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Name: ______________________________

Block: ___________

Date: ___________

Poetry Analysis


Make sure you read all instructions before you begin.

1. First, choose one poem from the two on Page 3. You will complete the following

instructions using your chosen poem.

2. Use your first colored highlighter to highlight details in the poem and take notes in pencil

in the box on the left.

3. Next, use your second colored highlighter to highlight key events in the poem.

4. Then, use these key events to write your summary in the space provided on Page 4.

Remember that your summary cannot include your opinions and must only include the

events as described in the poem.

5. What stands out as interesting, important, or strange in the poem? Highlight these details

with a third color. You can include up to five details.

6. Why do you think the poet included these details? Write your ideas in the space provided

on Page 4.

7. Using the information you highlighted in the previous steps, along with your summary

and ideas about the interesting details, determine a theme or central message of the poem.

Write this theme or central message in the space provided on Page 5.

8. Are there any quotes that support your theme that did not fit in the previous categories?

Highlight them with your fourth color. Write the line number in the space provided on

Page 5.


“The Raven” by Edgar Allen Poe

Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,

Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore—

While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,

As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.

“’Tis some visitor,” I muttered, “tapping at my chamber door— (5)

Only this and nothing more.”

“The Kill” by Jennifer L. Betts

He could smell the forest around him.

"Do you think it's time?"
"Wait a bit longer, Tim"
His pappy said with a smile.
Aiming a little higher. (5)

His Pappy excitedly muttered, "now."

Anticipation set him on fire.
Sweat fell down his brow.
The shot rang true and neat.
"Yes," he squealed with delight. (10)

And it was a buck that he had beat.

Tonight, had been a good night.

Write your summary on the lines as instructed in Step #4. Your summary must be written in a
full sentence.



Important Details
Write your idea behind the reasoning for your details from Step #6. Make sure to name the line
from the poem.

Detail 1:



Detail 2:



Detail 3:



Detail 4:



Detail 5:



Theme or Central Message
Write your theme or central message from Step #7. Your theme or central message must be
written in a full sentence.



Supporting Details
Did you have any additional supporting details in Step #7? List the line numbers below.

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