Client Server Computing Assignment

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Computing in client/server architecture over mainframe architecture has

certain advantages and disadvantages. Describe at least two advantages and
disadvantages for each architecture.
Explain two tier, three-tier and n-tier architecture.
How does client/server interaction work? Explain with a sketch.
Differentiate between stateful and stateless servers.
Describe the business trends in client/server computing.
Describe the hardware, software and network trends.

Chapter – 2: Overview of C/S application.

Long questions:
1. Describe the components of client server application.

Short questions:
1. Describe different classes of client server application with well labelled
2. Describe any five myths about c/s application.
3. What is open system? Explain any four areas of client server computing.
4. Describe cobra? Write down the importance of cobra.
5. What are the factors for success of client server computing? Explain.
1. Explain client hardware and client software.
2. Describe client operating system. Explain DOS with windows 3.x, DDE,
3. Write short note on:
a. OS/2
b. UNIX based
4. Differentiate between X window and Windowing GUI.
5. What are the tools for database access tool? Explain.
6. Briefly explain the basic principles of effective GUI design.
7. Describe data dictionary and repositories.
Unit 4:
1. What is benchmarks of server hardware? Explain the three major
benchmark test.
2. Explain file server.
3. Explain the features of server machine.
4. What is Disk arrays? Describe RAID 0, RAID 1, RAID 2, RAID 3, RAID 4
and RAID 5.
5. Explain different types of network operating system.
6. What are the classes of server machines? Explain.

Explain data warehouse.
What is active directory? When do we have to use active directory?
What are the role of active directory service.
Explain the components of active directory.
Write the steps for ADDC server installation in server 2012.
What is Child domain. Write down the advantages of child domain controller.
What is DNS server. Write down the steps for DNS server configuration.
Explain DORA process.
What is DHCP? Write down its advantages.

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