

Ans: Smoke is one of the main causes of air pollution. The smoke
suffocates man if he goes near it. Black smoke contains carbon
monoxide, carbon particles and carbon dioxide. Carbon monoxide is
very poisonous. These are harmful to our health. The smoke of bidi and
cigarettes pollutes air. Especially if anybody smokes in a closed room he
does more harm to other people in the room.
Short answered questions of text

1. Write the names of four elements of air?

Ans: The four elements of air are: nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide and
water vapours.
2. What is acid rain?
Ans: When coal is burnt the sulphur in the coal burns and produces
sulphur dioxide. The oxide of sulphur mixes with rain water and makes
it acidic. This rain is called acid rain.
3. How can air pollution in the kitchen be decreased?
Ans: A hearth or a cooker is another source of producing carbon
dioxide. Air pollution in the kitchen can be
decreased by taking the following steps:
1. Use hearth or cooker of improved quality.
2. Use proper ventilation in the kitchen.
4. How can the effects of pollution by brick fields be decreased?
Ans: Black smoke from brick fields contains carbon monoxide, carbon
particles and carbon dioxide. The following steps can be taken to
decrease the effects of pollution by brick fields.
1. Construct brick fields away from human habitation.
2. Develop new technology which uses less fuel.
5. What are the places where air does exist?
Ans: Air surrounds us from all sides. The air that surrounds us is called
atmosphere. Earth soil contains air in the small spaces between the
granules. There is air in water also, mixed in it. Air is an important
element of environment.
More questions

*1. What is atmosphere?

Ans: The air that surrounds us is called atmosphere.
2. How do we take oxygen?
Ans: When we breathe we take oxygen.
3. What does oxygen do? Or, Why do we need oxygen?
Ans: Oxygen breaks down the foods we eat and creates energy.
*4. Why do we need oxygen?
Ans: Energy keeps our body warm.
*5. How does fish live in water?
Ans: Fish lives on taking oxygen from the air contained in water.
6. Give some examples of using air?
Ans: We use air in different ways:
1. We cannot build fire without oxygen. We cook our foods and boil
water using fire.
2. We burn fuels to run mills and factories, drive vehicles, generate
3. The flow of air is used to rotate big wheels or turbines to generate
4. Flow of air is also used to clean crops from dirt and hoist sails of
7. How does air help us in communication system? Or, How do the
things filling with air give us benefit?
Ans: The wheels of bicycles, rickshaws and cars are filled with air. This
helps bicycles, rickshaws and cars to move fast. Riding bicycles and
rickshaws become easy.
*8. Where is less oxygen?
Ans: There is less oxygen on peaks of mountains.
9. When patients are given with oxygen from cylinders?
Ans: Patients with breathing problems are given oxygen from cylinders.
*10. Why drivers carry oxygen cylinder?
Ans: We cannot breathe under water. This is why drivers carry oxygen
cylinders to stay under river or sea water for a long time in search of
11. Why is Urea used?
Ans: Urea is used for the growth of plants.
*12. Write the uses of Nitrogen?
Ans: Nitrogen of the air is used to produce Urea. This nitrogen is used
to preserve different kinds of foods such as fish, meat, fruits, chips etc.
in tins or packets.
*13. Why is carbon dioxide mixed with soft drink?
Ans: Carbon dioxide is mixed under high pressure with the soft drink of
the bottle. This gives a sharp taste to the drink.
14. Why we rotate the big wheels or turbines?
Ans: To generate electricity we rotate big wheels or turbines.
15. Why do we dry our wet clothes in the sun and open places?
Ans: Water turns into vapour in air because of heat from wet clothes in
open places.
16. What is air pollution?
Ans: Many things may mix with air in different ways. The quantity of the
elements of air may also increase or decrease for different reasons. If
there is any change in the natural composition of air it becomes
harmful to us.
The change in the natural composition of air is called air pollution.
17. Why do we feel cold when wind blows and touches our body?
Ans: Flows of air absorbs heat. So we feel cold when wind blows and
touches our body.
*18. What does smoke contain?
Ans: Smoke contains carbon dioxide, carbon particles and carbon
*19. Which gas is very poisonous?
Ans: Carbon monoxide is very poisonous.
*20. Which diseases can be caused by air pollution?
Ans: Polluted air creates problems of respiration and different diseases
in the body. A man may be attacked by fatal diseases such as allergy,
cough, asthma, bronchitis, high blood pressure, headache, lung cancer
etc. due to polluted air>
*21. How does fire extinguisher equipment work?
Ans: Fire is not ignited without oxygen. If there is a fire anywhere
carbon dioxide is sprayed there from this equipment. This gas is
heavier than air. So the gas forms a cover on the fire. Thus oxygen
cannot come in contact to the fire and the fire is extinguished.

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