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\OVT. NO.06/2020 COUNCIL OF SCIENTIFIC AND INDUSTRIAL RESEARCH “Anusandhan Bhawan, 2 Rafi tara, New Oat 0004 CSIR is looking for Eminent Scientists/Technologist for the position of Outstanding Scientists Council of Scientific and Industial Research (CSIR) established in 1942, is an autonomous Society under the Department of Scienife and Industrial Research (OSIR), Ministry of Science and Technology. CSIR has the dlstincton of having the Prime Minister of india as the president of ts Socley. CSIR is a premier RED. ‘organization in the country and nas been contributing to the socio-economic ‘development through its varied S&T intentions from is Inception. With 37. state- of-the-art constituent laboratories, today CSIR ie amongst the largest publi funded innovative scientific and research organizations in the worl. CSIR expartse and {experience is embodied nits nearly 3,500 Scientists and 4200 scientie and tenia support personnel apart from the 7,000 JRF®, SRFs, RAs and project staff CSIR. Pubishes more than 5,000 papers annvaly In peer-reviewed inlrnational Journals (SC!) and also produces more than 500 Ph.D. students. CSIR hat @ patent portfolio of 1,132 unique patents in force, aut of which 140 patents have been commercialized. CSIR also has 2,587 in force patents granted abroadin muliple Countries. CSIR has ushered india into knowedge economy while grocming and ‘urturing talent in various streams of Science and Technology. CCSIR is looking for visionary RED leaders to shape a new sclence and technology landscape in inca so as to aderess global scieniic and tecrnologiealchalengea a Outstanding Scientist through its prestigious national Laboratores/insiutes. The search is for scientists and technologists with scienife canributons of infsational teminence, excelent track recordin the desired areas of cutting-edge S&T, and with proven leadership to develop and translate laboratory inventions to industry ready Interventions. The selected candidate shall be able to paricipate and contbute in conceived vision and mission of CSIR which includes proviging S&T leadership for susiainable development of the country encompassing economic growth with {environment and societal benef. The scientists would be expected to mentor and lead research activities in tre identified areas, estabish and implement moga research programmes, interact actvely with the younger scientists and involve various ‘academic activites Including teaching and ‘raining programmes of the concerned CSIR laboratory. The deals are gwen below: 4. Name of LabJInstt. ~ CSIR-nsituie of Mineral & Materials Tecnology, Bhubaneswar No of Position: 01 ‘Specialization: Development of special stesslalloys, rofractory metals and alloys (Physical Metallurgy) ‘Area of work: CSIR-instite of Mineral & Materials Technology, Bhubaneswar is a premier natonal laboratory of India, engaged in R&D on sustainable Ublzation of mineral and matetal resources, waste to wealth and circular economy of citical and. strategic materiais, It deals wih major R&D programmes catering to the needs of iron & sleel, aluminum and other non ferrous industries. Currently, a group of six scientists are working in he area of both physical and mechanical metalurgy. The R&D actvites inciude preparation of special strategic alloys such as, high density tungsten, ODS Steal, ron aluminide, REE dispersed aluminum alloys, high entropy alloys, bio- compatible alloys etc. as well as, mechanical evaluation and failure analysis. ‘We would Ike to strengthen R&D on areas, such as, development of special steolslalioys, refractory metals and aloys and high performance cuting tools 2. Name of Lab inst. — CSIR- Indian Insitute of Toxicology Research Lucknow. No of Position: 01 ‘Specialization: Mechanistic Toxicology ‘Aroa of work: CSIR-ITR is working in the area of Mechanistic Toxsology and Undertaking molecular biology approaches to understand the cellular & ‘molecular pathways involve inthe foxicty of environmental chemicals, food ‘dives and drugs. Integration of vanous omics-technologies such as transcriptomics, metabolomies and proteomics has enabled our scentsts to Pinpoint pathways and their use in therapeutic inlerventon a wall as prevention, Currenty 20 scientists and mare than 100 research studants of this Insitute are working inthis area, CSIR-IITR is looking forward to strengthen this factvty to make ths R&D area globaly compatve, ‘Name of Labsinstt.— CSIR-Central Drug Research Institute, Luckrow. No of Position: 07 ‘Specialization: Cancer immunotherapy and antineoplastic biologicals ‘Area of work: CSIR-CORI is having a strong group of cancer biologists, Undertaking advanced research in the area of cancer biology. Recent, we created Division of Cancer Biology to augment academic ard fundamental seience driven innovative research in the area of cancer biology. Currently, 4 core faculties, 3 associate faculties, group of Medicinal Chemists and large ‘numberof research scholars are consbuting tothe cancer researc’ at CSIR- (CDRI. Our cancer biology team is currently focusing on Triple Negaive Breast Cancer covering fundamental science to diagnostes and. raw drug evelopment. We have our in house estabished muliple xenograftallogratt ‘orthotopic tumor medels in Nude and NOD-SCID mice to address basic and ‘ranslational questions pertaining to particular type of cancer, We leokforwara to strengthen our forte in Cancer Immunotherapy sector as immunotherapy ‘alone and with small molecule drug combinations are forefront in current eancat therapy. |. Name of LabJinstt.— CSIR-National Physical Laboratory, Now Dati No of Position: 01 ‘Specialization: Development and dissemination of Indian Reference Materials {(BNDs) ‘Area of work: Dissemination of measurement traceabilty to SI unts and the ‘evelopment of Ceres Reference Materials (CRMs) in diferent areas such {8 Physical, Chemical, Physico-chemical and Physico-mechanica Inked {0 metals & alloys, materials, fue, petroleum, automoble, energy secor, serum, (tes, food, minerals and mines etc. which are essentially requied for quality assurance in the country. The applicant primarily needs > lead a ‘ationalnterational importance on recent funded mega project by Min of ‘commerce and line ministry forthe inaigenous production of Incian Reference Materials (Bharatiya Nideshak Dravays-BND) for the realization of Selt- Relance-India. Further, to develop the synergy with regulatoy bodies, ceatication bodies, accreditation bodies Inline with NMI of India. Apart from this he Is required to work forthe realization of Quantum Metrology Standara as per the BIPM mandate. The cancldate also required to have expertise for the development of devices based on environmental endly energy conversion devices. He also has to work for the import substituton by developing Technology process, BNDs and devices to cater needs ofthe county, 3. Name of LabJinstt. — CSIR-Indian Instiute of Chemical Technology, Hyderabad No of Position: 01 ‘Specialization: Drug discovery & medicinal chemistry ‘Area of work: CSIR-ICT has been working in the area of identtying new ‘scaffolds with therapeutic potential with a strong and committes team of medicinal chemists and biologists. The team has identified new scaffolds and Carte out studies to bring them upto IND sage. CSIRLIICT is creating Department of Lead Discovery where scientists with drug discovery background will be working together to idently and develop new molecules to IND stage {and clinical evaluations. At present 7 cove facully members, @ associate faculty members and many research scholars are contributing the arug ciscovery efforts. Current areas of interest are pulmonary fbrosis and tuberculesis, CNS ‘elated diseases and antwviral therapeutics. The institute has excelent insilco ‘modeling, library and large-scale synthesis and in-vitro, invivo screening faclites to support drug discovery. We are looking forward to strengthen and lead the drug discovery effris of CSIR-IICT and develop new molecues to treat human diseases, 6. Name of Lab Jnstt ~ CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory, Pune No of Position: 0+ ‘Specialization: Surface science and heterogeneous catalysis ‘Area of work: CSIR-NCL has the dvision of Catalysis and InorganieChemistry ‘whieh has a major program inthe area of heterogeneous catalysis and surface talaiyic phenomenon. A fundamertal understanding of te Interactions at a molecular leve! between the catalyst suace and the reactant / product by ‘designed experiments and spectroscopy isan important area of emphasis. The ‘evelopment of highly aetive and selective catalysts for industria chemical processes is the aim of the group, Photoelectron and IR spacizoscepy probes {and photochemical characterization of micro and nanomaterials fo catalysis ‘and surface chemisty is an Important program. Applications ofthe designed ‘catalysts for industrial processes such as dehydration, condensation, esteriicaton, etc. and development of process on pilot scale for clean and renewable fuels and energy isthe end goal. The candidate must demonstrate proven abilty to lead a team of scientists and research staf in the ‘bovernentioned areas, 7. Name of Lab /nstt — CSIR-National Chemical Laboratory, Pune No of Position: 01 ‘Specialization: Holow fores and proton exchange membranes ‘Area of work. CSIR-NCL has the division of Polymer Science & Engineering which has a major program in the area of membranes and polmers for separation / purtcation of gases and Iquids. The group is focusshg on the ‘design and fabrication of polymers, flores and fims for plications in water discharge treatment with special emphasis on funcional memtranes for Industral and energy applications. A focussed team is working onthe selective ferichment of gases. ay hollow flbre membranes. Furtnermore proton fexchange membrane fuel cel and advanced energy devices is anotfer area of fundamental and applied research, The candidate must demonstete proven ality to lead a team of scientists and research statin the abovementioned areas and should preferably have transferred technology to industy 8. Name of Labuinstt. - CSIR- Centre for Celular and Molecular Biology, yserabad, No of Position: 01 ‘Specialization: Structural biology and fundamental mechanisms ‘Area of work: CSIR-CCMB has made worthwhile contribution in Structural Biology in the recent past and established state-ot-the-at technology and Intercisciplinary research programme to address biological questions. in ‘structural context. CSIR-CCMB Is looking for an Outstanding Scientist with leadership capatilties to address questions of fundamental bology with structural insight. Estabished credentials of interdsciplinary agproach to adress fundamental questions of biology cuitng across technology platforms land model systems wil be preferred 9, Name of Labsinstt. — CSIR-Central insttide of Mining and Fuel Research Dhanbad No of Position: 01 ‘Specialization: Coal Petrology and Coal Characterisation ‘Area ot work: The core research activites ofthe Resource Quality Assessment ‘up include characterization and qualiy assessment of coal througy chemical ‘and ‘petrographic analyses for augmentation of national coal resources, Currently, the group has 12 core scientists, 45 technical and supperting staff and large number of research scholars, The group is dedicated towards ‘characterisation stucies on coal and lignite inthe form of studies on borehole foal cores received from filing in virgin coal blocks. The group is the coordinator for International Working group on reflectance of complex blends {of coal an behalf of Intemational Committee for Coal ang Organic Pevology. “The group has been making significant contrbutions for the power and steci ‘sectors through development of new and advanced concepts to blend the inferior quaity of coal. The Resource Qually Assessment team is currently focusing on fundamental research for generation of advanced knowiedge in ‘coal geology along with coal petrography parameters so that vave added products can be obtained from coal. We look forward to strengthen our forte in ‘the area of coal petrology and coal characterisation which wil help h eficent, ‘economic, and environmentally safe generation of power. Ao, proper assessment of combustion benaviour of indan coals will help reduce coal impo for metalurgieal use 410. Name of Labutinstt. ~ CSIR-Cental Bung Research Insitute, Roorkee No of Position: 01 Specialization: Structural Fire Engineering for concrete / Energy efficent Building Technologies ‘Area of work: CSIR-CBRI, Roorkee has created stiong riche areas on Fie Research Building Energy Efficiency, undertaking advanced research catering ta industres including LAT and other construction giants, Recently. CSIR-CBRI had completed some spactaculartestslexperimental program on the structural fre enginoering tests on in-plane shear walls with 309 tonnes of loading. These unique tests have been conducted for the fist time in south Asia and immediately catering tothe requirements of construction industry. We require 2 strong leader with both academic and industial experience who can leaa and ‘mentor this newly erwisaged group on structural fire engineering and bring out Immediate engineering solutions fr the fretting problems on explosve spalling mechanics of reinforced concrete structures at CSIR-CBRI, ‘Another important area which require globally competitve research at CSIR- ‘CBRI is on building energy effciency 50 as fo stem the prolife usage of energy ‘consumption in bulking sector. Ths consumption is roughly 30% ofthe total ‘energy guzle for his county. This niche area also requires a strongleadership ta1mentor the energy efficient building group on smartigreen building concepts, energy balance algoritims, energy simulation studies, geothermal / solar ‘oaling, developing of appropriate technologies for an Indian rural Fouse-hold 11. Name of Lab.Instt,- CSIR-Central Leather Research Institute, Channa No of Position: 01 ‘Specialization: Leather Science, Chemisty, Physics ‘Area of work: The strength of CSIR-CLRIs in its ably to take fundamental principles of chemistry and biology in application oriented leather process fechnologies. The institute has been in the forefront of bringing out paradigm shits from chemical to bioprocessing and also introducing technologies for environmental sustainabilty and reducing the carbon footprint in lesther processing. The leather process technology depariment in the instiute and its [sociated regional centres in Jalandhar, Kanpur, Kokata and Amedabad has a core strength of 20 core facutes and 20 associated faculties and about 20 research scholars. Our process technology group is now focusing on Understanding the mechanism of the developed bio-processes so as to ‘maximize the biomolecule ~ collagen interactions and optimize the reaction Conditions. Furthermore, we are also conducting fundamental research to Understand the mechanism of tanning at the molecuar scale. We have our in house established facies such as molecular modeling, nuclear magnetic resonance and chromatographic facies to support fundamental research in leather science. We lock forward to strengthen our forte in mechanistic Understanding of newer methods of leather processing through various insirumental and theoretical modeling techniques 12.Name of Labusnstt. ~ CSIR-Central Leather Research institute, Chennai No of Position: 01 Specialization: Leather Science ‘Aroa of work: CSIR-CLRI isa part ofa 75 year old unique partnesship mode! of Academy ~ Research ~ Industry, where a State University (Anna Unversity) serves to meet the HR needs of the industry. The CSIR-CLRI a a partner serves as the Department of Leather Technology of the University, thus developing young minds in tune with global leather industrial needs Over 60% of the leather professionals in India and elsewhere are alumni of hs unique ‘Academy ~ Research partnership model. With te Director CSIR-C.RI serving as the Hon, Head ofthe Department of Leather Technology and the scientists of CSIR-CLAI as the Honorary faculty, the institute has a major role to play in the development of curiculum nat onty for connected State universty but also ther institutions in India and aoross the word. In adition to this, Insttute with the support of various Central and State Goverment Socic-economic ministries, ‘8 also. involved in. skil development programs and Its Implementation. We look forward fo strengthen our forte in academic and ski evelopment across the globe leading to the Institute developing into. @ ‘Worldwide hub for leather education. Essential qualification: |. Ph.D. in any branch of Sctence/Socal Science or Master's degree in Engineering or Health’ Mesieal Sciences. Desirable qualifications/Recognitions: i, PhO. in Engineering or Healt Medical Sciences, iLNationavinterational recognition like awards, Fellowship of Academies, Visting Fellow/Professor Experience: () Minimum 16 years of experience in Research and Development in National International R&D/ Academic laboratory! Institution including corporate R&D. (H) Should hole a position at Scientist FIG/Professor level _in Govt /StatutoryiAutonomous Institutions or equivalent in Non-GovtJPrvate Insttuion/Organization with outstanding academic records, ‘Age: Minimum 45 years, Rolaxation: The qualifications, age and experience can be relaxed in the case of ‘exceptionaly meritorious candidates with the approval of DG, CSIR. Eligibility Criteria: The applicant must be a ctzen of india, ‘Candidate: Should be creative, innovative and a well-recognized scienisVechnologist having a demonstrated leadership and mansmanagement qualites and to manage ‘muitlscipinary R&D teams with excellent interpersonal ‘eiations Tenure of Appointment: The appointment to the post of Scientist H/Outstanding ‘Scientist shall be made fora period of five years or til superannuation, whichever is earlier. In deserving cases, the tonure can be extended as per rules. For those whe fare in CSIR service, the term shal be til superannuation ‘The post of Scientist "HYOuistanding Scienist in CSIR. shall be in Level 15 (Rs. 1,82,200-2,24,100) of pay matrix 'e. pre-revised HAG Pay scale of Rs. 67,000: 79,000. in addition, residental accommedation, anspor, medical, LTC and other facies are provided as per rules 7 ‘The number of vacancies indicated provisional and may vary atte time of selection, Notwithstanding the above, the selected candidate can be posted in any Chision/Unt Of CSIR Hays or at any of its Labs/nsttutes, inthe exigencies of organizaton needs, Howto apply: The appicaion/nomination forthe post of Outstanding Scientist with etailed.bio-data highlighting scientific and translational contributions in details ‘alongwith Ist of publeatonsipatents ete. may be sent thraugh ema on email ID tdeimeszesi or by post to Director Recruitment Cel, Council of Scientific an Industial Research (CSIR), Anusandhan Bhawan, 2, Raf Marg, New Delhi-1 10001. A brief bio- data in the proforma given Below may also be sent The last date of te receipt of applications is 18.02.2021 Format for Bio-Data Name ‘Name of the Lab. apaliedinominated for ‘Acea of Specialization applled!nominated for Date of Birt: ‘Current Postion and Adress: Eacational Qualification ‘Sl | DegreeiCerificale | Year of | Universiyinstiue | Subjects No || Passing | 1. AcademiciResoarch ExperiencelEmployment | organization EE “St Wo | From To [Name of Poston held 8. Areas of Specialization 8. Honors/Awards/Recogniions received: 10.Professional Affliatons: 11." (@)Listof Research Publications including popular articles, if any (©) List of best professional outputs/outcomes in last 10 years, rlevant to Present fel of specialization; (6) Highlights of contibutions to the area of specialization, (©) Technologies developed, Licensed andlor commercialized wth deta. 12, Dissertations supervised: (2) PaD. (0) Post-Graduation 18, 1-2 page summary of vision forthe post apples 14, Ust ofS professional referees of high repute wth whem candidate has interacted in the past Signature ofthe Applicant Date Place: *Detalls may be enclosed separatoly

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