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Recreational Facilities

Statement of Qualifications
Presented to Avista Corporation
March 2010

Firm Contact:
Lisa Schauer, Business Development Manager
(360) 823-1307 / (503) 289-6726
Derrick Smith, Senior Vice President MacKay & Sposito, Inc.
Why M&S?
We understand the unique challenges inherent in
FERC licensing
Our recent work assisting the Grant County Public Utility District #2 (GCPUD) and PacifiCorp to implement
Recreation Resource Management Programs (RRMP) has informed us of the unique challenges associated
with FERC mandated RRMPs.

Some of these challenges include:

• Vaguely defined RRMP project requirements

• The balancing of FERC minimum requirements, public desires, and available funding
• Meeting FERC reporting deadlines to demonstrate project progress / completion
• Ongoing coordination with Advisory Committees and agencies (i.e. USDA, tribes, local government,
users groups, etc.)
• Challenge of implementing ADAAG Guidelines in difficult environments
• Need to identify and minimize future O&M burdens
• Coordination with Shoreline Master Planning process

Our understanding of, and prior success overcoming, these challenges allows us to act as a true partner as we efficiently meet your program implementation

We are cost effective

We have a large number of specialized personnel with deep resumes representing broad experience with RRMP implementation. However, we also
recognize the need to be cost effective in our project work. Once you identify a potential program or project, we would then evaluate and implement the
most cost efficient way to staff and complete that effort. This might require strategically staffing fieldwork (survey or construction inspection) to take
advantage of where employees live. It might include selecting sub-consultants to take advantage of proximity of service or low cost of service. It would
also include staffing the appropriate level of internal team members to complete the project properly, while capitalizing on the RRMP experience of our
firm leaders. The point is that our experience represents the breadth of expertise available to service your RRMP implementation needs. Actual staffing
decisions will be made jointly with our client, and will be determined once specific needs are identified.

We are technically capable and experienced

The M&S team is technically capable to commit the staff and sub-consultant resources necessary to service your RRMP implementation needs. Our
proposed team has extensive experience designing parks, campgrounds, trails, signage, site improvements, and in-water recreation facility improvements
(bathymetric surveys, buoys, shoreline stabilization, boat launch facilities, etc.). We have specific and unique experience in river related recreational

We are the right size for your organization

M&S has focused our business to best service small and medium-sized projects on time and within budget. This is a unique skill, which requires us to closely
control projects and communicate effectively with our client contacts. For us, success results from us acting as an extension of your team. To accomplish
this, we carefully assign project managers who act as a single point-of-contact for project related communication. However, it is often necessary that we
also be flexible by encouraging contact with team members from all levels within our company. Need to talk to a CAD technician? Have a question for our
firm president? No Problem! This level of transparency has enabled us to develop deep client relationships.

Our team (both internally as well as external partners) can provide you with all of the services
you need to meet your re-licensing requirements
We recognize that those tasked with implementing the federally mandated RRMP’s often need to do more with less. In response, we have assembled
a wide range of supporting services to allow our clients to single-source their recreation facility design needs. Our team of civil engineers, landscape
architects, land surveyors, construction managers and inspectors, and planners have experience on a wide variety of related recreational projects. In
addition, we regularly partner with natural and cultural resources scientists, structural engineers, in-water engineering specialists, and electrical and
mechanical engineers. This team has proven experience implementing FERC mandated RRMP’s for other utility providers.

Boating/Marinas/Shoreline Stabilization
We are available and accessible
With four convenient locations within the Pacific Northwest, our close proximity is
critical to allow for regular or impromptu face-to-face meetings and site visits. As

Day Use Facilities

part of our project management plan, we would propose regular, weekly meetings


during intense design or construction phases of the program. It is our experience

that this regular face-to-face meeting schedule helps us consistently meet our client’s
expectations. Hitting our targets the first time is critical to successfully completing
small- and medium-sized projects on time, and within budget.

We are passionate about what we do

Our team includes an energetic group of professionals who, when not at work are
Paul Harmsen X X X X
boaters, campers, hikers, mountaineers, cyclists, runners, and snowmobilers. Our list of
outdoor hobbies is extensive, and demonstrates our passion for the outdoors and for
Andrew Young X
the Northwest. For our clients, we convert this passion into energy for the work and Russ Chrisman X X X
quality in the finished product. Jennifer McClure X X X
Paul Smith X
As an example, we recently held a public open house for a boat launch facility at Alex Staich X X
Desert Aire, WA. The event was successful, and included a fruitful discussion about the Bryan Cole X X X X
boat launch configuration. The opinions expressed resulted in an improved design. Jim Sandlin X X X
Paul Harmsen, the project manager and an avid boater, was particularly effective at
Emily Mills X X X X
engaging the group in a discussion of the benefits of different launch features. This is
Elizabeth Holmes X
just one example of how our experience playing at the facilities where we work allows
us to better meet our client’s needs. Bob Sable X
Rob Palena X X X
Key energy clients include: Chris Sherby X X
• Grant County Public Utility District No. 2 Matt Faulkner X X
• Bonneville Power Administration Derrick Smith X X X X
• PacifiCorp Damon Webster X X X
• Clark PUD
Jon Yamashita X X X
This figure graphically shows the depth of expertise across the
represented M&S staff. It quickly becomes apparent M&S has the
experience and capabilities that can meet the demands of a Recreation
Resource Management Plan. We have the right staff we can assign in
the right combination to provide you with a very effective and efficient
project team.

Recreation Resource Management Plan’s (RRMP) are a product of the
Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) relicensing process. We
realize FERC’s mission is to regulate and oversee energy industries in the
economic and environmental interest of the American public. Navigating
the FERC relicensing process is complicated and we will not attest to
understanding the intricate process for compliance, but we are aware of
the difficulties and challenges our clients face as well as the hurdles they
must overcome to complete the relicensing requirements.

Typical RRMPs contain some or all of the following project types:

• Boating and Recreation Facilities

• Day Use Parks
• Campgrounds
• Trails
• Permitting

Direct project experience that demonstrates our capabilities is important for clients seeking consultant services to comply with their relicensing

We specialize in offering the following technical and professional expertise:

• Planning and entitlement services including, but not limited to NEPA, SEPA, JARPA and shoreline permitting
• Civil engineering, assessment and retrofitting of facilities to meet ADA standards, boat launches – in and out take facilities and docks
• Landscape architecture including parks, campgrounds, trails, and day use parks providing recreation site planning and design
• Project, program and construction management from program design and scheduling to management, documentation and close out
• Construction inspection, procurement, daily logs, quality assurance and control, contractor interface
• Land surveying including topographic, boundary, and ALTA surveys for wind projects; transmission and distribution line surveying for new lines,
upgrade studies, and impairment studies, including support and contracting of LiDAR and aerial mapping for large scale projects.

Our ability to deliver recreation projects within the key areas shown above are described within this Statement of Qualification. Our direct project experience
will illustrate our ability to complete any project related to your RRMP requirements. While completing a project is important, scoping the project to meet
your needs and understanding your project schedule and budget are crucial. Not only do these projects represent the type of work our team can complete
for you, they also demonstrate our commitment to exceeding your expectations through diligence in meeting your schedule needs and budget.

Boating, Marinas,
and Shoreline
Boating, Marinas,
and Shoreline Stabilization
Marina’s and boating facilities provide recreational users not only
access to beaches and shorelines but also to our waterways. M&S has
the expertise to meet our clients Boating, Recreation, and Shoreline
Stabilization needs as defined by their Management Plan.We understand
the unique challenges and perhaps unique opportunities associated with
in-water engineering, surveying and landscape architecture.

Our most direct project experience is for the Grant County Public Utility
District No. 2 (PUD) and we have included a brief description of current
and on-going work for the PUD. These projects include Desert Aire Boat
Launch, Quillomene Bay buoy improvements, Sunland Estates boat launch improvements, and Priest Rapids and Wanapum Reservoir shoreline stabilization

These projects are particularly exciting because they create new recreation opportunities for the communities where our staff, and their families, live. We
hope we have captured the passion we have for these projects in the following project examples.

Desert Aire Campground and Boat Launch

Client: Contact:
Grant County Public Utility District No. 2 Brandon Little
Engineer I
(509) 754-5088
Project Summary:
The Desert Aire Campground and Boat Launch is a facility located on the Priest Rapids Reservoir of
the Columbia River near Desert Aire, WA. We have been retained to design several improvements.
The project includes the demolition of an existing boat launch, the development of a new 3
lane boat launch with ADA compliant ramps and floats, parking area (including boat queuing,
tie-down area, vault toilets, and picnic tables), an expanded marina requiring significant dredging, and the construction of a large naturalized jetty. To
complete the current phase, we performed survey, developed conceptual designs and cost estimates, performed public involvement, and coordinated
the cultural resources surveys. Design included the development of both civil site drawings as well as landscape architecture and park amenities. Future
work will include coordinating a full range of sciences (natural resources, geotechnical, cultural, etc.) for permitting, full design of the civil and landscape
architecture components of the project, construction staking, and full construction management services.

Upper Wanapum Boat Launch
Client: Contact:
Grant County Public Utility District No. 2 Brandon Little
Engineer I
(509) 754-5088
Project Summary:
The Upper Wanapum Boat Launch is a facility located on the Wanapum Reservoir of the
Columbia River near Beverly, WA. The Grant County Public Utility District No. 2 (GCPUD) hired
M&S to design improvements to the facility as a condition of their recent Federal Energy
Regulatory (FERC) license renewal. The project includes the demolition of an existing parking
lot, relocation of sediment control concrete stop barriers, the design of a ADA compliant launch
float, parking area (including boat queuing, tie-down area, vault toilets, and signage), and ramp approach dredging. To complete the current phase,
M&S performed survey and bathymetric surveys, developed conceptual designs and cost estimates, developed 30% design drawings, and coordinated
the geotechnical evaluation and cultural resources surveys. Design included the development of both civil site drawings as well as landscape architecture
and park amenities. Future work will include coordinating a full range of sciences (natural resources, environmental, etc.) for permitting, performing the
environmental permitting effort, full design of the civil and landscape architecture components of the project, construction staking, and full construction
management services.

Lower Wanapum Boat Launch

Client: Contact:
Grant County Public Utility District No. 2 Brandon Little
Engineer I
(509) 754-5088
Project Summary:
The Lower Wanapum Boat Launch is a facility located on the upper Priest Rapids Reservoir of
the Columbia River just below the Wanapum Dam near Beverly, WA. The Grant County Public
Utility District #2 hired M&S to design improvements to the facility as a condition of their recent
Federal Energy Regulatory (FERC) license renewal. The project includes the demolition of an
existing parking lot, demolition of an existing launch ramp, the design of a ADA compliant
launch float, boat launch ramp, and parking area (including boat queuing, tie-down area, passenger car parking, vault toilets, picnic tables, and signage).
To complete the current phase, M&S performed survey and bathymetric surveys, developed conceptual designs and cost estimates, coordinated with
designer for adjacent future office building and parking lot, and coordinated the geotechnical evaluation and cultural resources surveys. Design included
the development of both civil site drawings as well as landscape architecture and park amenities. Future work will include coordinating a full range of
sciences (natural resources, environmental, etc.) for permitting, performing the environmental permitting effort, full design of the civil and landscape
architecture components of the project, construction staking, and full construction management services.

Huntzinger Recreation Facility
Client: Contact:
Grant County Public Utility District No. 2 Brandon Little
Engineer I
(509) 754-5088
Project Summary:
The Huntzinger Recreation Facility is located on the on the upper Priest Rapids Reservoir of
the Columbia River just below the Wanapum Dam near Beverly, WA. The Grant County Public
Utility District #2 hired M&S to design improvements to the facility as a condition of their
recent Federal Energy Regulatory (FERC) license renewal. The project includes the design of
a ADA compliant launch float, boat launch ramp, parking area (including boat queuing, tie-
down area, passenger car parking, vault toilets, picnic tables, and signage). To complete the current phase, M&S performed survey and bathymetric
surveys, developed conceptual designs and cost estimates, and coordinated the geotechnical evaluation. Design included the development of both civil
site drawings as well as landscape architecture. Future work will include coordinating a full range of sciences (natural resources, environmental, etc.) for
permitting, performing the environmental permitting effort, full design of the civil and landscape architecture components of the project, construction
staking, and full construction management services.

Sunland Estates Recreational Development

Client: Contact:
Grant County Public Utility District No. 2 Brandon Little
Engineer I
(509) 754-5088
Project Summary:
The Sunland Estates Boat Launch is located on the Wanapum Reservoir of the Columbia River. This
project includes improvements to the boat launch and parking area. To complete the project, M&S
performed surveying (upland and bathymetric), developed conceptual and developed designs
and cost estimates. Design developments included both civil site drawings as well as landscape
architecture. Future work will include coordinating a full range of sciences (cultural and natural resources, geotechnical, cultural, etc.) for permitting, full
design of the civil and landscape architecture components of the project, and construction staking.

Yale Boat Launch Facility
Client: Contact:
PacifiCorp David Moore, Cultural/Recreation/
Socioeconomic Resource Lead
(503) 813-6945
Project Summary:
The Yale Reservoir facility is one of several facilities located on the Lewis River in Cowlitz County,
Washington. M&S was retained in 2009 to design several improvements to the existing facility.
The project includes upgrades to the existing three lane boat launch and parking lot. The
project is comprised of ADA compliant ramps and floats, parking, new queuing and tie-down
areas, a new vault toilet, two reconfigured camp host sites, and picnic areas. Our design services included landscape architecture and civil engineering in
the implementation of the FERC licensing requirements and as per the Clients existing park master plan. Products included construction and permitting
documents, specifications, and cost estimates. M&S also assisted in the environmental and County permitting with the Client. Future work includes
construction management and the project is anticipated to be completed by May of 2011. M&S is currently completing the 100% design submittal to the
client and preparing for bidding.

Phillip Lake Reservoir Boat Launch *

Wallowa Whitman National Forest, OR

Project Summary:
Bryan Cole served as the project manager and lead designer and provided quality control
for the development of a day use and boat launch facilities for the Phillip Lake Reservoir.
The improvement included the upgrade of entry roads, truck and boat trailer parking, trails,
restrooms, and picnic shelters. Also included was the design of a boat launch, new docks and
moorage facilities. The services provided to the client included design development drawings,
cost estimates and assistance with permitting. The US Forest Service processed the permits required and used the drawings to move into a design build
effort with the contractor.

* denotes experience with other firm/agency

Ike Kinswa Boat-in-Campground
Client: Contact:
Washington State Parks and Recreation Brian Yearout
Commission (WSPRC) Construction Project Coordinator
(360) 753-7143
Project Summary:
As part of the master planning effort M&S was hired by WSPRC to design a boat-in-campground
facility as part of the Ike Kinswa group camp development. As part of this effort we evaluated the
ability and location for boats to access the shoreline and/or moor overnight. Walk in tent camping
spots were provided along with trail connections and vault toilet facilities. As funding becomes
available that portion of the master plan will be developed providing additional recreational
amenities as required by Tacoma Power’s FERC licensing requirement.

Priest Rapids Reservoir Shoreline Stabilization Project

Client: Contact:
Grant County Public Utility District No. 2 Brandon Little
Engineer I
(509) 754-5088
Project Summary:
The Priest Rapids Reservoir on the Columbia River needed shoreline stabilization measures
designed and we were hired to provide this design work. To complete the design, M&S
prepared surveys (upland and bathymetric) of each site, studied the operational procedures for
the reservoir, estimated high and low reservoir surface elevations at each site, and calculated
wave erosion forces. A set of construction documents were then prepared recommending stabilization measures that included both the use of riprap
and vegetation. M&S completed constructability estimates and performed detailed construction estimates for each site based upon truck haul routes
and barge/crane usage. Currently, the sites are being permitted and the client anticipates construction in 2010. At that point, we will assist with the
construction management and staking of the improvements.

Wanapum Reservoir Shoreline Stabilization Project
Client: Contact:
Grant County Public Utility District No. 2 Brandon Little
Engineer I
(509) 754-5088
Project Summary:
Ten sites on the Wanapum Reservoir of the Columbia River require shoreline stabilization measures.
To complete the design, we prepared surveys (upland and bathymetric) of each site, studied the
operational procedures for the reservoir, estimated high and low reservoir surface elevations at each
site, and calculated wave erosion forces. M&S completed constructability estimates and performed
detailed construction estimates for each site based upon truck haul routes and barge /crane usage. A set of construction documents were then prepared
recommending stabilization measures that included both the use of riprap and vegetation. Currently, the sites are being permitted and the client anticipates
construction in 2010. At that point, we will assist with the construction management and staking of the improvements.

Day use Parks
Day Use Parks
M&S offers a strong, experienced and talented team with a unique
set of multi-disciplinary skills to the development of Day Use,
Neighborhood and Community Park planning and development
projects. Day Use Parks play an important role in remote recreational
areas providing opportunities for the traveler or recreationalist to
rest, view interpretive and way finding materials, enjoy areas for
picnicking, utilize restrooms, and hike on trails. Our demonstrated
project experience includes a range of parks projects from day use
to neighborhood parks. While the specific location of a project may
affect permitting requirements and timelines, our experience tells us
nearly all park projects engage in a similar process which is why we
have chosen to showcase a range of our work experience.

Our team’s services include Landscape Architecture, Civil Engineering, Survey, and Construction Management and Inspection. In addition we have a proven
history providing subconsultants for specialized services such as Architecture, Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing, and Structural Engineering.

Priest Rapids Day Use Park and Beach

Client: Contact:
Grant County Public Utility District No. 2 Brandon Little
Engineer I
(509) 754-5088
Project Summary:
The Priest Rapids Day-Use Facility and Beach Improvement is a facility located on the Priest Rapids
Reservoir of the Columbia River near Cox Landing. The Grant County Public Utility District #2 hired
M&S to design a new day-use facility and trailhead as a condition of their recent FERC license
renewal. The project includes the development of an ADA accessible parking lot, interpretation
signage, swimming beach, vault toilet, dumpster and enclosures, and 15 picnic tables (several that
are covered housed in bench enclosures). Ultimately, this facility will provide day use amenities and trail head access to the North end of the Desert Aire /
Mattawa Shoreline Trail. To complete the current phase, M&S performed surveying, developed conceptual designs and cost estimates, and coordinated the
cultural resources surveys. Future work will include coordination of a full range of sciences (natural resources, geotechnical, cultural, etc.) for permitting,
full design of the civil and landscape architecture components of the project, construction staking, and full construction management services.

Desert Aire Day Use Park
Client: Contact:
Grant County Public Utility District No. 2 Brandon Little
Engineer I
(509) 754-5088
Project Summary:
The Desert Aire Day Use Park is located on the Priest Rapids Reservoir of the Columbia River near
Desert Aire, WA. M&S has been retained to design several improvements for the day use area. The
project includes the expansion of the existing beach area, ADA compliant paths within the park
and to the beach, along with picnic areas. To complete the current phase, we performed survey,
developed conceptual designs and cost estimates, performed public involvement, and coordinated the cultural resources surveys. Design included the
development of both civil site drawings as well as landscape architecture and park amenities. Future work will include coordinating a full range of sciences
(natural resources, geotechnical, cultural, etc.) for permitting, full design of the civil and landscape architecture components of the project, construction
staking, and full construction management services.

Merwin Dam Park

Client: Contact:
PacifiCorp David Moore, Cultural/Recreation/
Socioeconomic Resource Lead
(503) 813-6945
Project Summary:
The Merwin Dam Park is one of the older day use facilities on the Lewis River reservoir in Cowlitz
County, Washington needing ADA upgrades and addition of other park amenities per the FERC
relicensing requirements. M&S was retained in 2009 to design the park improvements and ADA
upgrades to this facility. The project includes two new picnic shelters, a new play area, picnic areas,
volleyball courts, horseshoe pits, paths, interpretive signage, redevelopment of the camp host site, and shoreline stabilization. ADA improvements included
a loop path system, upgrades to existing parking stall stalls, and beach access. Our design services include landscape architecture and civil engineering for
the implementation the existing park master plan and ADA improvements. Products include construction and permitting documents, specifications, and
cost estimates. M&S also assisted in the environmental and County permitting with the Client. Future work will include construction management and the
project is anticipated to be completed by May of 2011. M&S is currently completing the 100% design submittal to the client for bidding.

Yale Park
Client: Contact:
PacifiCorp David Moore, Cultural/Recreation/
Socioeconomic Resource Lead
(503) 813-6945
Project Summary:
The Yale Park is located directly adjacent to the boat launch facility on the Lewis River reservoir
in Cowlitz County, Washington. M&S was retained in 2009 to design the park improvements and
ADA upgrades to this facility. The project includes new picnic areas, interpretive signage, parking
improvements and paths. ADA improvements included a loop path system, upgrade to existing
stalls and signage, and beach access. Our design services include landscape architecture and civil engineering for the implementation the existing park
master plan and ADA improvements. Products include construction and permitting documents, specifications, and cost estimates. M&S also assisted
in the environmental and County permitting with the Client. Future work will include construction management and the project is anticipated to be
completed by May of 2011. M&S is currently completing the 100% design submittal to the client and preparing for bidding.

Beaver Bay Park

Client: Contact:
PacifiCorp David Moore, Cultural/Recreation/
Socioeconomic Resource Lead
(503) 813-6945
Project Summary:
The Beaver Bay Park is located on Yale Lake in Cowlitz County, Washington. M&S was retained in
2009 to design the park improvements and ADA upgrades to this facility. The project includes new
picnic areas, parking improvements, paths and restroom facilities. ADA improvements includes a
path to the picnic areas, upgrades to existing ADA stalls and signage. Our design services include
landscape architecture and civil engineering for the implementation the existing park master plan and ADA improvements. Products include construction
and permitting documents, specifications, and cost estimates. M&S also assisted in the County permitting with the Client and future work will include
construction management. The project is anticipated to be completed by May of 2011. M&S is currently completing the 60% design submittal to the client
for use in permitting.

Tailrace Day Use Areas
Client: Contact:
PacifiCorp David Moore, Cultural/Recreation/
Socioeconomic Resource Lead
(503) 813-6945
Project Summary:
The Tailrace Day Use areas are located south of the Priest Rapids Reservoir on the Columbia
River in Washington. M&S was retained in 2010 to design four dispersed day use park
area and improvements include an internal looped road system, parking improvements,
picnic area, a restroom facility, ADA accessibility, and restoration plantings. To complete
the current phase, we performed survey, developed conceptual designs and cost estimates,
and coordinated the cultural resources surveys. Design included the development of both
civil site drawings as well as landscape architecture and park amenities. Future work will
include coordinating a full range of sciences (natural resources, geotechnical, cultural, etc.)
for permitting, full design of the civil and landscape architecture components of the project, construction staking, and full construction management

Sgt. Brad Crawford Neighborhood Park

Client: Contact:
Vancouver-Clark Parks & Recreation District Lisa Goorjan
Vancouver-Clark Parks & Recreation
(360) 619-1134
Project Summary:
M&S was hired by VCPRD to refine and implement the Sgt. Brad Crawford Neighborhood Park Master
Plan. Sgt. Brad Crawford Park is located on a 2.45 acre parcel fronting NW 131st Street within the Felida
Community of Vancouver, Washington. The park was dedicated in memory of Sgt. Brad Crawford, a
member of the Clark County Sheriff’s Department, who lived in the neighborhood and who died in the
line of duty.

Some of the key features of the park design include a memorial entry plaza with an ocean washed texture,
a memorial gateway feature, concentric bands of boulders to represent ocean waves, both irrigated and non-irrigated open lawn areas, looping pathways
with benches and picnic tables, a playground with a faux rock climbing wall and an abundance of trees planted throughout the park.

M&S has completed the design and construction documents including specifications and cost estimates for the first phase of construction. The first phase
of construction was completed during the summer of 2008.

Felida Community Park
Client: Contact:
Vancouver-Clark Parks & Recreation District Lisa Goorjan
Vancouver-Clark Parks & Recreation
(360) 619-1134
Project Summary:
Felida Community Park is a 14-acre, publicly owned community park located in Clark County. This park
was proposed in response to the existing residential neighborhoods in the area and their rapid growth
and lack of a public park. The County undertook the purchase of an infill parcel in this rapidly developing
area and initiated a “Community Design Process” to create the vision for the park. M&S was intimately involved in this visioning process in order to clearly
understand the community’s concern over the incorporation of the mandatory stormwater facilities and other engineered improvements within the park
space. The park accommodates a variety of active and passive uses, providing playground equipment, four soccer fields, public restrooms, basketball courts
(within the overflow parking lot), toddler splash park (not yet fully funded), and various paths and walkways.

In addition to participating in the public visioning process, we provided boundary surveying; topographic surveying; full civil engineering design, including
public street frontage improvements; construction management; and construction surveying control and staking. This project also included a significant
offsite storm sewer main extension that required permitting with Burlington Northern Railroad for a bored undercrossing of their main north-south line.

At the time, this park had become a community focal point in the Felida area and was the first “community park” developed outside the city limits for
Vancouver-Clark Parks and Recreation since the adoption of the state’s Growth Management Act. This park was completed in 2002.

St. Helens Park

Client: Contact:
Vancouver-Clark Parks & Recreation District Lisa Goorjan
Vancouver-Clark Parks & Recreation
(360) 619-1134
Project Summary:
M&S was hired by VCPRD to design improvements for this 3.2-acre neighborhood park
that was originally part of a planned residential community constructed by the Vancouver
Housing Authority in the Heights area after WWII. Facilities included play equipment, paved walkways, picnic tables, benches, and an open lawn area.

Prior to the improvements the park was essentially passive open space and had been under utilized by the community. The project gave the park a fresh
look, made it more accessible to all users, and increased the safety and visibility of the area.

M&S completed the design and construction documents including specifications and cost estimates for construction.

Orchards Highlands Neighborhood Park
Client: Contact:
Vancouver-Clark Parks & Recreation District Lisa Goorjan
Vancouver-Clark Parks &
Project Summary:
This heavily wooded 8.7-acre park was developed in 2006 as part of the Greater Clark Parks
District program. Prior to the improvements, the park had several unmaintained trails but was largely undeveloped, overgrown with vegetation, and due
to its topography, received all of the storm water runoff from the surrounding established residential area.

M&S was hired by VCPRD to implement the approved master plan, prepare the final engineering, and prepare project specifications and estimates. The
improvements included removal of undergrowth, creation of a formal trail system including both hard and soft surfacing systems, play equipment, frontage
street improvements, and a subsurface storm drainage system to eliminate the impact to the park from several storm outfalls coming from the adjacent
neighborhood. There are multiple accessible entrances to this park on NE 112th Avenue, NE 95th Street, NE 114th Avenue, NE 113th Avenue, and NE Conifer
Drive. The park is now a true amenity for the neighborhood.

NE Neighborhood Park
Client: Contact:
City of McMinnville, OR Jay Pearson
(503) 434-7359
Project Summary:
NE Neighborhood Park is a 4 acre neighborhood park located along the east side of NE Hembree Street in
McMinnville, Oregon. M&S was hired by the City of McMinnville to complete a master planning process
for the park followed by detailed design and implementation of the master planned improvements. To
date M&S has facilitated a public involvement process that allowed the community to help establish the
desired park program and guide the master planning process. In addition we worked with stakeholders
who were asked to identify and develop interpretive opportunities that will serve to acknowledge and
preserve the agrarian heritage of the site. The proposed park program includes among other features walkways, a group shelter, restroom, site furnishings,
native plantings, centrally controlled irrigation system, open lawn, formal and informal groves of trees, skate spot, playground, and creative/interpretive
play area. The master plan was presented to and adopted unanimously by the City Council in early September and used to help ensure the public would
annex the park site into the City limits during the November 2008 election.

In addition to the park specific features, M&S is also designing the necessary supporting infrastructure including sanitary sewer, water and storm water
utilities. In order to meet the public safety, planning and code compliance requirements, we are also providing design for half-street improvements along
Hembree Street and a combination hammerhead/parking lot design at the end Mahan Drive which currently dead ends into the southern boundary of the

Campgrounds provide overnight recreational opportunities that compliment day use parks and trails
in our natural areas. As outdoor recreation becomes more popular there is an increasing need for new
campgrounds to be developed. In today’s economic environment, travel costs continue to rise making
campgrounds a more attractive option for summer vacationers. As a firm, our staff has been involved in
a variety of campground developments ranging from individual walk in camp sites, RV pads, group and
boat in campgrounds. Site amenities and development typically vary based on the level of infrastructure,
operation and maintenance ability, and the protection of resources. M&S teams brings decades of
experience developing campground projects, personally utilizing these facilities and having worked
closely with a variety of clients, stakeholders, and regulatory agencies in the master planning, design,
documentation and construction of these types of facilities. Our team brings a strong understanding as
identified in the project examples and resumes provided.

Ike Kinswa Group Campground

Client: Contact:
Washington State Parks and Recreation Brian Yearout
Commission (WSPRC) Construction Project Coordinator
(360) 753-7143
Project Summary:
M&S was hired by WSPRC to design and develop a 20-acre site into a group camp development.
The property is owned by Tacoma Power and managed by WSPRC. It is located along SR 122, west
of Mossy Rock, WA and has beach access to Mayfield Lake.

The overall objectives of the project are to design a group camp with a road approach and access
from SR122, a comfort station, camp amenities for both tent camping and RV camping, and provide
amenities such as fire pits, picnic areas and trails. Design the improvements to WSPRC Standards. Develop the park in an environmentally responsible
manner to protect the sensitive shoreline and wetland areas. Preserve as much of the natural landscape as possible.

M&S and our team of subconsultant’s approach has been to guide WSPRC and stakeholders through a process that identifies the opportunities and
constraints associated with the park development. This process results in socially and economically sound decisions about what to construct, and provides
the professional expertise required to design, document, permit and oversee construction of the project in an efficient manner.

We are managing a team of subconsultants that are providing Architecture, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical and Geotechnical Engineering services. The
project is currently in the Construction Document Phase and Construction is anticipated to begin in August of 2009.

Tailrace Dispersed Campground
Client: Contact:
PacifiCorp David Moore, Cultural/Recreation/
Socioeconomic Resource Lead
(503) 813-6945
Project Summary:
The Tailrace Campground is located south of the Priest Rapids Reservoir on the Columbia
River in Washington. M&S was retained in 2010 to design ten dispersed pull through camp
sites including an internal looped road system, primitive campsites, a restroom facility,
ADA accessible camp site, and restoration plantings. To complete the current phase, we
performed survey, developed conceptual designs and cost estimates, and coordinated the cultural resources surveys. Design included the development of
both civil site drawings as well as landscape architecture and campground amenities. Future work will include coordinating a full range of sciences (natural
resources, geotechnical, cultural, etc.) for permitting, full design of the civil and landscape architecture components of the project, construction staking,
and full construction management services.

Cresap Bay Campground Facility, Day Use, and Boat Launch

Client: Contact:
PacifiCorp David Moore, Cultural/Recreation/
Socioeconomic Resource Lead
(503) 813-6945
Project Summary:
The Cresap Bay Boat Launch, day use area and campgrounds are one of the newer facilities on
the Lewis River reservoir in Cowlitz County, Washington. Improvements included ADA upgrades
and other improvements per the FERC relicensing requirements. M&S was retained in 2009 to
design several ADA improvements to the existing facility. The project includes providing ADA
access to the existing boat launch and floats, parking lot, campgrounds and day use areas. Our
design services include landscape architecture and civil engineering for the implementation
the existing park master plan and ADA improvements. Products include construction and
permitting documents, specifications, and cost estimates. M&S also assisted in the County
permitting with the Client and future work will include construction management. The project
is anticipated to be completed by May of 2011 and we are currently completing the 60% design
submittal to the client for permitting.

Tillamook National Forest Campground Development *
Oregon Dept. of Forestry

Project Summary:
Bryan Cole provided quality control for various campgrounds and day use facilities for the
Oregon Department of Forestry in the Tillamook National Forest. The project involved
several new individual campgrounds, ATV day use areas, signage, road, trail and parking
improvements, and restroom facilities. As part of the quality control efforts he was responsible for assuring that the Forest Service standard details where
appropriately incorporated into the site, stormwater designs met state standards, ADA compliance was met, and that drawings and specifications were
produced per the Forest Service Standards.

* denotes experience with other firm/agency

Trails are an important part of our recreation experience here in the Pacific Northwest and as the popularity
of hiking, jogging, and cycling continues to grow so does the need for the planning and development of
new facilities. Trails not only function as a transportation route to a destination but also provide important
experience to the user, whether that be a toddler or an adult, trails leave a lasting impression. At M&S
our employees are committed to building strong healthy communities to live, work, and play in. We
understand the important role that trails and open space play in meeting this goal. As a firm, M&S has
been contributing to the development of trails and parks for 25 years and has worked closely with local and
state park agencies and recently Grant County PUD on a variety of park and recreation projects. Our team
brings extensive experience in all aspects of trail, and open space planning, design and implementation as
demonstrated in their resumes and following project examples.

Desert Aire / Mattawa Shoreline Trail

Client: Contact:
Grant County Public Utility District No. 2 Brandon Little
Engineer I
(509) 754-5088
Project Summary:
The 3.1 mile-long Desert Aire / Mattawa Shoreline Trail provides access along the edge of the
Priest Rapids Reservoir of the Columbia River. Ultimately, the trail will tie together the Cox
Landing Day-Use facility, Desert Aire Boat Launch and Campground, and regional Heritage
Center. The Grant County Public Utility District (PUD) #2 hired us to design the new trail system
as a condition of their recent FERC license renewal. The project includes the development of a parking area, interpretation signage, vault toilets, garbage
receptacles, and 15 picnic benches (several housed in bench enclosures). Ultimately, this facility will provide access to the north end of the Desert Aire /
Mattawa Shoreline Trail. To complete the current phase, M&S performed survey, developed conceptual designs and cost estimates, and coordinated the
cultural resources surveys. Future work will include coordinating a full range of sciences (natural resources, geotechnical, cultural, etc.) for permitting, full
design of the civil and landscape architecture components of the project, construction staking, and full construction management services.

Marble Creek Trail and Overlook
Client: Contact:
PacifiCorp David Moore, Cultural/Recreation/
Socioeconomic Resource Lead
(503) 813-6945
Project Summary:
Marble Creek Trail is a ½ mile existing trail located at the east end of Merwin Dam Park on the
Lewis River. M&S was retained in 2009 to renovate the trail and overlook to meet current ADA
guidelines. The project include trail surfacing improvements to the existing earthen walking
surface to meet new Federal guidelines, improvements to the overlook at Marble Creek Falls, and
restoration plantings. Our design services included landscape architecture, civil engineering and surveying. Products include construction and permitting
documents, specification and cost estimate. M&S also assisted the client in County permitting and future work will include construction management.
The trail improvements will be completed by 2011 and M&S is currently completing the 100% design submittal to the client for bidding.

Waterhouse Trail
Client: Contact:
Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District Gery Keck, R.L.A.
Senior Park Planner
(503) 629-6305
Project Summary:
Waterhouse Trail, when completed, will be a 5.5 mile long off-street community trail that
provides recreational and alternative transportation opportunities for bicycles and pedestrians
located within both the City of Beaverton and Washington County Oregon. The trail is owned
and maintained by the Tualatin Hills Park and Recreation District (THPRD).

In the Fall of 2009, THPRD hired M&S to provide professional services to master plan, design, prepare construction documents, obtain permits and provide
limited construction observation for five trail segments that will fill in the gaps along the overall trail alignment. Each trail segment has unique challenges
and features such as wetland and creek crossings, steep slopes, high volume vehicular traffic crossings and power line corridor restrictions.

Among the proposed improvements are elevated trails such as boardwalks and puncheons, bridges, asphalt paved trails, switchbacks, retaining walls,
site furnishings, signage, traffic crossing, wetland mitigation and landscape restoration. The trails are being designed and built to a combination of ADA
Standards and to a modified standard adopted by the THPRD Board of Directors.

The project is currently approaching the end of the Master Planning phase and soon to begin the Design Development and Land Use Application phases.
The project is scheduled for completion during the year 2012.

La Center Parks, Recreation,
and Open Space Master Plan and Trail Standards
Client: Contact:
City of La Center, WA Dale Miller
City Planner
(360) 263-2484
Project Summary:
Retained by the City of La Center to complete an update of the City’s 1991 parks
plan, M&S also developed trails standards. The goal was to develop and link a
variety of proposed and existing trails and parks in the City but also connect
them to the County wide trail system (which was also developed by M&S) and the City of Ridgefield. As an extension of this planning effort the City
contracted with M&S to develop trail standards for the City to address a variety of trail service levels as well as identify related costs. These standards
directly related to the open space master plan which provided an important tool as they had begun the first phase of their trail development linking a
neighborhood to the High School.

Trails & Bikeway Systems Plan

Client: Contact:
Vancouver-Clark Parks & Recreation District Lisa Goorjan
Vancouver-Clark Parks & Recreation
(360) 619-1134
Project Summary:
M&S was hired by the VCPRD to update Clark County’s Trail and Bikeway Systems Plan,
originally adopted in 1992. The revised plan inventoried the County’s existing trails and offered
recommendations for the development of several additional trails within Clark County. Sixteen
regional trails were identified within the plan’s implementation strategy as well as coordination
with six cities in Clark County.

M&S was retained to manage the plan update including coordination of subconsultants, facilitation of all public meetings, creation of graphics support
materials, analysis of potential gaps in the trail and bikeway system, a comprehensive map of the regional trails, and recommendations on funding and
implementation strategies. The plan was adopted on the anniversary of Lewis & Clark’s journey to our region in April 2006.

Lacamas Heritage Trail Phase 1
Vanport Manufacturing

Project Summary:
The Lacamas Heritage Trail is a 3.5 mile long gravel shared use trail that
traverses the west side of Lacamas Lake and Lacamas Creek. It provides
excellent opportunities for wildlife viewing, vistas of the lake and surrounding hills, picnicking, access for fishing, swimming, and has the added convenience
of vehicle parking and restrooms at both trailheads.

M&S designed, permitted, and managed the construction of the first phase of the trail as part of the Lacamas Shores residential development. In addition
to the trail, this phase included a small park with playground, sport court, picnic shelter, boat ramp, and dock.

This initial segment was the backbone of the corridor and completion of the trailheads and connection to the Lacamas Lake Park Trail with subsequent
phases have created a valuable community asset.

Tualatin Hills Nature Park Phases I, II, and III Development *

Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District (THPRD)

Project Summary:
The Nature Park is a 200 acre site located at the confluence of Cedar Mill and Beaverton Creeks, within the City of
Beaverton, Oregon, and is an island of natural area surrounded by an increasingly urban environment. Among the
structures designed and built within the nature park are a visitor center, classroom/restroom building, gateway
structure, bridges, boardwalks, puncheons, and turnpikes. Site improvements include ADA accessible trails,
interpretive signs, site furniture, parking, lighting as well as all of the utility infrastructure, grading, drainage
systems and wetland creation and enhancement needed to successfully complete the project.

Jim Sandlin served as the Project Manager and Project Landscape Architect for master planning through
construction of the park. Among his responsibilities were public facilitation, master planning, site design, construction documentation, cost estimation,
permitting and construction observation.

Jim also served as the owner’s representative and coordinated multi-disciplinary design teams through three phases of design and development that
spanned approximately five years. The success of this project led to many more successful projects with Tualatin Hill Park & Recreation Department.

* denotes experience with other firm/agency

Our entitlement team members have many successful projects proving our ability to clearly
communicate and effectively integrate our work with the technical aspects of project design and
construction. The collaborative nature of our team extends to our clients and other consultants
and brings together a high level of professional experience, specific knowledge of local issues,
regulatory requirements, and a strong commitment to providing a quality product.

Our team offers the political know-how and savvy to navigate the sometimes challenging
process of agency review and we bring a results oriented attitude to all interactions. We
approach all permitting tasks with the goal of achieving project entitlement in the most
efficient, thorough manner that complies with all applicable City, County, State, and Federal regulations. We focus on meeting the intent of the regulatory
environment and providing the best overall outcome for the client and communities.

We have a very experienced team and we take pride in our strategic approach to permitting and entitlement that assures project compliance in a cost
effective and efficient manner. We have extensive experience working with and for jurisdictions and agencies throughout the State of Washington and the
Pacific Northwest Region. We are proficient problem solvers and will provide you with the know-how and skills that support efficient entitlement.

FERC Relicensing Permitting and Entitlement

Client: Contact:
Grant County Public Utility District No. 2 Brandon Little
Engineer I
(509) 754-5088
Project Summary:
M&S has been hired by the Grant County Public Utility District No. 2 (GCPUD) to provide permitting
and entitlement services for several projects associated with the FERC relicensing effort currently
being implemented for the GCPUD’s sites in Grant County.

M&S is responsible for preparing and submitting the Joint Aquatic Resource Permit Application
(JARPA) to applicable agencies as appropriate, depending on the impacts of each specific project.
We also review the conceptual design and mitigation plans in order to coordinate a strategic approach to assure efficient permitting options.

Our responsibilities also include assuring compliance with Washington Administrative Code (WAC) 197-11-960 (SEPA) and all applicable county requirements.
We prepare SEPA checklists that include descriptions of the project and address potential impacts on the various elements of the environment. We are
also coordinating approval of Shoreline Substantial Development permits as regulated by the County’s Shoreline Management Master Plan and the State
Department of Ecology.

Client References
Client References

Brandon Little, P.E. Dave Moore Gery Keck, R.L.A.

Engineer II Culture/Recreation/Socioeconomic Resources Lead Senior Park Planner
Grant County PUD No. 2 PacifiCorp Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation District
P.O. Box 878 825 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 940 5500 SW Artic Drive, Suite 2
Ephrata, WA 98823 Portland, OR 97232 Beaverton, OR 97005
(509) 754-5088 ext. 3165 (503) 813-7168 (503) 629-6305 ext. 2930

Jay Conant, P.L.S. Will Shallenberger, P.E. Dave Sanders

Surveying and Mapping Manager Senior Project Engineer Project Manager
Bonneville Power Administration PacifiCorp Clark Public Utilities
P.O. Box 61409 825 NE Multnomah Street, Suite 940 P.O. Box 8900
Vancouver, WA 98666 Portland, OR 97232 Vancouver, WA 98668
(360) 619-6512 (503) 813-7168 (360) 992-8822

Curtis Shuck Dan Swensen, P.E. Dave Ripp

Director of Facilities Construction Services Manager Executive Director
Port of Vancouver City of Vancouver Port of Camas-Washougal
3103 Lower River Road P.O. Box 1995 24 South A. Street, #2
Vancouver, WA 98660 Vancouver, WA 98668 Washougal, WA 98671
(360) 992-1119 (360) 487-7754 (360) 835-2196

Worth Repeating...
“Service oriented approach”
“Creative, cost conscious and responsive”
“Positive impact on our community”

“Aware of the big picture in our community”

“Flexibility and versatility”

“High quality of work”

“Responsive at every step of the process”

“Highly recommended”

“Professionalism, project insight” “Can-do attitude”


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