Life and Our Environment

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Life and our environment

Essay- Type Questions and Answers

Why all animals of this world are depending directly or indirectly on

Ans: Leaves of plants contain green pigments. These pigments are known as
Chlorophyll, which helps in food production of plants. Plants, in presence of light
and water, produce food by the process of photosynthesis with the help of
Chlorophyll. Plants use this food for their own survival. Animals also depend on
plants for their food, as they are not able to produce their own food. Thus all
animals of this world are depending directly or indirectly on plants
Why do the plants and animals are interdependent for Carbon dioxide and
Ans: The green plants intake Carbon dioxide and release Oxygen to the
environment during the process of photosynthesis. On the other hand, animals
during respiration inhale oxygen and release Carbon Dioxide. Thus plants and
animals are interdependent for Carbon Dioxide and Oxygen.
Why do the plants and animals are interdependent for survival?
Ans: All animals release excreta. When an animal dies it is disintegrated into the
soil and enriches its fertility. This is essential for plant survival. The pollination of
plants is dependent upon insects, birds etc. There are many plants that house
various insects and birds. These animals depend on plants for their food. So,
plants and animals are interdependent for survival.
What is food chain?
Ans: Plants use the sunlight to produce their food and that is stored. Small
animals can eat these foods from plants. These small animals are eaten by large
animals. Thus a food chain is created in the environment.

What is food web?

Ans: We can identify various similar relationships between plants and animals
around our environment. They are complex and interrelated. This is known as
food web in the environment
Why do you conserve plants and animals?
Ans: There is immense need for conservation of plants and animals. We are
getting food, medicine and many other essentials from plants animals. These
are important for our existence.
What are the difference between photosynthesis and respiration?

Ans: The differences between photosynthesis and respiration are given below:

Photosynthesis Respiration

1. Intake carbon dioxide. 1. Intake oxygen.

2. Release oxygen. 2. Release Carbon oxide.

3. The process happens for green 3. The process happens for

plants. animals.

Why soil, water and air are important for plants and animals?
Ans: The Soil, water, air etc. from the environment influence the lives of plants
and animals in different ways. Plants and animals cannot survive without air or
water. So, the Soil, water and air are very important for the survival of plants
and animals.

What is Chlorophyll?
Ans: Leaves of plants contain green pigments .These pigments are known as
. What does Chlorophyll do?
Ans: Chlorophyll helps in food production of plants.
What is photosynthesis
Ans: Plants, in presence of light and water, produce food by the process of
photosynthesis with the help of Chlorophyll.

In which process do the plants produce their food?

Ans: Plants produce their food by the process of photosynthesis.

What are the abiotic components of environment?

Ans: Hills, village, cave, building, schools, shops etc.

Short answered questions of Text

Give two examples of dependencies of plants and animals on


Ans: Two examples of dependencies of plants and animals on environment are

given below:
1. The green plants intake Carbon dioxide and release Oxygen to the
environment during the process of photosynthesis. On the other hand, animals
during respiration inhale oxygen and release Carbon dioxide. Thus plants and
animals are interdependent for Carbon dioxide and Oxygen.
2. Air, water and heat are the important elements of environment. Plants and
animals both depend on environment for these elements.
What are the differences between food chain and food web?
Ans: The differences between food chain and food web are given below:

Food chain Food web

1. Food chain is the relation between 1. Food web is the mutual

food and food consumer. relation among various food
2. There exist two types of food or 2. There are many types food in
more food. a food web

3. In an environment there are many 3. In an environment there is one

food chains. food web

4. There are two types of consumers 4. There are various types of

or more than two types of consumers. consumers.

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