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1.what do you mean industrialization action?

Industrialization is the process by which an economy. The process by which

traditionaly nonindustrial sectors ( such as agriculture, education, health,)of an economy
become increasingly similar to the manufacturing sector of the economy .

2.what are the fossil fuels?

Fossil fuels are hydrocarbons, primarily coal, fuel oil or natural gas, formed
from the remains of dead plants and animals.

3.what is acid rain?

Acid rain is a result of air pollution. When any type of fuel is burnt, lots of
different chemicals are produced. The smoke that comes from a fire or the
fumes that come out of a car exhaust don't just contain the sooty grey
particles that you can see - they also contains lots of invisible gases that can
be even more harmful to our environment.

Difine environmental conversation?

"Environmental conservation" is the broad term for anything that

furthers the goal of making life more sustainable for the planet.
Ultimately, people want to help the planet survive naturally and with
no negative impact from the human race. Helping keep the planet safe
and healthy is called "conservation."

What are the effect of air pollution?

Air pollution affects the environment by causing acid rain,

reducing visibility, damaging plants and animals, and contributing
to climate change. It has a negative effect on biodiversity and the
survival of species. Air pollution is caused by both particulate and
gaseous pollutants.
What are the effect of water pollution?

 1.Chemicals in the water also have negative effects on our health.

 2. Lead – can accumulate in the body and damage the central
nervous system.
 3. Arsenic – causes liver damage, skin cancer and vascular
 4. Petrochemicals – even with very low exposure, can cause
 5. Flourides -  in excessive amounts can make your teeth yellow
and cause damage to the spinal cord.

what is noise pollution?

Noise pollution refers to sounds in the environment that are caused by

humans and that threaten the health or welfare of human or animal

How soil is polluted/ Write some causes of soil pollution?

 The main factors of land pollution are caused due to

 The excreta of birds, animals and humans are source of soil
pollution by biological agents. Sewage used as manure causes soil
 Acid rains increase the acidity of soils that is injurious to plant
growth. The major causes of acid rains includes human activities
such as burning of fossil fuels, and harmful gases.
 The toxic chemicals in the form of solid and liquid wastes that are
disposed by industries and factories is the major source for soil
 The nuclear power plants are responsible for producing
radioactive wastes. These are harmful for the soil.

Write some diseases related to air pollution?

 Asthma attacks because of inhaling various poisonous gases and

constant suffocation owing to polluted air
 Weakening of lung function because of constant inhaling of
contaminated air
 Pulmonary cancer – because of inhaling various carcinogenic stuff
through polluted air
 Emphysema: it’s a state of lungs when tiny air sacs in them
 Liver and other types of cancer; (cancer causing) matter in the air

Write some diseases related to water pollution?

 Amoebiasis; it’s a type of gastro disease and main cause of

 Ascariasis; it is intestinal infection because of intake of polluted
 Hookworm; it’s another form of parasitic infection of intestines
 Gastroenteritis; it’s an inflammation of gastro intestines
 Pink eyes; as a result of passage of polluted water on eye surface
 Liver damage and even cancer due to presence of chlorinated
solvents in the polluted water
 Hepatitis: an inflammation of liver as a result of viral infection; it’s
of A, B and C types
Write some diseases related to soil pollution?

 Cancer: as a result of direct exposure of body to polluted soil that

has a lot of harmful chemicals including benzene, chromium,
pesticide, week killing chemicals etc
 Brain and Nerve Damage; as a result of exposure to soil that is
 Kidney and Liver Disease: also an outcome of polluted soil that
has various

Write some diseases related to noise pollution?

 Efficiency decrease of people living in noisy environment is the

major effect of noise pollution
 Lack of concentration; people affected by noise polluted fail to
 Fatigue: persistent noise make them tired sooner than normal
 Abortion; because of the shocks on pregnant woman owing to
 Blood Pressure; it is caused because of mental disturbance a
person gets because of living in noisy environment for quite a long

what are the effect of noise pollution?

 Loss of hearing and deafness: Noise above the tolerable

threshold is the leading cause for loss of hearing and deafness.
 Cardiac disturbance: Noise increase the risk of cardiac
disturbance including coronary artery disease or ischemic heart
disease (IHD).
 Sleeplessness: Noise may make people restless. It may keep
people away from sound sleep.
 . Headache: Human mind can tolerate sound only to a limited
extent. Excess noise causes headache.
 Psychological imbalance: It may also cause psychological

What are the Prevention of Noise Pollution?

 People should be made aware that excessive noise beyond certain

limits may cause deafness.
 They should know that injuries caused by sound pollution are
often irreversible.
 Anti-pollution laws should be enacted and enforced.
 Ban of fire crackers should be imposed and electric horns should
be replaced by bulb horns.
 The use of microphones should be controlled and regulated.

How we can reduce the use of natural resourse?

Reducing the use of natural resources is key to preserving the earth's
climate and mitigating the problems of climate change. Fortunately, a little
bit of education on the use of natural resources can go a long way in
helping people reduce their use. Reducing the use of a variety of natural
resources -- trees, fuels and water -- can have a big impact on the overall
sustainability of the earth's ecosystem. One of the most important functions
of forests is to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen and retain carbon
in their wood, thus reducing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.
What is global warming?
Global Warming is the increase of Earth's average surface temperature due
to effect of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide emissions from
burning fossil fuels or from deforestation, which trap heat that would
otherwise escape from Earth. This is a type of greenhouse effect.
What are the impact of global warming?
 Rising Seas--- inundation of fresh water marshlands (the
everglades), low-lying cities, and islands with seawater.
 Changes in rainfall patterns --- droughts and fires in some areas,
flooding in other areas. See the section above on the recent
droughts, for example!
 Increased likelihood of extreme events--- such as flooding,
hurricanes, etc.
 Melting glaciers - significant melting of old glaciers is already
 Widespread vanishing of animal populations --- following
widespread habitat loss.
 Spread of disease --- migration of

What are the Greenhouse Gases?

The most significant greenhouse gas is actually water vapor, not

something produced directly by humankind in significant amounts.
However, even slight increases in atmospheric levels of carbon dioxide
(CO2) can cause a substantial increase in temperature.

Why do plants and animals need water?

Plants also need water for photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is what

plants do to create their food, and water is critical to this process.
Water enters a plant's stem and travels up to its leaves, which is where
photosynthesis actually takes place. ... Plants need this carbon dioxide
to make food.

Animals need water in order for their bodies and brains to function
properly because without water they will become dehydrated,
malnourished and will ultimately not survive. Most animals actually
gain the majority of their water from the food they eat, rather than
consuming water by itself.

why do plants and animals need water to survive?

Plants need water, just like all living things, to grow and stay alive. They
use water directly when they capture the light energy of the sun and
transform it into energy. Plants are the foundation of all food chains so
animals and humans rely heavily on plants for their survival.

What is water purification?

Water purification is the process of removing undesirable chemicals,

biological contaminants, suspended solids and gases from
contaminated water. The goal is to produce water fit for a specific

Define water cycle?

The continuous process by which water is circulated throughout the

earth and the atmosphere through evaporation, condensation,
precipitation, and the transpiration of plants and animals. Also called
hydrologic cycle.
Define condensation and evaporation?

Evaporation and condensation are two processes through which matter

changes from one state to another. Matter can exist in three different
states: solid, liquid, or gas. In evaporation, matter changes from a liquid
to a gas. In condensation, matter changes from a gas to a liquid

How to get safe drinking water?

 Distill it. In some ways, a distillation system provides the purest

water, and in other ways it doesn't. ...
 Cool it. Drink water only from the cold tap. ...
 Boil it. Boiling water allows the chlorine to escape, which could
improve the taste of some heavily-chlorinated waters. ...
 Buy bottled water.

Give examples of living things?

Examples of living things are elephants, zebras, cows, sheep, fir trees,
oak trees, sharks, whales, otters, rubber trees, monkeys and humans.
All living things are broadly classified into plants and animals.

What things plants need to survive?

There, radiant energy from sunlight, carbon dioxide from air, and water
and nutrients absorbed by the roots are combined to make glucose
(sugar). Oxygen is a byproduct of photosynthesis and is used by most
living things (including plants) to carry on respiration.
What things plants need to survive?

Animals need food, water, shelter, and space to survive. Herbivores can
live only where plant food is available. Carnivores can live only where
they can catch their food. Omnivores can live in many places because
they eat both plants and animals

How do plants and animals depend on each other?

Plants provide shelter for animals and they make oxygen for the
animals to live. When animals die they decompose and become natural
fertilizer plants. Plants depend on animals for nutrients, pollination and
seed dispersal. Plants are also useful for animal home because many
animals live around plants

What is ecosystem?

An ecosystem includes all of the living things in a given area, interacting

with each other, and also with their non-living environments

What do you mean by seed dispersal?

Seed dispersal is the movement or transport of seeds away from
the parent plant. Plants have very limited mobility and
consequently rely upon a variety of dispersal vectors to transport
their propagules, including both abiotic and biotic vectors.
what do you mean industrialization?
Industrialization is the process by which an economy is
transformed from primarily agricultural to one based on the
manufacturing of goods. Individual manual labor is often replaced
by mechanized mass production, and craftsmen are replaced by
assembly lines.

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