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People need education to prepare them for work and for living fulfilling lives.
Education provides a broad base of knowledge that teaches people about the world around
them. It can also teach them valuable critical thinking skills. In the past, education was
largely about preparing people for jobs, and job preparation is still a major component of
education. These days, many jobs require basic math and writing skills, and many require
computer skills as well. Education prepares people for the job market of the 21st century.

Education also teaches people about the world they live in, which allows them to
understand and appreciate their lives and their interactions with others. Knowing how the
government works helps people make informed decisions, and learning history helps them
interpret modern news events. A well-rounded education is key for intellectual enjoyment.
People can also learn about critical thinking skills while in school, which helps them make
better decisions. Students learn about the scientific method, and this helps them learn how to
avoid certain scams. It also teaches them how to interpret statistics and anecdotes. Critical
thinking also plays a role in many jobs, and learning how to weigh various factors and make a
judgment serves students well for their entire lives.

Discussion :

1. What do you think about the parents who don’t care about their children’s

2. Many people don’t have good education, tell the factors please! And why?

3. What needs to be improved in our education sector?

4. Why don’t many students care about education?


Keeping healthy means doing things that are good for your body – things like eating
nutritious foods, exercising, brushing your teeth and getting enough sleep. It’s important to
understand what you eat and what you do affects your body. A balanced diet means that your
body is getting all the nutrients it needs. Brushing your teeth at least twice a day helps
prevent tooth decay. Exercising for around 30-60 minutes each day means that you’ll stay fit
and burn the right amount of calories.

Top 10 facts :

1. Keeping healthy means caring for your body so you have enough energy to learn, play
and grow. 
2. All foods contain nutrients which your body needs to stay active throughout the day.
Some foods have more nutrients than others.
3. Everyone should have their ‘5 a day’ – this means five portions of fruit and
vegetables, to get the right amount of nutrients.
4. A ‘portion’ means the amount of food that fits in your hand. When you eat more than
what your body needs to keep healthy and energised during the day, you can put on
too much weight.
5. In addition to your 5 a day, you also need portions of other food group like
carbohydrates, water, fibre, minerals and fats.
6. It’s important that you get the right amount of each food group, which is called a
balanced diet. Your diet is another word for the food that you eat – too much one food
group and too little of another food group can mean that your body isn’t healthy.
7. It's important not to eat too much sugar and salt: sugary foods are bad for your teeth
and can be fattening, and salty foods can lead to heart disease.
8. Keep your mouth happy by brushing and flossing to have healthy teeth
9. Adults can keep healthy by avoiding things like alcohol and nicotine from cigarettes.
Both of these can cause dangerous diseases.
10. It’s important to have 30-60 minutes of exercise every day. This can be little things
like running around your back garden or playing games with your friends

Learning English is important and people all over the world decide to study it as a
second language. Many countries include English as a second language in their school
syllabus and children start learning English at a young age.

Here are ten reasons:

1. English is the most commonly spoken language in the world. One out of five people
can speak or at least understand English!
2. English is the language of science, of aviation, computers, diplomacy, and tourism.
Knowing English increases your chances of getting a good job in a multinational
company within your home country or of finding work abroad.
3. English is the official language of 53 countries. That is a lot of people to meet and
speak to.
4. English is spoken as a first language by around 400 million people around the world.
5. English is the language of the media industry. If you speak English, you won’t need to
rely on translations and subtitles anymore to enjoy your favourite books, songs, films
and TV shows.
6. English is also the language of the Internet. Many websites are written in English –
you will be able to understand them and to take part in forums and discussions.
7. English is based on a simple alphabet and it is fairly quick and easy to learn compared
to other languages.
8. English is not only useful — it gives you a lot of satisfaction. Making progress feels
great. You will enjoy learning English, if you remember that every hour you spend
gets you closer to perfection.
9. Since English is spoken in so many different countries there are thousands of schools
around the world that offer programmes in English. If you speak English, there’re lots
of opportunities for you to find an appropriate school and course to suit your
academic needs.
10. Because it’s fun! By learning English, you will also learn about other cultures. Few
experiences will make you grow as a person more than learning the values, habits and
way of life in a culture that is different from your country.

   “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did,
but people will never forget how you made them feel.” — Maya Angelou. Kindness is
something that everyone should strive to express throughout their life. Expressing kindness to
others is a basic lesson that is commonly learned during childhood. It seems that kindness is
steadily fading from modern society. It’s important to realize the positivity that kindness can
produce in our lives. Kindness is ultimately a key contributor to happiness. Acting with
kindness is a win-win. Not only it can provide someone with a sense of pride by acting kindly
towards others, but it also has the potential to boost the confidence and provoke bliss in those
around us.

In my opinion, kindness is a quality that is contagious. When people notice others

being kind, they become inspired themselves to act that way. I don’t think any feeling
compares to the one experienced when seeing someone display kindness towards a stranger.
Personally, when this type of encounter occurs, I find myself wanting to do the same. I want
to make someone’s day. I want to be the reason that someone has a smile on their face. There
really is nothing more rewarding.

   I can only anticipate that my words motivate you to be kind to everyone you encounter
throughout your journey of life. There is one last thing that I want to leave you with; “Being
kind does not have to cost a thing. Words are free, smiles are free, and actions are free.”

Discussion :

1. All people were born by bringing kindness. What makes them change?

2. Why can kindness change the situation? The examples?

3. Mention a kindness that you ever did and it made other people happy!

4. What’s the meaning of : “When you do a kindness, look at the purpose and the
situation first”?

84 percent of people are surveyed in a new TIME Mobility Poll and said they can't go
a single day without their mobile device in hand. And significant percentages of us have
serious addiction problems. One in four people check their phones every thirty minutes, while
one in five check every ten. Researchers polled nearly 5,000 people in eight countries: the
U.S., the UK, China, India, South Korea, South Africa, Indonesia and Brazil, according to

"It's hard to think of any tool, any instrument, any object in history with which so
many developed so close a relationship so quickly as we have with our phones," Time
Magazine's Deputy Managing Editor Nancy Gibbs wrote in an article releasing the poll's
findings. The data was published in Time's recent "Wireless Issue." "Only money comes
close - always at hand, don't leave home without it. But most of us don't take a wallet to bed
with us," she added, noting that a smartphone "can replace your wallet now anyway." The
dependence on mobile devices is even having physical and mental effects.

"There's a smartphone gait: the slow sidewalk weave that comes from being lost in
conversation rather than looking where you're going," Gibbs wrote. "Thumbs are stronger,
attention shorter, temptation everywhere: We can always be, mentally, digitally, someplace
other than where we are." We're also never far from our mobile devices, even in sleep - 75
percent of 25 –to -29-year-olds said they bring their phones to bed.

The fascination with mobile technology isn't just for the wealthy. "In many parts of
the world, more people have access to a mobile device than to a toilet or running water,"
Gibbs noted. Though the need to be mobile is now universal, attitudes around the world do
differ from place to place, with Americans seemingly feeling less enthusiastic about being so
connected. While more than 9 in 10 Brazilians and Indians agree being constantly connected
is "mostly a good thing," only 76 percent of Americans felt the same way.

Discussion :

1. Mention some losses and profits of using mobile phone!

2. What does is mean : “ When having mobile phone, the close one will be farer,
and the far one will be closer”?


Here are some reasons why playing game is good and not good :

First, children are getting fat, because they are just sitting in front of computer all the
day for playing game while eating snacks. It makes them feel lazy to do sport. Second, the
time spent playing computer games is arguably "stolen" from other activities - reading
Philosophy, solving complex mathematical problems, and writing poetry - these activities,
like playing football, are deemed "superior" to virtual games. Third, the nature of most
computer games, at least the popular ones, is believed to promote violence.

Do you really thing kids would be spending time on Wikipedia or Google Scholar if
computer games didn't exist? That is like thinking that in the absence of easy temptations (be
it food, women or men) people would "be good" and control themselves. Finally, virtual
violence is just a reflection of real-life violence and the games are designed to appeal to
children - true, there is "violence inflation" as kids want more and more intense sensations
and they habituate to violence levels; but let's not forget that games enable kids to "act out"
violence and do catharsis (without actually hitting or injuring other "real" people). Besides, it
is more dangerous to do most sports.

To be clear; I'm not attempting to promote or unpromote computer games here, but
some people have spoken about their advantages. Computer games require skills, and those
skills are clearly transferable to other tasks. Computers are affecting social relationships and
family dynamics. In particular, we want to assess what parents think of computer games, and
whether parents who promote and even participate of their children computer game playing
report any benefits - for instance, it is quite feasible to expect that parents who spend time
playing computer games with their kids have better, closer, healthier relationships with their

Discussion :

1. Why do computer games influence the mental of children?

2. Is there way so that the children keep studying altough they play game too?

3. Actually, what do we get when we are palying game and after playing game?

4. What is the relation between playing game and school?


Self control isn’t as difficult to achieve as we think; it can be done. How? Here are 4 ways to
manage your emotions and practice greater self control:

1. Smile

There is something absolutely magical about a smile. Try this for yourself – next time
you are feeling blue, or red-hot with anger, smile. That’s all. Do you know that it is
physiologically impossible to have bad feelings if you are smiling? It sounds silly; but
seriously, try it. It really works. If you wake up sad, stressed, or angry, smile at yourself in
the mirror first thing in the morning. Just stand there and smile at yourself. Make yourself do
it even if you don’t want to. Hold that smile until it’s genuine. Hold that smile until… You
know what will happen? You’re going to burst out laughing whether you want to or not! Any
time you feel bad, just smile. A smile that is genuine lights you up. It’s a physical action so in
harmony with Love that it can’t help but make you feel better.

2. Meditate

Meditation changes your relationship to your emotions. It’s not denial – it’s a shift of
focus. Sometimes the best way to accomplish something is to do nothing. In this case, just
‘being’ is enough to shift your mood. You can do a quick meditation anytime you need to
calm yourself and gain a bit of self control. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing for
as long as it takes you to calm down. Feel the inhale and exhale; count your breaths if you
like. Do whatever it takes to keep your focus on your breath and off the situation at hand.
This little time out will give you time to gather your thoughts and perhaps see the situation in
a different light. It is a great step in learning how to control your emotions.

3. Give it a minute and a half

When a negative emotion hits you, be aware that it takes just 90 seconds for it to pass
through your system. From the time your limbic system generates the emotion to the time that
chemical reaction dissipates, is a minute and a half. If you simply feel the emotion – and
don’t get involved in the thought that generated it by repeating “I feel (angry, sad, etc.)” – it
will pass and you’ll regain your equilibrium. Be wary of identifying with your emotions
using the words, “I am.” You are not your emotions!

Try this tip next time you have a sad or upsetting thought. Repeat to yourself how you are
feeling, but don’t allow yourself to stray from that focus. Don’t think about what made you
upset. Feel the feeling and let it go; your self control will intensify!

4. Do what you love

When you’re immersed in some activity you’re passionate about, and you’re really
focused on what you’re doing, it’s difficult to feel bad. Doing what you love uplifts you in so
many ways! Do it, and do it as often as possible. You’ll be happier and better able to cope
with life’s monkey wrenches when your life is meaningful and when you do what you love.

What happens when you can’t control your emotions?

If you’ve tried all of the above strategies and are still having trouble controlling your
emotions, it’s time to take a different approach. Some emotions are too powerful to be
controlled in the moment. Sometimes we’re too overwhelmed by past experiences, traumas,
and grief. And that’s okay. The key to navigate these heavy emotional moments is to stop
fighting and start accepting. The difficult emotions are uncomfortable, yes. But learning to sit
with them is key. Don’t resist what’s happening. If you can’t turn it off or push it away, stop
struggling. Acknowledge what you’re feeling and start working through it. Write about it.
Keep a journal. Tell a friend. Emotions can rule your life – or you can learn to work
alongside them towards a healthier, better balanced future. Do you have any other tips on
self-control or how to control your emotions? Have any of these tips worked for you (surely,
smiling has!)? Share with us in the comment section below!

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