What Are The Impacts of Water Pollution On Environment?

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Environmental pollution

Write in brief the measures you can take to prevent noise pollution?

Ans: The measures that can be taken to prevent noise pollution are given
 We should not play songs in loud volumes.
 Don’t use horns unnecessarily in the streets.
 Factories should not be built in the residential areas.
 Don’t play mikes, horns near schools, colleges and universities.
 We should not do such works which are responsible for creating noise

What are the impacts of water pollution on environment?

Ans: The impacts of water pollution on environment are given below:

 By using polluted water people are exposed to water-borne disease such as

cholera, dysentery, typhoid and diarrhea.
 Aquatic animals are also affected.
 Polluted water harms the productivity power of the fields.
 Besides there lies the possibility of stomach and skin diseases.

Write down five ways of environmental conservation?

Ans: Five ways of environmental conservation are given below:

 Cutting of trees and filling up of rivers and water bodies need to be

 Unplanned housing, mills and factories cannot be built throughout.
 Stop creating smoke which is responsible for increasing carbon dioxide.
 Stop polluting ponds, dobas, khalas, beels and rivers.
 Mass public awareness should be created to conserve environment.
Write two ways by which the awareness for stopping environmental pollution in
your locality can be raised within your friends.

 To raise awareness within my friends at first, i will arrange a seminar in

where they can watch a documentary film based on environmental
pollution and their negative impacts on environment.
 I will discuss with them about the problems which are being created for
pollution in my locality.


What is environmental pollution?

Ans: We use environment in various ways to survive in this world. As a result the
environment got changed. When these changes become harmful for us we call
them ‘environmental pollution’.

What is the main cause of environmental pollution? Or, how environment is

getting polluted? Or, who are mainly responsible for environmental pollution?

Ans: There is problem in the environment due to the population increase. People
are using various elements of environment to support the needs of the excess
population. It creates various wastes, thus polluting the air, water and soil.

How air is polluted? Or, write some causes of air pollution?

Ans: Causes of air pollution are given below:

 The air become polluted due to unplanned housing and industry

establishment, vehicle emission, smoke from brick fields etc.
 Air can also become polluted from unmanaged waste and sewage produced
in highly populated area.
 Air becomes polluted by smoke.
Which has impact on the human health? Or, Has air pollution impact on the
human health?

Ans: Yes, air pollution has impact on the human health. Polluted air creates
problems of respiration and different diseases in the body. A man may be
attacked by fatal diseases such as allergy, cough, asthma, bronchitis, high blood
pressure, headache, lung cancer etc. due to polluted air.

How water is polluted? Or, Write some causes of water pollution?

Ans: Causes of water pollution are given below:

 To grow more food, chemical fertilizer is added to the soil.

 Pesticides are used in the fields.
 Open latrine is built upon ponds or waterbodies, which pollutes the water.
 Industrial waste, household waste, etc. can pollute the water in many ways.

Write the causes of noise pollution?

Ans: Causes of noise pollution are given below:

 Using loud speaker or mikes in different places.

 Playing songs in loud volumes, using horns unnecessarily in the streets.
 Selling something by playing songs in loud speaker.

Write the impacts of noise pollution.

 Sudden peak in sound, crowd, different noises can upset human mind and
 These kinds of sounds can damage ear drum as well as harm health.
 Studying children got disturbed.
 Patients feel uncomfortable in the hospitals and at home.
Write the ways to conserve environment. / Write the necessary steps to prevent
environmental pollution. / What should we do to prevent environmental

 Unplanned housing, mills and factories cannot be built throughout.

 Population growth should be under control.
 Proper ways of waste and sewage disposal should be established in every
unhealthy slum.
 We should prevent all types of pollution.
 We should plant more trees.
 Mass public awareness should be created to conserve environment.

Write the causes of environmental pollution?

Ans: The causes of air pollution are given below:

 The human population is increasing.

 The forests are cut down to accommodate this excess population.
 As a result many plants and animals are being extinct.
 Unhealthy slums are being established in the townships, where there is no
proper ways of waste and sewage disposal.

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