GPlex City Bank Contact Center Upgradation Project Documentation

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Contact Center Upgradation Project

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Table of Contents
1. Introduction ............................................................................................................................ 3

1.1 Audience ............................................................................................................................... 3

2. Acronyms Used ....................................................................................................................... 3

3. Scope ....................................................................................................................................... 4

3.1 In Scope ................................................................................................................................. 4

3.2 Geographical Coverage ......................................................................................................... 4

3.4 Functional Scope ................................................................................................................... 5

3.3 Scope of Services .................................................................................................................. 6

4. Implementation Approach ...................................................................................................... 8

4.1. Project Work Breakdown Structure and Deliverables ......................................................... 9

5. Dependency List .................................................................................................................... 10

5.1 API List Requirements: ........................................................................................................ 10

5.2 API Note: ............................................................................................................................. 11

5.3 Email Integration:................................................................................................................ 11

5.4 City Branch list and code in excel file ................................................................................. 12

5.5 Other Requirements: .......................................................................................................... 12

5.6 IVR & VIVR: .......................................................................................................................... 12

5.7 Templates:........................................................................................................................... 12

5.8 Point of Contacts:................................................................................................................ 12

6. Point of Contacts & Hierarchy of Contact Center Upgradation Project ............................... 13

7. Project Closure ...................................................................................................................... 13

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1. Introduction

The City Bank Limited has planned to upgrade their existing contact center solution to manage
its customer under a single platform with new innovative way to serve the customers in most
efficient and convenient manner. The proprietary ownership of the deployed solution will remain
Genuity Systems Limited and The City Bank Limited. will avail the upgradation as a license holder
under the gPlex Contact Center Solution.

1.1 Audience

The intended audience for this document is made up of the following:

The City Bank Limited. - IT, Implementation Team, Business Operation Team, and Management

Genuity Systems Limited. – Business Operation & Analysis Team, Solution Design & Architect
Team, and Implementation Team

2. Acronyms Used

BRS: Business Requirement Specifications

BRD: Business Requirement Document

CBL: The City Bank Ltd

GSL: Genuity Systems Ltd

SoW: Scope of Work

UAT: User Acceptance Test

FAC: Final Acceptance Certificate

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Smart IVR (VIVR): Visually Interactive Voice Response

IVR: Interactive Voice Response

3. Scope

The scope of this document is to settle between the City Bank Limited and Genuity Systems
Limited to come to an agreement between the customized solution under the gPlex Contact
Center Technology to serve the business needs of The City Bank Limited. Genuity Systems Limited
has analyzed the requirements, check the feasibilities, identify dependencies and finally
acknowledge the features and use cases as a business deliverable which is included into the BRS

as signed by the both parties.

3.1 In Scope

Under the gPlex Contact Center Upgradation project the contact center will be incorporate with
new features including SMART IVR system (VIVR), wallboard, IVR Conference, dedicated
middleware for the contact center, TNPS survey call, Fund Transfer through IVR, DNC & Call
Restriction Management, customized CRM and many more as prescribed in the BRS.

3.2 Geographical Coverage

In the gPlex Contact Center Upgradation Project city bank customers will be able to enjoy new
variety methods of providing services to the end customer. There is no geographical limitation as
long the customers can call to the gPlex contact center either in short or long code and to use
gPlex Smart IVR® the customer needs to have necessary data pack to enjoy the service. gPlex
Smart IVR® is the next generation most efficient and effective IVR system in which people can
browse the IVR menu, take the self-service and go away as long they have internet connectivity.
There is no geographical boundary in using the services as long the call can be reached to the
contact center, users can enjoy the contact services.

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3.4 Functional Scope

The above network diagram represents how the new gPlex Contact center upgradation project
will be deployed in Motijheel DC which is the DC site of the City Bank Ltd. All internet driven
services like web chat and smart IVR services will be deployed in the DMZ for additional security.
In addition to the gPlex primary and secondary server, two new middleware servers will be
installed side by side for the contact center operation.

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3.3 Scope of Services

There are many services incorporated in the upgradation of the gPlex Contact Center as
presented in the signed BRS. The gPlex Contact Center upgradation includes many services as
follows below:

• IVR Fund Transfer – Customers will be able to enjoy fund transfer directly from one
account to other account, pay credit card bill for both own or other account. In addition,
the customer will be able to pay tuition fees, insurance, utility bill payments all through

• Tri party Conference with IVR – Under the new gPlex contact center upgradation project,
there will be a new feature where the agent will help the customer to navigate the IVR

• DNC & Call Restriction Management – DNC & Call Restriction management is another
service where numbers that are registered in DNC to exclude them from campaigns under
the predictive dialer (PD) and manual outbound to avoid calling.

• gPlex Smart IVR (VIVR) – Is an internet driven service where the customer seamlessly able
to enjoy the Smart IVR interactively from the smartphone with data connectivity. Unlike
the traditional IVR system there is no need to listen actively and remember all the IVR
nodes as everything visually represented.

• Wallboard – A wonderful tool for the top management to view the contact center
performances at a glance. The top management will decide the performance matrix that
they wish to view, these matrixes will be broadcast to the giant screen around the
management floor and time to time new slides will be updated and displayed to the

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• Sticky Notes – Feature allows different message from Supervisor end to the agent

• Customer Travel Path – Contact center agents will be able to know the customers through
which IVR nodes the customer has travelled to the agent support

• Dedicated Middleware – system will be deployed under the gPlex contact center
upgradation project. Under this middleware all transaction and new API will be called
which will make the system much faster and more secured. Furthermore, during any
dispute resolution this middleware will become handy in providing resolution for both
the parties.

• SMS & Email Notification – Customer will now able to get SMS & email notification under
the gPlex contact center upgradation project, this will enhance the customer experience
and improve overall service quality

• Downtime Alert Notification – In IVR menu option if any IVR node API is getting
malfunctioning, then there should be an option to notify Call center supervisor, floor
manager, IT concern and responsible concern unit through SMS/Email

• High Value Customer – VIP customers will have an option to talk to the agent directly after
selecting the language and skill.

• Call Inbound/Outbound (POS Transaction) – When a customer makes a transaction for

the amount of BDT20K (Customizable) or more from POS/online by using credit/debit
card, customer will get an automated voice call from 16234 for verification purposes.

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• Call Inbound/Outbound (Automated cheque verification against cheque payment
instruction) – Call center team/ clearing unit manually upload the lead into the PD System.
If the customer press 1, IVR will confirm the transaction and close the call with thanks. In
gPlex system we will maintain an IVR service log at the same time gPlex CCT will send via
API to the CBL Positive Pay portal with the following information account number, phone
number, cheque number and amount. If the customer press 2, CSE will receive call to the
inbound skill.

• CRM Customization – The CRM will be newly design with some new features as per the
BRS shared with the City Bank Limited

• Enrich Reporting – For all designated modules necessary reports will be incorporated, just
like all gPlex earlier version.

4. Implementation Approach

gPlex contact center upgradation project is a turnkey project where the core developer and
proprietary owner of the solution shall remain with the Genuity Systems Ltd. and the City Bank
Ltd. will be the license holder as a user of gPlex Contact Center Solution. To develop the necessary
component for the upgradation of the contact center solution, the City Bank Limited will provide
the necessary APIs for the Genuity Systems Limited. GSL will check the feasibility and upon
receiving successful API the necessary development shall start.

Since the gPlex contact center upgradation project is interdependent and interconnected with
gPlex core engine and other modules. GSL will follow waterfall down approach and use agile
methodology in development and implementation phase where it feels necessary.

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4.1. Project Work Breakdown Structure and Deliverables

The project breakdown and deliverables are as follows for the gPlex Contact Center upgradation
1. Project Kick-off (CBL & gPlex) - 28-Jan-2020

2. DRG and SoW Sign-Off (CBL & gPlex) 21-Jan-2020

3. Use Case and Test Script Preparation (gPlex) 29-Feb-2020 which is already prepared and
shall be followed as per the BRS.

4. VIVR Outlook Brand Approval (CBL) 15-Feb-2020

5. SMS & Email Templates (CBL) 15-Feb-2020

6. Hardware Implementation (Test & Prod) (gPlex) 31-May-2020

7. Solution Implementation (gPlex) 24-Jul-2020

8. Voice Clipping Readiness (CBL) 7-Mar-2020

9. Customized Items Development (gPlex): 14-Aug-2020

gPlex Comments: During UAT if any glitches found to be addressed by 16th August 2020

10. APIs to be Delivered (CBL) by 24th-March-2020

11. System Integration Testing (SIT)- API system integration system will start immediately after
receiving the API

12. Functional Testing and UAT (CBL) - 26th July 2020 - 12th August 2020

13. Performance Testing (CBL) - 13th August 2020 - 16th August 2020

14. Security Testing for Application in Test (CBL) - 13th August 2020 - 16th August 2020

15. UAT Sign-off (CBL) - 17th August 2020 - 18th August 2020

16. Go Live - Ready for go live from gPlex end by 31st August 2020

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5. Dependency List

The list represents all the dependency regarding the upgradation of contact center as stated
below. We highly recommend to fulfill all the dependency requirements by one (1) month from
the kick off date (28th January 2020 to 26th February 2020). If the necessary items are not fulfilled
within the stimulated timeline the project may extend.

5.1 API List Requirements:

a. API Documentation with Sample Request & Response
b. Fund Transfer (Within City to City and bKash)
c. Bill Payment (Credit Card)
d. Bill Payment (Other bank Credit Card)
e. Utility Bill Payment (DESCO, DESA, WASA, GAS)
f. Tuition Fee (School, University)
g. Insurance Payment (Metlife, Progoti)
h. Internet Bill Payment (Link3, Carnival)
i. Cheque Stop
j. Chequebook request
k. Chequebook request cancelation
l. Cheque status
m. Loan Account Status/Mini Statement (Loan Amount Due, Loan Outstanding Balance,
Loan Last Repayment Date & Amount, Loan Next Installment Date & Amount, Loan
Expiry Date, Loan Remaining Installment)
n. Credit Card Details with Available Endorsement Value and MR Point
o. Credit Card last 5(IVR)/10(CRM) transaction
p. Credit Card Foreign part enabled/disabled
q. Credit Card Last Statement with min due
r. Credit Card Cheque Activation
s. Credit Card Cheque Stop
t. Credit Card Chequebook request

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u. Credit Card Chequebook request cancelation
v. Credit Card Cheque status
w. Prepaid Card details
x. Gift Card details
y. Exchange rate (USD, GBP, EURO)
z. Chequebook Submit preferable branch name OR "A/C Opening Branch"
aa. Positive pay API
bb. Credit Card last 6-month E-statement status for CRM
cc. Credit Card E-Statement sent form CRM
dd. Customer Account Details as per CRM popup screenshot which is provided by the City
bank business team
ee. Customer Credit Card Details as per CRM popup screenshot which is provided by the
City bank business team
ff. High Value customer against only one registered phone number
gg. All types of Card Details against only one registered phone number
hh. All types of Card Details against card number
ii. All types of accounts details against only one registered phone number
jj. All types of accounts details against account number

5.2 API Note:

a. API response need to have all necessary data according to the IVR & CRM
b. Simplified API need to be assured in all new & existing API to prevent unnecessary API
call and improve performance.

5.3 Email Integration:

a. SMTP information for sent email

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5.4 City Branch list and code in excel file

5.5 Other Requirements:

a. VPN Access required from day 1
b. API Test Environments need to be assured. For example: Test account, test
debit/gift/prepaid/credit card, test chequebook, test bKash wallet, utility bill DESCO, DESA,
WASA, GAS, etc.
c. Test SIP Trunk & DID
d. Necessary power arrangement for server deployment
e. 12 new private IP
f. IPTSP connectivity over Local Network

5.6 IVR & VIVR:

a. All necessary voice clips for IVR and Visual IVR

5.7 Templates:
a. All SMS Templates
b. All e-mail templates

5.8 Point of Contacts:

a. CBL will share the point of contacts and details of the Integration Team, Network
Team, Channel Support Team, IT Operations Team, Business & Operations team and
anyone who is valuable for the deployment of the contact center upgradation project.

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6. Point of Contacts & Hierarchy of Contact Center Upgradation Project

The City Bank Call Center Upgradation Point of Contacts (POC) are as follows:

Department Name Designation Mobile Email

GM, Head of
Kamruzzaman 01713384891
Marketing &
Business & Prince (POC)
Marketing 01730796712
Md. Aminur
Technology 01714020387
Rahman (POC)
Bishwajit Kumar
Technology 01714020409

7. Project Closure

The entire gPlex contact center up-gradation project is for seven months. Hence, after the UAT
signed off on 18th August 2020, gPlex team will ensure ready to go live by 31st August 2020
where the City Bank Limited will sign and hand over the full acceptance certificate to Genuity
Systems Limited to close off the project.

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